Where are your 3 pussys
So have you got your harem yet ,,, laugh laugh ,,, a good natured inquiry .. but also evidence of the pinhead ,,,, bummer on my part to call my friend pinhead but to keep focused on that 1 aspect that is so unanaturally SEEMINg to a homind not modeled ..in POLIGMY ,, the harem as I call it sometimes seems o …… EXOTIC ..so sensual sexual … sex is NATURAL . http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html but the WHOLE ISTIC LIFE STYLE IS MUCH more complex ..the expression of the MASTER I believe needs to be done first . then allowing the AGREEMENT STATE OF ATTRACTION to prevail . in aspects of level 2 of maslow hierarchy …. My friends questionsing ,,the self doubts I feel , are the flavors of complex vinagears … and I smile like Lao Tzu …. In the old painting … of the confuse 1 and Buddha and Lao … contrast itself is the gift of being in TIMESPACE
The SURI STICK fight …. A good example of HUMAN WARFARE … pre PHAROH .. except pharoh and his guns has polluted this old tradtion now . the TRIBE http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/tribe/ willnot find natural man for all natural man is ,,stillnatural even the city man is ANTURAL … we are living a natural expression http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html
Respected elder in a complex tribal democracy … lip plates to make wome ugly to slaers looking to steal women for other markets …. And the value of the HOLY COW …. The pollution …. You are my family and I will make porridge for you always SAYS 1 HUMAN TO A stranger ….. we are not evil … NOW OUR WESTERN MINDED SCIENTISTS THINK DISFIGURATION IS ABOUT accepting pain or seeing blood but blood is food ? scaring is about disfiguring the white goat not suitable for scafise or …slave trade … I in I .. we have 10 fingers 2 eyes 2 ears and 1 stomach do not foget .. we I are 1 ….
We can lose every university and we lose NOTHING but if we lose the forest we lose everything …… Suri are part of the forest the complex flavor which makes up a VINAGAER …. That complex flavor .
So Phil where is the sex in your life …RIGHT NOW ? the sex that sells interest and captures imagination ,,, ahh the frustration the confusion the hope the espcapism is what it captures ,the training int MASTER /sex slave grasping for anything or something …. Out of the MIND FUCK the confuse and conquer that is the bitterness of Buddha but …the contrast of the flavor of vinagears . …the chance to create BETTER …
But sometimes it is the walking down the path …. Instead of QUANTIFYING results by having an example of THINGNESS ….. the WHERE IS IT ? as if having the IT is the goal ?
When your heart is singing, you are allowing Well-being. When you are appreciating, you are allowing Well-being. When you are yelling at somebody, you're not. When you're feeling insecure, you're not. When you're frustrated, you're not.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in St. Louis, MO on Tuesday, July 18th, 2000
When you are singing …. Looking for models of someone singing ? find it strange to see content people in todays fancy 1st world ,,, is that shy people are so suprized day after day with the whisltling window washier ….?
And why I am refereeing to the MODEL of other cultures like the SURI who if you look and listen SING … laugh play ,,,,, fuck …. Their kids are not put on PHSCHO THERPUEDICS by age 3 ,,,, the adults are not seeksing out doctors for prescriptions of anti depressants ….. there is not a PERFECTION in the model but evidence to draw from examples of …EVE poissining and HIERACHY ..fear needing SUE SAYERS .. and times of just being 1 with tao. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
Friday, February 26, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
the BDSM closet
The BDSM closet
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=123898317 A BURST OF GUNFIRE AND A MARINE LOST IN MARJAH is the headline we 1st world people look down on the TRADITION and cultures of 3rd world peoples ,,, kinda like how Colombus came in and started the MURDER OF 100’s of MILLIONS of new peoples ,, humans like us who had lived and laughed and loved for 1000’s of years ..who are we to claim ..THE 1 AND ONLY WAY !
so we are so ….. CORRECT ? tht we can force our culture our values on everyone ,,, when did we do the true ..OVER VIEW and deep discussion or were we just fed the info wanted by the socio pathic few ….. using EMOTIONALLY CHARGED topics seen from a limited understanding …… like female sufferage ,,,, their traditions built upopn years of FLAWED systems but …… who are we withour own LOG IN OUR EYE to talk about the speck in theirs .
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
so I got notice of this blog below getting some views so I checked out what had I written way back then in ’06…. Exploring history … http://www.instinctualism.org/twisted_instinct_blogs1.html
That word should ,,, fuck ,,, young master that word ,,, controls you in so many fucking ways …. The idea that you do get this feeling of SHOULD and HAVE TO … the fact that you feel … feel because of those words is evidence of th HUMAN nature in fact the natue of all animals to protect life ……… yes we all feed off other species ,,, I violently kill poor helpless LETTUCE being , life yes a happy leaf vegetable sunny itself waiting for its time to enjoy sex , like a girls flowers they say gets beautiful for sex , so does a life a lettuce want to have sex , to go to flower ….. BUT NO the cruel violent animal I am with teeth designed to eat leafy vegetables more than teeth to puncture tough animal hide … I kill lettuce … but not my own kind …. Not my own ,, unless stressed … most animals o not kill members of its own kind unless they are stressed . CORE VALUES should ,,, the basic GOOD ! in humans , that a political system of crowd control of population manipulation stems back ,, to the wise thinker of ancient Eygpt knew and the Romans learned from to create their BOOK …. The book of SHOULDS where they told you that you were born EVIL and dirty …. And you needed them to become clean …. ? huh … realy feel the drive to respect the shoulds in your life and understand ,,, that if you if human kind really was evil we would have killed our species off ! but we did not we did develop communities to protect ourselves and our families from other groups of humans who felt stressed and there by acted in greedy ways ,,, killing and stealing , in a world with many opportunities ……… feel the inner shoulds you have .
Being gay or lesbian …. Is living against a SHOULD ….. the core valueof loving and caring for another human is respected in those worlds those relationships … the real core value of HUMANITY is expressed there ! but only because the idea that they do not make kids … that was the problem to kings of old . reigon tied itself with kings and kings with religions … kings need armies to protect the lands and to become larger to act out of greed in INHUMAN WAYS …. War ! they needed human tools people they could kill and use ,,, like beasts of burden ….. and gay people do not make babies ! hence the SHOULD not be gay ! dipshit as I wrote before 3 percent of births come with birthdefects ,,, a constant fact ,,, so the idea that sexuall defects ( defect sounds bad , it is not defective just ,,, just ,, is what iit is …. Not defect ) but defect , would allow for a possible of 3 percent of the population being gay …. Not the close to 15 percent we have today that represents ,, the sexual confusion of IGNORING THE TOA … our inner nature . but having the guts to come out of the closet …………. And guess what for the most part today most people are accepting of gays … big deal we all say what ever works for them ……..
Well dipshit ,,,,, your respect for the inner animal truths of you aren your girl ,,, the understanding of the FACT . of Penitrator and penetrated …. I have this thing that grows ahrd ,, I have this inner knowing that ,, that thing is supposed to be forced into another human ….. I FORCE IT INSIDE , I PUSH IT IN , OVER AND OVER AND OVER I FORCE IT BACK AND FORCE INSIDE THE BODY OF ANOTHER HUMAN ….. this is not inhuman or outside of core values ….. and the girls who know who feel who touch their animal self ….. realize that the pussy between their legs is empty … yes they feel the emptiness ……. They know they nust submit to being penetrated ! …. To allow me to enter her forcefully , to control her hold her so that I can better and use her body for my PENETRATION….. yin and yang ,, basic … natural good shit ….. DOM/sub lifestyle is very respectful of this truth ……… I am talking 24/7 relationships .. but even the SCENE only players , well they try ,, but they fear the SHOULD .. they fear and hide in the closet because of the fear about being found out ! …..
FOUND OUT? That people find that you and the female respct your inner animal ,, the nature of human kind ,,, in fact respect even the written words in their good book ,,, the book of should” s ..?
Now dumbfuck ,,, think about this , everday people see you and your subbie those who know you and the lifestyle choices of you two ,.,, well what do they see? A happy couple? You going to work everday like th good man you are ? the tow of you functioning paying bills living the life right … she cleaning and taking care of your house for you ,,,, loving you by her service to you ,, and you being the amle you like to be , going out into the world conquering shit everyday making some cash , enough to live comfortably on the ,, returning to have recreation ,,,, recreation ,, our only real true … reaction for our species … SEX …. Remember most sprots and most hobbies are some how related to work or food gathering again work ,,t hey are not rue recreation from an instinctual level ,, and drinking or watching tv … well both of those are have their real roots in self destructive behavior the acts of human who hate life ……… ( we talked about this before but I will revisit the ideas someday ) Everyday people the world of shoulds see the expeterior of your life and see … THE RIGHT AND GOOD ……… if they only knew that I am a sick shithead? You think to yourself ,,, but are you? Both you and your subbie are happy and heathy , actually most of us are in better heath than the populations averages … you if you have earned the right to be master ,,, must have first been able to master yourself right ? great ! better than a lot of people correct ?.... but when the neighbors here your subbie screaming ,,, more MASTER PHILIP , more FUCK ME HARDER MASTER PHILIP ,,,,, when hear screams sound gagged or muffled … and then the neighbors talk to you ….. maybe the both of you …. That person who pushes a book of should on you … a book in which they describe your life style of DOM/sub …….. when they … thye … judge you because you use a whip to excite the body of a girl ,,,,, to excite !
Ever been to DISNEY , Bush Garden or any theme park fuck even a local fair and rode the rides …. The rides are built around fear ! … the fear of death ! ,, of stimuting excitement in an extreme … EXTREME … by threatening your inner animal with death ! and body damage …… with fear of possible pain … but the threat of real great pain and death …. Is the whip erally any different …. Is me holding her by the throat realy that much different ,,, excitement ,,, is me choking her with my dick down her throat really any different ,, the safe guards that are built in amusement , a muse ment ( fun and excitement ) park rides …….. safe guards that my inner good human nature … my love .. for living things …… that I pull my hard , engorged extened cock out of her throat after I notice her struggle and let her gasp for air ……. Safe guards built into my DNA , love.
So ……. Out of the closet ,,, family friends … my children old enough to understand the symbolism of the words …. MASTER PHILIP …….. have you got the guts to face the shoulds to understand how you ,,, you , a MASTER have let yourself be mastered! When the reality is what you are doing is more natural and healthy than what the world of shoulds is living … look at the the STAT ,, the amount of drunk worthless shits out there .. people who hit each other out of frustration and anger and CONFUSIONS …. I do not hit I excite , I drive and feell my nature and let my subbie feel her inner drive and nature , giving her ……… the OP ! to be a female….. the real her that the world of should has raped form her forced her to ignore , to live up to their SHOULDS ……. ( one of the cores of Zhungzi’s Toa is the respect for our inner nature … not the shoulds of Menicus )
Ok ..this is like SEPT 06 …. The beginning of a relationship , ayear and half befoe http://www.instinctualism.org/ …. And that was like beginning of 08 ,, and now feb 2010 ….. and has http://www.instinctualism.org/ expanded …. The concept of modeling , well fuck each BLOG is a modeling ,, so many experiments activity played out and results writttne about …. But . to condense the fucking massive pages I gotta work on http://www.instinctualism.org/modeling.html
The above blog just was hit an unusual amount I had to remeind myself what the fuck I wrote ….. wow ages before the introduction to the SAGE ….
Resistance is about believing that you are vulnerable or susceptible to something not wanted and holding a stance of protection, which only holds you in a place of not letting in the Well-being that would be there otherwise. There is nothing big enough to protect you from unwanted things -- and there are no unwanted things big enough to get into your experience
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Atlanta, GA on Saturday, November 4th, 2000
All we have to fear is fear itself ……. Theme used by an American presisdent but stems from the teaching of the SAGE thru Buddha …. When trained in the idea of SEPERATION … god and devil ,,black and white .. alive or dead … instead of being trained in the idea of INCLUSION born into the ancient belief of the WHOLE SYSTEM and we are just a part of that …unthinkable ness ….
Books are great but books also become the BLACK AND WHITE reference points of coorect or wrong ness …. Voice of god .
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=123898317 A BURST OF GUNFIRE AND A MARINE LOST IN MARJAH is the headline we 1st world people look down on the TRADITION and cultures of 3rd world peoples ,,, kinda like how Colombus came in and started the MURDER OF 100’s of MILLIONS of new peoples ,, humans like us who had lived and laughed and loved for 1000’s of years ..who are we to claim ..THE 1 AND ONLY WAY !
so we are so ….. CORRECT ? tht we can force our culture our values on everyone ,,, when did we do the true ..OVER VIEW and deep discussion or were we just fed the info wanted by the socio pathic few ….. using EMOTIONALLY CHARGED topics seen from a limited understanding …… like female sufferage ,,,, their traditions built upopn years of FLAWED systems but …… who are we withour own LOG IN OUR EYE to talk about the speck in theirs .
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
so I got notice of this blog below getting some views so I checked out what had I written way back then in ’06…. Exploring history … http://www.instinctualism.org/twisted_instinct_blogs1.html
That word should ,,, fuck ,,, young master that word ,,, controls you in so many fucking ways …. The idea that you do get this feeling of SHOULD and HAVE TO … the fact that you feel … feel because of those words is evidence of th HUMAN nature in fact the natue of all animals to protect life ……… yes we all feed off other species ,,, I violently kill poor helpless LETTUCE being , life yes a happy leaf vegetable sunny itself waiting for its time to enjoy sex , like a girls flowers they say gets beautiful for sex , so does a life a lettuce want to have sex , to go to flower ….. BUT NO the cruel violent animal I am with teeth designed to eat leafy vegetables more than teeth to puncture tough animal hide … I kill lettuce … but not my own kind …. Not my own ,, unless stressed … most animals o not kill members of its own kind unless they are stressed . CORE VALUES should ,,, the basic GOOD ! in humans , that a political system of crowd control of population manipulation stems back ,, to the wise thinker of ancient Eygpt knew and the Romans learned from to create their BOOK …. The book of SHOULDS where they told you that you were born EVIL and dirty …. And you needed them to become clean …. ? huh … realy feel the drive to respect the shoulds in your life and understand ,,, that if you if human kind really was evil we would have killed our species off ! but we did not we did develop communities to protect ourselves and our families from other groups of humans who felt stressed and there by acted in greedy ways ,,, killing and stealing , in a world with many opportunities ……… feel the inner shoulds you have .
Being gay or lesbian …. Is living against a SHOULD ….. the core valueof loving and caring for another human is respected in those worlds those relationships … the real core value of HUMANITY is expressed there ! but only because the idea that they do not make kids … that was the problem to kings of old . reigon tied itself with kings and kings with religions … kings need armies to protect the lands and to become larger to act out of greed in INHUMAN WAYS …. War ! they needed human tools people they could kill and use ,,, like beasts of burden ….. and gay people do not make babies ! hence the SHOULD not be gay ! dipshit as I wrote before 3 percent of births come with birthdefects ,,, a constant fact ,,, so the idea that sexuall defects ( defect sounds bad , it is not defective just ,,, just ,, is what iit is …. Not defect ) but defect , would allow for a possible of 3 percent of the population being gay …. Not the close to 15 percent we have today that represents ,, the sexual confusion of IGNORING THE TOA … our inner nature . but having the guts to come out of the closet …………. And guess what for the most part today most people are accepting of gays … big deal we all say what ever works for them ……..
