The BDSM closet A BURST OF GUNFIRE AND A MARINE LOST IN MARJAH is the headline we 1st world people look down on the TRADITION and cultures of 3rd world peoples ,,, kinda like how Colombus came in and started the MURDER OF 100’s of MILLIONS of new peoples ,, humans like us who had lived and laughed and loved for 1000’s of years ..who are we to claim ..THE 1 AND ONLY WAY !
so we are so ….. CORRECT ? tht we can force our culture our values on everyone ,,, when did we do the true ..OVER VIEW and deep discussion or were we just fed the info wanted by the socio pathic few ….. using EMOTIONALLY CHARGED topics seen from a limited understanding …… like female sufferage ,,,, their traditions built upopn years of FLAWED systems but …… who are we withour own LOG IN OUR EYE to talk about the speck in theirs .
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way."
so I got notice of this blog below getting some views so I checked out what had I written way back then in ’06…. Exploring history …
That word should ,,, fuck ,,, young master that word ,,, controls you in so many fucking ways …. The idea that you do get this feeling of SHOULD and HAVE TO … the fact that you feel … feel because of those words is evidence of th HUMAN nature in fact the natue of all animals to protect life ……… yes we all feed off other species ,,, I violently kill poor helpless LETTUCE being , life yes a happy leaf vegetable sunny itself waiting for its time to enjoy sex , like a girls flowers they say gets beautiful for sex , so does a life a lettuce want to have sex , to go to flower ….. BUT NO the cruel violent animal I am with teeth designed to eat leafy vegetables more than teeth to puncture tough animal hide … I kill lettuce … but not my own kind …. Not my own ,, unless stressed … most animals o not kill members of its own kind unless they are stressed . CORE VALUES should ,,, the basic GOOD ! in humans , that a political system of crowd control of population manipulation stems back ,, to the wise thinker of ancient Eygpt knew and the Romans learned from to create their BOOK …. The book of SHOULDS where they told you that you were born EVIL and dirty …. And you needed them to become clean …. ? huh … realy feel the drive to respect the shoulds in your life and understand ,,, that if you if human kind really was evil we would have killed our species off ! but we did not we did develop communities to protect ourselves and our families from other groups of humans who felt stressed and there by acted in greedy ways ,,, killing and stealing , in a world with many opportunities ……… feel the inner shoulds you have .
Being gay or lesbian …. Is living against a SHOULD ….. the core valueof loving and caring for another human is respected in those worlds those relationships … the real core value of HUMANITY is expressed there ! but only because the idea that they do not make kids … that was the problem to kings of old . reigon tied itself with kings and kings with religions … kings need armies to protect the lands and to become larger to act out of greed in INHUMAN WAYS …. War ! they needed human tools people they could kill and use ,,, like beasts of burden ….. and gay people do not make babies ! hence the SHOULD not be gay ! dipshit as I wrote before 3 percent of births come with birthdefects ,,, a constant fact ,,, so the idea that sexuall defects ( defect sounds bad , it is not defective just ,,, just ,, is what iit is …. Not defect ) but defect , would allow for a possible of 3 percent of the population being gay …. Not the close to 15 percent we have today that represents ,, the sexual confusion of IGNORING THE TOA … our inner nature . but having the guts to come out of the closet …………. And guess what for the most part today most people are accepting of gays … big deal we all say what ever works for them ……..
Well dipshit ,,,,, your respect for the inner animal truths of you aren your girl ,,, the understanding of the FACT . of Penitrator and penetrated …. I have this thing that grows ahrd ,, I have this inner knowing that ,, that thing is supposed to be forced into another human ….. I FORCE IT INSIDE , I PUSH IT IN , OVER AND OVER AND OVER I FORCE IT BACK AND FORCE INSIDE THE BODY OF ANOTHER HUMAN ….. this is not inhuman or outside of core values ….. and the girls who know who feel who touch their animal self ….. realize that the pussy between their legs is empty … yes they feel the emptiness ……. They know they nust submit to being penetrated ! …. To allow me to enter her forcefully , to control her hold her so that I can better and use her body for my PENETRATION….. yin and yang ,, basic … natural good shit ….. DOM/sub lifestyle is very respectful of this truth ……… I am talking 24/7 relationships .. but even the SCENE only players , well they try ,, but they fear the SHOULD .. they fear and hide in the closet because of the fear about being found out ! …..
