too to many
young master ,,,, is about simplicity the ancient ages found the Rush and hussle of things to fucking confusing ..Chuangzi was famous for his NON INVOLVEMENT stand …. Where Lao was involved but not over whelmed stand . ...... simple with out totlally going weird’o and leaving the fun ….
There is just to much shit calling your attention most probably , from insurances to jobs bills PUSSY ….. now remember dumbass my friend you have the FINNAL FREE CHOICE on all of this …. Feel how you feel ,,, donot just think you muct live up to EXPECATIONS of others , because that is only all about …. Taking the respsonsiblity for their HAPPY on your shoulders …
The idea that they or someone . or social expectation will not be happy unless you live up to their model of RIGHT …. Is them saying I will not be happy unless you change …. Their problem … their choice to depend their happiness on the actions or NON ACTIONS OF OTHERS .
YOU HAVE CHOICE about what is REAL for you in your life as it pertains to your SENSEING the differences in your state of EMOTION S of feelings . the better you feel the more you want to head in that direction ,THAT IS NATURE that is DNA in action that is bio mechanicncs and natural slecltion . in action …. That is the expansion of IN FIN ITY …… moving oputwards ..expanding in fi nitly … towards what feels better and better and since it is IN FI NITE you will never get it dones wlays expanding in many different ways ..towards ASPECTS that feel a LITTLE better or a lot better .
OVER WHELMENT ..the confuse and conquer ….. all the bulshit laws and the also things that help make complex groupings of animals such as ourselves to FUNCTION in smoother ways ..thing slike traffic lights …. Or insurance systems …. You know you can set up SELF INSURANCE ACCOUNTS …. Not have to pay the PHAROH copration … that is something o study in time …. But right now it is about the TIME FRAMES .. of living the system I haad allowed myself to become involved in because I KNEW NO OTHER SYSTEM ..never let myself expand beyond the p[rograming of expecations presented to me … the BEST SHOULDS that everyone else was living and I thought was the 1 and only way … not in harmony with the reality of FREE CHOICE .. or life liberty and the pursuit of happiness ,,,, from a well stocked kitchen of ideas that I can assemble creatively into my wown PERSONEL RECIPE … of life .
Ok but since you are where you still are ….. I am sure you have heard the advise over and over ,,been trained in it by schools and employers seeking HIGH EFFEICENCY … the day planner ….. the TO DO LIST … put it down on the TO DO LIST , the do HWAT IS ON THE LIST …. The most important first ,, and if that ends up being IMPOSSIBLE TO FINISH right now …. The laws of TIME/SAPCE are presenting you with LAG … so that wants can be better defined ..everything works out for the BENOVOLENCE OF THE EXPANDING GOOD OF TAO …. Feeling better place …. Time lag is just adventure is just CONTRAST … is the OP for fine tuning .
Move to item #2 ….. and so on ….. this is the simple 3 steps of ABRAHAM put out the want 1 ..let source BE IT 2 , receive the wanted 3 ….. the 5 steps is the same thing just with a bit more detail so that you can better enjoy the understanding of the it all works out …. ( remember it is a game ! …. Everyone TRANSITIONS in the end even Jesus had to die first ) it is a good day to transition to die .. live without the FEAR …. And enjoy the now .. live without the PRESSURE THE HAVE TO’s …
Reduce your workload by 30% and increase your fun load by 30% and you will increase your revenues by 100%. And you will increase your productivity by 10,000%. (If there could be such a percentage.) More fun, less struggle -- more results on all fronts.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Salt Lake City, UT on Saturday, September 9th, 2000
Hmmmmmm sounds to good to be true … well if tht is how you feel then realize the PROGRAMING that is at the HEART OF YOUR OWN PERSONEL …belief ….. and beliefs play a large role in manifestation because as you believe you RECEIVE …. You do not receive outside of the limits of your BEIEF system ….. HAPY HAPPY words with no REAL belief only re-inforce the negative mind settting …. The UN EXPCTATION …. Reprogramming … is the focus on the SOLUTION ….. forgetting the limits because you are thinking about the KNOWING OF THE PROGRAMING … and the solutioning …SOLUTIONING … the activity of going towards that which you want in any little way that FEELS BETTER . now ….( Tolle ..the improatnce of the NOW the energy of your now is where the future assembalege of quantas that you will BE COME AWARE OF ..from the all possibility of Quantas …. The future your FREE CHOOSEN future will become possible for you to PECIEVE thru sensory organs of the BIO MACHINE HUMAN human limited self you are now using )
1 thing at a time save time to FEEL BETTER ….. to enjoy the JOURNEY to getting there ..a vacations ending is arriving back home .. so if the END result is what is important WHY GO ON VACATION ? just stay home …… why be born just stay in TAO since you will end up there anyway ,,today is a good day to go back home ..TRANSITION .. die ( the mind fuck fear based perjorative word tool of the slave master …. Death ! )
Vacation is about the …jopurney the experiences on the way the ….. spending of time which is IN FI NITE ….. to the no1thing
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
too cute
too cute
youngmaster … if it is cute but does not serve ….. then clarify the truest of the wants , it is about not feeling trapped but in a form of self control and choices . It is not META bulsshit it is just ady to day life … but caution the EXPERTIZE of the expert … there is so much of it around and do you realy have the time to examine the data the STATS on all of them ….. yet you do have some level of experience about things that realy pertain to your DAY 2 day living ……
Depeneind on Experts again a training effect . you have been trained to RESPECT the GOD/king and his adivors first before yourself …. The mind fuck the PROGRAMING and it leads to the confusion of entering the REAL world and not understanding what is realyTHE FUCK IMPORATNT ….. the kitten brought up mind fucked , with black and white stripes could not function .
What is imporeatnt in the NAIMAL SELF FIRST … maslow HIERACHY OF NEEDS . that done you can then comfortablely with out to much stress other than your own desire anticapations … etc …. Enjoy the CONTRAST of ripping the head off of that really cute car that NEVER WORKED …… to cute to work … the expert , how were the tests really done , and how come the PRODUCTION units did not live up to your expert testing ? why because you are the 1 in 1000 ……… make the buck sitt closer to Pppharohs table .
So I must use what I know .. and not listen to experts and change engines over and over but look at the working models and WONDER why does the car I bought not work ant those do work ….AHHHH …. Airodynaics ,, the model I bought was too fucking cute and that roof and windsheld was just fucking wrong …. There are limits to PYSHICS … no matter how much meta magic we put out there there is a TIME LAG of DISCOVERY of quantum assembaleg within the expectations of the agreed upon PYSHIHCS … so a 150cc has limits and I took others word on things instead of checking the expert out with my own THINKING . so think about you .. your self the BIO amchine ….
A DNA bio machine which is REPLICATING and Self reparing does have limits ,,it has over the millions of years a built in life span .. WINDOW ….. yo will die ….. today is a good day to transition from the FORGETTFULL state back inot the all knowing beyond thinking state … …. it has needs … like food housing MASLOW SHIT … sex and interaction ..the need to procreate .. and protect those young …. And the girls who bear them ..etc
Ahh but if you are in the state of still in the TRAP … not first in the state of PERMACULTURED lifes tlye …. Contrasts can be shitty ….
"Could I think too little about my desire, for it to manifest?" Actually, no, because as the contrast launches the desire, and then you do not offer any opposing thought, then you're letting it in, and it will manifest. Many of our physical friends really believe that they must find a desire and then hold tenaciously to it. And we say, you do not need to do that. Let the variety of your life keep balance in your life. You just concentrate more on holding yourself in the good-feeling place where you're letting it in. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Saturday, October 7th, 2000
Sounds like focusing on having fun ,,, being relaxed ….. and what could be more relaxing than to be happy with expectation PROGRESS of heading towards solutions instead of constantly rehashing the UNWANTED after you have already gathered enough information to prepare a path of solution …… and what if the solution does not work ,, what if you cast your lure into a tree? Or fall of your skateboard ? do you just give the uck up ? or learn … and adapt ….. again it will be a foucus on the solution more than the problem which caused the wanting for a better situation ….
CAUSE THE WANTING …….. is the force of expansion of Tao
youngmaster … if it is cute but does not serve ….. then clarify the truest of the wants , it is about not feeling trapped but in a form of self control and choices . It is not META bulsshit it is just ady to day life … but caution the EXPERTIZE of the expert … there is so much of it around and do you realy have the time to examine the data the STATS on all of them ….. yet you do have some level of experience about things that realy pertain to your DAY 2 day living ……
Depeneind on Experts again a training effect . you have been trained to RESPECT the GOD/king and his adivors first before yourself …. The mind fuck the PROGRAMING and it leads to the confusion of entering the REAL world and not understanding what is realyTHE FUCK IMPORATNT ….. the kitten brought up mind fucked , with black and white stripes could not function .
What is imporeatnt in the NAIMAL SELF FIRST … maslow HIERACHY OF NEEDS . that done you can then comfortablely with out to much stress other than your own desire anticapations … etc …. Enjoy the CONTRAST of ripping the head off of that really cute car that NEVER WORKED …… to cute to work … the expert , how were the tests really done , and how come the PRODUCTION units did not live up to your expert testing ? why because you are the 1 in 1000 ……… make the buck sitt closer to Pppharohs table .
So I must use what I know .. and not listen to experts and change engines over and over but look at the working models and WONDER why does the car I bought not work ant those do work ….AHHHH …. Airodynaics ,, the model I bought was too fucking cute and that roof and windsheld was just fucking wrong …. There are limits to PYSHICS … no matter how much meta magic we put out there there is a TIME LAG of DISCOVERY of quantum assembaleg within the expectations of the agreed upon PYSHIHCS … so a 150cc has limits and I took others word on things instead of checking the expert out with my own THINKING . so think about you .. your self the BIO amchine ….
A DNA bio machine which is REPLICATING and Self reparing does have limits ,,it has over the millions of years a built in life span .. WINDOW ….. yo will die ….. today is a good day to transition from the FORGETTFULL state back inot the all knowing beyond thinking state … …. it has needs … like food housing MASLOW SHIT … sex and interaction ..the need to procreate .. and protect those young …. And the girls who bear them ..etc
Ahh but if you are in the state of still in the TRAP … not first in the state of PERMACULTURED lifes tlye …. Contrasts can be shitty ….
"Could I think too little about my desire, for it to manifest?" Actually, no, because as the contrast launches the desire, and then you do not offer any opposing thought, then you're letting it in, and it will manifest. Many of our physical friends really believe that they must find a desire and then hold tenaciously to it. And we say, you do not need to do that. Let the variety of your life keep balance in your life. You just concentrate more on holding yourself in the good-feeling place where you're letting it in. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Saturday, October 7th, 2000
Sounds like focusing on having fun ,,, being relaxed ….. and what could be more relaxing than to be happy with expectation PROGRESS of heading towards solutions instead of constantly rehashing the UNWANTED after you have already gathered enough information to prepare a path of solution …… and what if the solution does not work ,, what if you cast your lure into a tree? Or fall of your skateboard ? do you just give the uck up ? or learn … and adapt ….. again it will be a foucus on the solution more than the problem which caused the wanting for a better situation ….
CAUSE THE WANTING …….. is the force of expansion of Tao
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Blowin' Good
blow’in good
young master , I do not like go the fuck around with a fucking bible or something dragging you into believing as I SAY IS RIGHT no no ….. I just talk and when you start on the topics of relationship or $ or econincs or life in general and you say ..the words like I JUST DO NOT UNDERSTADN or do you know what I mean ? well then I jump in and bring the EVIDENCE trail of your own experiences into context with the other experiences you have seen all around you your whole fucking life ….. and then expand you fucking BOXED in PROGRAMIED mind .
we human can … can if we want … go beyond our programming much easier than other DNA manamls …. The did and experiment with kittens ( sicko humans that we are ) they put three litters of new born kittens in 3 different artifical envivoroments …. 1 toatlly white with not depth …… 1 white with black stripes going side to side ..andother 1 while with stripes going up and down ….. these kittens as the eventually opened their eyes IMPRINTED on a reality …… a BOX simple programming … after they were old enough to be weaned they were introduced into the real world …. The ALL WHITE BOXED kit=tens were totally fucked up … the white with side to side stripes were able to cope with items they encountered that were like a book on the floor … but bumped constanstly into UP AND DOWN items like the legs of the table ….. the UP AN D DOWN striped boxed kittens …. Deal with the legs of the table well but could n ot process the book ….