Well dipshit ,,,,, your respect for the inner animal truths of you aren your girl ,,, the understanding of the FACT . of Penitrator and penetrated …. I have this thing that grows ahrd ,, I have this inner knowing that ,, that thing is supposed to be forced into another human ….. I FORCE IT INSIDE , I PUSH IT IN , OVER AND OVER AND OVER I FORCE IT BACK AND FORCE INSIDE THE BODY OF ANOTHER HUMAN ….. this is not inhuman or outside of core values ….. and the girls who know who feel who touch their animal self ….. realize that the pussy between their legs is empty … yes they feel the emptiness ……. They know they nust submit to being penetrated ! …. To allow me to enter her forcefully , to control her hold her so that I can better and use her body for my PENETRATION….. yin and yang ,, basic … natural good shit ….. DOM/sub lifestyle is very respectful of this truth ……… I am talking 24/7 relationships .. but even the SCENE only players , well they try ,, but they fear the SHOULD .. they fear and hide in the closet because of the fear about being found out ! …..
FOUND OUT? That people find that you and the female respct your inner animal ,, the nature of human kind ,,, in fact respect even the written words in their good book ,,, the book of should” s ..?
Now dumbfuck ,,, think about this , everday people see you and your subbie those who know you and the lifestyle choices of you two ,.,, well what do they see? A happy couple? You going to work everday like th good man you are ? the tow of you functioning paying bills living the life right … she cleaning and taking care of your house for you ,,,, loving you by her service to you ,, and you being the amle you like to be , going out into the world conquering shit everyday making some cash , enough to live comfortably on the ,, returning to have recreation ,,,, recreation ,, our only real true … reaction for our species … SEX …. Remember most sprots and most hobbies are some how related to work or food gathering again work ,,t hey are not rue recreation from an instinctual level ,, and drinking or watching tv … well both of those are have their real roots in self destructive behavior the acts of human who hate life ……… ( we talked about this before but I will revisit the ideas someday ) Everyday people the world of shoulds see the expeterior of your life and see … THE RIGHT AND GOOD ……… if they only knew that I am a sick shithead? You think to yourself ,,, but are you? Both you and your subbie are happy and heathy , actually most of us are in better heath than the populations averages … you if you have earned the right to be master ,,, must have first been able to master yourself right ? great ! better than a lot of people correct ?.... but when the neighbors here your subbie screaming ,,, more MASTER PHILIP , more FUCK ME HARDER MASTER PHILIP ,,,,, when hear screams sound gagged or muffled … and then the neighbors talk to you ….. maybe the both of you …. That person who pushes a book of should on you … a book in which they describe your life style of DOM/sub …….. when they … thye … judge you because you use a whip to excite the body of a girl ,,,,, to excite !
Ever been to DISNEY , Bush Garden or any theme park fuck even a local fair and rode the rides …. The rides are built around fear ! … the fear of death ! ,, of stimuting excitement in an extreme … EXTREME … by threatening your inner animal with death ! and body damage …… with fear of possible pain … but the threat of real great pain and death …. Is the whip erally any different …. Is me holding her by the throat realy that much different ,,, excitement ,,, is me choking her with my dick down her throat really any different ,, the safe guards that are built in amusement , a muse ment ( fun and excitement ) park rides …….. safe guards that my inner good human nature … my love .. for living things …… that I pull my hard , engorged extened cock out of her throat after I notice her struggle and let her gasp for air ……. Safe guards built into my DNA , love.
So ……. Out of the closet ,,, family friends … my children old enough to understand the symbolism of the words …. MASTER PHILIP …….. have you got the guts to face the shoulds to understand how you ,,, you , a MASTER have let yourself be mastered! When the reality is what you are doing is more natural and healthy than what the world of shoulds is living … look at the the STAT ,, the amount of drunk worthless shits out there .. people who hit each other out of frustration and anger and CONFUSIONS …. I do not hit I excite , I drive and feell my nature and let my subbie feel her inner drive and nature , giving her ……… the OP ! to be a female….. the real her that the world of should has raped form her forced her to ignore , to live up to their SHOULDS ……. ( one of the cores of Zhungzi’s Toa is the respect for our inner nature … not the shoulds of Menicus )
Ok ..this is like SEPT 06 …. The beginning of a relationship , ayear and half befoe http://www.instinctualism.org/ …. And that was like beginning of 08 ,, and now feb 2010 ….. and has http://www.instinctualism.org/ expanded …. The concept of modeling , well fuck each BLOG is a modeling ,, so many experiments activity played out and results writttne about …. But . to condense the fucking massive pages I gotta work on http://www.instinctualism.org/modeling.html
The above blog just was hit an unusual amount I had to remeind myself what the fuck I wrote ….. wow ages before the introduction to the SAGE ….
Resistance is about believing that you are vulnerable or susceptible to something not wanted and holding a stance of protection, which only holds you in a place of not letting in the Well-being that would be there otherwise. There is nothing big enough to protect you from unwanted things -- and there are no unwanted things big enough to get into your experience
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Atlanta, GA on Saturday, November 4th, 2000
All we have to fear is fear itself ……. Theme used by an American presisdent but stems from the teaching of the SAGE thru Buddha …. When trained in the idea of SEPERATION … god and devil ,,black and white .. alive or dead … instead of being trained in the idea of INCLUSION born into the ancient belief of the WHOLE SYSTEM and we are just a part of that …unthinkable ness ….
Books are great but books also become the BLACK AND WHITE reference points of coorect or wrong ness …. Voice of god .
Friday, February 19, 2010
airbags on my harley
Airbags on my harley
GM and its partner manufacture the Wuling Sunshine, a $5,000 minivan, in China. But there is little hope such an inexpensive mode of transportation would sell in the U.S. without fancy options and basic safety features like air bags.
And what about the emission control systems of some of the MEGA BIKES . whose engines are way fucking bigger thant he ….$2500.oo TATA NANO ….. 5000 AMERICN DOLLARS OR 2500 AMMERICAN DOLLARS EACH . are talked about in terms of $$$$ US D’s ..theings we use young master …. That 6 buckes per hour is USD’s ..but you are not ALLOWED slave to buy a new 2000 dollar car with 3 year warrenty …… no keep the salve confused and he stays conquered and submits .
OHH BUT if you got he extra 20 K you can buy all the Harley you want ..WITH NO AIR BAGS OR EMISSION CONTROLS AND LOADS OF CHROME AND USELESS ….. add on shit and embelems and hakets and EGO stuff … to wear on the street .
The sublte stresses of SEXUALITY …of social needs in volved from obth sides …. Stress of sexual ATTRRACTION AND FRIENDSHIP ATTRACTION
We are social but do we both use SEX AS PAYMENTS .. be it a sublte demand for payment from men , or the attempt to provide payment by a female … but in http://www.instinctualism.org/ it is about getting beyond the CASH $$$ …. And beyond the sexual stress and back to the idea that if you young master do show off your CHARACTER thru your tour of duty expression , you will attract socially and sex will cumm aound also because we are sexual animals .
Ok the simplicitic lifestyle of http://www.instinctualism.org/ is not LIMITING ,, it is securing … having your maslows done and under your control ( some what under the control of nature realy everything is realy there and the Agreement state of attraction ) and living in a harmony with the natural expressions
And relates to pussy also …… pussy I designed to be PENTRATED http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html THAT IS NATURAL to find enjoyment in that for both partys …now the IDEA OF HUMAN OWNERSHI THRU ….romanance or the ROMAN DNACE .. is unnatural construction and generates the SYMPTOMS OF STRESS … the symptoms are not the problems they are just evidence trails of under lying UNATURALNESS . of 5000 years of manipulation . http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
It can lead all partys to feel STIFILED …. http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html now the idea of the separate homes for the girls your own ….. special place ,,, within thr group expression that is without the ECONOMIC SLAVERY ASPECT …. Will allow for thr FRIENDSHIP EXPRESSION of the good nature of humanity ,,, the overwhelming nature of humanity must have been CO-OPERTIVE over the last 13 million years of homind development other wise ,the expression of SOCIOPATHIC …GREED .. would have killed off the masses . and we did not do that . but can be seeen as people get stressed depenandt on citys , the birth rates go down to 0 or into the negatives …
Where in what we FANCY PEOPLE ,, call back wards or 3rd world they if not stressed live long healty lives ,,,, the longest lived peoples we keep finding in Rural disconnected peoples …not city dwellers dependant of the HIVE AND TECHNOLOGY … ( science or the priest of the Ivory towers created the problems then sell us the solutions ) science is the new divinity nno …. It was always the Devine .
You can't help but experience contrast, so you can't help but ask. And since you can't help but ask—and anything you ask for is given—then there is no real learning going on. If there is any price to pay, or if there is any giving back something, it must be in this category of finally bringing yourself into vibrational alignment with what you're asking for. You've got to be a vibrational match to what you're asking for.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Washington, DC on Saturday, May 7th, 2005
The word tools used … for most leave much to be desired what the FUCK does it mean ?
You ask and it is given ,,,yes , for remember we are moe than just ATOMIC TIME SPACE ..so thoughts are things more things than ..what we call things … so in the INSPRIRNG of thinking …. And the formation of thoughts you have received all you wants already ,,, for nothing ,,no atom you experience do yu experience without the TOOL OF THINKING ….. it is you have become separted form age old TOA training of tribal lifestyle models of INTER-CONNECTIITY … of things into compartimentalization …here and now ,,, and the spirit world …. Beginning and ending life and eath ….. instead of infinity and un-impossiblity http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html …all just stuff resulting from upbringing . and social manipulation by … real legions of science … God and magic were sciences of their ages .
Mankind acting as if it were more IMPORATNT than inter connectivey …NATURE .. outside of the system …. Hierarchy instead .. WHOLE-ISTIC ..
Alignment is simply ,,not thinking about it , but being it .. living not thinking or JUDGING .. am I happy? With this activity or experience … but living the expreince and allowing it to create new wants , not concerned all the time about TIME … birth and eath and fears of that …..Zhauanzi and the story about the fruit fly man the tortoise and the rew wood tree ,,ech expression of being in how ever long it is is ,VALID .
Being alive in the minute ..even if it is a minute of stress ,,, is life … again the basket ball game , even if you are donw in points the CHALLENGE is that of living if you were winnin every time all the time you would get bored and CHALLENGE yourself with a newer game with some challenges .
Now conversely …OVERWHELMING STRESS losing each time over and over ,, especially when the winner rubbs your nose in SHIT …. Is like the economic world we live in and thr rubbing your nose in SHIT … is seeing PHAROH class fly inthier jets drive their fancy cars … etc etc etc … while you struggle only to still end up one of the 94 out of 100 …94% who will not ,,never achieve financial security ( the fact known by the socio path ,,who sells you solutions to the problems they created ..the game is rigged at the most basic levels of LIFE …. Malosws hierarchy of needs . http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html get that taken care of then … play and find challenges in the many f orms available …. WHOOOPIE VIDEO GAME TIME …. Ohh they can be run off of a solar system of course ,,, 1 ..$134 cell with a 30 year life span can power you game system for a few hours of constant play each day … do the tour of duty first free your self from slavery then PLAY …. CHALLENGE YOURSELF …
GM and its partner manufacture the Wuling Sunshine, a $5,000 minivan, in China. But there is little hope such an inexpensive mode of transportation would sell in the U.S. without fancy options and basic safety features like air bags.
And what about the emission control systems of some of the MEGA BIKES . whose engines are way fucking bigger thant he ….$2500.oo TATA NANO ….. 5000 AMERICN DOLLARS OR 2500 AMMERICAN DOLLARS EACH . are talked about in terms of $$$$ US D’s ..theings we use young master …. That 6 buckes per hour is USD’s ..but you are not ALLOWED slave to buy a new 2000 dollar car with 3 year warrenty …… no keep the salve confused and he stays conquered and submits .
OHH BUT if you got he extra 20 K you can buy all the Harley you want ..WITH NO AIR BAGS OR EMISSION CONTROLS AND LOADS OF CHROME AND USELESS ….. add on shit and embelems and hakets and EGO stuff … to wear on the street .
The sublte stresses of SEXUALITY …of social needs in volved from obth sides …. Stress of sexual ATTRRACTION AND FRIENDSHIP ATTRACTION
We are social but do we both use SEX AS PAYMENTS .. be it a sublte demand for payment from men , or the attempt to provide payment by a female … but in http://www.instinctualism.org/ it is about getting beyond the CASH $$$ …. And beyond the sexual stress and back to the idea that if you young master do show off your CHARACTER thru your tour of duty expression , you will attract socially and sex will cumm aound also because we are sexual animals .
Ok the simplicitic lifestyle of http://www.instinctualism.org/ is not LIMITING ,, it is securing … having your maslows done and under your control ( some what under the control of nature realy everything is realy there and the Agreement state of attraction ) and living in a harmony with the natural expressions
And relates to pussy also …… pussy I designed to be PENTRATED http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html THAT IS NATURAL to find enjoyment in that for both partys …now the IDEA OF HUMAN OWNERSHI THRU ….romanance or the ROMAN DNACE .. is unnatural construction and generates the SYMPTOMS OF STRESS … the symptoms are not the problems they are just evidence trails of under lying UNATURALNESS . of 5000 years of manipulation . http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
It can lead all partys to feel STIFILED …. http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html now the idea of the separate homes for the girls your own ….. special place ,,, within thr group expression that is without the ECONOMIC SLAVERY ASPECT …. Will allow for thr FRIENDSHIP EXPRESSION of the good nature of humanity ,,, the overwhelming nature of humanity must have been CO-OPERTIVE over the last 13 million years of homind development other wise ,the expression of SOCIOPATHIC …GREED .. would have killed off the masses . and we did not do that . but can be seeen as people get stressed depenandt on citys , the birth rates go down to 0 or into the negatives …
Where in what we FANCY PEOPLE ,, call back wards or 3rd world they if not stressed live long healty lives ,,,, the longest lived peoples we keep finding in Rural disconnected peoples …not city dwellers dependant of the HIVE AND TECHNOLOGY … ( science or the priest of the Ivory towers created the problems then sell us the solutions ) science is the new divinity nno …. It was always the Devine .
You can't help but experience contrast, so you can't help but ask. And since you can't help but ask—and anything you ask for is given—then there is no real learning going on. If there is any price to pay, or if there is any giving back something, it must be in this category of finally bringing yourself into vibrational alignment with what you're asking for. You've got to be a vibrational match to what you're asking for.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Washington, DC on Saturday, May 7th, 2005
The word tools used … for most leave much to be desired what the FUCK does it mean ?
You ask and it is given ,,,yes , for remember we are moe than just ATOMIC TIME SPACE ..so thoughts are things more things than ..what we call things … so in the INSPRIRNG of thinking …. And the formation of thoughts you have received all you wants already ,,, for nothing ,,no atom you experience do yu experience without the TOOL OF THINKING ….. it is you have become separted form age old TOA training of tribal lifestyle models of INTER-CONNECTIITY … of things into compartimentalization …here and now ,,, and the spirit world …. Beginning and ending life and eath ….. instead of infinity and un-impossiblity http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html …all just stuff resulting from upbringing . and social manipulation by … real legions of science … God and magic were sciences of their ages .
