blow’in good
young master , I do not like go the fuck around with a fucking bible or something dragging you into believing as I SAY IS RIGHT no no ….. I just talk and when you start on the topics of relationship or $ or econincs or life in general and you say ..the words like I JUST DO NOT UNDERSTADN or do you know what I mean ? well then I jump in and bring the EVIDENCE trail of your own experiences into context with the other experiences you have seen all around you your whole fucking life ….. and then expand you fucking BOXED in PROGRAMIED mind .
we human can … can if we want … go beyond our programming much easier than other DNA manamls …. The did and experiment with kittens ( sicko humans that we are ) they put three litters of new born kittens in 3 different artifical envivoroments …. 1 toatlly white with not depth …… 1 white with black stripes going side to side ..andother 1 while with stripes going up and down ….. these kittens as the eventually opened their eyes IMPRINTED on a reality …… a BOX simple programming … after they were old enough to be weaned they were introduced into the real world …. The ALL WHITE BOXED kit=tens were totally fucked up … the white with side to side stripes were able to cope with items they encountered that were like a book on the floor … but bumped constanstly into UP AND DOWN items like the legs of the table ….. the UP AN D DOWN striped boxed kittens …. Deal with the legs of the table well but could n ot process the book ….
Your UPBRINGING is like being a kitten in a box of ideas that were force fed to you and told they WERE TRUTHS of GODS and kings …… bullshit !
Very smart ADVISORS to the PHAORHS of the age ….. like the teacher of kings Aristolte FORMED the boxes we westerners are still brough t up thinking is FACT …… ..passed down generation to genenartion adapted to be PALATABLE by the next genenartion …. But still the same old under lying bullshit .
Are you a kitten bumping into the legs of the table …… unable to learn?
What you resist persists … the R-factor of insulation is about the resistance the fighting with MOTHER NATURE …. How many hours will it take before the heat or cold moves thru the material …… is the theory behind R-factor ….. in the end MOTHER NATURE WILL WIN .. she will cover up all of mankinds , great works destroy its great creations …. Over time thru eventual plate tectonics covering pyraminds of PAHROHS WITH SANDS …. Eventually the Rsitance the fight willb e over an EARth Gia will win … or you can learn to live with the HTOUGHT FORM … ahh EARht ship concepts ..and ecomincs … of free choice .
Now to take inot account the maigs of META P .. deliberate creation …. Positive thinking shit …. If your attic is hot you can fight with the heat FOCUS on removing the heat ….. or stat withintroducing the coolest of outside air …. See the attic will get 150 degrees ,, yet the outside air may only be 90 …. Well fuck 90 is a shit load better than 150 wuoldnt you say … so introduce outside ai , in fact creative and take air the is prechilled to the comfort zone of LIFE ….. plants are life they like us can not stand to be to hot if they get to hot they DIE DEAD ….. so they cool themselves with circulating coolness from the earth up and evoaprotiing water thru their leaves to bring their own BIO MECHANICS in a comfort zone …. INTOR DUCE cool air sources first then aid the trasition with the sucking of heated air out ,,,,, ..BLOW IN THE GOOD
Hav your foucs on what it is you want .BUT THAT MEANS UNDERSTANDING what the fuck you REALY WANT to accomplish ,,,,,, step 1 KNOW WHAT YOU DO NOT WHAT ..know it ….. conquering ? is the violence of dumbass knowing … expending to much energy and destroying shit ….. simpler is to just KNOW IT ….. accept the unthinablness …. as a free choice and an IS …. And from it a NEW WANT is assembled … to be ever adapted unto ….. you will never get it done …. And you will die trying .. today is a good day to transition . fuck the fear of your IN FI NITE self .
What is it you want …not the ings you DONOT WANT ..stop talking about the step 1 …. But try to think in terms of the solutions to step 1 … what is 1 possible DOES IT FEEL GOOD .. is it fun to think or act in that general realm ? good then move on that way and as you find some GLICH learn know more and CHANGE IT UP …. Adapt the orignnal solution ,,
THE WELL STOCKED KITCHEN OF TAO ….. well at least this time/space agreement assemblage play ground platform … follow your BLISS ... Trust ion the DNA programming of suceess ..if humanity was evil we would not have cared for eachother long enough to survie this long ..we are INSTINCTUALLY LOVING HELPFUL animals to the tune of only 1 in 1000 or so really exhibiting BIRHT DEFECTS of socio path …. Yet due to PROGRAMED STRESS .. mind fucks we will exhibit trained behaviors like the effects of manipulation .
We would demonstrate to everyone that we are cheerful, that we are optimistic, that we are happy, that we are looking for the best-feeling thought that we can find — and that we've practiced it so much that we often find it. And then, as people say to you, in accusing tones, "Oh, you are a Pollyanna," announce to them, "Pollyanna lived a very happy life."--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Atlanta, GA on Thursday, April 28th, 2005
LIVE HAPPY , DIE …………… LONG …. ( hey when you are dead who the fuck cares how liong you are dead for because dead is just tha DEAD it si for fucking ever ….. the NAMED bio machine is dead the THOUGT FORM the unthinkable aspect wi beyond death ….
Or LIVE LONG suffer complain struggle …… and maybe you will DIE HAPPY ?
YOU WILL STILL BE FUCKING DEAD …DUMB ASS so who cares then if you are happy or not are fucking DEAD ! happy is a contrast state of emotion an aspect state of comparision from the all knowing of the I … IN …I with t alimited awares knowing of THING … once dead the FORGETTING the illusion of separation from the Tao is over ….. and the ever expansion or WELL BEING is …what is !
Think about solutions and let them be changeable …… yet still moving in the direction you want to go …not backwards inot the OLD PROGRAMED MIND FUCK ….. easy to do …. You are just a stupid DNA machine …like the kitten .
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
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