Your UPBRINGING is like being a kitten in a box of ideas that were force fed to you and told they WERE TRUTHS of GODS and kings …… bullshit !
Very smart ADVISORS to the PHAORHS of the age ….. like the teacher of kings Aristolte FORMED the boxes we westerners are still brough t up thinking is FACT …… ..passed down generation to genenartion adapted to be PALATABLE by the next genenartion …. But still the same old under lying bullshit .
Are you a kitten bumping into the legs of the table …… unable to learn?
What you resist persists … the R-factor of insulation is about the resistance the fighting with MOTHER NATURE …. How many hours will it take before the heat or cold moves thru the material …… is the theory behind R-factor ….. in the end MOTHER NATURE WILL WIN .. she will cover up all of mankinds , great works destroy its great creations …. Over time thru eventual plate tectonics covering pyraminds of PAHROHS WITH SANDS …. Eventually the Rsitance the fight willb e over an EARth Gia will win … or you can learn to live with the HTOUGHT FORM … ahh EARht ship concepts ..and ecomincs … of free choice .
Now to take inot account the maigs of META P .. deliberate creation …. Positive thinking shit …. If your attic is hot you can fight with the heat FOCUS on removing the heat ….. or stat withintroducing the coolest of outside air …. See the attic will get 150 degrees ,, yet the outside air may only be 90 …. Well fuck 90 is a shit load better than 150 wuoldnt you say … so introduce outside ai , in fact creative and take air the is prechilled to the comfort zone of LIFE ….. plants are life they like us can not stand to be to hot if they get to hot they DIE DEAD ….. so they cool themselves with circulating coolness from the earth up and evoaprotiing water thru their leaves to bring their own BIO MECHANICS in a comfort zone …. INTOR DUCE cool air sources first then aid the trasition with the sucking of heated air out ,,,,, ..BLOW IN THE GOOD
Hav your foucs on what it is you want .BUT THAT MEANS UNDERSTANDING what the fuck you REALY WANT to accomplish ,,,,,, step 1 KNOW WHAT YOU DO NOT WHAT ..know it ….. conquering ? is the violence of dumbass knowing … expending to much energy and destroying shit ….. simpler is to just KNOW IT ….. accept the unthinablness …. as a free choice and an IS …. And from it a NEW WANT is assembled … to be ever adapted unto ….. you will never get it done …. And you will die trying .. today is a good day to transition . fuck the fear of your IN FI NITE self .
What is it you want …not the ings you DONOT WANT ..stop talking about the step 1 …. But try to think in terms of the solutions to step 1 … what is 1 possible DOES IT FEEL GOOD .. is it fun to think or act in that general realm ? good then move on that way and as you find some GLICH learn know more and CHANGE IT UP …. Adapt the orignnal solution ,,
THE WELL STOCKED KITCHEN OF TAO ….. well at least this time/space agreement assemblage play ground platform … follow your BLISS ... Trust ion the DNA programming of suceess ..if humanity was evil we would not have cared for eachother long enough to survie this long ..we are INSTINCTUALLY LOVING HELPFUL animals to the tune of only 1 in 1000 or so really exhibiting BIRHT DEFECTS of socio path …. Yet due to PROGRAMED STRESS .. mind fucks we will exhibit trained behaviors like the effects of manipulation .
We would demonstrate to everyone that we are cheerful, that we are optimistic, that we are happy, that we are looking for the best-feeling thought that we can find — and that we've practiced it so much that we often find it. And then, as people say to you, in accusing tones, "Oh, you are a Pollyanna," announce to them, "Pollyanna lived a very happy life."--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Atlanta, GA on Thursday, April 28th, 2005
LIVE HAPPY , DIE …………… LONG …. ( hey when you are dead who the fuck cares how liong you are dead for because dead is just tha DEAD it si for fucking ever ….. the NAMED bio machine is dead the THOUGT FORM the unthinkable aspect wi beyond death ….
Or LIVE LONG suffer complain struggle …… and maybe you will DIE HAPPY ?
YOU WILL STILL BE FUCKING DEAD …DUMB ASS so who cares then if you are happy or not are fucking DEAD ! happy is a contrast state of emotion an aspect state of comparision from the all knowing of the I … IN …I with t alimited awares knowing of THING … once dead the FORGETTING the illusion of separation from the Tao is over ….. and the ever expansion or WELL BEING is …what is !
Think about solutions and let them be changeable …… yet still moving in the direction you want to go …not backwards inot the OLD PROGRAMED MIND FUCK ….. easy to do …. You are just a stupid DNA machine …like the kitten .
young master , I do not like go the fuck around with a fucking bible or something dragging you into believing as I SAY IS RIGHT no no ….. I just talk and when you start on the topics of relationship or $ or econincs or life in general and you say ..the words like I JUST DO NOT UNDERSTADN or do you know what I mean ? well then I jump in and bring the EVIDENCE trail of your own experiences into context with the other experiences you have seen all around you your whole fucking life ….. and then expand you fucking BOXED in PROGRAMIED mind .
we human can … can if we want … go beyond our programming much easier than other DNA manamls …. The did and experiment with kittens ( sicko humans that we are ) they put three litters of new born kittens in 3 different artifical envivoroments …. 1 toatlly white with not depth …… 1 white with black stripes going side to side ..andother 1 while with stripes going up and down ….. these kittens as the eventually opened their eyes IMPRINTED on a reality …… a BOX simple programming … after they were old enough to be weaned they were introduced into the real world …. The ALL WHITE BOXED kit=tens were totally fucked up … the white with side to side stripes were able to cope with items they encountered that were like a book on the floor … but bumped constanstly into UP AND DOWN items like the legs of the table ….. the UP AN D DOWN striped boxed kittens …. Deal with the legs of the table well but could n ot process the book ….
Your UPBRINGING is like being a kitten in a box of ideas that were force fed to you and told they WERE TRUTHS of GODS and kings …… bullshit !
Very smart ADVISORS to the PHAORHS of the age ….. like the teacher of kings Aristolte FORMED the boxes we westerners are still brough t up thinking is FACT …… ..passed down generation to genenartion adapted to be PALATABLE by the next genenartion …. But still the same old under lying bullshit .
Are you a kitten bumping into the legs of the table …… unable to learn?
What you resist persists … the R-factor of insulation is about the resistance the fighting with MOTHER NATURE …. How many hours will it take before the heat or cold moves thru the material …… is the theory behind R-factor ….. in the end MOTHER NATURE WILL WIN .. she will cover up all of mankinds , great works destroy its great creations …. Over time thru eventual plate tectonics covering pyraminds of PAHROHS WITH SANDS …. Eventually the Rsitance the fight willb e over an EARth Gia will win … or you can learn to live with the HTOUGHT FORM … ahh EARht ship concepts ..and ecomincs … of free choice .
Now to take inot account the maigs of META P .. deliberate creation …. Positive thinking shit …. If your attic is hot you can fight with the heat FOCUS on removing the heat ….. or stat withintroducing the coolest of outside air …. See the attic will get 150 degrees ,, yet the outside air may only be 90 …. Well fuck 90 is a shit load better than 150 wuoldnt you say … so introduce outside ai , in fact creative and take air the is prechilled to the comfort zone of LIFE ….. plants are life they like us can not stand to be to hot if they get to hot they DIE DEAD ….. so they cool themselves with circulating coolness from the earth up and evoaprotiing water thru their leaves to bring their own BIO MECHANICS in a comfort zone …. INTOR DUCE cool air sources first then aid the trasition with the sucking of heated air out ,,,,, ..BLOW IN THE GOOD
Hav your foucs on what it is you want .BUT THAT MEANS UNDERSTANDING what the fuck you REALY WANT to accomplish ,,,,,, step 1 KNOW WHAT YOU DO NOT WHAT ..know it ….. conquering ? is the violence of dumbass knowing … expending to much energy and destroying shit ….. simpler is to just KNOW IT ….. accept the unthinablness …. as a free choice and an IS …. And from it a NEW WANT is assembled … to be ever adapted unto ….. you will never get it done …. And you will die trying .. today is a good day to transition . fuck the fear of your IN FI NITE self .
What is it you want …not the ings you DONOT WANT ..stop talking about the step 1 …. But try to think in terms of the solutions to step 1 … what is 1 possible DOES IT FEEL GOOD .. is it fun to think or act in that general realm ? good then move on that way and as you find some GLICH learn know more and CHANGE IT UP …. Adapt the orignnal solution ,,
THE WELL STOCKED KITCHEN OF TAO ….. well at least this time/space agreement assemblage play ground platform … follow your BLISS ... Trust ion the DNA programming of suceess ..if humanity was evil we would not have cared for eachother long enough to survie this long ..we are INSTINCTUALLY LOVING HELPFUL animals to the tune of only 1 in 1000 or so really exhibiting BIRHT DEFECTS of socio path …. Yet due to PROGRAMED STRESS .. mind fucks we will exhibit trained behaviors like the effects of manipulation .
We would demonstrate to everyone that we are cheerful, that we are optimistic, that we are happy, that we are looking for the best-feeling thought that we can find — and that we've practiced it so much that we often find it. And then, as people say to you, in accusing tones, "Oh, you are a Pollyanna," announce to them, "Pollyanna lived a very happy life."--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Atlanta, GA on Thursday, April 28th, 2005
LIVE HAPPY , DIE …………… LONG …. ( hey when you are dead who the fuck cares how liong you are dead for because dead is just tha DEAD it si for fucking ever ….. the NAMED bio machine is dead the THOUGT FORM the unthinkable aspect wi beyond death ….
Or LIVE LONG suffer complain struggle …… and maybe you will DIE HAPPY ?
YOU WILL STILL BE FUCKING DEAD …DUMB ASS so who cares then if you are happy or not are fucking DEAD ! happy is a contrast state of emotion an aspect state of comparision from the all knowing of the I … IN …I with t alimited awares knowing of THING … once dead the FORGETTING the illusion of separation from the Tao is over ….. and the ever expansion or WELL BEING is …what is !
Think about solutions and let them be changeable …… yet still moving in the direction you want to go …not backwards inot the OLD PROGRAMED MIND FUCK ….. easy to do …. You are just a stupid DNA machine …like the kitten .
Saturday, June 13, 2009
prim a tive
prim a tive
young master again over and over the same things are being said , choice is available … understandings about the choices you ..YOU HAVE attracted …. That is like learning to play the BLUES HARMONICA …. Choices and understanding and then the want …. It all relates to
so you say I am going to live in acave ..hmmmm every room has sky lights and a big window and and a glass door …… yet yes the house is surrounded by mother earth …
why welll here is what YOU have attracted …. Understand it ….
but honestly I again say you live in a cave … under artifical light … you are evolving into some speices that can not stand its own environment …. I live in a cave YES but the lifestyle is inclusive with the out doors constantly …. From to of course are all about making the outdoors you hobby more than that video game or the BRAIN DRAIN tv.
You live in a cave with your DRPES DRAWN constantly , we argue you saying that is not so , yet everytime I wash your windos on your monthly service you drpes are DRAWN like 99.9% of my clients ….. 10 years now and mayube the breakfast nook and the living room sliders on occasion are open windw dressing pulled back , yet the house the environment is ARTIFICALL air ….
I am leaning towards PRIMATIVE BY CHOICE …… alter antive ….. hmmm I went along with the REGULAR for so long that this move into what wwas natural for the vast majority of ALL LIFE FORMS on the planet less than 100 years to live in an environment similar to those PRE cusor DNA fore fathers lived . with in the parameters of the specific evolutions . BEE’s fan the hive to cool it ….. animals pant …. Take mud baths go swimming or HIBERNaTE ….. and so to did we humans do things like use FIRE … in fact the GREEKS designed homes with PASSIVE SOLAR intent .
But being vested addicted without understanding , it is taking me time to achieve the wants I have held …… not magic.
You say WHY if the words of the SGAE entertainer ,,( key word entertainer key truth entertainer ) Ester Hicks …. Is saying you can have verything without ..concern for the over all health of the whole … act as you want selfish …hmmm
Hmmm yes , throw a rock into the air ESTER and being in the vibration of FORGETTING THE rock the rock never existed for you! But this is a stable Quantum playground where we hae designed MEMORY just so that we can have a common experience platform . so in this world ..the rock will fall …. That is not saying you can not choose to take yourself ,,slone ..out of the game of reality .