Mankind acting as if it were more IMPORATNT than inter connectivey …NATURE .. outside of the system …. Hierarchy instead .. WHOLE-ISTIC ..
Alignment is simply ,,not thinking about it , but being it .. living not thinking or JUDGING .. am I happy? With this activity or experience … but living the expreince and allowing it to create new wants , not concerned all the time about TIME … birth and eath and fears of that …..Zhauanzi and the story about the fruit fly man the tortoise and the rew wood tree ,,ech expression of being in how ever long it is is ,VALID .
Being alive in the minute ..even if it is a minute of stress ,,, is life … again the basket ball game , even if you are donw in points the CHALLENGE is that of living if you were winnin every time all the time you would get bored and CHALLENGE yourself with a newer game with some challenges .
Now conversely …OVERWHELMING STRESS losing each time over and over ,, especially when the winner rubbs your nose in SHIT …. Is like the economic world we live in and thr rubbing your nose in SHIT … is seeing PHAROH class fly inthier jets drive their fancy cars … etc etc etc … while you struggle only to still end up one of the 94 out of 100 …94% who will not ,,never achieve financial security ( the fact known by the socio path ,,who sells you solutions to the problems they created ..the game is rigged at the most basic levels of LIFE …. Malosws hierarchy of needs . http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html get that taken care of then … play and find challenges in the many f orms available …. WHOOOPIE VIDEO GAME TIME …. Ohh they can be run off of a solar system of course ,,, 1 ..$134 cell with a 30 year life span can power you game system for a few hours of constant play each day … do the tour of duty first free your self from slavery then PLAY …. CHALLENGE YOURSELF …
Thursday, February 18, 2010
no helicopter ?
No helicopter?
What do you men young master you do not have the cash to FLASH to just hire up a helicopter when you need it?
Who is teaching where is the MODEL for you to gain some INSPIRTION that …freedom is possible for you and your 6 dollar an hour slave employee life ,,that you to can buy your way to freedom ,,,, oh the info is there hidden in the PROFIT S system ,,,
We human animals like so many well like ALL OTHER ANIMALS are and have been learning really learning thru EXAMPLES ,,, by modeling ,,not hru the REPEATING OF FACTS FROM BOOKS …. LIKE A TRAINED …PARROT . http://www.instinctualism.org/cleanup.html it is called modeling ,,, see from modeling you don get a GRADE on a test …there is not … BLCAK OR WHITE ,, acceptable or unacceptable in the eyes of 2nd MIND …. The model gives you examples then you ..in your creative divercity ,, use that example in your own hands on learning and personle experience …. Not recreations of EXACTLY THE SAME …. Or MONO or OTHRO DOX … systems .
Thoreau said that if an emergency struck, a man should be able to leave his home with nothing more than the clothing on his back and feel like he left nothing behind.
Self sufficiency is almost impossible to obtain in modern society.
Did you know there’s a dream that still prevails now as strongly as it did in 1882 when Thoreau wrote Walden? It’s that of a return to the wild.
This is not the story of hippie-communal-back-to-the-landers, this is the story of what it takes to live with alternative power sources now – to live with nature in this modern age.
This is to be our permanent Walden; a life lived off the grid.
So I saw that and thought hey great ,,,, that is good WATCHING see watch if you are going to watch something something that is …what you want to SEE ….. noticing your wants … AS the Sage would recommend . it starts of great , but then it degrades into ..a for TV emotional charged Fake ,, lok if you got the cash to have all of those toys there is NO REAL NEED! For the kids to live in TENT ….. you go the cash to hang out till next summer ,, all this RACE against nature is for TV BULLSHIT , and does ont really give muchGOOD REAL INFO FOR people to MODEL FROM . actually turns people OFF supporting fear an IMPOSSIBLITY
Because you understand young master you …. Do not have the cash to FLASH to hire up a big fucking helicopter ….. when you need it . that is not reality to you … but freedom ..the ablity to buy your freedom should be and is possible . even at the 6 buck an hour rate ..of economic SLAVERY level
Ok so I think I should ….. do some real time …. MODELING http://www.instinctualism.org/modeling.html ..... heliecotpers , LAND ROVERS , and others examples of …AFFLUENCE of $$$ is not you ….. 135 acres is not you …. 5 acres site plan http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html ..... off grin in town OUTA POCKET . ….
Ahhh fuck … iw as gonna go out and post my first foto ..of something simple , so I check my cam an I got no 3AAA in it or in the house and well I can not just send out for a fucking helicotoer to run me some batterys …. So I gotta live a real life like you will and go to work ..and during the day pick up some dollar store batterys ….. but since I got a night gig every Thursday plus my day work ( like you I hope young master got as much work as possible during your tour of duty to BUYING YOUR FREEDOM…… ACTUALLYTHE GIFT OF THE …CAPALISTIST WORLD …YOU CAN buy … BUY YOU FREEDOM … from economic slavery …. http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html
well i iwll have to post the first pic and explananiton later …. There are so many aspects to think about …. The availbe models give hints but you do not see PRACTICAL ACTIONS .. in realition to the aspects …. Even Billl Mollison documentarys go to fast to give your ANIMAL SELF the model of creativiety ..it needs . http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/visionaries-in-grave-danger-of-falling-food/
I set up my first aspect changing my current house over to solar …. Outa pocket … and something simple as the wiring intot he house needs to understoos for safety plus ,,, CODE ENFORCEMENT …. You got 200 buck …. For a DIY …. You don’t have 40,000 for the professional contractors ohhh sure there are government rebates but you gotta have the 40k up front …. Then you get to take the 40 off your taxes ,,but dipshit you do not make 40k ,,, you do not pay 40k in tax each year ,,this is not your WORLD … it is the world of the HAVES … who fly in heleicopters when they run out of a 3AAA batterys …
Something simple like making sure you install a blade fuse in line ,, something simple like understanding soil types …. I live on a sand dune …. Surgar sand the finest of beach sands blown over from the barrier island everyday built up the INDIAN RIVER RIDGE … and on each rain any soil nutrients get washed down inot the laggon …. Understanding then adapting cretive solution attempts ….. with the funds available to you …… you can not just hire a semi truck to bring in new soils . …ohhh poor rich guy ,,, struggling in a tent with their kids reading by candle light …. For TV bullshit …. Making it all seem to fucking hard or complex … when in reality it is day by day piece by piece experiment by experiment ALLOWING BY ALLOWING …
If there is something that you desire and it is not coming to you, it always means the same thing. You are not a vibrational match to your own desire.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Sunday, January 12th, 1997
But everday in everyway thngs are getting better and better , your today was built upon each and every YESTERDAY …. All those times of NOT BEING A MATCH ,,, not being a match is .GOOD ! …. Now look for aspects in your now that excite you …. That you can get lost in the activity of ,, for that is the liing in the VORTEX …. Living PASSION …. Living not THINKING … but living .
http://www.treasurydirect.gov/ there is a level of HIGH .. of passion .. you will get as you fill out the paper work at home the day before dropping the obnd off a the bank , there is a continued ..excitement ,,,, in wait of the obnd to arrive ,,, then the receiving of it ,,while already you have started the action all over again ,, so each day you stay FRESH AND EXCITED … on the tour of duty path . http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html (the tour of duty blog form like a few years ago) and so you ARE LIVING THE …MATCH of your desire . you FEEL! Excitement …. 12345 and 6 of the emotional scale …. http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html and it costs you NOTHING ,, it is savings …not COST-INGS ….
What do you men young master you do not have the cash to FLASH to just hire up a helicopter when you need it?
Who is teaching where is the MODEL for you to gain some INSPIRTION that …freedom is possible for you and your 6 dollar an hour slave employee life ,,that you to can buy your way to freedom ,,,, oh the info is there hidden in the PROFIT S system ,,,
We human animals like so many well like ALL OTHER ANIMALS are and have been learning really learning thru EXAMPLES ,,, by modeling ,,not hru the REPEATING OF FACTS FROM BOOKS …. LIKE A TRAINED …PARROT . http://www.instinctualism.org/cleanup.html it is called modeling ,,, see from modeling you don get a GRADE on a test …there is not … BLCAK OR WHITE ,, acceptable or unacceptable in the eyes of 2nd MIND …. The model gives you examples then you ..in your creative divercity ,, use that example in your own hands on learning and personle experience …. Not recreations of EXACTLY THE SAME …. Or MONO or OTHRO DOX … systems .
Thoreau said that if an emergency struck, a man should be able to leave his home with nothing more than the clothing on his back and feel like he left nothing behind.
Self sufficiency is almost impossible to obtain in modern society.
Did you know there’s a dream that still prevails now as strongly as it did in 1882 when Thoreau wrote Walden? It’s that of a return to the wild.
This is not the story of hippie-communal-back-to-the-landers, this is the story of what it takes to live with alternative power sources now – to live with nature in this modern age.
This is to be our permanent Walden; a life lived off the grid.
So I saw that and thought hey great ,,,, that is good WATCHING see watch if you are going to watch something something that is …what you want to SEE ….. noticing your wants … AS the Sage would recommend . it starts of great , but then it degrades into ..a for TV emotional charged Fake ,, lok if you got the cash to have all of those toys there is NO REAL NEED! For the kids to live in TENT ….. you go the cash to hang out till next summer ,, all this RACE against nature is for TV BULLSHIT , and does ont really give muchGOOD REAL INFO FOR people to MODEL FROM . actually turns people OFF supporting fear an IMPOSSIBLITY
Because you understand young master you …. Do not have the cash to FLASH to hire up a big fucking helicopter ….. when you need it . that is not reality to you … but freedom ..the ablity to buy your freedom should be and is possible . even at the 6 buck an hour rate ..of economic SLAVERY level
Ok so I think I should ….. do some real time …. MODELING http://www.instinctualism.org/modeling.html ..... heliecotpers , LAND ROVERS , and others examples of …AFFLUENCE of $$$ is not you ….. 135 acres is not you …. 5 acres site plan http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html ..... off grin in town OUTA POCKET . ….
Ahhh fuck … iw as gonna go out and post my first foto ..of something simple , so I check my cam an I got no 3AAA in it or in the house and well I can not just send out for a fucking helicotoer to run me some batterys …. So I gotta live a real life like you will and go to work ..and during the day pick up some dollar store batterys ….. but since I got a night gig every Thursday plus my day work ( like you I hope young master got as much work as possible during your tour of duty to BUYING YOUR FREEDOM…… ACTUALLYTHE GIFT OF THE …CAPALISTIST WORLD …YOU CAN buy … BUY YOU FREEDOM … from economic slavery …. http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html
well i iwll have to post the first pic and explananiton later …. There are so many aspects to think about …. The availbe models give hints but you do not see PRACTICAL ACTIONS .. in realition to the aspects …. Even Billl Mollison documentarys go to fast to give your ANIMAL SELF the model of creativiety ..it needs . http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/visionaries-in-grave-danger-of-falling-food/
I set up my first aspect changing my current house over to solar …. Outa pocket … and something simple as the wiring intot he house needs to understoos for safety plus ,,, CODE ENFORCEMENT …. You got 200 buck …. For a DIY …. You don’t have 40,000 for the professional contractors ohhh sure there are government rebates but you gotta have the 40k up front …. Then you get to take the 40 off your taxes ,,but dipshit you do not make 40k ,,, you do not pay 40k in tax each year ,,this is not your WORLD … it is the world of the HAVES … who fly in heleicopters when they run out of a 3AAA batterys …
Something simple like making sure you install a blade fuse in line ,, something simple like understanding soil types …. I live on a sand dune …. Surgar sand the finest of beach sands blown over from the barrier island everyday built up the INDIAN RIVER RIDGE … and on each rain any soil nutrients get washed down inot the laggon …. Understanding then adapting cretive solution attempts ….. with the funds available to you …… you can not just hire a semi truck to bring in new soils . …ohhh poor rich guy ,,, struggling in a tent with their kids reading by candle light …. For TV bullshit …. Making it all seem to fucking hard or complex … when in reality it is day by day piece by piece experiment by experiment ALLOWING BY ALLOWING …
If there is something that you desire and it is not coming to you, it always means the same thing. You are not a vibrational match to your own desire.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Sunday, January 12th, 1997
But everday in everyway thngs are getting better and better , your today was built upon each and every YESTERDAY …. All those times of NOT BEING A MATCH ,,, not being a match is .GOOD ! …. Now look for aspects in your now that excite you …. That you can get lost in the activity of ,, for that is the liing in the VORTEX …. Living PASSION …. Living not THINKING … but living .
http://www.treasurydirect.gov/ there is a level of HIGH .. of passion .. you will get as you fill out the paper work at home the day before dropping the obnd off a the bank , there is a continued ..excitement ,,,, in wait of the obnd to arrive ,,, then the receiving of it ,,while already you have started the action all over again ,, so each day you stay FRESH AND EXCITED … on the tour of duty path . http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html (the tour of duty blog form like a few years ago) and so you ARE LIVING THE …MATCH of your desire . you FEEL! Excitement …. 12345 and 6 of the emotional scale …. http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html and it costs you NOTHING ,, it is savings …not COST-INGS ….
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
funding pussy
Funding pussy
There is media ,….. telling me lines of thinking that they say is what is happeneing in the world ,,,,, example again I willrefer to the WORLD IN THE YES OF MONSANTO form yesterday … as a good example of the confuse and conquer of the sociopath who lives in the $$$ world of business …socio path does not FIGURE LONG TERM it does not really take into account humans ..for it is the FUNCTIONAL SOCIOPATH , who because of being 1 of the HAVE’S OR HAVE MORE’S is a str of fashion ….
Fact … around the year 2000 THE ….TALIBAN had destroyed the POPPY FIELDS of Afganstan …. For growing poppy and processing dope is agasint the teaching of Islan ,,, ov er the last couple of yearsw again as ..the Taliban gained power again in the region the Poppy Crop Dropped …so WE COME and FREE the people to become poppy farmeres once more
Yet they tell you that they are freeing a town whose sprocessing of poppy is used to fund TALIBAN …. Not realy that likely I do not rust their info …for the facts is ,, in 2000 there was little to NO poppy coming from that areajust a few years a fter we arrived there was MASSIVE GROWTH IN POPPY farming and drug production and a beginning of the SLAVE FARMER to the Drug runner processor …economic returning .
Remember MONSANTO wants to drive humanity from the land AND HAVE ..TECHINICAN EMPLOYEES apply chemicals and seed to . earth growth mediums … IN MONO CULTURE SYSTEMS …. That de s tablize the world in a whole …ahhh what ever … the socio path is what it is … the have come and gone ,, so what ..if they get their new world order and maybe even get 1000 or 2 years of successs , C H A N G E ..is . mono WHATEVER will eventually disappear ..REMEMBER THIS IS ONLY A GAME FIELD …. F for you are TAO ..transistioning inot being ….BIRTH and then leaving death TRANSITONING out …. But the fear of death instead of th training in the TAO our connectiveness with NAUTRE is an imporatnat tool for the SOCIOPATH to develop self correcting slave masses …..
