Monday, June 23, 2008

i fuck and hate you

I fuck and hate you

? how can you fuck with friends ? that is weird .. I don’t understand , sex is a husband wife thing a soul mate thing ?
ps. Don’t you have a commitment to your readers to keep on writing?

And my answers:
is your lover not also one of your best friends?

ahh but yes the sexual aspect does kind of change the dynaincs confuse things

is it sex or friendship ?

and what about real unconditional love , how can a person say they love ,,,, and then change that in to hate just becuase of some lil' differenece that would cause them not to want to be in each others company ?

is love ... wanting the happiness for the other even if that means them being happy with some one else ?

ahhh what is freindship? and what is love and what is SEX ?

I myself ,I can not fuck some one who I don’t genuely like . It just is not fun to fuck for example to fuck my girlfriend when I am mad at her … I value her friendship and the sex is an expression of my of that friendship of giving of pleasure .

Now as to my commitment to the WHOLE WORLD. I FUND THE site out of my own pocket . I have spent over 2 years writing my soul and exposing the thoughts of 1 male ….. there is more than enough info to go over and over each time a person can see a little more of their own life in the RE_ READING

but letters like your will stimulate another blog here and there thanks peace phil

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