So .why go primitive phil? Why be the change you want to see , if the staving huddled masses are there because of their own choice for Gruosome adventure of horro and it has nothing to do WITH PHAROH … of me … a bit player in PHAROHS economy … cause and effect in a Stalbe Quantum palygroudn the rock falls if thrown into the air …
Your knowing this that the rock falls is important ,, it has been given NAME … falling ..the event of hurricaine has been Given name and such you have the awareness of it and thus the potential of experiencing it …. Tv or in real life … huddled masses of staraving children as SYSTEM OF A DOWN ( the voice of the sage ) 4000 HUNGERY CHILDREN DIE PER HOUR and we spend billions on BOMBS ….. killing the GOD your child has become . it is an awaresness that you have you ,,think you can forget it but it is ….. named …. And part of the playing field ….. and their death starts with the DIRT ON YOUR FRONT DOOR STEP ……
The Rishi I think once said ,,yes you can walk by the sleeping tiger over and over again but in your awareness of the NAME …TIGER … ane what it means some day the tiger will eat you ….. Zhuangi uses a story about the BANDIT KING to tell the same sotry .
If it has no name it can not effect you , a dis ease with no IDAGNOSIS ,, is a state of not feeling like my normal self ,,,, let me get better ……. A windy rainy day … is just that god dam that was some strong winds ….. hmmm if it happens again I will name it HURRICANE . I will tell stories about the horrors .. and each generation can look forward to the EGO state of surviving their own HURRICAINES .
If I live the change I want to see I will attract more and more of the solution into my awaresness ….. and so to willthose effected by me ..the tool of the Christian church the lving by witness …. The voice of the SAGE jesus … still lives in the POLITICS of the book called bible . each doorstep effects the amss concsiuoness and the 4000 hungry children who will die later may not …. For there is WAY WAY WAY TO much land and resources for them all ….. 7 fold ….. and withunderstanding of our APE nature and breeding antural ly as the harem species that is NO LONGER UNDER …PREY open savannah stress …. Population trends will come into harmony … understanding … free choices .
young master again over and over the same things are being said , choice is available … understandings about the choices you ..YOU HAVE attracted …. That is like learning to play the BLUES HARMONICA …. Choices and understanding and then the want …. It all relates to
so you say I am going to live in acave ..hmmmm every room has sky lights and a big window and and a glass door …… yet yes the house is surrounded by mother earth …
why welll here is what YOU have attracted …. Understand it ….
but honestly I again say you live in a cave … under artifical light … you are evolving into some speices that can not stand its own environment …. I live in a cave YES but the lifestyle is inclusive with the out doors constantly …. From to of course are all about making the outdoors you hobby more than that video game or the BRAIN DRAIN tv.
You live in a cave with your DRPES DRAWN constantly , we argue you saying that is not so , yet everytime I wash your windos on your monthly service you drpes are DRAWN like 99.9% of my clients ….. 10 years now and mayube the breakfast nook and the living room sliders on occasion are open windw dressing pulled back , yet the house the environment is ARTIFICALL air ….
I am leaning towards PRIMATIVE BY CHOICE …… alter antive ….. hmmm I went along with the REGULAR for so long that this move into what wwas natural for the vast majority of ALL LIFE FORMS on the planet less than 100 years to live in an environment similar to those PRE cusor DNA fore fathers lived . with in the parameters of the specific evolutions . BEE’s fan the hive to cool it ….. animals pant …. Take mud baths go swimming or HIBERNaTE ….. and so to did we humans do things like use FIRE … in fact the GREEKS designed homes with PASSIVE SOLAR intent .
But being vested addicted without understanding , it is taking me time to achieve the wants I have held …… not magic.
You say WHY if the words of the SGAE entertainer ,,( key word entertainer key truth entertainer ) Ester Hicks …. Is saying you can have verything without ..concern for the over all health of the whole … act as you want selfish …hmmm
Hmmm yes , throw a rock into the air ESTER and being in the vibration of FORGETTING THE rock the rock never existed for you! But this is a stable Quantum playground where we hae designed MEMORY just so that we can have a common experience platform . so in this world ..the rock will fall …. That is not saying you can not choose to take yourself ,,slone ..out of the game of reality .
So .why go primitive phil? Why be the change you want to see , if the staving huddled masses are there because of their own choice for Gruosome adventure of horro and it has nothing to do WITH PHAROH … of me … a bit player in PHAROHS economy … cause and effect in a Stalbe Quantum palygroudn the rock falls if thrown into the air …
Your knowing this that the rock falls is important ,, it has been given NAME … falling ..the event of hurricaine has been Given name and such you have the awareness of it and thus the potential of experiencing it …. Tv or in real life … huddled masses of staraving children as SYSTEM OF A DOWN ( the voice of the sage ) 4000 HUNGERY CHILDREN DIE PER HOUR and we spend billions on BOMBS ….. killing the GOD your child has become . it is an awaresness that you have you ,,think you can forget it but it is ….. named …. And part of the playing field ….. and their death starts with the DIRT ON YOUR FRONT DOOR STEP ……
The Rishi I think once said ,,yes you can walk by the sleeping tiger over and over again but in your awareness of the NAME …TIGER … ane what it means some day the tiger will eat you ….. Zhuangi uses a story about the BANDIT KING to tell the same sotry .
If it has no name it can not effect you , a dis ease with no IDAGNOSIS ,, is a state of not feeling like my normal self ,,,, let me get better ……. A windy rainy day … is just that god dam that was some strong winds ….. hmmm if it happens again I will name it HURRICANE . I will tell stories about the horrors .. and each generation can look forward to the EGO state of surviving their own HURRICAINES .
If I live the change I want to see I will attract more and more of the solution into my awaresness ….. and so to willthose effected by me ..the tool of the Christian church the lving by witness …. The voice of the SAGE jesus … still lives in the POLITICS of the book called bible . each doorstep effects the amss concsiuoness and the 4000 hungry children who will die later may not …. For there is WAY WAY WAY TO much land and resources for them all ….. 7 fold ….. and withunderstanding of our APE nature and breeding antural ly as the harem species that is NO LONGER UNDER …PREY open savannah stress …. Population trends will come into harmony … understanding … free choices .
flooded with pussy
young master the tool of FLOODING to get past the LIMITS you have allowed programmed into you without your UNDERSTANDING …the tool of Flooding used by mental health pros to help people expand beyong thier PHOBIAS ….
To conquer or understand ,,,,, actually that is more the root of CONQUER than just the SYMPTOM of Combat or competition …to understand thru a CONFIDNECE STATE of being the conquerer …. You got time to UNDERSTAND the conquered at your own pace , to end the confusion and understand and experience what is left ( maybe ? if anything is left )
True UN CONDITIONAL love is the nature of the EVER EXPANDING ..the all is well the OPPURUTUNITY for in fi nity needs the expression of un thinkable-ness AND LOTS of choices … .. and to express that the limits or CONDITIONING suroounding acceptance have to be GONE …ahhh BUT ..PHAROH is needy the god needs your worship your praise your attention …. And you to work to be the slave so that PHAROHs can have their lifestyle the kings of Sadia Aribria of Now ….. royality family pahrohs still active providing levels of smiles to their SERFS and their slave masters but all in hopes of keeping their own GREEDY positions as KINGS and Queens .
Back to un conditional love , inside each PLAYER here in the AGRREMMENT state of quantum expression and assembaleges …. Deep in each is the I … IN … I who knows un condtional love . but to play out NOVELS LIKE IN entertaining books but ever MORE REAL …the experience to THING NESS … we choose to FORGET who we are ..and play out CHARACTER ROLES …. Creating sometimes guilt ON EACHO HTER . you free choice after the conquering is to understand aspects of your esperince then choose whether or not they really DO serve you in your won PATH OF BLISS moving up the emotional scale ….
To move on with life and NOT HAVE TO BURN A BRIDGE …. You can do it with or without the acceptance of others REMEMBER it is their free choice not to HEAR … pearls before swine? Cruel word tools to call myself my equal the I … in … I ..that is my fellow player here on this stage ..a swine …. So full of PERJORATIVE meanings . yet ..this is part and parcel of breaking free of LIMITS by flooding sometimes . what is the guilt thing you fear ?
Now the INSTINCT to maintain $$$$$ for the health and welfare of a familyis the expression of the silver back gorilla forcred to live in the abstract system of paper money $$$$ ……. When in fact PERMACULTURE system abound …. There are fawcetts ther is complexity ful in maintaining the CONFUSE AND CONQUER state so that we will be useful to the MULTIPLE LAYERS OF PHAROHS … the are around .
Ahh but I said flooded with pussy ,,,shyness is a trained experience .. it has to do with self aceeptance fear of .. jugement the HOUGHTS only thoughts ..nothing more than fleetly thoughts likie you seeing a pretty sunrise flows in and out of you …so are the thoughts you REALLY fearin creating in others … they are just thoughts … OPPURTUNITYS for the person contrasts … provided maybe BY you ? in the xpreince of flooding your life with pussy practising an UNCOMFORTABLE skill yet improatn you seem always to be actracted to pussy ,,so ,, talk to every pussy that passes thru your ten foot circle around you ,,WITHOUT . the entent or expectation of getting FUCKED ..jsut to interact with another …. I in I …. Do it for 30 days … FLOOD YOUR EXPEINCE with pussy , then you will be in ths state of conqueror ….. relaxed enough in the talking to better expeiernce a fuller UNDERSTANDING of pussy later ..30 days .
There is nothing that you can do that is worse for yourself, than to do something that you believe is inappropriate. And so, get clear and happy about whichever choice you make. Because it is your contradiction that causes the majority of the contradiction in vibration.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Sunday, July 25th, 1999
For in that FEAR of GUILT is the vibration from which the QUANTUM reality will form for you with aspects that are NOTICABLE to you …… not my experience just yours …. Even though we ashe the same genral suop of quantum agreement .
young master the tool of FLOODING to get past the LIMITS you have allowed programmed into you without your UNDERSTANDING …the tool of Flooding used by mental health pros to help people expand beyong thier PHOBIAS ….
To conquer or understand ,,,,, actually that is more the root of CONQUER than just the SYMPTOM of Combat or competition …to understand thru a CONFIDNECE STATE of being the conquerer …. You got time to UNDERSTAND the conquered at your own pace , to end the confusion and understand and experience what is left ( maybe ? if anything is left )
True UN CONDITIONAL love is the nature of the EVER EXPANDING ..the all is well the OPPURUTUNITY for in fi nity needs the expression of un thinkable-ness AND LOTS of choices … .. and to express that the limits or CONDITIONING suroounding acceptance have to be GONE …ahhh BUT ..PHAROH is needy the god needs your worship your praise your attention …. And you to work to be the slave so that PHAROHs can have their lifestyle the kings of Sadia Aribria of Now ….. royality family pahrohs still active providing levels of smiles to their SERFS and their slave masters but all in hopes of keeping their own GREEDY positions as KINGS and Queens .
Back to un conditional love , inside each PLAYER here in the AGRREMMENT state of quantum expression and assembaleges …. Deep in each is the I … IN … I who knows un condtional love . but to play out NOVELS LIKE IN entertaining books but ever MORE REAL …the experience to THING NESS … we choose to FORGET who we are ..and play out CHARACTER ROLES …. Creating sometimes guilt ON EACHO HTER . you free choice after the conquering is to understand aspects of your esperince then choose whether or not they really DO serve you in your won PATH OF BLISS moving up the emotional scale ….
To move on with life and NOT HAVE TO BURN A BRIDGE …. You can do it with or without the acceptance of others REMEMBER it is their free choice not to HEAR … pearls before swine? Cruel word tools to call myself my equal the I … in … I ..that is my fellow player here on this stage ..a swine …. So full of PERJORATIVE meanings . yet ..this is part and parcel of breaking free of LIMITS by flooding sometimes . what is the guilt thing you fear ?
Now the INSTINCT to maintain $$$$$ for the health and welfare of a familyis the expression of the silver back gorilla forcred to live in the abstract system of paper money $$$$ ……. When in fact PERMACULTURE system abound …. There are fawcetts ther is complexity ful in maintaining the CONFUSE AND CONQUER state so that we will be useful to the MULTIPLE LAYERS OF PHAROHS … the are around .