Creat the problem sell you the solution , if you are toaist ,,, they have no tool of fear to hang over you … back to Opium ….. go back to it ,, back 5000 years ,, same shit? Different players? We the gREAT AND WONDERFUL human …so stupid . just trainable bio machines living thru brain memeory and trainng … and media bulshit .
The new FIGHT THE NEW GUNS AND STEEL push of the Pharoh in Afganshistan … to stop Drugs that were actually stopped before we came there …hmmmmm ..year 20000 Sadam was keeping world oil prices LOW ..the Taliban had destroyed the world best POPPY FIELD ..OPIUM GROWN THERE ..is like the Georiga peach one of the best . varietys is grown there ….. so how to get involved to destroy the oil price and get the flow of drugs back ?
Pay f ew people to develop …. A comic book level BAD GUY called tERRORIST S and have them ,,,, help Demo a White Elelpahnt ..5000 people died ,,, from the level of PHAROH who sees everday 40, 000 humans die due to starvation shit …. What is 1 day and only 5 000 people ,,,, helll PHAROH KILLS THAT meany everyday … before noon ! for the last 10 years with no MEDIA COVERAGE …
To see my little life my little 1/3 acre on the water which I ma making inot an example of http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html the compartimentlaiztion and fruititarian and seed variety ..( that dude at 4500 ft In the ALPS who grows citrus in the snow …. I did his planting method ,50 different variey of seeds brad casted … and let nature do the rest , the blend of weed and feed , makes his farm , well I am dointhe same in my compartiments ..the elegant design to eas my worried mind and in there let nature do its thing ..the shear volume of beds I suprizing me even on alittle 1/3 acre built as walking path ..
But back to MEDIA …. When I saw the BIRTHDEFECTED corns showng up in mexico on tha Mansanto show … , I saw the same thing here in the seeds I had saved and grew the next season myself … in my micro world ….. a seed is like a chyrogenically storage system … of a live animal … waiting to be BORN … I found my 2nd genenration corn … had a larger percentage of birth defects wow ..now not having the experience I did not understand now I understand ,,they were from GMO parentage ,,, made in a commericl lab of industrial farming , the orginal seeds produced , not weel since I did not feed them the CEHMICALS NEEDED …. But produced … I figured like humanity has over 10,ooo years of selective seed saving and breeding that the next crop wuld be better ..wrong ,,, the CORP or pharoh system is destroying 10 , 000 years of humans work in a few short years most cool .tow atch ..but after mankind fails once moer … the life will adapt itself become wild once more forgetting about MANKINDS EGO attempts to control the toa see itself as GOD ….. science is the new Devine . and to will a small percentage of HUMAN not buy inot the fear system and they will do selelctive bredddin once more … so the birth defected corn , had to become compost the sad weeak others gave sad weak ears , but from their DNA the next will be stronger .
http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html cashing out does not mean having to totally bail ,, yet that is a free choice to …. It is about understanding … you freedom . so those lil boxes you see in thr front yard as you drive by young master ,,,, each has like about 20 something seeds dvarietys growing and I harvest a little here and a little there …. Not row cropping … totally different than what I had expected or had been trained to expect …
so what 9 billion $ for a new NUKE we worked real hard to stop them Bush go the ball rolling and OBAMA wears golden handcuffs and has to go along withit …. But you can atleast telll NO … http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm?State=FL A 5 WORD EMAL DO NOT GET WORDY they do not read it anyw ay it is just POLL INFO … but most important would be to become a NON BUYER of grid power … http://cgi.ebay.com/SOLAR-PANEL-BATTERY-CHARGER-KIT-30-WATT-RV-BOAT-LAPTOP_W0QQitemZ250569449286QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item3a571a5f46 that and a dboat battery is step 1 do feel good then become creative . http://www.instinctualism.org/solar_power.html
you purchasing power or connection actually is the greatest vote some day becoming NON CONNECTED not just grid tied BUT NON CONNECTED yu speak louder .
the 9 billion could be used to fund wind turbines on farming land helping lil’farmeres harvest winds over their fields helping them become more profitable …ahhh but that would not be in line with the design of Monsanto to get everyone off the land except …. TECHINIANS ….fuck the farmer . send the farmer to the city to become dependant on the HIVE … http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-world-according-to-monsanto/
It is as easy to create a castle as a button. It's just a matter of whether you're focused on a castle or a button.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Sunday, January 12th, 1997
There is a representative leaving Washington because he is sick of it ….. look around the world for the thng syou want to see , evidences of the castle is possible and fous there thing there more and more than thinking about how hard it is ,,, see the 124 dollare solar panel as evidence of the possibility ..for change … you ,,, your body is made up of TINY TINY TINY cells , you are not a MONO system ,,, and under stess the tiny tiny tiny aspect of you can REVOLT become CANCER and change the whole game ! lil’ mutations here and there at the TINY TINY LEVEL ….
Think about the possible ……. Not the problem the problem is just evidence to support the projection of the solution trail you choose to use ,,, each choice …is evidence of CELLUAR MUTATION …. Which cn and does effect the whole ,,,, right now 1 out of every 3 american will get CANCER …. And that cancer the expression of stress started with 1 cell mutataion … the negative inof is the fuel for understanding the unwanted only …to support the power of the wanted ..to support the creativity of the design of you onw WANTED ,t he vastness of DIVERCITY of possible solutions is strength of poly culture vs… mono culture . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXYaO596cgY the pop can heater ( his 4th ) 145 degrees in the northern winter . off grid out of the system then there is no profit in the sytem … or hive for th soicio path …
There is media ,….. telling me lines of thinking that they say is what is happeneing in the world ,,,,, example again I willrefer to the WORLD IN THE YES OF MONSANTO form yesterday … as a good example of the confuse and conquer of the sociopath who lives in the $$$ world of business …socio path does not FIGURE LONG TERM it does not really take into account humans ..for it is the FUNCTIONAL SOCIOPATH , who because of being 1 of the HAVE’S OR HAVE MORE’S is a str of fashion ….
Fact … around the year 2000 THE ….TALIBAN had destroyed the POPPY FIELDS of Afganstan …. For growing poppy and processing dope is agasint the teaching of Islan ,,, ov er the last couple of yearsw again as ..the Taliban gained power again in the region the Poppy Crop Dropped …so WE COME and FREE the people to become poppy farmeres once more
Yet they tell you that they are freeing a town whose sprocessing of poppy is used to fund TALIBAN …. Not realy that likely I do not rust their info …for the facts is ,, in 2000 there was little to NO poppy coming from that areajust a few years a fter we arrived there was MASSIVE GROWTH IN POPPY farming and drug production and a beginning of the SLAVE FARMER to the Drug runner processor …economic returning .
Remember MONSANTO wants to drive humanity from the land AND HAVE ..TECHINICAN EMPLOYEES apply chemicals and seed to . earth growth mediums … IN MONO CULTURE SYSTEMS …. That de s tablize the world in a whole …ahhh what ever … the socio path is what it is … the have come and gone ,, so what ..if they get their new world order and maybe even get 1000 or 2 years of successs , C H A N G E ..is . mono WHATEVER will eventually disappear ..REMEMBER THIS IS ONLY A GAME FIELD …. F for you are TAO ..transistioning inot being ….BIRTH and then leaving death TRANSITONING out …. But the fear of death instead of th training in the TAO our connectiveness with NAUTRE is an imporatnat tool for the SOCIOPATH to develop self correcting slave masses …..
Creat the problem sell you the solution , if you are toaist ,,, they have no tool of fear to hang over you … back to Opium ….. go back to it ,, back 5000 years ,, same shit? Different players? We the gREAT AND WONDERFUL human …so stupid . just trainable bio machines living thru brain memeory and trainng … and media bulshit .
The new FIGHT THE NEW GUNS AND STEEL push of the Pharoh in Afganshistan … to stop Drugs that were actually stopped before we came there …hmmmmm ..year 20000 Sadam was keeping world oil prices LOW ..the Taliban had destroyed the world best POPPY FIELD ..OPIUM GROWN THERE ..is like the Georiga peach one of the best . varietys is grown there ….. so how to get involved to destroy the oil price and get the flow of drugs back ?
Pay f ew people to develop …. A comic book level BAD GUY called tERRORIST S and have them ,,,, help Demo a White Elelpahnt ..5000 people died ,,, from the level of PHAROH who sees everday 40, 000 humans die due to starvation shit …. What is 1 day and only 5 000 people ,,,, helll PHAROH KILLS THAT meany everyday … before noon ! for the last 10 years with no MEDIA COVERAGE …
To see my little life my little 1/3 acre on the water which I ma making inot an example of http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html the compartimentlaiztion and fruititarian and seed variety ..( that dude at 4500 ft In the ALPS who grows citrus in the snow …. I did his planting method ,50 different variey of seeds brad casted … and let nature do the rest , the blend of weed and feed , makes his farm , well I am dointhe same in my compartiments ..the elegant design to eas my worried mind and in there let nature do its thing ..the shear volume of beds I suprizing me even on alittle 1/3 acre built as walking path ..
But back to MEDIA …. When I saw the BIRTHDEFECTED corns showng up in mexico on tha Mansanto show … , I saw the same thing here in the seeds I had saved and grew the next season myself … in my micro world ….. a seed is like a chyrogenically storage system … of a live animal … waiting to be BORN … I found my 2nd genenration corn … had a larger percentage of birth defects wow ..now not having the experience I did not understand now I understand ,,they were from GMO parentage ,,, made in a commericl lab of industrial farming , the orginal seeds produced , not weel since I did not feed them the CEHMICALS NEEDED …. But produced … I figured like humanity has over 10,ooo years of selective seed saving and breeding that the next crop wuld be better ..wrong ,,, the CORP or pharoh system is destroying 10 , 000 years of humans work in a few short years most cool .tow atch ..but after mankind fails once moer … the life will adapt itself become wild once more forgetting about MANKINDS EGO attempts to control the toa see itself as GOD ….. science is the new Devine . and to will a small percentage of HUMAN not buy inot the fear system and they will do selelctive bredddin once more … so the birth defected corn , had to become compost the sad weeak others gave sad weak ears , but from their DNA the next will be stronger .
http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html cashing out does not mean having to totally bail ,, yet that is a free choice to …. It is about understanding … you freedom . so those lil boxes you see in thr front yard as you drive by young master ,,,, each has like about 20 something seeds dvarietys growing and I harvest a little here and a little there …. Not row cropping … totally different than what I had expected or had been trained to expect …
so what 9 billion $ for a new NUKE we worked real hard to stop them Bush go the ball rolling and OBAMA wears golden handcuffs and has to go along withit …. But you can atleast telll NO … http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm?State=FL A 5 WORD EMAL DO NOT GET WORDY they do not read it anyw ay it is just POLL INFO … but most important would be to become a NON BUYER of grid power … http://cgi.ebay.com/SOLAR-PANEL-BATTERY-CHARGER-KIT-30-WATT-RV-BOAT-LAPTOP_W0QQitemZ250569449286QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item3a571a5f46 that and a dboat battery is step 1 do feel good then become creative . http://www.instinctualism.org/solar_power.html
you purchasing power or connection actually is the greatest vote some day becoming NON CONNECTED not just grid tied BUT NON CONNECTED yu speak louder .
the 9 billion could be used to fund wind turbines on farming land helping lil’farmeres harvest winds over their fields helping them become more profitable …ahhh but that would not be in line with the design of Monsanto to get everyone off the land except …. TECHINIANS ….fuck the farmer . send the farmer to the city to become dependant on the HIVE … http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-world-according-to-monsanto/
It is as easy to create a castle as a button. It's just a matter of whether you're focused on a castle or a button.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Sunday, January 12th, 1997
There is a representative leaving Washington because he is sick of it ….. look around the world for the thng syou want to see , evidences of the castle is possible and fous there thing there more and more than thinking about how hard it is ,,, see the 124 dollare solar panel as evidence of the possibility ..for change … you ,,, your body is made up of TINY TINY TINY cells , you are not a MONO system ,,, and under stess the tiny tiny tiny aspect of you can REVOLT become CANCER and change the whole game ! lil’ mutations here and there at the TINY TINY LEVEL ….
Think about the possible ……. Not the problem the problem is just evidence to support the projection of the solution trail you choose to use ,,, each choice …is evidence of CELLUAR MUTATION …. Which cn and does effect the whole ,,,, right now 1 out of every 3 american will get CANCER …. And that cancer the expression of stress started with 1 cell mutataion … the negative inof is the fuel for understanding the unwanted only …to support the power of the wanted ..to support the creativity of the design of you onw WANTED ,t he vastness of DIVERCITY of possible solutions is strength of poly culture vs… mono culture . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXYaO596cgY the pop can heater ( his 4th ) 145 degrees in the northern winter . off grid out of the system then there is no profit in the sytem … or hive for th soicio path …
Monday, February 15, 2010
to ward pussy
To ward pussy
Warding , is related to warding off ? I hear the word ..ward and think AVOOID so how could moving toward ….. be something good ,,hmmm now thinking in terms of ESTERS word tools , when I am acting based upon TRY .. or planning to much instead of doing things that feel good …. But keeping a WARDING OFF …the good is out there I amhere … that is the real thinking so I must go TO WARD … wut the separation is what is what I am thinking about …no the choosing of current in the NANO SECOND of what feels good RIGHT NOW . and trusitn that the WANTS have beens et into action …. And they will cummmm. EVERYDAY IN EVERYWAY THINGS GET BETTER AND BETTER …. TO be in the action ofo moving to WARDS …. I am actually in the action of WARDING .. seperting …. The ward is a SEPERATION …… ward 9 …in a seperation .
So my NOWS the feeling of good I have are the action of building what I want ,,, now , here …. This daily activity does ENGAGE ME , I lose myself in that ACTION ….. to the point I find I do not think or realize that I have not sotpped for a smoke for a long time …. Actually the stoppng to make a smoke tells me I am not fully engaged in an action of my real want ,,,it does not ENGAGE ME …. So I want to stop thinking ..and the chenimcal of Taobacoo aids in that .
Ahhh but pussy pussy pussy …. I must have pussy now ! is this me talking or is this the social expectation talking ? hmmmm now if my life is an example of being ness that actracts the pussy and they to find themselves ENGAGED … ahhh there is some good pussy ……
Now do you want it? It will happen … do you fear it will not so you fear ? this is a resisitance thingie shit ..and a hard habit to stop except in that it is realy very is …just STOP ..and livie in the NOW of choosing things and thoughts that feel better trusint that your WANTS actually will form up on their own and the more you TRY …. The whole +1 + - 1 = 0 shit will come in …trying is thinking negative energy and positive at the same time …. Negating into a ZERO energy dynamic … why do you want what you want you WANT …. To feel better ..and RIGHT HIS SECOND is that off in the future want realy an OPTION …probably no .but you do have something some aspect ..to think or act or engage in that ..is a reality …. One that would feel better than other aspects …. And sicne the deepest of wants is the WAANT TO FEEL BETTER that is the only REAL core thing ever behind andy want ….
The choice with what you have at hand to act with it ..in a way that feels some what beter is the SUCCEEEDING . you want formt he BIG GOAL in the future … the feeling of better . thinking about CHOOSES which are not present does not feel BETTER , it remeind syou of the LACK … or the WARD …the sepration .
