Love or selfish EGO?
Young Master not your own natural INSTINCUTLA fear of death , but the FEAR of th loss of loved ones …. The fear to the point that you sell yourself into ecomonic slavery or bondage to ideals and rleigons …. Bondage becaue you must conform to strict rules that limit INFINTE POSSILBES …. Atifitically limit you enjoy of your now also . because you gotta do what those who control you say so.. they control you because you fear death .
What no sex today ? ok dipshit the social expectation sof your controllers is for you not to really reaal enjoy sexual recreation ,,, it is supposed to be an expression of fairy tale love feelings not the hot sweaty , act of PENETRATION AND SUBMISSION … the fun of real sex which both you and the girl really want to interact in . ooooh dumbass who is built with the flesh that becomes erect and hard enough to pentrate ,,, who has to lie still enough for us to AIM ?
The movie JOHM Q ever watch it? The idea that amale is feeling TRAPPED by ecominc expectations? That at his death bed that TODAYS father will tell his son to SELL OUT his honesty to make cash ! sell your soul to get health insurance … being trapped by the woman ,,,now … when she wants she acts helpless and demands of the male DO SOMETHING ! ohhh but girls you want at other times to act the part of our equal , but when it serves you you emand of your male to be the responsible one …but how come while the ecomoinc GRAVE of credit wass being dug , while he was in his confusion trying to BUY YOUR KISS ,,, every kiss begins with ZALES , it begins with him asking ( begging ) for the date and the PAYING FOR IT ! ….. when times get bad all to many girls blame the malke for the ecominc hell they live in ? hmmm when in fact the female received EGO boosts from the show of wealth by the male ,,, girls thru out time love being on the arm of a male who shows WeALTH
What does this have to do with death and love ..well it has to do with the level of CONFUSION again it is not a SOUND BITE dipshit snothing I can explain in one blog dumbass . but go back to SPIRIT the balancing of … remember to understand the idea of WHOLE –IST . your fear of death , but dumbass your animal fears death when the TRAIN MISSES YOU BY AN INCH when you face death ,,, but you then feel like DIEING when trapped by confusions of love ?
Well young master when you are thead of the family and the family feels pain of death you want to fight the LIONS AND TIGERS , the cave man comes back out ,, now the evidence of that fight nature is the nature of A HAREM animal ….not other types of males who fuck then leave the female alone to raise the young … you dumbass have the instinct of a good man a HAReM MAN . … but death is the end of us all we will all go there , back home … if we did not totally forget about our truest nature then this life would not feel so REAL , and you would not have the OP for real adventure since you would know that it is just a door way back home . so praise your fear of death , be thankful for the instinct to survive .
Now personally I am more inclined to want to live without current day SLAVERY to the for PROFIT MEDICAL INDUSTRY … the largest strongest tool of your slavery BY CHOICE . the understanding of human nature the programming of your expectation that the doctors can fix you you sell your self into salvery ? because of LOVE? In fact you deny some who at a soul level are going back home their choice to leave life in it’s self is to cause you to make an other baby ,,,, to fuck to create more life to rmember them , to bless the ONENESS of the chance to experience time and space and lving …. I talk about the healing nature of our bodies ,,, but hwo am I to promote that ?
Have you Phil ever faced death ,,, yes , and I believe so have you the amount of time or the closeness of your face to face with death and mine , which is bigger or better do you want to compare EGO again , whether the train missed you by 1 inch or 1 mile it missed US BOTH . I want you to feel the programming you have been living in …
The programming you are forced to agree with ,, or look like you are some sort of CRUEL [person , because you do not REPEAT the words of SHEEP .
It is not about comparing the severity of our lives . I believe your experiences were as dire to you as mine have been for me ..OK .but why are you afraid of the world you live in? … when in fact you do yhave a spirit nature even the amn who does not talk about GOD and shit we have the warrior conncetio to death because we test death ,,, in our sprots and careers …. Careers like drug dealer , Combat soldier , commericla fisherman , window washer ( look up who is that hanging from that rope 1000 feet up ? ) everyday we understand death dipshit . and we desire our children and females to never have to face it !
Again over and over realize what you are deep isnde you you are that GORILLA SIVER BACK MALE ……. But you have been traped by a fairy tale by words of confusion , mainly by the VOW you give stemming from the question …. Do you love me ? and you give the w2ords of slavery in response … I love you …. In fact you say it first may many times … in attempts to secure regular PUSSY .. to secure regular sex ….. in twisted instinct I explore that , and explain that is why the SEXUAL HEALTH INDUSTRY must be legalized to isnure that you youmg master are not longer forced into BEGGING FOR sex ,,, into become ing a slave to a vow of honor ,,, since just and honst is your real nature that of 97 good men out of 1000 … now ehen after the confusion and INCONGRUIOTY of the real life hits you … your realize the Fairy tale was just that a LOVE STORY , created by the compartimentaized mind of the female ,,, it is her 7 year old self ..
COMPART- I –MENTAL- IZE ….. a factor in life , female minds do it male minds do not . to live in nature in harmony with your reall WHOLENESS …. Well if your partner is living in COMPARTMENTS not wholeness and her love is the basisi for your GORILLA INSTINCT …. Can you start to understand the confusions you live ,, that your DADDY lived that humans have lived since we ,,,,we … we
Submitted or died ! yes the ROMAN empire hell every empire … either submit to the new king and his GODS and mind fuck or I the combat soldier would just kill you and enslave your womene and children ….. 1500 years of this 45 genrations …. Compared to 3.3 millions years of tool making humans 99,000 genration …. 45 to 99000 ….. hmmm think dumbass . and think about the last 45 genrrations , .. today the richest people have 0 kids the antural human have 10 …… s yes 0 … ohhh maybe 1or 2 zero population growth you know ,,,, the same went for the human of the city the last 1500 years the richer female got the less the had kids so they could spend more time tryng to find happiness thru shopping ,,, what you did not know that the shopping mall existed 2000 years ago ? have you not learned your history that you are continullayy rep[eating ,,, what did your professors tell you about history lessons …. Learn or repeat ,, touch the stove once more dumbass!
Ok , I watched my DAUGHTER DIE ! …. In the ICU I watched her heart beat stop ,,, I screamed I cryed ,,, I HAVE BEEN THERE . go fuck yourself reader ! I sat next to the dieing body of my mother her choice to ripp the lines of slavery from her body and say NO her last words … she lived long enough to see the foto of my secnd child … I sat and touched that dieing body slowly getting colder and colder . I sat on a toilet once with a crazy man holding a gun to my head , the feeling othat metal , and I heard the trigger pullll and the the CONFUSION ………… a confusion I can mot describe ….. a confusion I feel today so often when I watch maovies and see something that triggers those feelings and meories … the memories of HEARING LIFE … that Is what I first remembered . ( ooooh the bullet did not fire the man who wanted my death showed me the back of the bullet and said that GOD will take his revenge for him …. Maybe that is why I write decades later ? ) hearing life …… insanity unrealness pain confusion like I can not describe . realizing evwer so fuckng slowly that you hear the voices of ….
FEAR DEATH young mater ,,,, sell yourself into slavery . learn FEAR ! Remember the fact ………. You will live for ever in this body !
The proof of what this world has really become what you really are ~
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
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