Ahh but I said flooded with pussy ,,,shyness is a trained experience .. it has to do with self aceeptance fear of .. jugement the HOUGHTS only thoughts ..nothing more than fleetly thoughts likie you seeing a pretty sunrise flows in and out of you …so are the thoughts you REALLY fearin creating in others … they are just thoughts … OPPURTUNITYS for the person contrasts … provided maybe BY you ? in the xpreince of flooding your life with pussy practising an UNCOMFORTABLE skill yet improatn you seem always to be actracted to pussy ,,so ,, talk to every pussy that passes thru your ten foot circle around you ,,WITHOUT . the entent or expectation of getting FUCKED ..jsut to interact with another …. I in I …. Do it for 30 days … FLOOD YOUR EXPEINCE with pussy , then you will be in ths state of conqueror ….. relaxed enough in the talking to better expeiernce a fuller UNDERSTANDING of pussy later ..30 days .
There is nothing that you can do that is worse for yourself, than to do something that you believe is inappropriate. And so, get clear and happy about whichever choice you make. Because it is your contradiction that causes the majority of the contradiction in vibration.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Sunday, July 25th, 1999
For in that FEAR of GUILT is the vibration from which the QUANTUM reality will form for you with aspects that are NOTICABLE to you …… not my experience just yours …. Even though we ashe the same genral suop of quantum agreement .
Thursday, June 11, 2009
africian happy
Africian happy
Young master …… beyond the ablity to …think about …. An guess what there are billions of us thinking you can not ,effect them all . your thinking only EFFECTS YOU …. And that will attract from a SOUP OF QUANTAS .. a kitchen or libaray of ingrients or novel/adventure stories to choose from for you to freely choose and to aSSEMBLE …. What is THINKABLE TO …YOU .
Ahhh there is what …. Is important ,,the self imposed limits ARGUE FOR YOUR LIMITATIONS AND THEY ARE YOURS .the voice of the sage said thru Richard Bach in the tiny book ILLUSUOINS …
You EGO which does keep you away from experiencing the NOW … YES Tolle is correct yet ,, yings and yangs ,, ego and self identiffaction in your own adventure story where you freely choose to ineract ,,to CO CREATE with other aspects of the I ..IN …. IN that have come to forget their GREATNESS like your self to experience THING – NESS ….. and limits … and problems contrasts events to generate FEELINGS of the have and having not ? so that you can expeince free choices of paths to create to move away from a FEELING that does not feel good into feeling better .
And everyone wants you to FEEL BETTER … we are on large part in great vast averages a speicies of very very friendly CO CREATORS …. Except those who are here to be the adventure of SOCIO PATH they had to enter inot DYSFUNCTIONING body that would allow them to express SOCIO PATH … PHAROH …. EXTREME 1 in 1000 examples of Selfishness …. Of CONDITIONAL LOVE … but realy un natural and out of the ordinary ..1 in 1000
Just look around you at your friends and people you know and strangers on the street and see the co-opeartion who opens doors for who , and realizing those who do not most often are expressing their …CONFUSE AND CONQUERED state ,,, the effects of MANIPULATION . the effects of TWISTED INSTINCT . ( oooh cool I have not given my self props for a long time … so here go buy my shit ! )
I have a hard core RACIST friend …. The son of generations of HATERS … trained each generation was by the other … steeped in the GOOD BOOK …. Yet even he … wants the black man to be HAPPY ..just be AHPPY BACK IN AFRICA …. He innerself isNICE … and wants unconditional love for others I have seen him open the door for a black woman and black man carrying a load of stuff once at HOME DEPOT he helped the guy load it ….. yet he does not want the human of different colored skin to live on the same rocks as himself ,
And my friend FIGHTS FOR HIS LIMITS …. He wants to maintain his ID his EGO his position in the world he can somewhat control … because of the training to be manipulated ….. he expresses the effects of manipulation in 1 form …. YET HE STILL HAS THE OVER WHELIMING instinct of caring and desire for the happiness of himself and others he loves and even total strangers …. He wants PEACE .
Young mater are you have ing thoughts of waondering about how other will respond to your life style choices ,,,, you can be ALTER NATIVE as long as you are in a supportive ALTER culture ,, being the follower …but to be master …. Can be hard even though after everyone REALIZES that you mean what you say …. About your path choices you will find great on average support …. ATTRACTION of that and the other who are offened will not attract you since they to .want to move up their own emotional scale , and your presence in their life dtracts from them do ing just that for themselves there is no AGREEMENT of ATRRACTION ….and they tend to move away , unless , YOU PULL THEM IN trying to force them to love you and your choice …… YOU ARE THE FORCER ….then . not the other who will go about their life and forget you ,,, if you donot FLAUNT go out of your way to enter into their world . they will be happy to forget you were ver born ,,,,, and that is cool because what young master are you afraid of .CAN YOU NOT LIVE ALONE ? are you not able to achieve the first few levels of MASLOWS hierarchy of needs ALONE in a few short months some how by being ccreative ?
The attraction of those who are wanting ….. and letting the FREEEDOM of choice be ex[prssed ….not the twisted nature of manipulative contracts ..frredom to let them who have interst come and explore their inner nature . now your sheeding of fear of self imposed limits like the learning of SKATEBOARDING was it took time and dsire …. And practice …. and any failures are not failings , but experiences to be learned from , because the over whelming ..TRUTH of the ever expaning TAO . is SUCCESS in expansions … your failures are just the Contrasts , the adventures the defining of the wanted and unwanted from which the .. SOURCE can form a Quantum reality of all is well !
When you understand the Laws, then you understand that it is not more difficult to create a castle than it is a button. They are equal. It is not more difficult to create $10 million than $100,000. It is the same application of the same Law to two different intentions.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham on Saturday, July 1st, 2006
Ahhhh the same PHRASE used by leaders and speakers of the S.H.A.M. movement for decades I think it was NOPLEAN HILL who first used that … castle and button …SHAM was a n aticle about ..the SELF HELP ACTUALIZATION MOVEMENT . from Scientific ameircan about like a decade ago , again over and over ..the exploration of the SYMPTOMS without realizing the 1000’s of years of mind fuck …. Drugs are not the problem they are jus the symptoms ,, marriage counselors are not the answer they are just a response to a symptom ….
But back to the words of the sage for today the entertainer …. And the facts of the UNTHINKABLENESS of tao …. If things did not work out ….. if the general over all flow was not towards expansion , THEN IN FI NITY WOULD …CEASE ? all is well how do you feel about that ? what has your TRAINING your mind fuck filled you with as pertaines to that idea ? of ALL IS WELL ?
Young master …… beyond the ablity to …think about …. An guess what there are billions of us thinking you can not ,effect them all . your thinking only EFFECTS YOU …. And that will attract from a SOUP OF QUANTAS .. a kitchen or libaray of ingrients or novel/adventure stories to choose from for you to freely choose and to aSSEMBLE …. What is THINKABLE TO …YOU .
Ahhh there is what …. Is important ,,the self imposed limits ARGUE FOR YOUR LIMITATIONS AND THEY ARE YOURS .the voice of the sage said thru Richard Bach in the tiny book ILLUSUOINS …
You EGO which does keep you away from experiencing the NOW … YES Tolle is correct yet ,, yings and yangs ,, ego and self identiffaction in your own adventure story where you freely choose to ineract ,,to CO CREATE with other aspects of the I ..IN …. IN that have come to forget their GREATNESS like your self to experience THING – NESS ….. and limits … and problems contrasts events to generate FEELINGS of the have and having not ? so that you can expeince free choices of paths to create to move away from a FEELING that does not feel good into feeling better .
And everyone wants you to FEEL BETTER … we are on large part in great vast averages a speicies of very very friendly CO CREATORS …. Except those who are here to be the adventure of SOCIO PATH they had to enter inot DYSFUNCTIONING body that would allow them to express SOCIO PATH … PHAROH …. EXTREME 1 in 1000 examples of Selfishness …. Of CONDITIONAL LOVE … but realy un natural and out of the ordinary ..1 in 1000
Just look around you at your friends and people you know and strangers on the street and see the co-opeartion who opens doors for who , and realizing those who do not most often are expressing their …CONFUSE AND CONQUERED state ,,, the effects of MANIPULATION . the effects of TWISTED INSTINCT . ( oooh cool I have not given my self props for a long time … so here go buy my shit ! )
I have a hard core RACIST friend …. The son of generations of HATERS … trained each generation was by the other … steeped in the GOOD BOOK …. Yet even he … wants the black man to be HAPPY ..just be AHPPY BACK IN AFRICA …. He innerself isNICE … and wants unconditional love for others I have seen him open the door for a black woman and black man carrying a load of stuff once at HOME DEPOT he helped the guy load it ….. yet he does not want the human of different colored skin to live on the same rocks as himself ,
And my friend FIGHTS FOR HIS LIMITS …. He wants to maintain his ID his EGO his position in the world he can somewhat control … because of the training to be manipulated ….. he expresses the effects of manipulation in 1 form …. YET HE STILL HAS THE OVER WHELIMING instinct of caring and desire for the happiness of himself and others he loves and even total strangers …. He wants PEACE .
Young mater are you have ing thoughts of waondering about how other will respond to your life style choices ,,,, you can be ALTER NATIVE as long as you are in a supportive ALTER culture ,, being the follower …but to be master …. Can be hard even though after everyone REALIZES that you mean what you say …. About your path choices you will find great on average support …. ATTRACTION of that and the other who are offened will not attract you since they to .want to move up their own emotional scale , and your presence in their life dtracts from them do ing just that for themselves there is no AGREEMENT of ATRRACTION ….and they tend to move away , unless , YOU PULL THEM IN trying to force them to love you and your choice …… YOU ARE THE FORCER ….then . not the other who will go about their life and forget you ,,, if you donot FLAUNT go out of your way to enter into their world . they will be happy to forget you were ver born ,,,,, and that is cool because what young master are you afraid of .CAN YOU NOT LIVE ALONE ? are you not able to achieve the first few levels of MASLOWS hierarchy of needs ALONE in a few short months some how by being ccreative ?
The attraction of those who are wanting ….. and letting the FREEEDOM of choice be ex[prssed ….not the twisted nature of manipulative contracts ..frredom to let them who have interst come and explore their inner nature . now your sheeding of fear of self imposed limits like the learning of SKATEBOARDING was it took time and dsire …. And practice …. and any failures are not failings , but experiences to be learned from , because the over whelming ..TRUTH of the ever expaning TAO . is SUCCESS in expansions … your failures are just the Contrasts , the adventures the defining of the wanted and unwanted from which the .. SOURCE can form a Quantum reality of all is well !
When you understand the Laws, then you understand that it is not more difficult to create a castle than it is a button. They are equal. It is not more difficult to create $10 million than $100,000. It is the same application of the same Law to two different intentions.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham on Saturday, July 1st, 2006
Ahhhh the same PHRASE used by leaders and speakers of the S.H.A.M. movement for decades I think it was NOPLEAN HILL who first used that … castle and button …SHAM was a n aticle about ..the SELF HELP ACTUALIZATION MOVEMENT . from Scientific ameircan about like a decade ago , again over and over ..the exploration of the SYMPTOMS without realizing the 1000’s of years of mind fuck …. Drugs are not the problem they are jus the symptoms ,, marriage counselors are not the answer they are just a response to a symptom ….
But back to the words of the sage for today the entertainer …. And the facts of the UNTHINKABLENESS of tao …. If things did not work out ….. if the general over all flow was not towards expansion , THEN IN FI NITY WOULD …CEASE ? all is well how do you feel about that ? what has your TRAINING your mind fuck filled you with as pertaines to that idea ? of ALL IS WELL ?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
slave image
the slave image
young master .. the changes to your Expectation of yourself in the world ,, your part to FIT . has been created by DEFAULT programming of the care givers who rasied you , people who were treated like MUSHROOM kept in the dark and fed on SHIT . generation to genenartion . ..default setting
Instinctualism. Is 1 more free choice … free choice can only be that FREE when INFORMATION is available and are FEELING free enough to explore it without ,, sublte stresses of not fitting inot the MODEL or the expected shoulds of parents friends family and schooling are not FUCKING WITH you subltley …. The POWER of these deeply MODELED life style expectations are hard to realize in how they fuck with yu and limit your acceptatnce of new information ideas .
Yesterday the voice of the sage thru the entertainer Abraham said ,,, there afew out on the leading edge of thought ….. hmmmm if we are all the EQUAL of the I … in the …I , then all are expressing their own free choice to eperince a form of adventure … a novel of personel chooseing ans that may mean .. deeply held FAITH BELIEFS and limits NO’s ….. without the NO you are still connected to the ALL WAYS A..ALL THE TIME … ALL KNOWING NESS …. SO VAST AS TO BE UN DESCRIBABLE NOT ABLE TO BE ENGRAVEN IN CLAY TABLETS OF ANCIENTS OR CARAVED INOT REPRESENATIVE ..IDOL forms … or made into paintings .