200 YEARS AGO A DUDE name Shaoperhaower ? http://www.instinctualism.org/confuse_conquer.html talked in terms of INSTINCT or will to live that the urge for pussy or pussy fo r penentration http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html was bio oogical only .. WELL it is social because we are social , it is breeding because we need to breed , it is RECREATIONAL because we like feeling good and FUCKING just fucking feels good ….. look all the smart fucks who wrote real smart shit and got famous actually are just as fucking confused and often EGO releted int hier creations … the Schopen dude was . but he stillhad good info to ponder ….
Pussy is important and ….because of the MANIPULATION effect … well thing seem more DIFFICULT that our instinct nature feels it should be …. Out inner being feels it should be …. The DNA within you feels it should be . it should be a lot fucking more eas y to be spending moe time FUCKING …
Have you been digging the word of the Sage ? then this video a whole fucking hour almost could be of interest ….. do what feels better …..
and understand the history of the confuse and conquer http://www.instinctualism.org/confuse_conquer.html ,,, in it you also TASTE your own reaction to …manipulation …there is like and ACID OF EXPECTATION we all carry within us hopeinf for fairy tale answers or solutions or Quantum leaps in manifestation .
Today, no matter where I'm going and no matter what I am doing, it is my dominant intent to see that which I am wanting to see.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Sunday, January 12th, 1997
Seee this is not about RADICAL changes but changes of NOTICING what is already available till you change dentritie brain memeory … and thus beliefs expecatations ,, and more and more of what you do see ,,,, understanding something like ..THE WORLD IN THE EYES OF MONASNATO http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-world-according-to-monsanto/ …. By understanding the un wanted you better see the possible of …. http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html .... and in then the living the day to day growth of your won ..life outside of what others are doing you are living
Today, no matter where I'm going and no matter what I am doing, it is my dominant intent to see that which I am wanting to see
Now is life really here on the electric screen the TV or the Xbox activity genenrators ? or is it outside or with people
Warding , is related to warding off ? I hear the word ..ward and think AVOOID so how could moving toward ….. be something good ,,hmmm now thinking in terms of ESTERS word tools , when I am acting based upon TRY .. or planning to much instead of doing things that feel good …. But keeping a WARDING OFF …the good is out there I amhere … that is the real thinking so I must go TO WARD … wut the separation is what is what I am thinking about …no the choosing of current in the NANO SECOND of what feels good RIGHT NOW . and trusitn that the WANTS have beens et into action …. And they will cummmm. EVERYDAY IN EVERYWAY THINGS GET BETTER AND BETTER …. TO be in the action ofo moving to WARDS …. I am actually in the action of WARDING .. seperting …. The ward is a SEPERATION …… ward 9 …in a seperation .
So my NOWS the feeling of good I have are the action of building what I want ,,, now , here …. This daily activity does ENGAGE ME , I lose myself in that ACTION ….. to the point I find I do not think or realize that I have not sotpped for a smoke for a long time …. Actually the stoppng to make a smoke tells me I am not fully engaged in an action of my real want ,,,it does not ENGAGE ME …. So I want to stop thinking ..and the chenimcal of Taobacoo aids in that .
Ahhh but pussy pussy pussy …. I must have pussy now ! is this me talking or is this the social expectation talking ? hmmmm now if my life is an example of being ness that actracts the pussy and they to find themselves ENGAGED … ahhh there is some good pussy ……
Now do you want it? It will happen … do you fear it will not so you fear ? this is a resisitance thingie shit ..and a hard habit to stop except in that it is realy very is …just STOP ..and livie in the NOW of choosing things and thoughts that feel better trusint that your WANTS actually will form up on their own and the more you TRY …. The whole +1 + - 1 = 0 shit will come in …trying is thinking negative energy and positive at the same time …. Negating into a ZERO energy dynamic … why do you want what you want you WANT …. To feel better ..and RIGHT HIS SECOND is that off in the future want realy an OPTION …probably no .but you do have something some aspect ..to think or act or engage in that ..is a reality …. One that would feel better than other aspects …. And sicne the deepest of wants is the WAANT TO FEEL BETTER that is the only REAL core thing ever behind andy want ….
The choice with what you have at hand to act with it ..in a way that feels some what beter is the SUCCEEEDING . you want formt he BIG GOAL in the future … the feeling of better . thinking about CHOOSES which are not present does not feel BETTER , it remeind syou of the LACK … or the WARD …the sepration .
200 YEARS AGO A DUDE name Shaoperhaower ? http://www.instinctualism.org/confuse_conquer.html talked in terms of INSTINCT or will to live that the urge for pussy or pussy fo r penentration http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html was bio oogical only .. WELL it is social because we are social , it is breeding because we need to breed , it is RECREATIONAL because we like feeling good and FUCKING just fucking feels good ….. look all the smart fucks who wrote real smart shit and got famous actually are just as fucking confused and often EGO releted int hier creations … the Schopen dude was . but he stillhad good info to ponder ….
Pussy is important and ….because of the MANIPULATION effect … well thing seem more DIFFICULT that our instinct nature feels it should be …. Out inner being feels it should be …. The DNA within you feels it should be . it should be a lot fucking more eas y to be spending moe time FUCKING …
Have you been digging the word of the Sage ? then this video a whole fucking hour almost could be of interest ….. do what feels better …..
and understand the history of the confuse and conquer http://www.instinctualism.org/confuse_conquer.html ,,, in it you also TASTE your own reaction to …manipulation …there is like and ACID OF EXPECTATION we all carry within us hopeinf for fairy tale answers or solutions or Quantum leaps in manifestation .
Today, no matter where I'm going and no matter what I am doing, it is my dominant intent to see that which I am wanting to see.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Sunday, January 12th, 1997
Seee this is not about RADICAL changes but changes of NOTICING what is already available till you change dentritie brain memeory … and thus beliefs expecatations ,, and more and more of what you do see ,,,, understanding something like ..THE WORLD IN THE EYES OF MONASNATO http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-world-according-to-monsanto/ …. By understanding the un wanted you better see the possible of …. http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html .... and in then the living the day to day growth of your won ..life outside of what others are doing you are living
Today, no matter where I'm going and no matter what I am doing, it is my dominant intent to see that which I am wanting to see
Now is life really here on the electric screen the TV or the Xbox activity genenrators ? or is it outside or with people
Friday, February 12, 2010
dream time pussy
dream time pussy
I'm the trouble starter, punkin' investigator
I'm the fear addicted, a danger illustrated
I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter
You're the firestarter, twisted firestarter
I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter
I'm the bitch you hated, filth infatuated
I'm the pain you tasted, well intoxicated
I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter
You're the firestarter, twisted firestarter
I'm the self inflicted, mind detonator
I'm the one infected, twisted animator
I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter
You're the firestarter, twisted firestarter
I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter
I said it has been time to listen ,, and then to let what I hear roll around …. The magic has been off , not as fun getting to caught in the dream time confuse and conquer examples current and historical , but as the Chinese would say understanding you have an illness means a long life , thinking you have no illness means a short life , to live thinking that everything is FINE when the truth is Contrast is to ignore … yin and yang is .. its to invite stupidty ..the illness is the experience of contrast …. The gift …. to say the understanding of self issues is the illness or acceptance of the issue is what is imporatnat acceptance thought does mean understanding more than just he SYMPTOMS ….
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epicurus a clear voice of the sage suing the words tools available …. His living style ( not life style which is to perjorative a phrase 0 has within it the understanding of MASLOWS hierarchy of needs ages befreo Maslow ….. and resembles much of the core in the pages of http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html etc.... he and others before him observed the confuse and conquer ,,, felt the ILLNESS and understanding it as dis-ease sought to feel BETTER ….now did he go as far as to think a bit deeper about the cause as compared to escaping the symptoms … for treating symptoms is good but to treat the symptoms and carry with you the casue only invites RE-INFECTIONS .
the land of the didgeridoo …… and word tool ..the dream time , I read some whoere at some time ,the idea that our spreading out as a speicies was not just nature of ever growing population but the expression of ESCAPE …that some felt they did not fit inot the cultures and societys and needed to find their own SPACE ….. kkinda like the hippie wanted or the Epicureans …… which has nothing to do with $$$ or opulence it is about the understanding of ENJOYING LIFE . and I finnaly go to play the didg gotta love JAMMIN IN JENSEN …. The yong master returning home withhis new art talking about being the straving artist , I told him you are in the right town the Indian river is our SEnn and this our Paris ,,, with these people in all our divercity ….. on the travel did you learn form your master what is meant by the end of the dream time …… ? youg master has still to clear his path of judgements comaparison training of terms like good and bad ….
For even the confuse and conquer is nothing but GOOD …. http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html
The Prodigy - Firestarter ( live, T in the Park )
the symptom is information … that we have the gift of illness aka dis-ease ,, and the exploration of possible causes ? may help prevent re-infections .
dis =ease is not a person …. It is not a government or religion or company … or gold love or $ …… dis EASE is just what it says it is …… a lack of Ease . and I have used so much the word TOOL of Eve ..it is not the the MYTH to be taken literalyy as tool for furthering the dis ease .. and blame any 1 , but to be what it is word tool the attempt to commicate …. Something as un commicatable as EASE is , fo that means the action of living towards the feeling of better http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
like many peoples the 1st nations people of Austrialia have old storys about ….. the change when that which they left and still followed them and their history would be ended for lack of a better word tool ..ending is an bad word tool , fo that means completeion game over and that can not be in an IN FI NITE … anything … no brick walls to end infinity http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html but what was meant was the time of accepting the illness and understanding the illness or dsi ease which of course would mean a better clarification of the causes not just escaping the symptoms …. One of the last places man …found to Escape was EASTER ISLAND and actually its history shows the in EFFECTIVENESS of just escaping the symptoms . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Easter_Island
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
science was born out of the magic of the preist hood . now the new divinity itself to proclaim … http://freedocumentaries.net/media/215/Zeitgeist_-_Addendum/
Parents can't choose the mates of their children or the behavior of their children. You actually can't choose anything for your children without disempowering them.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Syracuse, NY on Thursday, October 17th, 1996
PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY .i always say it all cummms down to PUSSY …. You young master eache vent each thought … thought , has been recoded in YOUR DNA …. Yes each thought ( I can not prove it but I will say it for your thinks EFFECTS your current DNA and it is from your ..your ..your …current male DNA that evovlution is .. the female egg is staic we amales are the evoling aspect in the NOT 1 WAY ot bio machinecal sexual recreations ….. re creation ..replication with now the aspect of the WANTED bing expressed … theru the changes in your dna up the 48 hour period before its creation .
There and then is the only time you effect your child’s REAL POTENTIAL all the rst is just SLAVE TRAINING mindu fucking socializing …. ohhh yes eviromental toxins of your choosing by your choice of where or how you live can effect the contrast s they will live thru but not them ….. they are the user of the bio tool or mahine built of memeory expectation form or belief systems of the mechainsim . we get nothing outside our belief in it … )
End of the dream is not a date on a time managing tool , an age or epeoch ….. to be feared or awaited as good or bad , but just one more chance to feel better
I'm the trouble starter, punkin' investigator
I'm the fear addicted, a danger illustrated
I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter
You're the firestarter, twisted firestarter
I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter
I'm the bitch you hated, filth infatuated
I'm the pain you tasted, well intoxicated
I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter
You're the firestarter, twisted firestarter
I'm the self inflicted, mind detonator
I'm the one infected, twisted animator
I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter
You're the firestarter, twisted firestarter
I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter
I said it has been time to listen ,, and then to let what I hear roll around …. The magic has been off , not as fun getting to caught in the dream time confuse and conquer examples current and historical , but as the Chinese would say understanding you have an illness means a long life , thinking you have no illness means a short life , to live thinking that everything is FINE when the truth is Contrast is to ignore … yin and yang is .. its to invite stupidty ..the illness is the experience of contrast …. The gift …. to say the understanding of self issues is the illness or acceptance of the issue is what is imporatnat acceptance thought does mean understanding more than just he SYMPTOMS ….
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epicurus a clear voice of the sage suing the words tools available …. His living style ( not life style which is to perjorative a phrase 0 has within it the understanding of MASLOWS hierarchy of needs ages befreo Maslow ….. and resembles much of the core in the pages of http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html etc.... he and others before him observed the confuse and conquer ,,, felt the ILLNESS and understanding it as dis-ease sought to feel BETTER ….now did he go as far as to think a bit deeper about the cause as compared to escaping the symptoms … for treating symptoms is good but to treat the symptoms and carry with you the casue only invites RE-INFECTIONS .
the land of the didgeridoo …… and word tool ..the dream time , I read some whoere at some time ,the idea that our spreading out as a speicies was not just nature of ever growing population but the expression of ESCAPE …that some felt they did not fit inot the cultures and societys and needed to find their own SPACE ….. kkinda like the hippie wanted or the Epicureans …… which has nothing to do with $$$ or opulence it is about the understanding of ENJOYING LIFE . and I finnaly go to play the didg gotta love JAMMIN IN JENSEN …. The yong master returning home withhis new art talking about being the straving artist , I told him you are in the right town the Indian river is our SEnn and this our Paris ,,, with these people in all our divercity ….. on the travel did you learn form your master what is meant by the end of the dream time …… ? youg master has still to clear his path of judgements comaparison training of terms like good and bad ….
For even the confuse and conquer is nothing but GOOD …. http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html
The Prodigy - Firestarter ( live, T in the Park )
the symptom is information … that we have the gift of illness aka dis-ease ,, and the exploration of possible causes ? may help prevent re-infections .
dis =ease is not a person …. It is not a government or religion or company … or gold love or $ …… dis EASE is just what it says it is …… a lack of Ease . and I have used so much the word TOOL of Eve ..it is not the the MYTH to be taken literalyy as tool for furthering the dis ease .. and blame any 1 , but to be what it is word tool the attempt to commicate …. Something as un commicatable as EASE is , fo that means the action of living towards the feeling of better http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
like many peoples the 1st nations people of Austrialia have old storys about ….. the change when that which they left and still followed them and their history would be ended for lack of a better word tool ..ending is an bad word tool , fo that means completeion game over and that can not be in an IN FI NITE … anything … no brick walls to end infinity http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html but what was meant was the time of accepting the illness and understanding the illness or dsi ease which of course would mean a better clarification of the causes not just escaping the symptoms …. One of the last places man …found to Escape was EASTER ISLAND and actually its history shows the in EFFECTIVENESS of just escaping the symptoms . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Easter_Island
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
science was born out of the magic of the preist hood . now the new divinity itself to proclaim … http://freedocumentaries.net/media/215/Zeitgeist_-_Addendum/
Parents can't choose the mates of their children or the behavior of their children. You actually can't choose anything for your children without disempowering them.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Syracuse, NY on Thursday, October 17th, 1996
PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY .i always say it all cummms down to PUSSY …. You young master eache vent each thought … thought , has been recoded in YOUR DNA …. Yes each thought ( I can not prove it but I will say it for your thinks EFFECTS your current DNA and it is from your ..your ..your …current male DNA that evovlution is .. the female egg is staic we amales are the evoling aspect in the NOT 1 WAY ot bio machinecal sexual recreations ….. re creation ..replication with now the aspect of the WANTED bing expressed … theru the changes in your dna up the 48 hour period before its creation .
