For sake of wife and baby
Young master your core instinct is to live for thsat ,,, wife and baby … if you will allow yourself to feel this truth in you , while reading my shit , to ignore the training and deceptions of the church pragraming whwich told you about the evil of mankind the orginal sin ……. And it is not sin the act of Adam or Eve … the whole metaphor of eating an apple of KNOWLEDGE , the beginning of this age of REASONING … of thinking and talking …
No it is just our evovlution to grow into a tlking species , yet deep in you the average male is a GOOD MAN … not every male even in the animal world ,, creates the Territory to then attract females to breed with ,,, for sake of wife and baby .. those a words from a song from the coal fields of west Virginia ….. why the men slaved and died for the worth of a lump of coal …
When just a few humdred miles away was another culture based in christain history that ignored the ways of greed ,,, chasing the DOLLAR ,,, them the Amish and Menonites ….. again dipshit don’t take everything from their example in fact ,,,, ignore the religion aspects ,, but learn and think about the LIFESTYLE ,,, of living outside of the THOUGHT FORM called ECONOMY …. Well atleast ecomony of cash ,, yes they use cash , but with much less dependence on it for the feelings of FUN …..
FUN is the motivavtion ,,, behind everything , yes it is the reason why we FUCK , it feels good it is FUN ….. the real human fun is sex …. By age ????? what ,, when do think the human animal starts to feel the urge for FUCKING , even if they do not really realioze that is what they are prepping for , girls who mimic ,,,, being like mommy by ages 6 7 8 …… and at the same time it is known that by those ages girls also realize they have sections of their body that have ,,, FEEL GOOD SPOTS …. Yet yo9u have been trained to ignore those in fact feel it is bad! Ooooooh shit I am entering into dangerous waters …. Talking about the nature of REALITY …..dangerous in the eyes of legal systems that reflect the BRAINWASHING of us humans … the way we take the thinking of others as our own . then inforce the idea of not thinking for yourself because you may ,,get arrested and then put into a CAGE .
Fear even bringing up the topic because some sicko , who because of the stress of sexualality ,, acts out of frustration in ways that are not natural for him or her ….. then some one may say it is because they read the words the thinking of another who , like me is trying to just get ,,,, good people to ,,, think about the truth about themselves …. How early did the MOTIVES of sex start to effect you become aprt of you ,,, girls earlier than females …. The feel good spot does not beome really good to touch for boys till they are around 12 ….. yet for boys or girls there is no one realy ,,, MODELING … natural human sexuality for them ,,, it is hidden behind CLOSET DOORS . So what can we expect but to have people who create ,,,,, abusive expression of sexual motives later on . I do not want to touch these topics with a ten foot pole right now , maybe some day … I will collaborate with other writers …. Who will not be scared to express maybe even the female view point with my INSTINCTUALISM spin ,,, comparing what they grew up in ans what ,,, ancient cultures lived and whart is potentically the deepest of MOTIVES , still at the surface of our DNA ….at that time I will write more about those ages ….
But right now it is for you to just realize that you motives are to enjoy ,,, the female … it is your nature …. To look at sexally mature females with sexual lust …… and to realize that you find the sound of of happy children does make you happy ,,, listen young master to your world ,,, so you have ,,, lil’ brothers sisters ,,, nieces and nephews ? when they are smiling and playing how do you feel ? can you become ativily aware of the deepest feeling of contentment in hearing the sounds of ….smiles ?
This is who you are dipshit …… yet the 1 on 1 relationship … the attempt to buy the smile of your choosen 1 girl / wife , the attempt ,, because when she gets one bought smile , it is only a mmater of weeks ,,, human attention spans are short .. before the stress is for you to buy her a new smile …..
Ahhhhh with that in mind think about the lifestyle fo the Amish ( ohh you do not know who or what an Amish is ? sorry I will not srite about that … do something for yourself dipshit …. Or just continue in the life you have , the reality ….dumbass is 60 percent divorce ,,, the other 40 percent , are living in a state of silent desperation ,,, with a max of 1 in 10 in a state of bliss or contentment . you odds dipshit are fucking really bad …….. I do not want to tell you what to do , I want to help you to start thinking for yourself ….. honeslty it is not that hard .
Saturday, December 22, 2007
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