FOUND OUT? That people find that you and the female respct your inner animal ,, the nature of human kind ,,, in fact respect even the written words in their good book ,,, the book of should” s ..?
Now dumbfuck ,,, think about this , everday people see you and your subbie those who know you and the lifestyle choices of you two ,.,, well what do they see? A happy couple? You going to work everday like th good man you are ? the tow of you functioning paying bills living the life right … she cleaning and taking care of your house for you ,,,, loving you by her service to you ,, and you being the amle you like to be , going out into the world conquering shit everyday making some cash , enough to live comfortably on the ,, returning to have recreation ,,,, recreation ,, our only real true … reaction for our species … SEX …. Remember most sprots and most hobbies are some how related to work or food gathering again work ,,t hey are not rue recreation from an instinctual level ,, and drinking or watching tv … well both of those are have their real roots in self destructive behavior the acts of human who hate life ……… ( we talked about this before but I will revisit the ideas someday ) Everyday people the world of shoulds see the expeterior of your life and see … THE RIGHT AND GOOD ……… if they only knew that I am a sick shithead? You think to yourself ,,, but are you? Both you and your subbie are happy and heathy , actually most of us are in better heath than the populations averages … you if you have earned the right to be master ,,, must have first been able to master yourself right ? great ! better than a lot of people correct ?.... but when the neighbors here your subbie screaming ,,, more MASTER PHILIP , more FUCK ME HARDER MASTER PHILIP ,,,,, when hear screams sound gagged or muffled … and then the neighbors talk to you ….. maybe the both of you …. That person who pushes a book of should on you … a book in which they describe your life style of DOM/sub …….. when they … thye … judge you because you use a whip to excite the body of a girl ,,,,, to excite !
Ever been to DISNEY , Bush Garden or any theme park fuck even a local fair and rode the rides …. The rides are built around fear ! … the fear of death ! ,, of stimuting excitement in an extreme … EXTREME … by threatening your inner animal with death ! and body damage …… with fear of possible pain … but the threat of real great pain and death …. Is the whip erally any different …. Is me holding her by the throat realy that much different ,,, excitement ,,, is me choking her with my dick down her throat really any different ,, the safe guards that are built in amusement , a muse ment ( fun and excitement ) park rides …….. safe guards that my inner good human nature … my love .. for living things …… that I pull my hard , engorged extened cock out of her throat after I notice her struggle and let her gasp for air ……. Safe guards built into my DNA , love.
So ……. Out of the closet ,,, family friends … my children old enough to understand the symbolism of the words …. MASTER PHILIP …….. have you got the guts to face the shoulds to understand how you ,,, you , a MASTER have let yourself be mastered! When the reality is what you are doing is more natural and healthy than what the world of shoulds is living … look at the the STAT ,, the amount of drunk worthless shits out there .. people who hit each other out of frustration and anger and CONFUSIONS …. I do not hit I excite , I drive and feell my nature and let my subbie feel her inner drive and nature , giving her ……… the OP ! to be a female….. the real her that the world of should has raped form her forced her to ignore , to live up to their SHOULDS ……. ( one of the cores of Zhungzi’s Toa is the respect for our inner nature … not the shoulds of Menicus )
Ok ..this is like SEPT 06 …. The beginning of a relationship , ayear and half befoe …. And that was like beginning of 08 ,, and now feb 2010 ….. and has expanded …. The concept of modeling , well fuck each BLOG is a modeling ,, so many experiments activity played out and results writttne about …. But . to condense the fucking massive pages I gotta work on
The above blog just was hit an unusual amount I had to remeind myself what the fuck I wrote ….. wow ages before the introduction to the SAGE ….
Resistance is about believing that you are vulnerable or susceptible to something not wanted and holding a stance of protection, which only holds you in a place of not letting in the Well-being that would be there otherwise. There is nothing big enough to protect you from unwanted things -- and there are no unwanted things big enough to get into your experience
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Atlanta, GA on Saturday, November 4th, 2000
All we have to fear is fear itself ……. Theme used by an American presisdent but stems from the teaching of the SAGE thru Buddha …. When trained in the idea of SEPERATION … god and devil ,,black and white .. alive or dead … instead of being trained in the idea of INCLUSION born into the ancient belief of the WHOLE SYSTEM and we are just a part of that …unthinkable ness ….
Books are great but books also become the BLACK AND WHITE reference points of coorect or wrong ness …. Voice of god .
Saturday, February 20, 2010
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