Dirty balling
Young master …… you were born the sage said rolling down a clean white road , your road … then you were TRAUGHT not to follow your road your expression of wanting as you , YOURSELF decided from the events of contrast ,,, your wanted and unwanted ,,, you were taught to listen to the SHIT of others ,,, I WANT YOU TO DO THIS SO I CAN BE ….. HAPPY and because of fear you started to concern yourself more about those wants of others than your own to the point your CLEAN MIRRORED BALL was covered in dirty shit ….
And the road was also covered in the shit of others their wants and the expectations of livin up to the wants of others kept your clean white raod dirty … these became so old and dusty that you could not eve remember what the road of SELF WANTING must ohave been like you were TRAINED AWAY from realizing that before you realy understood what life was …. ( great plan PHAROH teach young teach the parents to re-inforce the confusion …. CIVILIZE )
Ok so now you are ready to break with the old MIND FUCK , and you move you dirty mirrored ball onto another white road ….this one of your CHOOSING based upon the http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html but instead of life being perfect all of a sudden you expeince a constanst it seems experience of shit still happening ….
And you start to wonder about the AGREEMENT STATE OF ATTACTION ….. even though from your life to date you can see things you have wanted and gone after you have achieved , be it learning to SURF ASPHALT or go fishing or get laid or make cash …whatever , you got whateve was you want in relationship to your deepest held belief on the subject of it . this the TIME LAG of manifestation ….. you do not do INSATNT MAGIC … thank god others wise you would tink the thought ELEP{HANT and a big old fuck elephant would appear in your 3 rd story apartment busting the floor and killing everyone under neath you ….. nope we have a TIME LAG to the assemblage AND DE ASEMMBALGE OF QUANTAS . http://www.instinctualism.org/quanta.html TIME/SPACE.
So you are now on thise road it subltly changes diection as you define you WANTS thru the experience of unwanted …. And as you roll some of the dirt which became BECAME the ID of you your personal EGO personality how everyone else saw you by the way youDID OF DID NOT … live up to the wants aorexpectations they had about …. Well the shit falls off ,a nd it is the SHIT YOU EXPERINCE PERSE , it is the old manifestation bank acoount being used up …. And sometimes there is some much shit falling of fyou the clean rod looks dusty and disrt y as you get bogged down in some really sticky dirty shit …..
Sometimes as you are rolling there is a thihckly GLUED and dryed on part of you r ID your EGO your personality that starts to break f=ree and it RIPPS PAINFULLY on your living mirroed ball ….. and you see a SOMEONE UNDER IT that you have never realy know and you wonder who wiilll I bee without the SENSE of ID oR EGO that the shit iam carrying with me projects for others to ID me with . who will I be ? with out being refered as the dope smoker fuck head I have so proudly let my self be ID’d as .
As that persopna ripps off it dirtys the street ,,, It causes OMEN ? it can cause confusion ,,it can cause HEADACHES it can be painfull to ripp of the old SCAB of self ID …. something is happening …. Contrast time for choosing changes and living OUTSIDE of fear clinging to old wways ..if they had served you would not not have started won this newewr clean street of your design from your exploration of the WANTED AND UNWANTED …for YOU! Not for others ,,
Trust the DNA expression of SUCCESS humanity is a nice spcies over all ( expcept that which fears the evil actually is the bringer of evil into focus ..the social path fears that which itself is ….in others teach us the EVIL OF mankind for not following the rules of GOD …GOD/KING and his garden of eden …..the rules of PHAROH now in fairy tale form able to be adapted for each new generation fo PHAROH socio path the 1 out of 99.9% good loving co-opeative peaole ,,, the DNA successs the dna EXPRESSION ACTUALLY of harem supportive family living …. You the silver back and non-GREED centered eve ….. family center eve … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
The MIRRORED ball of Tao and the CLEAN ROAD are teaching of the sage thru
http://books.google.com/books?id=zkkQHkX5ld4C&dq=Debbie+Miranda,+your+time+for+peace+has+come&printsec=frontcover&source=bl&ots=d0yfvQwNRp&sig=j3AnHz3DBz-svchoqChK61mt77Y&hl=en&ei=9hAlSqSFD9KLtgeJjezsBg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2 when DEB get ZEN and lets it FLOW … SOME GREAT SIT CAN COME OUT …. LIKe Abraham the voice is for those who have ears ,,,, not just one voice ..to finish all talk IN FI NITE voices of the sage so the IN FI NITE expression which is you can listen as you want !
Everything is vibrational. "I'm letting it in or I'm not. And I'm using lots of things as my excuse to let it in, or as my excuse not to let it in." But it's all vibrational. Otherwise, we should be able to take 100 people, give them all identical exposure to experience, and get identical results. And you can't do that. You'd get 100 different results, and you'd get several big differences in results.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Saturday, October 7th, 2000
IN FI NITE ..way beyond the scope of a brain with 2 gigs of processing power …. Which we express thru .. so you express a want of the filter of that BIO MACINE as relates to you each time each person alil different sometimes BIG DIFFENT .
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
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