Yet the painting or craving …the ICONS … that priests would have in thiere travels thru the europes mind fucking the population with the fairy tale of a god ….. who is describable … in fact HUMAN …. And created us in it’s form . ??? what is my form ,,, ia m not the PHIL of 5 days old …. What body shape would a dead PHIL at 5 days old hav ein HEAVEN ,, WOULD HE BE FOREVER FORCED TO BE A BABY ? since it never got to use new assembaleges of quantas that were the bassiss for the being state of ATOM that would be the building bolock for the BEING state of molecule ..etc etc etc … each assembaleg LENDING itself to the thought form ..or being state . macro and micro ….
And would the dead PHIL at 100 years old be forced to live for enternity in the AGED body with al lits stifffnes ?
Ahhh but the ver changing description that came from these types of questions … the quick minded church .. andpriest came up with answers to SATIFAY placate … the amsses searchinig for hope and end to their suffering as slave or peasant … to PHAROH who was chosen by GOD ….. the supportive ECONOMIC SYSTEM ..created a the top POLICATICALLY …. Do not fuck with me and I willnot fuck with you and together we will FUCK THE PEOPLE ….. literally use us as their sexualll play toys because of uor state of CONFUSE AND CONQUER .
Who are you ….the WHO asked …… WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU actually it was the story of being drunk in the park being rousted by a good natured cop who said ,, YOU CAN GO SLEPP AT HOME TONIGHT IF YOU CAN GET UP AND WALK AWAY ,,but in the state of POISINED bio mechanincs …. Being in TOXIC ated …. Strying to find happiness or salvation .or an end to the confusion .
The SAVIOR is needed to give hope ,,the evidence trail of wanting to move up the emotional scale …. but given limited options because for 1000’s of years if you bucked the sytem of SLAVERY to god or GODS choosen leader ..PHAROH LORD MASTER EMPOREOR KING ….. then you would be made example of and be DRAWN AND QUARTED in the public square ….. gutted while being alive ..etc etc etc ….. been going on for 1000’s of years ..deep sublte mind fucking . fear . us the only animal who does this to eachother ,,,
Now in nature sure …. I watch ,,, O’DUN kitty swat ( claws still tucked ) at baby BEAR kitty … Oduh …. Sittling watching baby bear eat ,a nd for some reason after a minute or two she swats Bear … then hisses at bear move away let me eat now …. And then 3 minutes later it is Oduh getting attacted and playing with BEAR as bear is learning his hunting skills ….. EGO position in the group ……
WHO are you …. Young master ,,the 6 million years old cumlation of Savannah APE DNA ? look at your cock youn master … it’s design speaks of your nature … your instinctual drive and EGO … remember the mind fucking of Economy …… that uses the aseembaleg of its parts to BE thing-ness …. Who am I to JUDGE thing-ness …be it the being of atom or metal or tree or kitty or ..beyond that which I can think about ….. economy thought form . o GIAI the world itself . to control a slave to control a RECRUIT in an army you control the supply of food … you may use the whip when needed threat of pain .. and of course you control the DNA expression of SEX ….
Not a trasing of EVE unless eve wants not to think FREELY …. They talk about how a guy CLEANS UP WELL …… you and me dude are happy with our BLOOD STAINED T-SHIRTS , hunting fishing skate boarding football playing ,,,,,,, outside AWAY from shit ,, EVE …. Like the group and safty of the cave ,,the CITY …. And that brings up the HIERACHY the positioning the show ow POWER of ego … you goottta thin for yourself not JUDGE jus understand some things ….. the find a way to atrrract like to like ….. a skill set easy to practice . and if you start a HOBBY … alter..NATIVE group …… easy and less stressful ….. if you have the 5 acres plan started at any form then the evidence trail of YOUR EGO … you PART TO FIT … ( part to fit .. is a bob Marley phrase )
You are always molding yourselves into a better feeling place. And you will never get it done. It will never be completely finished. It will never be absolutely right. You will always have some dominant thoughts that are not a vibrational match to the newfound desire. But that is always what your work is. And it's time for you to just begin relaxing about it, and not make it a personal issue of your own valor, or your own value, or your own integrity. In other words, it's just, how many times have I thought this thought? --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Friday, March 9th, 2001You neve get it done it will never be perfect ..becaue perfect means the END ….. of in finty . but being from a USED STATE a slave trained mindset ,, easy to be usefull to the thought form economy …. If your 2 gigs of p[rocessing brain power are being used wondering what the fuck is the TRUTH ..confuse and conquer …. If from that state …. You look for SAVIOR to end the pain of confsion …. To make it all abetter ,, when the game is ….. secure what is NATURAL ….. and is presented in PERMACULTURE NATURE .. the first few levels of MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS . . then accept that you will always have a series of nedd wants to be creatively involed in living thru ,,, new aspects to the game of being you
young master .. the changes to your Expectation of yourself in the world ,, your part to FIT . has been created by DEFAULT programming of the care givers who rasied you , people who were treated like MUSHROOM kept in the dark and fed on SHIT . generation to genenartion . ..default setting
Instinctualism. Is 1 more free choice … free choice can only be that FREE when INFORMATION is available and are FEELING free enough to explore it without ,, sublte stresses of not fitting inot the MODEL or the expected shoulds of parents friends family and schooling are not FUCKING WITH you subltley …. The POWER of these deeply MODELED life style expectations are hard to realize in how they fuck with yu and limit your acceptatnce of new information ideas .
Yesterday the voice of the sage thru the entertainer Abraham said ,,, there afew out on the leading edge of thought ….. hmmmm if we are all the EQUAL of the I … in the …I , then all are expressing their own free choice to eperince a form of adventure … a novel of personel chooseing ans that may mean .. deeply held FAITH BELIEFS and limits NO’s ….. without the NO you are still connected to the ALL WAYS A..ALL THE TIME … ALL KNOWING NESS …. SO VAST AS TO BE UN DESCRIBABLE NOT ABLE TO BE ENGRAVEN IN CLAY TABLETS OF ANCIENTS OR CARAVED INOT REPRESENATIVE ..IDOL forms … or made into paintings .
Yet the painting or craving …the ICONS … that priests would have in thiere travels thru the europes mind fucking the population with the fairy tale of a god ….. who is describable … in fact HUMAN …. And created us in it’s form . ??? what is my form ,,, ia m not the PHIL of 5 days old …. What body shape would a dead PHIL at 5 days old hav ein HEAVEN ,, WOULD HE BE FOREVER FORCED TO BE A BABY ? since it never got to use new assembaleges of quantas that were the bassiss for the being state of ATOM that would be the building bolock for the BEING state of molecule ..etc etc etc … each assembaleg LENDING itself to the thought form ..or being state . macro and micro ….
And would the dead PHIL at 100 years old be forced to live for enternity in the AGED body with al lits stifffnes ?
Ahhh but the ver changing description that came from these types of questions … the quick minded church .. andpriest came up with answers to SATIFAY placate … the amsses searchinig for hope and end to their suffering as slave or peasant … to PHAROH who was chosen by GOD ….. the supportive ECONOMIC SYSTEM ..created a the top POLICATICALLY …. Do not fuck with me and I willnot fuck with you and together we will FUCK THE PEOPLE ….. literally use us as their sexualll play toys because of uor state of CONFUSE AND CONQUER .
Who are you ….the WHO asked …… WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU actually it was the story of being drunk in the park being rousted by a good natured cop who said ,, YOU CAN GO SLEPP AT HOME TONIGHT IF YOU CAN GET UP AND WALK AWAY ,,but in the state of POISINED bio mechanincs …. Being in TOXIC ated …. Strying to find happiness or salvation .or an end to the confusion .
The SAVIOR is needed to give hope ,,the evidence trail of wanting to move up the emotional scale …. but given limited options because for 1000’s of years if you bucked the sytem of SLAVERY to god or GODS choosen leader ..PHAROH LORD MASTER EMPOREOR KING ….. then you would be made example of and be DRAWN AND QUARTED in the public square ….. gutted while being alive ..etc etc etc ….. been going on for 1000’s of years ..deep sublte mind fucking . fear . us the only animal who does this to eachother ,,,
Now in nature sure …. I watch ,,, O’DUN kitty swat ( claws still tucked ) at baby BEAR kitty … Oduh …. Sittling watching baby bear eat ,a nd for some reason after a minute or two she swats Bear … then hisses at bear move away let me eat now …. And then 3 minutes later it is Oduh getting attacted and playing with BEAR as bear is learning his hunting skills ….. EGO position in the group ……
WHO are you …. Young master ,,the 6 million years old cumlation of Savannah APE DNA ? look at your cock youn master … it’s design speaks of your nature … your instinctual drive and EGO … remember the mind fucking of Economy …… that uses the aseembaleg of its parts to BE thing-ness …. Who am I to JUDGE thing-ness …be it the being of atom or metal or tree or kitty or ..beyond that which I can think about ….. economy thought form . o GIAI the world itself . to control a slave to control a RECRUIT in an army you control the supply of food … you may use the whip when needed threat of pain .. and of course you control the DNA expression of SEX ….
Not a trasing of EVE unless eve wants not to think FREELY …. They talk about how a guy CLEANS UP WELL …… you and me dude are happy with our BLOOD STAINED T-SHIRTS , hunting fishing skate boarding football playing ,,,,,,, outside AWAY from shit ,, EVE …. Like the group and safty of the cave ,,the CITY …. And that brings up the HIERACHY the positioning the show ow POWER of ego … you goottta thin for yourself not JUDGE jus understand some things ….. the find a way to atrrract like to like ….. a skill set easy to practice . and if you start a HOBBY … alter..NATIVE group …… easy and less stressful ….. if you have the 5 acres plan started at any form then the evidence trail of YOUR EGO … you PART TO FIT … ( part to fit .. is a bob Marley phrase )
You are always molding yourselves into a better feeling place. And you will never get it done. It will never be completely finished. It will never be absolutely right. You will always have some dominant thoughts that are not a vibrational match to the newfound desire. But that is always what your work is. And it's time for you to just begin relaxing about it, and not make it a personal issue of your own valor, or your own value, or your own integrity. In other words, it's just, how many times have I thought this thought? --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Friday, March 9th, 2001You neve get it done it will never be perfect ..becaue perfect means the END ….. of in finty . but being from a USED STATE a slave trained mindset ,, easy to be usefull to the thought form economy …. If your 2 gigs of p[rocessing brain power are being used wondering what the fuck is the TRUTH ..confuse and conquer …. If from that state …. You look for SAVIOR to end the pain of confsion …. To make it all abetter ,, when the game is ….. secure what is NATURAL ….. and is presented in PERMACULTURE NATURE .. the first few levels of MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS . . then accept that you will always have a series of nedd wants to be creatively involed in living thru ,,, new aspects to the game of being you
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
can't drive 55
can’t drive 55
young master , social idetifaction or EGO persona , I can see it it he culture of KITTY CATS , it is a natural aspect of nature and if the experincer you to form this to help complete the ILLUSION of separation ,,,but for so many effected by the CONFUSE AND CONQUER manipulation the striving for the return to the … I .. in … I …. The effects of MANIPULATION the search for guidance after the mind fucking of the USER THOUGHT FORM ECONOMY …. With all of its players , so confusing it is hard for a mind with only 2 gig bytes of processing power to wrap itself around the problem to CONWQUER TO UNDERSTAND . that it is easier to just be lead by some one who can generate a peaceful feeling and the HOPE move ment up the EMOTIONAL SCALE … ... the understanding of the confusion is where the OLOGYS … came from the religions and shit . LOA tzu was quated as saying I donot know how to describe it or what it is and so I will just fucking call it TAO ….
EGO self like apicutre that keeps a part of your SPIRIT SELF traped with in the image remeinding you of WHO YOU ARE , no who you were … and so it is with ego self you do not even know is still trapping you in the EXPECTED –ness ..the training away from what you wanted when young into the person everyon else wanted you to be to fit into the Economic model …
Ahhhhhh be the change I want to see …… like the old Russian said ,,SWEEP YOUR OWN DOOR STEP first if you want to see a clean world start there , with yourself . the idea presented by the EX MILITARY effeicency expert …… changing from ROW cropw to ,,,, grid crops …. ENDING the confusion thru the use of TOOL ..the grid where you can ID the species easy , FOCUS EASIER … know if there is an INVADING weed or if there is an helat problem with your food sources , a way to control better COMPAION PLANTING S … to achieve pest control and BIO DYNINCS . and from my own experiments I am better able to ..from my own sweepeing of my door step my own feeding on my SFG .. I am better able to show the WITNESS . to the world , instead of just TELLING YOU what to do , I LIVE WHAT I DO ….. then teach ..... for the hope that a world may see …..
