Friday, December 7, 2007

for the sake of 2 way'd

For the sake of 2 way’d

Young Master the deepest of instincts ,,, is visible for sure you get larger thincher harder …. Able to pentrate A small hole , actually more than just 1 small hole ….. and she likes it responds to it , even in her screams of what may sound like pain is that NEED for your PENTRATION …. Her crawling away to recover after I am done fucking both her holes ,,, …is natural like the yin/yang .. crawl awy then come back , come back so she can cummmm again over and over the next time . she finds COMPLETION in being the P E N E T R A T E D ….. IT COMPLETES HER . she wants to be told that she is a good lil’slut for me ,, she wants to be what would normally be words of insult … are now words of love and my accepting of her SUBMISSION ….. now remember dipshit she is as confused as us , yet she has the brain power to move thru the word ,, that world of words more easly than you over the mikkions of years being the harem animal she had to talk with the other girls and the children … while you and I at most …grunted quietly pointing softly while we waited in ambush to hunt ….. BUFFULO .to rid the territory of a large dangerous tiger that may have terrorized the girl of both of our HAREMS … we got together for a pupse then went back to our seprate caves our separate harems … and the girls were our proterty ,, but in that we males didi come together for a COMMON PURPOSE we evolved differently thatn our cousins … like GORILLA . we created safe stable territory ,,, the banding together for protection of the girls and babies against a wild cat who comes regularly into a territory can be seen in studys of chimps who , will battle a cat ,, to the point the cat avoids the chimps territory ,,,, WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH …. ASS FUCKING? 2 waying ?

It is the nature of the girl to thank us for our part we play in their lives , and they have done that for 3,3 million years + by SUBMITTING SEXUALLY …. They enjoy it we enjoy it ,,, it is our common best interaction ….. I can not really enjoy or understand the words of love like I can understand and enjoy her expressions of love thru SEXUAL SUBMISSION to me for me ( ooooh yes for herself , because the more she screams the bigger I get the better she feels it , the more she screams the harder we BOTH CUMMMM ) yet I can talk but not like she can . it is in those words that the problems lie ,,, it is in her expectations that we think or process language like her because we talk like her that we today have such fucked up relationships …

Remember over and over ,,, the beginning of the friendship the love was actually based in the lust of HORMONES , the drug ..the friendship grew ! no matter what the professionals say ,,, you can hear the wrongness of the expectations of the male to understand what the girl is saying ..or that the male can express what he is thinking in terms the girl will really understand . but talking is important . yet that is why 3 GIRLS IS IMPORTANT .. they can talk about what I talk about kind of translate my words and my feelings when I do speak … the 3 girls gives a level of balance for them ….

It is only in the GREED of owning you young master that the girl builds the hell of the world of today ..for her and her family , the stress of being a mother and wife ,, without real support is a hard job for one woman alone ,,, 1 girl alone , can take care of 10 kids , if only for a lil while especially if she is not stressed by other responsibility at the time … taking care of all the kids , while the other two girls get some ,,,, relax time , then the one who ,,, watched over the BROOD will get her own quiet time …. Never be3ing alone for days but at most only hours ,,, only hours .. and most often having a girl friend ,, a SISTER there being alone will be the UNUSSAUL .

But without the children aspect or atleast the knowledge of future children then the personal gREED creeps in , the girl does not have that bond to family only the HEDONISM of me , me , me ,…. All the sturies show , that the bond to family ,, to working to CREATE SMILES , is what creates personal health and wellness . NOT GOING SHOPPING . shopping is a DRUG ! but like us having 2 beers last night done in moderation like BEN FRANKLIN said anything in moderation is ok ….even GOOD FOR YOU … shopping should be induldged … the balance I talk of . like switching my hard cock out of her pussy and replacing my cock with the thumb I have been ass fucking her with while I pussy fucked her …. Now I have the balance which will drive her brain into EXPLOSIONS OF SENSATIONS … the balances of moving from pussy to asshole , her hands grabbing the sheets and proclamin to me how a good a ILI SLUT SHE IS FOR MY BENEFIT ….. ( it sounds like she is getting some benefits also )

