Friday, February 19, 2010

airbags on my harley

Airbags on my harley

GM and its partner manufacture the Wuling Sunshine, a $5,000 minivan, in China. But there is little hope such an inexpensive mode of transportation would sell in the U.S. without fancy options and basic safety features like air bags.
And what about the emission control systems of some of the MEGA BIKES . whose engines are way fucking bigger thant he ….$2500.oo TATA NANO ….. 5000 AMERICN DOLLARS OR 2500 AMMERICAN DOLLARS EACH . are talked about in terms of $$$$ US D’s ..theings we use young master …. That 6 buckes per hour is USD’s ..but you are not ALLOWED slave to buy a new 2000 dollar car with 3 year warrenty …… no keep the salve confused and he stays conquered and submits .

OHH BUT if you got he extra 20 K you can buy all the Harley you want ..WITH NO AIR BAGS OR EMISSION CONTROLS AND LOADS OF CHROME AND USELESS ….. add on shit and embelems and hakets and EGO stuff … to wear on the street .
The sublte stresses of SEXUALITY …of social needs in volved from obth sides …. Stress of sexual ATTRRACTION AND FRIENDSHIP ATTRACTION

We are social but do we both use SEX AS PAYMENTS .. be it a sublte demand for payment from men , or the attempt to provide payment by a female … but in it is about getting beyond the CASH $$$ …. And beyond the sexual stress and back to the idea that if you young master do show off your CHARACTER thru your tour of duty expression , you will attract socially and sex will cumm aound also because we are sexual animals .

Ok the simplicitic lifestyle of is not LIMITING ,, it is securing … having your maslows done and under your control ( some what under the control of nature realy everything is realy there and the Agreement state of attraction ) and living in a harmony with the natural expressions

And relates to pussy also …… pussy I designed to be PENTRATED THAT IS NATURAL to find enjoyment in that for both partys …now the IDEA OF HUMAN OWNERSHI THRU ….romanance or the ROMAN DNACE .. is unnatural construction and generates the SYMPTOMS OF STRESS … the symptoms are not the problems they are just evidence trails of under lying UNATURALNESS . of 5000 years of manipulation .

It can lead all partys to feel STIFILED …. now the idea of the separate homes for the girls your own ….. special place ,,, within thr group expression that is without the ECONOMIC SLAVERY ASPECT …. Will allow for thr FRIENDSHIP EXPRESSION of the good nature of humanity ,,, the overwhelming nature of humanity must have been CO-OPERTIVE over the last 13 million years of homind development other wise ,the expression of SOCIOPATHIC …GREED .. would have killed off the masses . and we did not do that . but can be seeen as people get stressed depenandt on citys , the birth rates go down to 0 or into the negatives …

Where in what we FANCY PEOPLE ,, call back wards or 3rd world they if not stressed live long healty lives ,,,, the longest lived peoples we keep finding in Rural disconnected peoples …not city dwellers dependant of the HIVE AND TECHNOLOGY … ( science or the priest of the Ivory towers created the problems then sell us the solutions ) science is the new divinity nno …. It was always the Devine .

You can't help but experience contrast, so you can't help but ask. And since you can't help but ask—and anything you ask for is given—then there is no real learning going on. If there is any price to pay, or if there is any giving back something, it must be in this category of finally bringing yourself into vibrational alignment with what you're asking for. You've got to be a vibrational match to what you're asking for.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Washington, DC on Saturday, May 7th, 2005
The word tools used … for most leave much to be desired what the FUCK does it mean ?
You ask and it is given ,,,yes , for remember we are moe than just ATOMIC TIME SPACE thoughts are things more things than ..what we call things … so in the INSPRIRNG of thinking …. And the formation of thoughts you have received all you wants already ,,, for nothing ,,no atom you experience do yu experience without the TOOL OF THINKING ….. it is you have become separted form age old TOA training of tribal lifestyle models of INTER-CONNECTIITY … of things into compartimentalization …here and now ,,, and the spirit world …. Beginning and ending life and eath ….. instead of infinity and un-impossiblity …all just stuff resulting from upbringing . and social manipulation by … real legions of science … God and magic were sciences of their ages .
Mankind acting as if it were more IMPORATNT than inter connectivey …NATURE .. outside of the system …. Hierarchy instead .. WHOLE-ISTIC ..

Alignment is simply ,,not thinking about it , but being it .. living not thinking or JUDGING .. am I happy? With this activity or experience … but living the expreince and allowing it to create new wants , not concerned all the time about TIME … birth and eath and fears of that …..Zhauanzi and the story about the fruit fly man the tortoise and the rew wood tree ,,ech expression of being in how ever long it is is ,VALID .

Being alive in the minute ..even if it is a minute of stress ,,, is life … again the basket ball game , even if you are donw in points the CHALLENGE is that of living if you were winnin every time all the time you would get bored and CHALLENGE yourself with a newer game with some challenges .

Now conversely …OVERWHELMING STRESS losing each time over and over ,, especially when the winner rubbs your nose in SHIT …. Is like the economic world we live in and thr rubbing your nose in SHIT … is seeing PHAROH class fly inthier jets drive their fancy cars … etc etc etc … while you struggle only to still end up one of the 94 out of 100 …94% who will not ,,never achieve financial security ( the fact known by the socio path ,,who sells you solutions to the problems they created ..the game is rigged at the most basic levels of LIFE …. Malosws hierarchy of needs . get that taken care of then … play and find challenges in the many f orms available …. WHOOOPIE VIDEO GAME TIME …. Ohh they can be run off of a solar system of course ,,, 1 ..$134 cell with a 30 year life span can power you game system for a few hours of constant play each day … do the tour of duty first free your self from slavery then PLAY …. CHALLENGE YOURSELF …

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