History has shown thru the explorations mainly of the dead cultures that ,, FAMINE AND …DIS EASE PLAGUES … were because humanity got to DENSE .. and out of harmony with nature ,,row cropping did allow for the growth of city states and the rise of PHAROHS god/kings …. But over time ..time and time again give the suroounding lands a few 100 years and they were spent out …. And the peasants once more moved back into the bushes .. to live tribal lives until the next PHAROH CULTURE rtose up and EVE talked her boyfriend into going into town and chasing the brass ring …. Or until PHAROH sent out armies to HARVEST SLAVEs ….
Learn from history or be destined to repeat it …… hmmmmmm …. Word of the AGE about being here now …NOW and how EGO self can fuck that up . yet Tolle is in complete in his talking about the USEFULLNESS of EGO in that ego is a part of animal INSTINCUTALIty … IT IS THE BEING OF THE DOM SILVER BACK … the sense of self.
But to live the change I want to see ….. our economy has a illness a..DISEASE .. we NNED shit …we are needy salves .. TO OIL .. when there are alter NATIVE … ways , but that may mean I will not BE others ARE …. I will not BE FAsHION ? I thought you with your tattoos me with my everything were showing we are not FASHION SLAVES ..yet for me to drive an ALTER NATIVE ..tranpsortationd evise may mean I will give up on some of the STRESS OF SPEED and the addiction to the old EGO ….. I may spend much more time driving 45 ? hey I have been practicing it ,, it is hard ..i mindlessy want to go faster instead of enjoy that I can SEE MORE CLEARLY the world I am traveling thru at 40 or 45 …….. and only it costs me is a few mintues what was I going to do with those few minutes saved ?
BE LIKE YOU and VEG on video games or get HIGH out of boredom ? the few minutes saved or the few mintues lived and appreciated and I live the CHANGE ….. ( chaop the front off a 150ccc scooter after you have it liscensed and customize it by attaching the power plant half to a smaller go cart front .. good steering hydralick brakes ROLL BAR cage …. … PPYRAMIND STABLITY low center of gravity …. Better visislbe foot print on the road … 70 miles per gallon ….. easy to repair by your self …. SELF EMPOWERMENT . self built will better … higher top end
You're not going to have a lot of people you can talk to about this. There is never a crowd on the leading edge.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Napa, CA on Thursday, February 27th, 1997
Yet a lot more than you think even the CHISTIAN FROM TIME TO TIME questions his faith system …… he wonders about the UNGRAVEN IMAGE …. What is the unthinkable ness ..of god ,, is god realy another GREEDY HUMAN KING … or is it IN FI NITE and undescribable ? as written … 1st ….. later manipulated inot GOD…. Kingdoms …so that god and rligons could be of more use to Economy .
young master , social idetifaction or EGO persona , I can see it it he culture of KITTY CATS , it is a natural aspect of nature and if the experincer you to form this to help complete the ILLUSION of separation ,,,but for so many effected by the CONFUSE AND CONQUER manipulation the striving for the return to the … I .. in … I …. The effects of MANIPULATION the search for guidance after the mind fucking of the USER THOUGHT FORM ECONOMY …. With all of its players , so confusing it is hard for a mind with only 2 gig bytes of processing power to wrap itself around the problem to CONWQUER TO UNDERSTAND . that it is easier to just be lead by some one who can generate a peaceful feeling and the HOPE move ment up the EMOTIONAL SCALE … ... the understanding of the confusion is where the OLOGYS … came from the religions and shit . LOA tzu was quated as saying I donot know how to describe it or what it is and so I will just fucking call it TAO ….
EGO self like apicutre that keeps a part of your SPIRIT SELF traped with in the image remeinding you of WHO YOU ARE , no who you were … and so it is with ego self you do not even know is still trapping you in the EXPECTED –ness ..the training away from what you wanted when young into the person everyon else wanted you to be to fit into the Economic model …
Ahhhhhh be the change I want to see …… like the old Russian said ,,SWEEP YOUR OWN DOOR STEP first if you want to see a clean world start there , with yourself . the idea presented by the EX MILITARY effeicency expert …… changing from ROW cropw to ,,,, grid crops …. ENDING the confusion thru the use of TOOL ..the grid where you can ID the species easy , FOCUS EASIER … know if there is an INVADING weed or if there is an helat problem with your food sources , a way to control better COMPAION PLANTING S … to achieve pest control and BIO DYNINCS . and from my own experiments I am better able to ..from my own sweepeing of my door step my own feeding on my SFG .. I am better able to show the WITNESS . to the world , instead of just TELLING YOU what to do , I LIVE WHAT I DO ….. then teach ..... for the hope that a world may see …..
History has shown thru the explorations mainly of the dead cultures that ,, FAMINE AND …DIS EASE PLAGUES … were because humanity got to DENSE .. and out of harmony with nature ,,row cropping did allow for the growth of city states and the rise of PHAROHS god/kings …. But over time ..time and time again give the suroounding lands a few 100 years and they were spent out …. And the peasants once more moved back into the bushes .. to live tribal lives until the next PHAROH CULTURE rtose up and EVE talked her boyfriend into going into town and chasing the brass ring …. Or until PHAROH sent out armies to HARVEST SLAVEs ….
Learn from history or be destined to repeat it …… hmmmmmm …. Word of the AGE about being here now …NOW and how EGO self can fuck that up . yet Tolle is in complete in his talking about the USEFULLNESS of EGO in that ego is a part of animal INSTINCUTALIty … IT IS THE BEING OF THE DOM SILVER BACK … the sense of self.
But to live the change I want to see ….. our economy has a illness a..DISEASE .. we NNED shit …we are needy salves .. TO OIL .. when there are alter NATIVE … ways , but that may mean I will not BE others ARE …. I will not BE FAsHION ? I thought you with your tattoos me with my everything were showing we are not FASHION SLAVES ..yet for me to drive an ALTER NATIVE ..tranpsortationd evise may mean I will give up on some of the STRESS OF SPEED and the addiction to the old EGO ….. I may spend much more time driving 45 ? hey I have been practicing it ,, it is hard ..i mindlessy want to go faster instead of enjoy that I can SEE MORE CLEARLY the world I am traveling thru at 40 or 45 …….. and only it costs me is a few mintues what was I going to do with those few minutes saved ?
BE LIKE YOU and VEG on video games or get HIGH out of boredom ? the few minutes saved or the few mintues lived and appreciated and I live the CHANGE ….. ( chaop the front off a 150ccc scooter after you have it liscensed and customize it by attaching the power plant half to a smaller go cart front .. good steering hydralick brakes ROLL BAR cage …. … PPYRAMIND STABLITY low center of gravity …. Better visislbe foot print on the road … 70 miles per gallon ….. easy to repair by your self …. SELF EMPOWERMENT . self built will better … higher top end
You're not going to have a lot of people you can talk to about this. There is never a crowd on the leading edge.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Napa, CA on Thursday, February 27th, 1997
Yet a lot more than you think even the CHISTIAN FROM TIME TO TIME questions his faith system …… he wonders about the UNGRAVEN IMAGE …. What is the unthinkable ness ..of god ,, is god realy another GREEDY HUMAN KING … or is it IN FI NITE and undescribable ? as written … 1st ….. later manipulated inot GOD…. Kingdoms …so that god and rligons could be of more use to Economy .
Sunday, June 7, 2009
a favoring mind
a favoring mind
young master ,,,, I wonder have all those smart guys who have been quated over the years first read or been exposed to the sotries of sages past ….. Pastuer was quated in speech at a university years ago , as saying ,,CHANCE FAVORS A PREPARED MIND , now it seems that 100’s of years earlier MACHVELLI said just about the same thing and what like fucking 1000’s of years earlier in writings atributed to the BUDDHA was story that had a moral on the same lines ….
Or is it possible that we all have the POSSIBLITY of toucing the stream ..the sorce .. the IN SPIRATION and forming our own owrd tools to describe the law of ATRACTION …ooops you know there is no … QUANTUM police force to arrest NON co-operative experincers of quantum form or beingstate , they have no quatum holding cell where a quantum awaits trial with quatum DA’s and Judges to sentence the Quanta to 20 years in jail for not FOLLOWING a word tool called LAW ….. any way the quanta does not last years it last EXPERINCES THINGNESS for less than a Describable amount of time …
So ..they do not describe the LAW of attraction but HINT AT …the agreement state of attraction …. An under lying truth more complex than the 2 gigs of human brain processing power can deal with ,, hiniting at aspects of IN FI NITY or tao .
Ego my young friend …hmmmm the sages WARN you about it , but it is the SENSE of being a THING .. the acceptance , THE ENJOYMENT FO THE CHNCE TO BE ….THINGY …. The reason we came to be to experience an ASPECT of the ALL in all ways to the point of no 1ting .. we cam to expeinces QUANTIES of things ..that are PERCIOEVALBE thru the SENSOR MECHANSISM of bio mechanics .. and the machines we use are self reparing and have been that way since they evolved and SELF REPLICATING …. so that new machines can be made so that new PARTS OF OURSELVES in the …I … in … I .. can come to feel the separation illusion of EGO ness .
Fine …. Then why fight EGO .. because the birth defected , mind of the FEW the 1 in 1000 ,,the socio path ,,the PHAROH …. Had caused such un INSTINCTUAL confusion and with it PAIN AND HURT … as to cause ths earch the ADVENTURE for the anwer to this PROBLEM ,the GAME ..the FUN ..the CHALLENGE …. Of moving up into different NOVELS .. STORYS .. the bing ..being TREE has less stress that us .
You dipshit my friend do have choice thought now adays …… life liberty and the pursuit of happiness , in your Awareness of the exposure to the MIND FUCK understand you conquer certain LIMITS of it the understanding of limited aspects of the UN GRAVEN the un Describable . the UN WANTED and wanted can form …. ...... and from the thoughtas pertaining to the events thought about you achieve PREPARED MIND …. And then chance favors a better out come …. Because of the attraction of the energy of thought and choice . ahhh BORHN’s re[spnse to Shrodingers cat .'s_cat the intent of the observer …. ...paradox is all around accept it as the ying and yang . forget it and yourself understand and live more frreee by choice ,a nd be in the zone …. Of mr. I DON’T KNOW .
+ the aspects of self reparing bio mechaics … the ideas of free food or human housing are all to FREE you from the mind fuck ,,,not RULES or laws or only 1 ways …but tools of freedom from where you then ESTABLISH an AMENDED ego self ….
I am still the fisherman redneck bait man KORN fan I had always been and free too.
Because we know that life is eternal, and we know that there is no ending to that which you are about, if one of you is killed in an earthquake or crashes your plane, or any number of other very creative ways you have found to make your exit into the Non-Physical, because we know the whole picture, we grieve not a moment for any of you. But from your more shortsighted point of view in physical, a lot of you grieve tremendously.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in El Paso, TX on Saturday, February 17th, 2001
It is fun to forget our …. I…IN …I ..ness to experience LIMITS or no’s to FEEL the difference of the no 1 thing ness the all posssiblyt beyond the HTINKABLE. The time of your own DEEP HIDDEN CHOOSING …… happy health happy healthy happy healty dead ! LIVE HAPPY DIE ……..LONG !
Ahh the stable foundation first young master or the trap of $250,000
Of debt just to get a degree and establish a life of BONDAGE … a cycle of debt … free choice . you can always go after the brass ring from the stable foundation too choice .
young master ,,,, I wonder have all those smart guys who have been quated over the years first read or been exposed to the sotries of sages past ….. Pastuer was quated in speech at a university years ago , as saying ,,CHANCE FAVORS A PREPARED MIND , now it seems that 100’s of years earlier MACHVELLI said just about the same thing and what like fucking 1000’s of years earlier in writings atributed to the BUDDHA was story that had a moral on the same lines ….
