The gift of sexual penetration
Young master , have ever heard ( I just love NPR radio ) about the gift economy … when white men showed up here the Indians felet the world was big enough for more humans and they had no IDEA of ownership , the world was a gift they were STEWARD of …. During the minutes of life ….. so like wise when they gave something to a friend the expectations were for the gift of course to be re gifted and a great story told about how the original giflt was created by the giver ,,,, so TALL TALES , and entertainment was born thru GIFTING .
Ahh but the greed mind set of ROMAN was thickly programmed into the minds of the CHRISTAIN ( again a roman creation ) whites ,, ownership and fear of death RATHER than enjoyment of the MINUTES of life …. So we have the phrase .. INDIAN GIVER … Indian expected the gifts to flow back and forth , use my gift then give it back and give me somthng to use , when we did not do this they flet anger and we had warfare yet ,, even their concept of warfare and ours was different white men ,,, learned from roman how to destroy ALL LIFE , even women and children , while the natives gor into a rumble … often with the expectation of little loss of life or permenanet damage because if the human male animal got permenantly damaged , handicapped he would most likely die … complex . we feel it to be cruel becaue we fear death .
Oooo but what does this have to do with , SEX , with girls getting fucked , with the gift of your HARD COCK ….. I want so often to bring up ideas to change your programming from the inside out not give you rules of mine but for you to THINK FOR YOURSELF DIFFERENTLY about aspects of your life ……
She is built to receive ,,,,,, you are special in that you are built to give …. You are the special one ! oooh but master really feel about how we have been trained to begg for pussy … it is up to us to ask ,, asking is begging ….
Now there is myth grown around the facts of .. first nations people divorce ( they had poligmy also and 1 on1 it depened on the amount of GOOD men ) remember that you would have been forced as a teen to go out into the wilderness for 1 year and if you returned you were treated as a MAN ….. remember what I was talking about doing a tour of duty the 15 months of hard work to make the cas to buy the land to get the start of your MASLOW HIERACHY OF NEEDS … taken care of so you avoid the trap of ecominc slavery ? do you understand that ?
Well , the girl takes the skins you brought back from that year , and makes a tee pee , it was her house , she created the house … she would break it down when it was time to travel … she used her dogs to drag it it on the rummers to the next camp area ….. you ,, like me can live in a crd board box , we can live aboard a boat in that fiberglass cabin …. We can live under the stars , babies , can not they need protection from the elements …. Think about hings , dumbass , I bank on GOOD MAN in you to think not just follow some plan by someone else … NOPE , you gotta think for your self ….
If the brave became a shit head , she just put his stuff outside the tent saying go away ….. dick head ….. sign of not a good man … simple over done …. The gift of your hard cock is not worth the price of your ATTITUDE …. Or whatever …. Bad man … not you dumbass !
You are a ggod man , you created 3 tents a gifted them to the girls , they get to live with you , they get electric , houses , real human food in the way you planted multitude of fruit and nut trees and the chickens ( chickes are so fucking cool just given a place to live and they will give to you …. Animal Food proteins ) the girl knows that she will not have the GIFT OF HARD COCK , if she is a bitch , she has to be nice or else the other sister will get all the attentions ,, and she will , be nice , because the stress of HAVE NOT BE .. is not there since she is not the only ,,,, 1 … she has the friendship of the 3 sisterhood , so the times of the month when she not really social she can be unsocial with out GUILT …. There are 2 other girls who will be social with you the GOOD MAN and the children also , it is cruel to the children and the females toe xpect them to be nice and good mommmys everyday when in fact they are hormonialy designed to be unsocial for a few days every MONTH …
Now the myth of the 1 on 1 in the FIRST NATIONS PEOPLE society … remember natural selection … if you did not live your 1 year alone in the wilderness … you died , you broke your legg and later that night wolves found your boken ass and in those few seconds as their teeth tore your flesh you felt extreme pain then the ENDORPHINES kicked in and you left this life to return into the TAO …… ok , so 1 male less for the tribe ….. when you were in your 20’s and hunting you slipped off the bank of the rocky riever banged your head difted down stream in your passed out state and drowned 1 less male ,,,,,, your wife would have grieving time under the protection of your brother/s and very possilbey become wife to one of them …. Or depending on the supply opg good men she would attract another good man , to bring her meat and skins … HOW WOULD SHE ATTRACT YOU?
Rmember I … philip Vandermude ,,, know I can live under the stars , I an a MAN ,,,,, how about you dipshit ever done your 15 month tour of duty PROVEN REAL MANHOOD ? to your self ? not just bought the image of manhood by getting a redneck cadillac a big truck . how about you in todays world ? but if you gotta beg for pussy instead of the pussy attracting you … how is the dynamics currently in your life ?
Is it you who is putting pictures of your dick on the internet …. Dumbass rmeber she can get hard cock everyday when ever whe wants ,,,, just by going to any place where there is males , getting clse to one guy , and touching atalking to hima dn with in minutees ,,, she can have all the COCK she wants ,, she does not have to search out hard on on the internet like we do PUSSY ,,, no she does not have to ask ….. of begg . she seduces … ARE YOU WORHTHY of seduction ? just for a ride in your truck? Well maybe it does work … but it is the trapp of buying the smile which if you study dipshit is the confused basis for future divorces ….. think think think .
Saturday, December 29, 2007
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