There and then is the only time you effect your child’s REAL POTENTIAL all the rst is just SLAVE TRAINING mindu fucking socializing …. ohhh yes eviromental toxins of your choosing by your choice of where or how you live can effect the contrast s they will live thru but not them ….. they are the user of the bio tool or mahine built of memeory expectation form or belief systems of the mechainsim . we get nothing outside our belief in it … )
End of the dream is not a date on a time managing tool , an age or epeoch ….. to be feared or awaited as good or bad , but just one more chance to feel better
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
pussy worships cock
Pussy WORSHIPS cock
Yes pussy is designed and wets for penentraion … http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html ,,, 10,000 bc we have found the beginning of EVE of culture of PROBLEMS … of worship or fear , with the worship of DICK HARD SQUIRTING CUM COCKS … now the truth is it is in the last 1000 years that real worship of WHITE HOT CUMM SQUIRTING DICK real has taken off ass ..the poision of the 1 and only true way BECAME more world wide ,,,, mono theisim ,, mono culture in agriculture … and MONO .. AGONY … monagmy …
Instead of Polly eh cum to me …. Poligmy …. Ok I admit a way fucking big stretch in word play
Hounen Matsuri (a festival celebrating fertility and renewal), which is held here every March 15th. And current day Lingum is PHALLIC WORSHIP. the Vedic Mahadeva, the emblem of the human male structure and creative energy. The same idea of the creator is still to be seen in India,
I hope this embeds right
human sex part 2 ,,,, 60 minutes of EVE 1 minute 30 seconds of you and me ,,, examples of shaving to create the BOYISH MALE who will play fight and seek the protective female ….. the easy slave male …the BRAVE tattoo male and dare devil who dies …. Or the rich male ….
Ahh but remember Midas ,,, all the gold just got him hungry for each fruit turned inot a hard rock then even his own child …. You can not eat GOLD
As in part 1 … fo HUMAN SEX … http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html provides us young mater with expresionof our INSTINCTUAL NATURE plus providing for even todays EVE the example of the …CASTLE on the hill ….. look a the 5 acres estate homw you were working on today with me ,, each waist high plant could have benn a fruit or berry bush alos right , each tree a mangoe or orgnage or payapa ,,the pool could have been the pond , etce etc etc , and the border between each estate was the 5 foot tree border from each ,,, giving privacy for …. http://www.instinctualism.org/nudist.html
It is all there in http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html and her choice in us …. Well that realy depends on the EVE –ness of the EVE …is she in touch with her instinctual self or is she respinding like a sheep to the exaples of CIVIL LIFE of the last 5k years . the beginning of LIPSTICKS from eygpt ….. that whole fucking hour ,, THINK FOR YOURSELF …. The mainstream forgets human instinct to thnk that the last 5 k years is all that is important …. WRONG AGAIN !
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
you are now meeting the enemy and are you realizing HE ….. is us ?
we have met the enemey and he is us , walt Kelly thru the art of POGO the POSSUM or sheep ….. American …. Kinda of POO BEARISH … but more edgy …the same old shit different players ….
One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men — his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.
The MIND FUCK THE MIND FUCK ……. The undestandng how to control populations remember we have a SENATE NOW , and they had a SENATE then …. The players have only changed the COMPLEXITY was never just Claudius the WEAK who got murdered by his EVE Wife with the tool of the Bruhha ( witch craft … herb poisins ) Claudius who like Amenhotep IV was in the beginning to weak to be consider a THREAT or ever a possible PHAROH OR EMPOROER … except thru the manipulation of EVE spirit ( no the wife who murdered him but the women who choose the wife brough him to power in the first place …the expression of what the FRENCH would later call the power of the HORIZONTAL COURT . bitches on their backw with legs spread wide open to sex staved males ……
Sex starved males make good SHEEP TO BE LED TO SLAUGHTERS OF BATTLE FIELDS ,,, surive get pussy ! can yo get it? The players change the theme are the same …so this weekend if alone go to the TITTY BAR IN HONOR OF ….eve . sexual manipulation ….. greed for gold ! …you can not eat gold and it is in the Gilrs who understand that truth you young master will find each others happiness of family stability and INSTINCTUALISM …
As you identify the thing that you want and you achieve vibrational harmony with it, by Law of Attraction you summon the Energy through you, and that is what life is. When someone stops desiring, Life Force no longer flows through them, and then they re-emerge into the Nonphysical where you have all kinds of goals and intentions.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Lincroft, NJ on Tuesday, October 15th, 1996
Hmmm interesting ,,, I am always interested in a HUMANS WORD TOOL description of ….. AN or 1 or even a MILLION OR 10 aspects of the ..UNTHINKABLE …. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html it is the brick wal in heaven thing where on 1 side is the IMPOSSIBLE behind the wall of books whihch describe possibles and then the un-impossible … to a point of unthinkable … SCIENCE CAN NOT CONTROL THAT OR …TAKE …..EGO CREDIT for it so it cannot support their position in hierachical system ( the confuse and conquer 2000 years ago leadership not just the 1 ruler used SEX to mind fuck us …today it is TERROR of terrorist … the De-HUMANIZING of humans into sound bytes is what …got Brown Elected in MASS ..the center of American higher learning ….. the land of IVY LEAGUE SCHOOLS ….. and brown was able to sound byte the idea ,…. Some people think terrorists should be treated with rights , I donot …. DE HUMAN IZING … humanity …. Hierarchy of difference between slave and masters ,,farm animals ..or equal BEING NESS of TOAIST EXPERIENCE … and the God human ….
Animal husbandry VS the hunter gatherer , actually brought about the deep change in HUMAN PYSCHIE ..the hunter always respected the CHALLENGE of the hunt or the fishing ,,the FARMER did not resect his SLAVE ANIMAL … this created a CALLOUSING OF the heart and soul .
Yes pussy is designed and wets for penentraion … http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html ,,, 10,000 bc we have found the beginning of EVE of culture of PROBLEMS … of worship or fear , with the worship of DICK HARD SQUIRTING CUM COCKS … now the truth is it is in the last 1000 years that real worship of WHITE HOT CUMM SQUIRTING DICK real has taken off ass ..the poision of the 1 and only true way BECAME more world wide ,,,, mono theisim ,, mono culture in agriculture … and MONO .. AGONY … monagmy …
Instead of Polly eh cum to me …. Poligmy …. Ok I admit a way fucking big stretch in word play
Hounen Matsuri (a festival celebrating fertility and renewal), which is held here every March 15th. And current day Lingum is PHALLIC WORSHIP. the Vedic Mahadeva, the emblem of the human male structure and creative energy. The same idea of the creator is still to be seen in India,
I hope this embeds right
human sex part 2 ,,,, 60 minutes of EVE 1 minute 30 seconds of you and me ,,, examples of shaving to create the BOYISH MALE who will play fight and seek the protective female ….. the easy slave male …the BRAVE tattoo male and dare devil who dies …. Or the rich male ….
Ahh but remember Midas ,,, all the gold just got him hungry for each fruit turned inot a hard rock then even his own child …. You can not eat GOLD
As in part 1 … fo HUMAN SEX … http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html provides us young mater with expresionof our INSTINCTUAL NATURE plus providing for even todays EVE the example of the …CASTLE on the hill ….. look a the 5 acres estate homw you were working on today with me ,, each waist high plant could have benn a fruit or berry bush alos right , each tree a mangoe or orgnage or payapa ,,the pool could have been the pond , etce etc etc , and the border between each estate was the 5 foot tree border from each ,,, giving privacy for …. http://www.instinctualism.org/nudist.html
It is all there in http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html and her choice in us …. Well that realy depends on the EVE –ness of the EVE …is she in touch with her instinctual self or is she respinding like a sheep to the exaples of CIVIL LIFE of the last 5k years . the beginning of LIPSTICKS from eygpt ….. that whole fucking hour ,, THINK FOR YOURSELF …. The mainstream forgets human instinct to thnk that the last 5 k years is all that is important …. WRONG AGAIN !
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
you are now meeting the enemy and are you realizing HE ….. is us ?
we have met the enemey and he is us , walt Kelly thru the art of POGO the POSSUM or sheep ….. American …. Kinda of POO BEARISH … but more edgy …the same old shit different players ….
One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men — his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.
The MIND FUCK THE MIND FUCK ……. The undestandng how to control populations remember we have a SENATE NOW , and they had a SENATE then …. The players have only changed the COMPLEXITY was never just Claudius the WEAK who got murdered by his EVE Wife with the tool of the Bruhha ( witch craft … herb poisins ) Claudius who like Amenhotep IV was in the beginning to weak to be consider a THREAT or ever a possible PHAROH OR EMPOROER … except thru the manipulation of EVE spirit ( no the wife who murdered him but the women who choose the wife brough him to power in the first place …the expression of what the FRENCH would later call the power of the HORIZONTAL COURT . bitches on their backw with legs spread wide open to sex staved males ……
Sex starved males make good SHEEP TO BE LED TO SLAUGHTERS OF BATTLE FIELDS ,,, surive get pussy ! can yo get it? The players change the theme are the same …so this weekend if alone go to the TITTY BAR IN HONOR OF ….eve . sexual manipulation ….. greed for gold ! …you can not eat gold and it is in the Gilrs who understand that truth you young master will find each others happiness of family stability and INSTINCTUALISM …
As you identify the thing that you want and you achieve vibrational harmony with it, by Law of Attraction you summon the Energy through you, and that is what life is. When someone stops desiring, Life Force no longer flows through them, and then they re-emerge into the Nonphysical where you have all kinds of goals and intentions.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Lincroft, NJ on Tuesday, October 15th, 1996
Hmmm interesting ,,, I am always interested in a HUMANS WORD TOOL description of ….. AN or 1 or even a MILLION OR 10 aspects of the ..UNTHINKABLE …. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html it is the brick wal in heaven thing where on 1 side is the IMPOSSIBLE behind the wall of books whihch describe possibles and then the un-impossible … to a point of unthinkable … SCIENCE CAN NOT CONTROL THAT OR …TAKE …..EGO CREDIT for it so it cannot support their position in hierachical system ( the confuse and conquer 2000 years ago leadership not just the 1 ruler used SEX to mind fuck us …today it is TERROR of terrorist … the De-HUMANIZING of humans into sound bytes is what …got Brown Elected in MASS ..the center of American higher learning ….. the land of IVY LEAGUE SCHOOLS ….. and brown was able to sound byte the idea ,…. Some people think terrorists should be treated with rights , I donot …. DE HUMAN IZING … humanity …. Hierarchy of difference between slave and masters ,,farm animals ..or equal BEING NESS of TOAIST EXPERIENCE … and the God human ….
Animal husbandry VS the hunter gatherer , actually brought about the deep change in HUMAN PYSCHIE ..the hunter always respected the CHALLENGE of the hunt or the fishing ,,the FARMER did not resect his SLAVE ANIMAL … this created a CALLOUSING OF the heart and soul .
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
willing pussy feels better
Willing pussy feels better
To start at the ending realy … MetaP shit is all ways part of the unthinkable –ness of our VAIn attempts to understanding ….. your hard dick and her wet pussy have been designed to feel good together ,,, now her brain is wired to TALK and TALK and TALK , and out not as much ..she is designed to BLOSSOM in the company of other women ….and enjoy getting fucked by ….. you young master … WE ARE HAREM SPEICES . and it is in the EASE of feeling better that ….
Free health care …hmmm what evidence do I use to claim the INSTINCUTAL NAUTRE of th human DNA provides FREE HEATH care …how about looking BROADLY at the people of paupa New Guiena …. They have been there for 10 THOUSANDS fucking years or so , we ROME based peoples our fear culture … has 2000 years ( ohh we to have been around for 13 million years but ignore all that ) …how about that they figure they may have been some where around 30 MILLION 1st American in the US when we showed up , started to enslave them cultureize them give hthe our GERMS ,,, they never had the 5 000 year hisotroy of PANDEMIC like we had survival history of since the firt records during ht tie of AMENHOTEP IV ( remember the king is a dupe the powers behind him and his rise are what is imporattnat ,,,, who gained so much real power by being the birth mother of a GOD … being impreganated by a god to give birth to a god … a SECOND CHOICE birth defected god , but a god …who but EVE spirit …Tye was her name …Eve is a concept not a person NOT A GENDER ) and thru that stress we HEAPED ont hem they died off to the tune of 95% ,,,, you do not fair well living under stress while sick from things you DAN has never encountered …these HUNTER GATHERS lived just fine before we DISCOVERED THEM like they were fucking lost or something … and judged the to be PROTIEN DEFICICNT like in the case of the high landers of new guinea ….hey who the fuck are we to judge a people who have been SUCCESSFULLY LIVING WITHOUT SWORDS OR GUNS for 10,000 years ???? hell we civilized people when we want to recreate or unwind in fact ,,MIMIC them in our hunting fishing camping vactions etc . ….. scientists admit withone side of their mouths that THESE STONE AGE PEOPLE HAVE …ENCYCLOPEDIC knowledge of their worlds , do you young mater have that much understanding about your word or are you addicted to BOOKS …. They do not have written references so they actually USE THEIR MINDS … woow wierd concept , and they are DEFICIENT ?
what they need is for white man to bring in his HOLY COW …… everywhere we go we bring our god cow withus ….. ( ohh and our swords and guns …and ..DIS - EASES )
4 kids dieD ,,yes that is teerrrible even though we all do ,,die ,,so transisition is still a DELICATE topic , but …. The GREAT FEAR tool of the Ivory TOWER or any salesman group or concern … to take 4 deaths in the GREAT 2008 EPIDEMIC where 1000’s OF KIDS GOT SICK AND A FEW 100 GOT HOSPITLIZED …. AND 4 DIED
in the USA we have been reaching numbers of 1 kid gets Autism per 100 births a large percentage of the RANDOM 3% of birth defects ..to arrive a a FULL 1 % … of 3% out of 1000’s of possible genenetic defects …. WHY ? HWY ? WHY ….