Or is it possible that we all have the POSSIBLITY of toucing the stream ..the sorce .. the IN SPIRATION and forming our own owrd tools to describe the law of ATRACTION …ooops you know there is no … QUANTUM police force to arrest NON co-operative experincers of quantum form or beingstate , they have no quatum holding cell where a quantum awaits trial with quatum DA’s and Judges to sentence the Quanta to 20 years in jail for not FOLLOWING a word tool called LAW ….. any way the quanta does not last years it last EXPERINCES THINGNESS for less than a Describable amount of time …
So ..they do not describe the LAW of attraction but HINT AT …the agreement state of attraction …. An under lying truth more complex than the 2 gigs of human brain processing power can deal with ,, hiniting at aspects of IN FI NITY or tao .
Ego my young friend …hmmmm the sages WARN you about it , but it is the SENSE of being a THING .. the acceptance , THE ENJOYMENT FO THE CHNCE TO BE ….THINGY …. The reason we came to be to experience an ASPECT of the ALL in all ways to the point of no 1ting .. we cam to expeinces QUANTIES of things ..that are PERCIOEVALBE thru the SENSOR MECHANSISM of bio mechanics .. and the machines we use are self reparing and have been that way since they evolved and SELF REPLICATING …. so that new machines can be made so that new PARTS OF OURSELVES in the …I … in … I .. can come to feel the separation illusion of EGO ness .
Fine …. Then why fight EGO .. because the birth defected , mind of the FEW the 1 in 1000 ,,the socio path ,,the PHAROH …. Had caused such un INSTINCTUAL confusion and with it PAIN AND HURT … as to cause ths earch the ADVENTURE for the anwer to this PROBLEM ,the GAME ..the FUN ..the CHALLENGE …. Of moving up into different NOVELS .. STORYS .. the bing ..being TREE has less stress that us .
You dipshit my friend do have choice thought now adays …… life liberty and the pursuit of happiness , in your Awareness of the exposure to the MIND FUCK understand you conquer certain LIMITS of it the understanding of limited aspects of the UN GRAVEN the un Describable . the UN WANTED and wanted can form …. ...... and from the thoughtas pertaining to the events thought about you achieve PREPARED MIND …. And then chance favors a better out come …. Because of the attraction of the energy of thought and choice . ahhh BORHN’s re[spnse to Shrodingers cat .'s_cat the intent of the observer …. ...paradox is all around accept it as the ying and yang . forget it and yourself understand and live more frreee by choice ,a nd be in the zone …. Of mr. I DON’T KNOW .
+ the aspects of self reparing bio mechaics … the ideas of free food or human housing are all to FREE you from the mind fuck ,,,not RULES or laws or only 1 ways …but tools of freedom from where you then ESTABLISH an AMENDED ego self ….
I am still the fisherman redneck bait man KORN fan I had always been and free too.
Because we know that life is eternal, and we know that there is no ending to that which you are about, if one of you is killed in an earthquake or crashes your plane, or any number of other very creative ways you have found to make your exit into the Non-Physical, because we know the whole picture, we grieve not a moment for any of you. But from your more shortsighted point of view in physical, a lot of you grieve tremendously.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in El Paso, TX on Saturday, February 17th, 2001
It is fun to forget our …. I…IN …I ..ness to experience LIMITS or no’s to FEEL the difference of the no 1 thing ness the all posssiblyt beyond the HTINKABLE. The time of your own DEEP HIDDEN CHOOSING …… happy health happy healthy happy healty dead ! LIVE HAPPY DIE ……..LONG !
Ahh the stable foundation first young master or the trap of $250,000
Of debt just to get a degree and establish a life of BONDAGE … a cycle of debt … free choice . you can always go after the brass ring from the stable foundation too choice .
Saturday, June 6, 2009
alter native
So EGO thye say is supposed to be something to be conquered? Or gotten rid of? Bullshit it is needed so that you know who you are in relation to every fucking other person …. If you destroy a part of your EGO self you will find you replace it with another EGO self which is proud of no longer being the other EGO self ….
And that is OK young master the UNDERSTANDING of shit is what is meant by CONQUER … just like in my use of divide and conquer or Aconfuse and conquer ,,, IN THE CONFUSING IS THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE LIMITS OF THE 2 GIGS of human processing power the gave the slave master an UNDERSTANDING of the human slave population they would use to serve PHAROH an thus get their place at the dinner table next to PHAROH …. Power .
So accepting the self generating of the SELF the CHARACTER you create so that you can PLAY IN THIS …..CO CREATION PLAY GROUND time/space …. Agreement state of quantum aassemebalge . moving from the I …IN …I … where we are all equals and all connected all the TIME in always ..into the ILLUSION of sepration … the need for know who you are in the NOVEL OF YOUR OWN CREATION . helps you play out the fansty of time space helps you play the game ..the understanding of your own FREE CHOICE is important ,, 1 more free choice.
Now to the what it seems to be the NEED FOR human to have a leader … again after being exposed to a life of possibles where confusion is …the play ground of ECONOMY … the confusion it seems to generate the need ( need is a wrong word tool ) for a leader to help guide you ….. only because you lack the understanding …… the UNTHINKABLENESS of you and your freedom of choice and RESPONSILBLITY of what you attract NOW A and in the past and into the future after realizing shit about the workings of a quantum time/space play ground of equals FORGETTING the braoder self to experience limits or no’s
Now a way to ATRACT LIKE TO LIKE ….. is the starting of a group but if the FEELING of emotion is telling you NOT to …. First it is the old programming realize it understand it ,,, work around it ,, ADAPT AND OVER COME …. Instead of being a FUCKING RELIGON be a social group theme …… like yin yang …. With one of those TRIBAL flute players dancing on the front of it , …. And then the location to rent to hold weekly meeting at the same cost as a night out drinking …… to hold an ALTER NATIVE … meeting ….. just a theme just a movie ,,, attracting like to like ….. 5000 business cards bought a $ 99 . bucks a free web site and ideas of promo …. From thus you have a new self which is attracting LIKE UNTO LIKE …. The new EGO self the CHARACTER you play like becoming PHIL OF PHIL’S BAIT AND TACKEL …. And again I am off to teach fishing in the creation of the idea of
In the aspect of the permaculture of the recreational fishing swimming pond … ...whihc is the MINE THE PIT from where you get the dirt to make COB to seal to bury the sides of the homes to touch the earth to temperature control things .
Sand bags semm like a good idea the enegers keep talking about he need for concrete ,,, hey but the Understanding of THE CONCRETE NATURE OR STRUCTURE of Abdobe or cob . leads me to believe that …. Forming foundations of 4 ft high 4 ft wide 8 foot long 1 inch Molds .to pours a cob , dirt straw 5% PORTLANDD CEMEMT … into and letting it dry ..while you space 6 inches and start another …. Then un srew the firt mold to start the next one …. Then sand baging the last 4 fett of wall will make the engeers happy ….. look at the NEW MEXICO codes for adobie construction on
You attract inot you life ,,and others attract inot hier life … so I am not VERY RESONSILBE for the adult who FREELY CHOOSES TO BE AROUND ME as long as I OLLOW THE words of the SGAE ..Shakespeare … TO THIN OWNSELF BE TRUE AND THEN IT FOLLOWS A SDAY TO NIGHT YOU CAN BE FALSE TO NO OTHER MAN …. Their free choice to hang around you if you have been open about who and wht you are …. Not hiding … and acting some what congruent …. It is not your job to teach to lead to FORCE another to realize who you are . because you exhibit in comfortable ways your nature .
There isn't anything anybody wants that is for any other reason than that they think they would feel better in having it. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Seattle, WA on Saturday, July 3rd, 1999
We move towards what feels GOOD to our mind and our body the dynincs of SPIRIT and bio mechanics …. Your body form ….. the tool of macine is designed to move away from a burning fire …… to a place of comfort …. So that the machine itself does not CATCH ON FIRE ….. and too we will get close to people or events to get the wanted …. GETTING TO CLOSE we may get burned but learn . from it ….
So EGO thye say is supposed to be something to be conquered? Or gotten rid of? Bullshit it is needed so that you know who you are in relation to every fucking other person …. If you destroy a part of your EGO self you will find you replace it with another EGO self which is proud of no longer being the other EGO self ….
And that is OK young master the UNDERSTANDING of shit is what is meant by CONQUER … just like in my use of divide and conquer or Aconfuse and conquer ,,, IN THE CONFUSING IS THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE LIMITS OF THE 2 GIGS of human processing power the gave the slave master an UNDERSTANDING of the human slave population they would use to serve PHAROH an thus get their place at the dinner table next to PHAROH …. Power .
So accepting the self generating of the SELF the CHARACTER you create so that you can PLAY IN THIS …..CO CREATION PLAY GROUND time/space …. Agreement state of quantum aassemebalge . moving from the I …IN …I … where we are all equals and all connected all the TIME in always ..into the ILLUSION of sepration … the need for know who you are in the NOVEL OF YOUR OWN CREATION . helps you play out the fansty of time space helps you play the game ..the understanding of your own FREE CHOICE is important ,, 1 more free choice.
Now to the what it seems to be the NEED FOR human to have a leader … again after being exposed to a life of possibles where confusion is …the play ground of ECONOMY … the confusion it seems to generate the need ( need is a wrong word tool ) for a leader to help guide you ….. only because you lack the understanding …… the UNTHINKABLENESS of you and your freedom of choice and RESPONSILBLITY of what you attract NOW A and in the past and into the future after realizing shit about the workings of a quantum time/space play ground of equals FORGETTING the braoder self to experience limits or no’s
Now a way to ATRACT LIKE TO LIKE ….. is the starting of a group but if the FEELING of emotion is telling you NOT to …. First it is the old programming realize it understand it ,,, work around it ,, ADAPT AND OVER COME …. Instead of being a FUCKING RELIGON be a social group theme …… like yin yang …. With one of those TRIBAL flute players dancing on the front of it , …. And then the location to rent to hold weekly meeting at the same cost as a night out drinking …… to hold an ALTER NATIVE … meeting ….. just a theme just a movie ,,, attracting like to like ….. 5000 business cards bought a $ 99 . bucks a free web site and ideas of promo …. From thus you have a new self which is attracting LIKE UNTO LIKE …. The new EGO self the CHARACTER you play like becoming PHIL OF PHIL’S BAIT AND TACKEL …. And again I am off to teach fishing in the creation of the idea of
In the aspect of the permaculture of the recreational fishing swimming pond … ...whihc is the MINE THE PIT from where you get the dirt to make COB to seal to bury the sides of the homes to touch the earth to temperature control things .
Sand bags semm like a good idea the enegers keep talking about he need for concrete ,,, hey but the Understanding of THE CONCRETE NATURE OR STRUCTURE of Abdobe or cob . leads me to believe that …. Forming foundations of 4 ft high 4 ft wide 8 foot long 1 inch Molds .to pours a cob , dirt straw 5% PORTLANDD CEMEMT … into and letting it dry ..while you space 6 inches and start another …. Then un srew the firt mold to start the next one …. Then sand baging the last 4 fett of wall will make the engeers happy ….. look at the NEW MEXICO codes for adobie construction on
You attract inot you life ,,and others attract inot hier life … so I am not VERY RESONSILBE for the adult who FREELY CHOOSES TO BE AROUND ME as long as I OLLOW THE words of the SGAE ..Shakespeare … TO THIN OWNSELF BE TRUE AND THEN IT FOLLOWS A SDAY TO NIGHT YOU CAN BE FALSE TO NO OTHER MAN …. Their free choice to hang around you if you have been open about who and wht you are …. Not hiding … and acting some what congruent …. It is not your job to teach to lead to FORCE another to realize who you are . because you exhibit in comfortable ways your nature .
There isn't anything anybody wants that is for any other reason than that they think they would feel better in having it. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Seattle, WA on Saturday, July 3rd, 1999
We move towards what feels GOOD to our mind and our body the dynincs of SPIRIT and bio mechanics …. Your body form ….. the tool of macine is designed to move away from a burning fire …… to a place of comfort …. So that the machine itself does not CATCH ON FIRE ….. and too we will get close to people or events to get the wanted …. GETTING TO CLOSE we may get burned but learn . from it ….
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
dirty balling
Dirty balling
Young master …… you were born the sage said rolling down a clean white road , your road … then you were TRAUGHT not to follow your road your expression of wanting as you , YOURSELF decided from the events of contrast ,,, your wanted and unwanted ,,, you were taught to listen to the SHIT of others ,,, I WANT YOU TO DO THIS SO I CAN BE ….. HAPPY and because of fear you started to concern yourself more about those wants of others than your own to the point your CLEAN MIRRORED BALL was covered in dirty shit ….