An other thing , is are you getting pierced for her pleasure are you begging for her pussy by proving your BRAVERY ? you pierce your nipples and when I talk to her about that that piercing is for nipples not for the male but for the female ,,,, she curls back in revolt ,,, ohhh sure ,,,, she idi the I LOVE YOU mind fuck fuck on you …. Dipshit it is a thng girls do ,,,, to use the tool of the FEMALE words , to confuse you and she gets her greed fed the long run it will back fire on her . how many different ways does she ask you to RE COMMIT your love to her ….. that word forces a strong PATHOLOGICAL TRANCE STATE in to you dipshit ..fell the commitment of giving your life for the woman you love coming into play ,,,, it is the life and death of the cave coming back at an INSTINTUAL level ….

And another thng Young master , if you do not follow that feeling in you then you will get fucked up for sure ,,,, now the feeling may not be that of POLIGMY of course because you have not seen it in your day to day life of growing up ,,, it was described as being ILLEGAL in fact when if done creatively the core relationship is marriage like yet not legal marriage so no ILLEGALITY has happened it is a relationship between consenting adults …. Choice .

But I am again here stuck feeling for my family my girlfriend especially she may or may not stick with me ,,,, as she says if she is not happy whe will leave , well that is reality always . but because of the 1 and only ,,, the love of your life mentally that creates a stress unnatural ….yes un natural to the natural world and the animal inside you ….. to the harem male if he did his job correctly and staked out a nice area , then he will attract females to the safety and food source of his locale ….. and he will be attractive ,,, female sense of male attraction is much more fluid … just look at the males women choose often it makes not sense . ex[pecially to us males well since we are males ….. our brains are different our life experiences are different .

But the one thing even in the Mars and Venus books the Surrrendered wife Books the idea that a male likes to think he is doing things that are pleasing to his female ,,,, key point that girls should understand , is that when the guy ,,,, leaves without leaving ,,, he is escaping constantly ,,,,, it is I betcha he feels deep down like he can do not RIGHT …… he felt failure in your eyes once to many times of course he will not admit it , hell he does not even know how to express such thoughts to himself how coud he express it to you ,,, that would be like ADMITTING FAILURE ….. and well that would be like a male failure to himself …… the CATCH 22

I am getting ready to leave my home .. sell out re build to establish the 3 tents …… I have to plan for this new life , daily get my mind up there say good bye to old frinds and clients here ,, get them ready for the guy who will buy my business ….. at the same time …. Describe my [plans to Deb ,,,, and each time I do … I wonder what she is realy thinkinig ……. That male wanting her to be happy is who I am ,,, it is the protective Gorilla . young master feel this in the relationships you now have , think about your past loves and think about how she was your world … and how things changed and the POSSILBE why’s

With the newer view point of being Instinctual can you think outside of the limits you have known of till NOW?
Now for the male who just odes not care what his female is thinking or worrying about ,,,, is that a good male in the long run should that male realy have been the male who should have been choosen for mating? I mean the gorilla must think instinctually about the total welfare of the harem and hildren so that his DNA will survive …. So when women talk about men who donot care …… were they like that in the beiginig? If yes , then girl you choose POORLY … if he changed it may be because of the fact he is living incongriuosly to his deepest instinctual nture and rebelling thru not caring because he …welll just does not care . abuout his own instincts his deepest sefl ,,, but that is UNDERSTANDABLE …. Who ever told him the TRUTH about the flesh and bone and blood that his spirit is living thru ,,, ( spirituality for the average person only comes after the hierarchy of needs is met or it is used as ANOTHER escape , like beer or video games ) SURE IT CAN THINK but it is still AN eating breathing fucking animal and it has animal nature ….. and must be congriuos to that or shit will hit the fan .

So for me ,, I worry about Debbbie …. It fucks with my mind , but I move on to my goal because I know I really do not submit well .

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