the slave image
young master .. the changes to your Expectation of yourself in the world ,, your part to FIT . has been created by DEFAULT programming of the care givers who rasied you , people who were treated like MUSHROOM kept in the dark and fed on SHIT . generation to genenartion . ..default setting
Instinctualism. Is 1 more free choice … free choice can only be that FREE when INFORMATION is available and are FEELING free enough to explore it without ,, sublte stresses of not fitting inot the MODEL or the expected shoulds of parents friends family and schooling are not FUCKING WITH you subltley …. The POWER of these deeply MODELED life style expectations are hard to realize in how they fuck with yu and limit your acceptatnce of new information ideas .
Yesterday the voice of the sage thru the entertainer Abraham said ,,, there afew out on the leading edge of thought ….. hmmmm if we are all the EQUAL of the I … in the …I , then all are expressing their own free choice to eperince a form of adventure … a novel of personel chooseing ans that may mean .. deeply held FAITH BELIEFS and limits NO’s ….. without the NO you are still connected to the ALL WAYS A..ALL THE TIME … ALL KNOWING NESS …. SO VAST AS TO BE UN DESCRIBABLE NOT ABLE TO BE ENGRAVEN IN CLAY TABLETS OF ANCIENTS OR CARAVED INOT REPRESENATIVE ..IDOL forms … or made into paintings .
Yet the painting or craving …the ICONS … that priests would have in thiere travels thru the europes mind fucking the population with the fairy tale of a god ….. who is describable … in fact HUMAN …. And created us in it’s form . ??? what is my form ,,, ia m not the PHIL of 5 days old …. What body shape would a dead PHIL at 5 days old hav ein HEAVEN ,, WOULD HE BE FOREVER FORCED TO BE A BABY ? since it never got to use new assembaleges of quantas that were the bassiss for the being state of ATOM that would be the building bolock for the BEING state of molecule ..etc etc etc … each assembaleg LENDING itself to the thought form ..or being state . macro and micro ….
And would the dead PHIL at 100 years old be forced to live for enternity in the AGED body with al lits stifffnes ?
Ahhh but the ver changing description that came from these types of questions … the quick minded church .. andpriest came up with answers to SATIFAY placate … the amsses searchinig for hope and end to their suffering as slave or peasant … to PHAROH who was chosen by GOD ….. the supportive ECONOMIC SYSTEM ..created a the top POLICATICALLY …. Do not fuck with me and I willnot fuck with you and together we will FUCK THE PEOPLE ….. literally use us as their sexualll play toys because of uor state of CONFUSE AND CONQUER .
Who are you ….the WHO asked …… WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU actually it was the story of being drunk in the park being rousted by a good natured cop who said ,, YOU CAN GO SLEPP AT HOME TONIGHT IF YOU CAN GET UP AND WALK AWAY ,,but in the state of POISINED bio mechanincs …. Being in TOXIC ated …. Strying to find happiness or salvation .or an end to the confusion .
The SAVIOR is needed to give hope ,,the evidence trail of wanting to move up the emotional scale …. but given limited options because for 1000’s of years if you bucked the sytem of SLAVERY to god or GODS choosen leader ..PHAROH LORD MASTER EMPOREOR KING ….. then you would be made example of and be DRAWN AND QUARTED in the public square ….. gutted while being alive ..etc etc etc ….. been going on for 1000’s of years ..deep sublte mind fucking . fear . us the only animal who does this to eachother ,,,
Now in nature sure …. I watch ,,, O’DUN kitty swat ( claws still tucked ) at baby BEAR kitty … Oduh …. Sittling watching baby bear eat ,a nd for some reason after a minute or two she swats Bear … then hisses at bear move away let me eat now …. And then 3 minutes later it is Oduh getting attacted and playing with BEAR as bear is learning his hunting skills ….. EGO position in the group ……
WHO are you …. Young master ,,the 6 million years old cumlation of Savannah APE DNA ? look at your cock youn master … it’s design speaks of your nature … your instinctual drive and EGO … remember the mind fucking of Economy …… that uses the aseembaleg of its parts to BE thing-ness …. Who am I to JUDGE thing-ness …be it the being of atom or metal or tree or kitty or ..beyond that which I can think about ….. economy thought form . o GIAI the world itself . to control a slave to control a RECRUIT in an army you control the supply of food … you may use the whip when needed threat of pain .. and of course you control the DNA expression of SEX ….
Not a trasing of EVE unless eve wants not to think FREELY …. They talk about how a guy CLEANS UP WELL …… you and me dude are happy with our BLOOD STAINED T-SHIRTS , hunting fishing skate boarding football playing ,,,,,,, outside AWAY from shit ,, EVE …. Like the group and safty of the cave ,,the CITY …. And that brings up the HIERACHY the positioning the show ow POWER of ego … you goottta thin for yourself not JUDGE jus understand some things ….. the find a way to atrrract like to like ….. a skill set easy to practice . and if you start a HOBBY … alter..NATIVE group …… easy and less stressful ….. if you have the 5 acres plan started at any form then the evidence trail of YOUR EGO … you PART TO FIT … ( part to fit .. is a bob Marley phrase )
You are always molding yourselves into a better feeling place. And you will never get it done. It will never be completely finished. It will never be absolutely right. You will always have some dominant thoughts that are not a vibrational match to the newfound desire. But that is always what your work is. And it's time for you to just begin relaxing about it, and not make it a personal issue of your own valor, or your own value, or your own integrity. In other words, it's just, how many times have I thought this thought? --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Friday, March 9th, 2001You neve get it done it will never be perfect ..becaue perfect means the END ….. of in finty . but being from a USED STATE a slave trained mindset ,, easy to be usefull to the thought form economy …. If your 2 gigs of p[rocessing brain power are being used wondering what the fuck is the TRUTH ..confuse and conquer …. If from that state …. You look for SAVIOR to end the pain of confsion …. To make it all abetter ,, when the game is ….. secure what is NATURAL ….. and is presented in PERMACULTURE NATURE .. the first few levels of MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS . . then accept that you will always have a series of nedd wants to be creatively involed in living thru ,,, new aspects to the game of being you
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
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