Number of births: 4317119 that means 43 THOUSAND kids will live a full autiscs life FOR EVER … until they too transisiton …. But remember 4 kids died … and they may not have rEALLY gotten their IMMUNIZATION SHOTS ( or they did and died any way ,,, )
4 died ……….. ahhh but the data did we realy take into consideration the WHOLE or just ,,,justify the findings of IMPORTANT priest of higher learning to seacure their ego and positions ,,, what is the complexicity of life of kids who lived in DENSE citys population where they were TRACKED like LAB RATS . over wheliming ly to stressed family units so the child themselves were stressed also …. Well back in the bad old days 1 in 1000 kids would DIE from child hood DIS-EASE ….. that was the 50’s
the ivory tower has not brought in ,,the mind body connection , because they CAN NOT CONTROL THAT be responsible for that .. so they can not gain EGO BENEIFT form the success …of being the SAVIOR for finding solutions … securing their status sytem of doctor .
vaccines are great in in haromony with nature …. Vaccine effect is already at work with in each human whose parenst surived something .. DNa is a library of all lived thru events up until the time of conception ,,,, the CHANGING ASPECT COMES THRU THE FATHER .. the mother is static but she ..birngs the ALL IMPORTANT … SYMBOTICS ….. the proboitics lives inher egg micondria ,,, and we LIVE THRU dis EASE by having levels of EASE …. SEE PUSSY IS EVERYWHERE ..SEX IS A DYNAIC PART … VARIATION EXPRESSIONS . not mono expressions . and if we are not so DENSLY POPULATED the expsosure to small amounts of virus would be at levels where we naturally IMUNANIZE OUR SELVES . but being FORCED TO LIVE IN ECONIMC LSAVERY IN DENSCITY CONDITIONS … we live 300 million American humans on 108 million acres live and work and shop ….the 100 million cowqs get 580 million acres …. Cows need good land to live on so it is not FROZEN tundra land or DEATH VALLEY deserts … of Okeeefonokee Swamp …. It has to be what it is Range and Pasture land .
the complexity …….. of the confuse and onquer ,,understand TRANSTIONING , as part of the whole …hoistic part of the experience of BEING THING …. Using bio mechanincs for time/space event ….TempleGrandenshows the Specialness ….of each beingness .
seeing some thing OUT OF PLACE IN THE WILD ….. simulates the flight response of the PREY speices we are prey species and so we humans YEARN for Elegant Design to limit that OUT OF PLACE FEELING still … the out of place effect of nature and the fears of the Prey …instinct we carry in our DNA that of the SAVANNAH APE exposed on the pariere . so what ewe call Autism is INSTINCTUALISM expression? So let them be engaged in and understand the ..random ness of NATURE of the enivorment …there is the antural environment or the insanity of human environment .
Ok good ole whatever his name was talkign about PLASTER in 10k BC and said the HUMANITY BECAME SPEICLISTS that is why the 40 homes 10k BC had plaster ..look at the SHELL MOUNDS of Indians and realize life does not happenin the 40 HOUR WORK WEEK MENTALITY OF THE CRAZY WHITE .. priest of the Ivory tower or their friends …. LEARNNG HAPPENED OVER AGES AND AGES AND EXPSOSURES AND EXPOSURES it was a long time till people started to notice … before they NOTICED natural plastering effects of their own fire pits…then they had tons of ASH having been created everyday for maybe fucking 100’s of years , and each pit if conditions were right was store houses of PORTLAND CEMMENT . they probably found that fresh stuff was better so then specialization happened or atleast conscious storage of ….. useful waste ..ash created in a fire pit lined tieh lime stone ..
Young master are you ? stillearning? Are you an encyclopedia of understanding about your world ? like a STONE AGE MAN of current times is? Or are you just a SHEEP … in fact with an ACTIVE GENE of MENTAL SUPPRESION triggered so that you are not the Autistic one … oeverwhelmed by Data ..your brain is WIRED TO SUPRESS ACTIVITY .
Anytime you feel negative emotion, stop and say: Something is important here; otherwise, I would not be feeling this negative emotion. What is it that I want? And then simply turn your attention to what you do want. . . . In the moment you turn your attention to what you want, the negative attraction will stop; and in the moment the negative attraction stops, the positive attraction will begin. And—in that moment—your feeling will change from not feeling good to feeling good. That is the Process of Pivoting.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
How true how true ,,for have ever been feeling a pain in the WHATEVER or even down with a cold and something catches you ATTENTION and hopefully excitement and you forget everything else for a while ….. that thing that got your attention ,,, was the experience of LIVING … the moving towards the sun …. Like flower . towardsa feeling of BETTER ..it is nothing to do with CASH $$$$ ….. it has everyt thing to do with UNDERSTANDING WHAT REALY FEELS GOOD …. Or better . now .
To start at the ending realy … MetaP shit is all ways part of the unthinkable –ness of our VAIn attempts to understanding ….. your hard dick and her wet pussy have been designed to feel good together ,,, now her brain is wired to TALK and TALK and TALK , and out not as much ..she is designed to BLOSSOM in the company of other women ….and enjoy getting fucked by ….. you young master … WE ARE HAREM SPEICES . and it is in the EASE of feeling better that ….
Free health care …hmmm what evidence do I use to claim the INSTINCUTAL NAUTRE of th human DNA provides FREE HEATH care …how about looking BROADLY at the people of paupa New Guiena …. They have been there for 10 THOUSANDS fucking years or so , we ROME based peoples our fear culture … has 2000 years ( ohh we to have been around for 13 million years but ignore all that ) …how about that they figure they may have been some where around 30 MILLION 1st American in the US when we showed up , started to enslave them cultureize them give hthe our GERMS ,,, they never had the 5 000 year hisotroy of PANDEMIC like we had survival history of since the firt records during ht tie of AMENHOTEP IV ( remember the king is a dupe the powers behind him and his rise are what is imporattnat ,,,, who gained so much real power by being the birth mother of a GOD … being impreganated by a god to give birth to a god … a SECOND CHOICE birth defected god , but a god …who but EVE spirit …Tye was her name …Eve is a concept not a person NOT A GENDER ) and thru that stress we HEAPED ont hem they died off to the tune of 95% ,,,, you do not fair well living under stress while sick from things you DAN has never encountered …these HUNTER GATHERS lived just fine before we DISCOVERED THEM like they were fucking lost or something … and judged the to be PROTIEN DEFICICNT like in the case of the high landers of new guinea ….hey who the fuck are we to judge a people who have been SUCCESSFULLY LIVING WITHOUT SWORDS OR GUNS for 10,000 years ???? hell we civilized people when we want to recreate or unwind in fact ,,MIMIC them in our hunting fishing camping vactions etc . ….. scientists admit withone side of their mouths that THESE STONE AGE PEOPLE HAVE …ENCYCLOPEDIC knowledge of their worlds , do you young mater have that much understanding about your word or are you addicted to BOOKS …. They do not have written references so they actually USE THEIR MINDS … woow wierd concept , and they are DEFICIENT ?
what they need is for white man to bring in his HOLY COW …… everywhere we go we bring our god cow withus ….. ( ohh and our swords and guns …and ..DIS - EASES )
4 kids dieD ,,yes that is teerrrible even though we all do ,,die ,,so transisition is still a DELICATE topic , but …. The GREAT FEAR tool of the Ivory TOWER or any salesman group or concern … to take 4 deaths in the GREAT 2008 EPIDEMIC where 1000’s OF KIDS GOT SICK AND A FEW 100 GOT HOSPITLIZED …. AND 4 DIED
in the USA we have been reaching numbers of 1 kid gets Autism per 100 births a large percentage of the RANDOM 3% of birth defects ..to arrive a a FULL 1 % … of 3% out of 1000’s of possible genenetic defects …. WHY ? HWY ? WHY ….
Number of births: 4317119 that means 43 THOUSAND kids will live a full autiscs life FOR EVER … until they too transisiton …. But remember 4 kids died … and they may not have rEALLY gotten their IMMUNIZATION SHOTS ( or they did and died any way ,,, )
4 died ……….. ahhh but the data did we realy take into consideration the WHOLE or just ,,,justify the findings of IMPORTANT priest of higher learning to seacure their ego and positions ,,, what is the complexicity of life of kids who lived in DENSE citys population where they were TRACKED like LAB RATS . over wheliming ly to stressed family units so the child themselves were stressed also …. Well back in the bad old days 1 in 1000 kids would DIE from child hood DIS-EASE ….. that was the 50’s
the ivory tower has not brought in ,,the mind body connection , because they CAN NOT CONTROL THAT be responsible for that .. so they can not gain EGO BENEIFT form the success …of being the SAVIOR for finding solutions … securing their status sytem of doctor .
vaccines are great in in haromony with nature …. Vaccine effect is already at work with in each human whose parenst surived something .. DNa is a library of all lived thru events up until the time of conception ,,,, the CHANGING ASPECT COMES THRU THE FATHER .. the mother is static but she ..birngs the ALL IMPORTANT … SYMBOTICS ….. the proboitics lives inher egg micondria ,,, and we LIVE THRU dis EASE by having levels of EASE …. SEE PUSSY IS EVERYWHERE ..SEX IS A DYNAIC PART … VARIATION EXPRESSIONS . not mono expressions . and if we are not so DENSLY POPULATED the expsosure to small amounts of virus would be at levels where we naturally IMUNANIZE OUR SELVES . but being FORCED TO LIVE IN ECONIMC LSAVERY IN DENSCITY CONDITIONS … we live 300 million American humans on 108 million acres live and work and shop ….the 100 million cowqs get 580 million acres …. Cows need good land to live on so it is not FROZEN tundra land or DEATH VALLEY deserts … of Okeeefonokee Swamp …. It has to be what it is Range and Pasture land .
the complexity …….. of the confuse and onquer ,,understand TRANSTIONING , as part of the whole …hoistic part of the experience of BEING THING …. Using bio mechanincs for time/space event ….TempleGrandenshows the Specialness ….of each beingness .
seeing some thing OUT OF PLACE IN THE WILD ….. simulates the flight response of the PREY speices we are prey species and so we humans YEARN for Elegant Design to limit that OUT OF PLACE FEELING still … the out of place effect of nature and the fears of the Prey …instinct we carry in our DNA that of the SAVANNAH APE exposed on the pariere . so what ewe call Autism is INSTINCTUALISM expression? So let them be engaged in and understand the ..random ness of NATURE of the enivorment …there is the antural environment or the insanity of human environment .
Ok good ole whatever his name was talkign about PLASTER in 10k BC and said the HUMANITY BECAME SPEICLISTS that is why the 40 homes 10k BC had plaster ..look at the SHELL MOUNDS of Indians and realize life does not happenin the 40 HOUR WORK WEEK MENTALITY OF THE CRAZY WHITE .. priest of the Ivory tower or their friends …. LEARNNG HAPPENED OVER AGES AND AGES AND EXPSOSURES AND EXPOSURES it was a long time till people started to notice … before they NOTICED natural plastering effects of their own fire pits…then they had tons of ASH having been created everyday for maybe fucking 100’s of years , and each pit if conditions were right was store houses of PORTLAND CEMMENT . they probably found that fresh stuff was better so then specialization happened or atleast conscious storage of ….. useful waste ..ash created in a fire pit lined tieh lime stone ..
Young master are you ? stillearning? Are you an encyclopedia of understanding about your world ? like a STONE AGE MAN of current times is? Or are you just a SHEEP … in fact with an ACTIVE GENE of MENTAL SUPPRESION triggered so that you are not the Autistic one … oeverwhelmed by Data ..your brain is WIRED TO SUPRESS ACTIVITY .
Anytime you feel negative emotion, stop and say: Something is important here; otherwise, I would not be feeling this negative emotion. What is it that I want? And then simply turn your attention to what you do want. . . . In the moment you turn your attention to what you want, the negative attraction will stop; and in the moment the negative attraction stops, the positive attraction will begin. And—in that moment—your feeling will change from not feeling good to feeling good. That is the Process of Pivoting.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
How true how true ,,for have ever been feeling a pain in the WHATEVER or even down with a cold and something catches you ATTENTION and hopefully excitement and you forget everything else for a while ….. that thing that got your attention ,,, was the experience of LIVING … the moving towards the sun …. Like flower . towardsa feeling of BETTER ..it is nothing to do with CASH $$$$ ….. it has everyt thing to do with UNDERSTANDING WHAT REALY FEELS GOOD …. Or better . now .
Monday, February 8, 2010
un acceptable pussy
Un acceptable pussy
Ahhh the 1 and only TRUE WAY , hidden in the words of confuse and conquer …huh Eve .. ( or should I call you now Venus ) ….. the god of sciences …. Trust the HIVE bee a BEE , http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3932487043163636261# trust desciesion to the un feeling ( ? hmmm is the machine not un like us bio machines when it is capapble of deciding for us ? …. ) so we evolve to SERVE PHAROH ,,,, the thought form the machine again of our own ceations . you gotta wade thru the info then think outside of the BOX the emeotional REtorichical wording the …fear and emotions and use of creative SALES WORDING to generate you belief in the …. GOD or Savior of mans creation …
Again sustainable … hmm what will happen when this BIO MACHINE is gone will the machine live on ? they hope we become un needed ….. thus the de evolving into GREY GOO … of the nano ..future . self repeaiing like bio mechinics .
Freeing us to do what ? you got tons of time now what do you do but get high ? and get more depressed and feel USELESS . that seems to be the facts the evidence trail of what has been happenened
Perfecting the system ..and so we can VEG ON …..TV fed info form the machine ? who does the deciding since human is not able to ? CENTRALIZING is the gift of AMENHOTEP IV ….. the same theme different players only .
Seti and RAMSI his charge non royal woring class warrior males …. Set forth a MYTH sytem a yin to Venus YANG …… a resepect fo the MALE the masion …. THE builder of the territory in real natural harmonoy ..way outside of the brick layer misconceptions . to understand the Myth generated way back then is to look way behind any story ..to feel the sense of ….. Boar to family ,,, Buck to harem …. DNA to DNA
But no trust the COMPUTUER ….. like female trusts the DOM silver back male to create securuity so she can GESTATE and give birth and raise her young to freedom …or lose of MILK TEETH AGES ….
RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY ….. ahhhhh Eve or whatever word tool we use is not taking inot the Whole ……the DNA nature of us ….
The Zeitgeist Movement: Orientation Presentation PHAROH KNOWS BEST trust centralization has it not shown how good it is over the last 5000 years
Good sales men are important …lull you into TRUSTING the use of WORD TOOL …a good sales man uses words of TRUST … like Holisitic .
WHERE IS THE PUSSY ….. NO PUSSY ..BUT INTER DISPLINARY TEAMS OF technicians ,,,,, WORKER BEES … 5% of human will be needed .. as slaves of the machine or PHAROH … then sell you with confuse and conquer JARGON …. And more and more fear ..words to sell you on UNANTURAL – ness
Understanding your palce in the HIVE …. Interact with the … central data base . BECOME THE NUMBER ….. or you do not interact with the machine . FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR ,,,, tons of fear are realy there . REALLY IF THE DATA SYSTEM THEY TALK ABOUT IS THERE WHAT IS HUMAN 2 GIGABYTE THINKING REALY worth ? noting it slows things down humans are only needed to insure that nay problems the amchine encounters can be fixed until the machine learnes to fix itself as it reltes to tht 1 aspect , then …..those humans are no longer needed …. 5% moves to 4 %
City ? ahhhhh city ….. depend on the sytem ….. depend on the system ..GEO METRICAL ELEGANT …… human HIERACHY concepts . UTOPIAN HIVES . thank PHAROH …. For ending FEAR ? hmmmmm I wonder if the evidence trail of HUMANITY willnot also be shown up .
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
life style ? great talk more about the aspects of PUSSY ? but NO! they go back to talking about $$$$$$ property aspects ….. even if the thig they talk about is about the NON …Profit system ….. legal form of protection …. Ideas about REDUNDT WASTE great …. Notion of human nature is that we LIVED ON ….. showing the overwheliming expression of BIO MECHINCS the sociopathi is the expresion of the averages of birth defect averages or 1% of 3% …all birth defects add up to 3% ….. confuse and conquer is to ignore the GOOD HUMA NATURE TALKED ABOUT EARLIER AS THE NATURE OF HUMAN TO BE GIVER … to give time to society for we are Nice animals ….
