3 story pussy
young master …first the pages http://www.instinctualism.org/id29.html
are there to help you learn to live stressfree as possible sure there will be contrasts events to over come but ,,,, the TRAP if the majority you now have the option .. I say option because you can still fuck things up …to option to avoid … and that stress that 94 out of 100 live in is money worries …. Now ithe idea of worry is ….a state of dis-ease ….. when lived in to loo the body commucates with you in ways trying to get you to change some sort of circumstances so that it can rest , it talks to with ILL-NESS …. Or chronic health issues trying to get your attention but since you do not perecieve it in this way you ignorre this commcation and continue in your path of DIS-EASE …
EVERY KISS BEGINS WITH ZALES JEWELRLERS the ad goes ,,, there is so much truth behind this training we have been going thru about buying LOVE …the responsibility of you to pay for the date is actually very EGO fulfilling to you ..you feel more powerfull when you have a pocket full of cash and you are spending it on the girl of your dreams …. But here come the GREED OF EVE , it is not a FAULT it is just a FACT …. The never ending of trying to keep her happy thru the next pruchse . we you tow got hitched a few years agao , she was ahppy , then you both bought the new home , ( I say both because she was working then , yet it was un-said that you would be the ventual responsible money producers as she became mom shich she is and you have never been happier even when you were a punk boarder you , yourself say this is what iti is ALL about that lil’boy almost two and her smile …… I know that been there done that . and it is what it is all ABOUT ,, yes the practice of fucking and sucking that eventually creates your LIL’ dude is great also , but it is having those two in your life that is SO FUCKING GREAT and fulfilling ….. and now the next new house and she is so proud of you BUYING HER THAT HOME . 3 storys on SKYLINE the best view in all south flroida the highest point … outside of being stacked like shit in a condo … and so once more you bought her happiness and you are proud …..
But I want you to realize the pattern of purchasing happiness …. From small dinners here and there to ease her stress to 3 story houses to the car six months after the baby came ,,,,, it is always chasing her illusive happiness thru using money …… it is the example of the EVE of the chimps … the power and social position in hierachys … that is the chimp/bonobo world .. the gorilla harem is much more less greedyand full of the female trying to be the SPECIAL ONE ! …. The special one is the illusion of sperertion from GOD ..that we humans feel and churches to try sell us a path back
We feel the confusion… and created gods .. as a way to fix a problem that is in reality the expression of stress which is unnatural for the GORILLA side of our compound DNA ….. www.instinctualism.org is about helping you get back to your DNA and living in harmony with your nature
And her nature , she has friends to talk to yes , she loves talking to you but we do not talk as well as other girls and the babies and children are not ..people she can realy talk with they are her CHARGES her love yes but also her responsilbity that she must find escape from but she is TRAPEPED with in the expectation of being mommy 24/7 …. Over and over the example of the confusion of the family unit thus making it very easy to control and guid the population by a GREEDY few ….
For if you are outside of the need for their money ,,, you have freedom to not play their game ….. freedom of choosing to come into the city and leave the city but not relying on the city and everything there is to buy to ESCAPE that feeling of stress and unhappiness that 94 out of 100 live in ,,,, yes event he most wealthy actually on average are very despressed and unahoppy even when they can buy everything there si till something missing …. Again it mainly relvovles around real love and family … and peace of mind for the more money you have the more underliying stress you have in that you are dpendant on that money to maintain the ESCAPES ..the life style you live …. And ecomony is built around the the idea of changes . it is a trapp.
The above pages are there to teach you how in reality it is simple to get a basic level of security … the building of the basic home ,,, it is a rib and skin , ever raise trusses ? the same concept assemble simp trusses , raise them secure them steady and plumb and then skint hem , then bury the home and you have stability and the temprutature control of the earth itself ….. a year round temp around 70 …. The trees again look around you shit head see all that green shit it all came from a seed mother nature will do the work it just wants to know you realy care ,,,,,, that is why the devotion to 2 minutes yes just count to 120 and you are done , and you can water and care for the 3 or 4 square foot gardens per day all season long …. Watering and checking to make sure no intruder plants have sprouted …. And mother nature will provide you with ,,, another basic need food , ohh the fruits which your teeth show evidence that you are truthfully designed by nature to live off … tthey are evn easier to grow …. The neat we have gotten use to having well that is very easy also the YIN YANG of natue different speices have said in their evovolutaionary path , look you may feed from me , for the price of protecting me ,,, have I have very comfy life ,,,, and I die quiclty and stress free so my TOAIST EXPERIENCE of being ,,,,, is one of VACATTION ,, the Taoist spirit is cool it comes as an anaimla of prey if in the wild something would be hunting it 24/7 ,,, but by living with humans they are relatively safe and the ventuality of death ,, that common event for each and every species of life ,,,, well it will happen .. wll it happens at the hands of human ….so evil ..actually it is GREAT FRIENDSHIP … you allow the animal a place to live stress free on vaction and then when the ununderstandaness of TAO is put int ,, and it is that animals choice to leave this experience ,,it is the one you eat that weekend . all is perfect the chicken gets to go back into .. NON PYSHCICAL and return later maybe as a human and it can learn to live in stress have to go to therapy and hide in poisins like beer to get by … to end the confusion in it’s mind like you have … to find some fun in a world that seems empty or stressful ?oooh yes aneventually die just like the chicken and the dog and lion and very old TREE everything returns to non pyshcial .
The idea is whan you have built the gorill territory is to find girls ….GF’s ,, friends … girls friends who understand who want ,,, realy want wha you have to offer , those who can explain better to you what you have done than you could ever explain it to them , those who get it ,,, and they are out there but they wi8ll never know you are ther e unless you advertise who and what and where you are …
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
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