No helicopter?
What do you men young master you do not have the cash to FLASH to just hire up a helicopter when you need it?
Who is teaching where is the MODEL for you to gain some INSPIRTION that …freedom is possible for you and your 6 dollar an hour slave employee life ,,that you to can buy your way to freedom ,,,, oh the info is there hidden in the PROFIT S system ,,,
We human animals like so many well like ALL OTHER ANIMALS are and have been learning really learning thru EXAMPLES ,,, by modeling ,,not hru the REPEATING OF FACTS FROM BOOKS …. LIKE A TRAINED …PARROT . it is called modeling ,,, see from modeling you don get a GRADE on a test …there is not … BLCAK OR WHITE ,, acceptable or unacceptable in the eyes of 2nd MIND …. The model gives you examples then you your creative divercity ,, use that example in your own hands on learning and personle experience …. Not recreations of EXACTLY THE SAME …. Or MONO or OTHRO DOX … systems .
Thoreau said that if an emergency struck, a man should be able to leave his home with nothing more than the clothing on his back and feel like he left nothing behind.
Self sufficiency is almost impossible to obtain in modern society.
Did you know there’s a dream that still prevails now as strongly as it did in 1882 when Thoreau wrote Walden? It’s that of a return to the wild.
This is not the story of hippie-communal-back-to-the-landers, this is the story of what it takes to live with alternative power sources now – to live with nature in this modern age.
This is to be our permanent Walden; a life lived off the grid.
So I saw that and thought hey great ,,,, that is good WATCHING see watch if you are going to watch something something that is …what you want to SEE ….. noticing your wants … AS the Sage would recommend . it starts of great , but then it degrades into ..a for TV emotional charged Fake ,, lok if you got the cash to have all of those toys there is NO REAL NEED! For the kids to live in TENT ….. you go the cash to hang out till next summer ,, all this RACE against nature is for TV BULLSHIT , and does ont really give muchGOOD REAL INFO FOR people to MODEL FROM . actually turns people OFF supporting fear an IMPOSSIBLITY
Because you understand young master you …. Do not have the cash to FLASH to hire up a big fucking helicopter ….. when you need it . that is not reality to you … but freedom ..the ablity to buy your freedom should be and is possible . even at the 6 buck an hour rate ..of economic SLAVERY level
Ok so I think I should ….. do some real time …. MODELING ..... heliecotpers , LAND ROVERS , and others examples of …AFFLUENCE of $$$ is not you ….. 135 acres is not you …. 5 acres site plan ..... off grin in town OUTA POCKET . ….
Ahhh fuck … iw as gonna go out and post my first foto ..of something simple , so I check my cam an I got no 3AAA in it or in the house and well I can not just send out for a fucking helicotoer to run me some batterys …. So I gotta live a real life like you will and go to work ..and during the day pick up some dollar store batterys ….. but since I got a night gig every Thursday plus my day work ( like you I hope young master got as much work as possible during your tour of duty to BUYING YOUR FREEDOM…… ACTUALLYTHE GIFT OF THE …CAPALISTIST WORLD …YOU CAN buy … BUY YOU FREEDOM … from economic slavery ….
well i iwll have to post the first pic and explananiton later …. There are so many aspects to think about …. The availbe models give hints but you do not see PRACTICAL ACTIONS .. in realition to the aspects …. Even Billl Mollison documentarys go to fast to give your ANIMAL SELF the model of creativiety needs .
I set up my first aspect changing my current house over to solar …. Outa pocket … and something simple as the wiring intot he house needs to understoos for safety plus ,,, CODE ENFORCEMENT …. You got 200 buck …. For a DIY …. You don’t have 40,000 for the professional contractors ohhh sure there are government rebates but you gotta have the 40k up front …. Then you get to take the 40 off your taxes ,,but dipshit you do not make 40k ,,, you do not pay 40k in tax each year ,,this is not your WORLD … it is the world of the HAVES … who fly in heleicopters when they run out of a 3AAA batterys …
Something simple like making sure you install a blade fuse in line ,, something simple like understanding soil types …. I live on a sand dune …. Surgar sand the finest of beach sands blown over from the barrier island everyday built up the INDIAN RIVER RIDGE … and on each rain any soil nutrients get washed down inot the laggon …. Understanding then adapting cretive solution attempts ….. with the funds available to you …… you can not just hire a semi truck to bring in new soils . …ohhh poor rich guy ,,, struggling in a tent with their kids reading by candle light …. For TV bullshit …. Making it all seem to fucking hard or complex … when in reality it is day by day piece by piece experiment by experiment ALLOWING BY ALLOWING …
If there is something that you desire and it is not coming to you, it always means the same thing. You are not a vibrational match to your own desire.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Sunday, January 12th, 1997
But everday in everyway thngs are getting better and better , your today was built upon each and every YESTERDAY …. All those times of NOT BEING A MATCH ,,, not being a match is .GOOD ! …. Now look for aspects in your now that excite you …. That you can get lost in the activity of ,, for that is the liing in the VORTEX …. Living PASSION …. Living not THINKING … but living . there is a level of HIGH .. of passion .. you will get as you fill out the paper work at home the day before dropping the obnd off a the bank , there is a continued ..excitement ,,,, in wait of the obnd to arrive ,,, then the receiving of it ,,while already you have started the action all over again ,, so each day you stay FRESH AND EXCITED … on the tour of duty path . (the tour of duty blog form like a few years ago) and so you ARE LIVING THE …MATCH of your desire . you FEEL! Excitement …. 12345 and 6 of the emotional scale …. and it costs you NOTHING ,, it is savings …not COST-INGS ….
Thursday, February 18, 2010
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