WHERE IS THE ….PUSSY ….. do you design out the flaws ? do you design out PUSSY FARTS ? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3932487043163636261#
This is not the Tao ……. In Conclusion ….use the words of love PHAROH once more to really sell your 1 AND ONLY TRUTH …. The single human pfamily under the GUIDANCE OF ….. the Ivory Tower ….. science is the … DIVINITY …..
Be easy about it. Don't rush into things. Savor them more. Make more plans and be more deliberate and specific about the plans that you are making, and in all that you do, let your dominant intent be to find that which pleasures you as you imagine it. Let your desire for pleasure, your desire for feeling good, be your only guiding light. As you seek those thoughts that feel good, you will always be in vibrational harmony with the Energy that is your Source. And under those conditions, only good can come to you, and only good can come from you.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Tuesday, April 14th, 1998
Make more plans from the stand point of the 1 good natured human who you are ,,, for if we were EVIL we would over the EONS the 13 million years not taken care of our family units and been eaten by preditiors ,, we would not have shared seeds and knolwedges to allow for expansion on to every SPECK of land 1000’s OF YEARS before WESTERN world discovered already in habited new worlds ….
Mono culture ,,mono depedance ,, mono construction is not the deeply protective VARIATION of nature or the Tao of Zhuangzi …… but is the equation for RECALL variation will happen … this is contrast and from contrast you have the oppurutunity to CREATE , but in MONO deciding form thru massive computing network there is no DIVERCITY . NO EXPRESIONS OF indidivual wants .
Ohh but the promise free golf clubs ….. hmmmm there is much to really think about that .
Ahhh the 1 and only TRUE WAY , hidden in the words of confuse and conquer …huh Eve .. ( or should I call you now Venus ) ….. the god of sciences …. Trust the HIVE bee a BEE , http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3932487043163636261# trust desciesion to the un feeling ( ? hmmm is the machine not un like us bio machines when it is capapble of deciding for us ? …. ) so we evolve to SERVE PHAROH ,,,, the thought form the machine again of our own ceations . you gotta wade thru the info then think outside of the BOX the emeotional REtorichical wording the …fear and emotions and use of creative SALES WORDING to generate you belief in the …. GOD or Savior of mans creation …
Again sustainable … hmm what will happen when this BIO MACHINE is gone will the machine live on ? they hope we become un needed ….. thus the de evolving into GREY GOO … of the nano ..future . self repeaiing like bio mechinics .
Freeing us to do what ? you got tons of time now what do you do but get high ? and get more depressed and feel USELESS . that seems to be the facts the evidence trail of what has been happenened
Perfecting the system ..and so we can VEG ON …..TV fed info form the machine ? who does the deciding since human is not able to ? CENTRALIZING is the gift of AMENHOTEP IV ….. the same theme different players only .
Seti and RAMSI his charge non royal woring class warrior males …. Set forth a MYTH sytem a yin to Venus YANG …… a resepect fo the MALE the masion …. THE builder of the territory in real natural harmonoy ..way outside of the brick layer misconceptions . to understand the Myth generated way back then is to look way behind any story ..to feel the sense of ….. Boar to family ,,, Buck to harem …. DNA to DNA
But no trust the COMPUTUER ….. like female trusts the DOM silver back male to create securuity so she can GESTATE and give birth and raise her young to freedom …or lose of MILK TEETH AGES ….
RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY ….. ahhhhh Eve or whatever word tool we use is not taking inot the Whole ……the DNA nature of us ….
The Zeitgeist Movement: Orientation Presentation PHAROH KNOWS BEST trust centralization has it not shown how good it is over the last 5000 years
Good sales men are important …lull you into TRUSTING the use of WORD TOOL …a good sales man uses words of TRUST … like Holisitic .
WHERE IS THE PUSSY ….. NO PUSSY ..BUT INTER DISPLINARY TEAMS OF technicians ,,,,, WORKER BEES … 5% of human will be needed .. as slaves of the machine or PHAROH … then sell you with confuse and conquer JARGON …. And more and more fear ..words to sell you on UNANTURAL – ness
Understanding your palce in the HIVE …. Interact with the … central data base . BECOME THE NUMBER ….. or you do not interact with the machine . FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR ,,,, tons of fear are realy there . REALLY IF THE DATA SYSTEM THEY TALK ABOUT IS THERE WHAT IS HUMAN 2 GIGABYTE THINKING REALY worth ? noting it slows things down humans are only needed to insure that nay problems the amchine encounters can be fixed until the machine learnes to fix itself as it reltes to tht 1 aspect , then …..those humans are no longer needed …. 5% moves to 4 %
City ? ahhhhh city ….. depend on the sytem ….. depend on the system ..GEO METRICAL ELEGANT …… human HIERACHY concepts . UTOPIAN HIVES . thank PHAROH …. For ending FEAR ? hmmmmm I wonder if the evidence trail of HUMANITY willnot also be shown up .
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
life style ? great talk more about the aspects of PUSSY ? but NO! they go back to talking about $$$$$$ property aspects ….. even if the thig they talk about is about the NON …Profit system ….. legal form of protection …. Ideas about REDUNDT WASTE great …. Notion of human nature is that we LIVED ON ….. showing the overwheliming expression of BIO MECHINCS the sociopathi is the expresion of the averages of birth defect averages or 1% of 3% …all birth defects add up to 3% ….. confuse and conquer is to ignore the GOOD HUMA NATURE TALKED ABOUT EARLIER AS THE NATURE OF HUMAN TO BE GIVER … to give time to society for we are Nice animals ….
WHERE IS THE ….PUSSY ….. do you design out the flaws ? do you design out PUSSY FARTS ? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3932487043163636261#
This is not the Tao ……. In Conclusion ….use the words of love PHAROH once more to really sell your 1 AND ONLY TRUTH …. The single human pfamily under the GUIDANCE OF ….. the Ivory Tower ….. science is the … DIVINITY …..
Be easy about it. Don't rush into things. Savor them more. Make more plans and be more deliberate and specific about the plans that you are making, and in all that you do, let your dominant intent be to find that which pleasures you as you imagine it. Let your desire for pleasure, your desire for feeling good, be your only guiding light. As you seek those thoughts that feel good, you will always be in vibrational harmony with the Energy that is your Source. And under those conditions, only good can come to you, and only good can come from you.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Tuesday, April 14th, 1998
Make more plans from the stand point of the 1 good natured human who you are ,,, for if we were EVIL we would over the EONS the 13 million years not taken care of our family units and been eaten by preditiors ,, we would not have shared seeds and knolwedges to allow for expansion on to every SPECK of land 1000’s OF YEARS before WESTERN world discovered already in habited new worlds ….
Mono culture ,,mono depedance ,, mono construction is not the deeply protective VARIATION of nature or the Tao of Zhuangzi …… but is the equation for RECALL variation will happen … this is contrast and from contrast you have the oppurutunity to CREATE , but in MONO deciding form thru massive computing network there is no DIVERCITY . NO EXPRESIONS OF indidivual wants .
Ohh but the promise free golf clubs ….. hmmmm there is much to really think about that .
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Where is the wet pussy
Where is the wet pussy
In the Venus Prject ,,where is the WHOLE ISM …. If you do not brig up WET PUSSY ?not politically correct? To tlk openinly about ucking …well none ot hem would be ther to talk their TECHNO BULL CRAP .. without there having beeen some fucking done first way way back in their HISTORY … they did not arrive thru MACHINE ,, but yes thru BIO MECHINICS . fucking sex ,, recreation IT FUCKING FEELS GOOD TO …FUCK . ….. I have not been writiting because the In spirit action inspiritation has been of late to LISTEN ..like a pooh bear taking time off to enjoy nature talking to itself about how great it is to be….. nature .
Poly techniques …. Politics ….. get more than `1 person together and you have already some form of POLITICS that is going to happen . fine fine fine fien …. Utopia hopefully will not arrive even ..the venus prokect admits it … and says of itself it will been seen as SILLY SOME Dy ..but it is the STEP OF A NOW event …. The HIEGHT of technique ina period of time/space // EVENT by EVENT thing by thing … as contrasted to Tao whihci s all things in ALL WAYs always …. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
keep the above in mind ……. And then take …. Your time … what are you going to do with your time today young master ,,, SMOKE SOME FINE HERB … and watch FOOTBALLL? Fine how about tomorrow whatcha gonna do ,,, smoke some more fine herb and watch Porn ? OR A MOVIE …OR some reality fucking show ? so you have FREE CHOICE … take 1 night out to still enjoy the eherb if yu must but instead of fill your head with MINDLESS CRAP ….. fill it with SOME ONE ELSES views ( these are not he words of GOD or leaders that MUST be Obeyed ,, the 1 and only truth …of the IVORY TOWERS or church , or LAWS …
Zeitgeist: Addendum, attempts to locate the root causes of this pervasive social corruption, while offering a solution. This solution is not based on politics, morality, laws, or any other "establishment" notions of human affairs, but rather on a modern, non-superstitious based understanding of what we are and how we align with nature, to which we are a part. The work advocates a new social system which is updated to present day knowledge, highly influenced by the life long work of Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project.
THE CONFUSE AND CONQUER ….. is everywhere and so it is the INFO that frees you from it to allow you to think for yourself …..
contact : info@instinctualism.org
DISCLAIMER: Information offered on this website is based on decades of research and practical experience. However, we are not trained professionals in any health, environmental, or other field. We therefore do not offer the contents of this website as advice or recommendation for any specific practice; nor will we be responsible for the consequences of the application of any information or ideas presented on this site.
Man on average is NICE it is the expression of the 1% of 3% birth defected soiciopathic expression that has mind fucked the helpful easy to teach nice masses into believing that the world is as TERRIBLE as the soiciopathic mind views it thru the filters of FEAR it maladjusted brain processes ….
MARCH 13 ….2010 …… find out more …. http://thezeitgeistmovement.com/
How do you ever get the truth to be more the way you want it to be? You've just got to start beating the drums of truth the way you want it to be - and when you do, you will immediately feel good. And there are those who might say, "Oh, you're not facing the fact." And we say, we would never face any fact that was taking us to a place we don't want to be.
There are those who believe that the world is getting more and more desperate. We are here to tell you that the world is getting better and better, and better, and that every experience you have causes you to launch rockets of desires, and Source comes in response to those rockets. And the best thing about your birth and death is that the resistant ones die and the allowing ones are born. And with this combination of contrast that keeps you launching new and new desires, it's no wonder that the Universe is expanding in this marvelous way and that life is getting better, in every day - and in this moment - for everyone who insists on focusing there.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Portland, OR on Saturday, July 12th, 2003
“ every experience you have causes you to launch rockets of desires …” EVERYDAY IN EVERY WAY things are getting better and better …the game never ends you never get it done , you WILL leave time/space one DAY and be once more UNTHINKABLE . http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html where a second or a billion years is NO THING …..
last not poliically correct word ….. Venus or Eve ..the word tool is UN important like the myth ..it is the SPIRIT form under lying ….. that holds the info from which you can expand out of the NARROW DEFINITIONS …….
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
sure fire was agreat TECHNOLOGY so is the computer ..so is many tings … but where is the recreation of nature in the TECHONOLOGY or is it the activity of the BUSY BACK SOON’s …. Once more
In the Venus Prject ,,where is the WHOLE ISM …. If you do not brig up WET PUSSY ?not politically correct? To tlk openinly about ucking …well none ot hem would be ther to talk their TECHNO BULL CRAP .. without there having beeen some fucking done first way way back in their HISTORY … they did not arrive thru MACHINE ,, but yes thru BIO MECHINICS . fucking sex ,, recreation IT FUCKING FEELS GOOD TO …FUCK . ….. I have not been writiting because the In spirit action inspiritation has been of late to LISTEN ..like a pooh bear taking time off to enjoy nature talking to itself about how great it is to be….. nature .
Poly techniques …. Politics ….. get more than `1 person together and you have already some form of POLITICS that is going to happen . fine fine fine fien …. Utopia hopefully will not arrive even ..the venus prokect admits it … and says of itself it will been seen as SILLY SOME Dy ..but it is the STEP OF A NOW event …. The HIEGHT of technique ina period of time/space // EVENT by EVENT thing by thing … as contrasted to Tao whihci s all things in ALL WAYs always …. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
keep the above in mind ……. And then take …. Your time … what are you going to do with your time today young master ,,, SMOKE SOME FINE HERB … and watch FOOTBALLL? Fine how about tomorrow whatcha gonna do ,,, smoke some more fine herb and watch Porn ? OR A MOVIE …OR some reality fucking show ? so you have FREE CHOICE … take 1 night out to still enjoy the eherb if yu must but instead of fill your head with MINDLESS CRAP ….. fill it with SOME ONE ELSES views ( these are not he words of GOD or leaders that MUST be Obeyed ,, the 1 and only truth …of the IVORY TOWERS or church , or LAWS …
Zeitgeist: Addendum, attempts to locate the root causes of this pervasive social corruption, while offering a solution. This solution is not based on politics, morality, laws, or any other "establishment" notions of human affairs, but rather on a modern, non-superstitious based understanding of what we are and how we align with nature, to which we are a part. The work advocates a new social system which is updated to present day knowledge, highly influenced by the life long work of Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project.
THE CONFUSE AND CONQUER ….. is everywhere and so it is the INFO that frees you from it to allow you to think for yourself …..
contact : info@instinctualism.org
DISCLAIMER: Information offered on this website is based on decades of research and practical experience. However, we are not trained professionals in any health, environmental, or other field. We therefore do not offer the contents of this website as advice or recommendation for any specific practice; nor will we be responsible for the consequences of the application of any information or ideas presented on this site.
Man on average is NICE it is the expression of the 1% of 3% birth defected soiciopathic expression that has mind fucked the helpful easy to teach nice masses into believing that the world is as TERRIBLE as the soiciopathic mind views it thru the filters of FEAR it maladjusted brain processes ….
MARCH 13 ….2010 …… find out more …. http://thezeitgeistmovement.com/
How do you ever get the truth to be more the way you want it to be? You've just got to start beating the drums of truth the way you want it to be - and when you do, you will immediately feel good. And there are those who might say, "Oh, you're not facing the fact." And we say, we would never face any fact that was taking us to a place we don't want to be.
There are those who believe that the world is getting more and more desperate. We are here to tell you that the world is getting better and better, and better, and that every experience you have causes you to launch rockets of desires, and Source comes in response to those rockets. And the best thing about your birth and death is that the resistant ones die and the allowing ones are born. And with this combination of contrast that keeps you launching new and new desires, it's no wonder that the Universe is expanding in this marvelous way and that life is getting better, in every day - and in this moment - for everyone who insists on focusing there.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Portland, OR on Saturday, July 12th, 2003
“ every experience you have causes you to launch rockets of desires …” EVERYDAY IN EVERY WAY things are getting better and better …the game never ends you never get it done , you WILL leave time/space one DAY and be once more UNTHINKABLE . http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html where a second or a billion years is NO THING …..
last not poliically correct word ….. Venus or Eve ..the word tool is UN important like the myth ..it is the SPIRIT form under lying ….. that holds the info from which you can expand out of the NARROW DEFINITIONS …….
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
sure fire was agreat TECHNOLOGY so is the computer ..so is many tings … but where is the recreation of nature in the TECHONOLOGY or is it the activity of the BUSY BACK SOON’s …. Once more
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