And the road was also covered in the shit of others their wants and the expectations of livin up to the wants of others kept your clean white raod dirty … these became so old and dusty that you could not eve remember what the road of SELF WANTING must ohave been like you were TRAINED AWAY from realizing that before you realy understood what life was …. ( great plan PHAROH teach young teach the parents to re-inforce the confusion …. CIVILIZE )
Ok so now you are ready to break with the old MIND FUCK , and you move you dirty mirrored ball onto another white road ….this one of your CHOOSING based upon the but instead of life being perfect all of a sudden you expeince a constanst it seems experience of shit still happening ….
And you start to wonder about the AGREEMENT STATE OF ATTACTION ….. even though from your life to date you can see things you have wanted and gone after you have achieved , be it learning to SURF ASPHALT or go fishing or get laid or make cash …whatever , you got whateve was you want in relationship to your deepest held belief on the subject of it . this the TIME LAG of manifestation ….. you do not do INSATNT MAGIC … thank god others wise you would tink the thought ELEP{HANT and a big old fuck elephant would appear in your 3 rd story apartment busting the floor and killing everyone under neath you ….. nope we have a TIME LAG to the assemblage AND DE ASEMMBALGE OF QUANTAS . TIME/SPACE.
So you are now on thise road it subltly changes diection as you define you WANTS thru the experience of unwanted …. And as you roll some of the dirt which became BECAME the ID of you your personal EGO personality how everyone else saw you by the way youDID OF DID NOT … live up to the wants aorexpectations they had about …. Well the shit falls off ,a nd it is the SHIT YOU EXPERINCE PERSE , it is the old manifestation bank acoount being used up …. And sometimes there is some much shit falling of fyou the clean rod looks dusty and disrt y as you get bogged down in some really sticky dirty shit …..
Sometimes as you are rolling there is a thihckly GLUED and dryed on part of you r ID your EGO your personality that starts to break f=ree and it RIPPS PAINFULLY on your living mirroed ball ….. and you see a SOMEONE UNDER IT that you have never realy know and you wonder who wiilll I bee without the SENSE of ID oR EGO that the shit iam carrying with me projects for others to ID me with . who will I be ? with out being refered as the dope smoker fuck head I have so proudly let my self be ID’d as .
As that persopna ripps off it dirtys the street ,,, It causes OMEN ? it can cause confusion ,,it can cause HEADACHES it can be painfull to ripp of the old SCAB of self ID …. something is happening …. Contrast time for choosing changes and living OUTSIDE of fear clinging to old wways ..if they had served you would not not have started won this newewr clean street of your design from your exploration of the WANTED AND UNWANTED …for YOU! Not for others ,,
Trust the DNA expression of SUCCESS humanity is a nice spcies over all ( expcept that which fears the evil actually is the bringer of evil into focus ..the social path fears that which itself is ….in others teach us the EVIL OF mankind for not following the rules of GOD …GOD/KING and his garden of eden …..the rules of PHAROH now in fairy tale form able to be adapted for each new generation fo PHAROH socio path the 1 out of 99.9% good loving co-opeative peaole ,,, the DNA successs the dna EXPRESSION ACTUALLY of harem supportive family living …. You the silver back and non-GREED centered eve ….. family center eve …
The MIRRORED ball of Tao and the CLEAN ROAD are teaching of the sage thru,+your+time+for+peace+has+come&printsec=frontcover&source=bl&ots=d0yfvQwNRp&sig=j3AnHz3DBz-svchoqChK61mt77Y&hl=en&ei=9hAlSqSFD9KLtgeJjezsBg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2 when DEB get ZEN and lets it FLOW … SOME GREAT SIT CAN COME OUT …. LIKe Abraham the voice is for those who have ears ,,,, not just one voice finish all talk IN FI NITE voices of the sage so the IN FI NITE expression which is you can listen as you want !
Everything is vibrational. "I'm letting it in or I'm not. And I'm using lots of things as my excuse to let it in, or as my excuse not to let it in." But it's all vibrational. Otherwise, we should be able to take 100 people, give them all identical exposure to experience, and get identical results. And you can't do that. You'd get 100 different results, and you'd get several big differences in results.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Saturday, October 7th, 2000
IN FI NITE ..way beyond the scope of a brain with 2 gigs of processing power …. Which we express thru .. so you express a want of the filter of that BIO MACINE as relates to you each time each person alil different sometimes BIG DIFFENT .
Young master …… you were born the sage said rolling down a clean white road , your road … then you were TRAUGHT not to follow your road your expression of wanting as you , YOURSELF decided from the events of contrast ,,, your wanted and unwanted ,,, you were taught to listen to the SHIT of others ,,, I WANT YOU TO DO THIS SO I CAN BE ….. HAPPY and because of fear you started to concern yourself more about those wants of others than your own to the point your CLEAN MIRRORED BALL was covered in dirty shit ….
And the road was also covered in the shit of others their wants and the expectations of livin up to the wants of others kept your clean white raod dirty … these became so old and dusty that you could not eve remember what the road of SELF WANTING must ohave been like you were TRAINED AWAY from realizing that before you realy understood what life was …. ( great plan PHAROH teach young teach the parents to re-inforce the confusion …. CIVILIZE )
Ok so now you are ready to break with the old MIND FUCK , and you move you dirty mirrored ball onto another white road ….this one of your CHOOSING based upon the but instead of life being perfect all of a sudden you expeince a constanst it seems experience of shit still happening ….
And you start to wonder about the AGREEMENT STATE OF ATTACTION ….. even though from your life to date you can see things you have wanted and gone after you have achieved , be it learning to SURF ASPHALT or go fishing or get laid or make cash …whatever , you got whateve was you want in relationship to your deepest held belief on the subject of it . this the TIME LAG of manifestation ….. you do not do INSATNT MAGIC … thank god others wise you would tink the thought ELEP{HANT and a big old fuck elephant would appear in your 3 rd story apartment busting the floor and killing everyone under neath you ….. nope we have a TIME LAG to the assemblage AND DE ASEMMBALGE OF QUANTAS . TIME/SPACE.
So you are now on thise road it subltly changes diection as you define you WANTS thru the experience of unwanted …. And as you roll some of the dirt which became BECAME the ID of you your personal EGO personality how everyone else saw you by the way youDID OF DID NOT … live up to the wants aorexpectations they had about …. Well the shit falls off ,a nd it is the SHIT YOU EXPERINCE PERSE , it is the old manifestation bank acoount being used up …. And sometimes there is some much shit falling of fyou the clean rod looks dusty and disrt y as you get bogged down in some really sticky dirty shit …..
Sometimes as you are rolling there is a thihckly GLUED and dryed on part of you r ID your EGO your personality that starts to break f=ree and it RIPPS PAINFULLY on your living mirroed ball ….. and you see a SOMEONE UNDER IT that you have never realy know and you wonder who wiilll I bee without the SENSE of ID oR EGO that the shit iam carrying with me projects for others to ID me with . who will I be ? with out being refered as the dope smoker fuck head I have so proudly let my self be ID’d as .
As that persopna ripps off it dirtys the street ,,, It causes OMEN ? it can cause confusion ,,it can cause HEADACHES it can be painfull to ripp of the old SCAB of self ID …. something is happening …. Contrast time for choosing changes and living OUTSIDE of fear clinging to old wways ..if they had served you would not not have started won this newewr clean street of your design from your exploration of the WANTED AND UNWANTED …for YOU! Not for others ,,
Trust the DNA expression of SUCCESS humanity is a nice spcies over all ( expcept that which fears the evil actually is the bringer of evil into focus ..the social path fears that which itself is ….in others teach us the EVIL OF mankind for not following the rules of GOD …GOD/KING and his garden of eden …..the rules of PHAROH now in fairy tale form able to be adapted for each new generation fo PHAROH socio path the 1 out of 99.9% good loving co-opeative peaole ,,, the DNA successs the dna EXPRESSION ACTUALLY of harem supportive family living …. You the silver back and non-GREED centered eve ….. family center eve …
The MIRRORED ball of Tao and the CLEAN ROAD are teaching of the sage thru,+your+time+for+peace+has+come&printsec=frontcover&source=bl&ots=d0yfvQwNRp&sig=j3AnHz3DBz-svchoqChK61mt77Y&hl=en&ei=9hAlSqSFD9KLtgeJjezsBg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2 when DEB get ZEN and lets it FLOW … SOME GREAT SIT CAN COME OUT …. LIKe Abraham the voice is for those who have ears ,,,, not just one voice finish all talk IN FI NITE voices of the sage so the IN FI NITE expression which is you can listen as you want !
Everything is vibrational. "I'm letting it in or I'm not. And I'm using lots of things as my excuse to let it in, or as my excuse not to let it in." But it's all vibrational. Otherwise, we should be able to take 100 people, give them all identical exposure to experience, and get identical results. And you can't do that. You'd get 100 different results, and you'd get several big differences in results.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Saturday, October 7th, 2000
IN FI NITE ..way beyond the scope of a brain with 2 gigs of processing power …. Which we express thru .. so you express a want of the filter of that BIO MACINE as relates to you each time each person alil different sometimes BIG DIFFENT .
Monday, June 1, 2009
Cutting down trees
Young master .. a different wealth model not different but achieving the dream of wealth model outside of the subtle trap of DEBT and like the JUNKIE ADDICT going thru withdrawls , I am wondering what the fuck is happening sometimes …. Decades of running the game , having net worth and net cash , yet also cycleing with the tool of PHAROH credit …. A tool that many other developed countrys do not have the access to as freely as the US has had …. And become addicted to .
Self empowerment …… the first few levels of MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS being taken care of leads to better enjoyment of the living experience .'s_hierarchy_of_needs ..... so during my own withdrawl EVNTS ..the pain some worry some stress I have choices to focus on ,,,, and to worry about , will worry actually do ANYTHING . ? what has the sages of the past said about worry ….
Now the sage of today the entertainer ABRAHAM teachs about FEELING the emotional guidance …… how does sitting around rethinking over and over about something that causes worry FEEL ? and does that place you on the emotional scale of VIBRATION with the ALL IS WELL aspect of the tos unthinkable self . probably way down on the scale near UN-EM – POWERMENT …. The feeling of Slavery ..or manipulation .
Cutting some trees down that were now shading my SFG’s to much ( the sun has moved on its yearly path ..some shade is good here on the florida sand dunes to avoid sun burning food plants , but LIGHT is needed and I the HUSABNDRY the farmer the SELF EMPOWERED have got to be AWARE FEEL my connection with NATURE . ) that is what I want yes?
And doing just that distracted me , I felt empowered … I was in the flow of POSTIVE ACTION …. I was in the zone ,,, I was up on the scale of emotional guidance and , from that positive action well I will EXTRACT from the all possibility of TAO positive results in the en hanced growth of the fresh foods I enjoy evey day …… cause and effect that is the REAL MAGIC of time/space living ….
Worry about the evovlution of steps that I have putt into motion to BREAK the cycle of dependence on ECONOMY … I want to live in economy to USE the tool of CASH … that which has PHAROHS PICTURE ON IT … but have the first few levels of MASLOW taken care of in a way that I believe I have more diect control over …. and that would be different here and now if I had started with an other life model while young instead of coming into it after the fact of CONTRAST …feeling the effects of one life path choice and then form a state of honoring my DEBT …. Struggling thru to enter into the travels of living another life path . hmmmmmm think think think like the wise old toa of POOH would show by example , I am a bear of very little mind . what the fuck is going on …..
Sometimes I do not know ,,, but I can if I choose FEEL what is going on ,, and choose to find a better action path choice of thinking ? choice of thinking is action and theinking is the start to movement of the body …that which gets me up in the morning …. I can become helpless in worry ,,,wishing for the MAGIC O of toa to come save me …. How can I use the tao to help the people the emporeor asked ZHUANGZI … and he replied all you will do is in the end hurt the people let them live NATURAL HUMAN LIVES first then interact with the over all WELLNESS which is the vidence trail of nature .for NATURE still goes on ….. it will totally erase the evidence of the PHAROHS …. Nature goes on …. That is self empowerment and the dependence on MATERAIL possensions the attachement to PHAROH and econmy ae outside of the flwo of ATOMICS which is nature ..the animal does not carry with it … bags full of GOLD . or things ….. they live they die and so will I .
Today is a good day to trasition , but while that eventuality will happen today I will cut down a tree ,,, and create fire wood . needed any way . 1 tree day from the broder planting even though I am not on the where the border planting in 2 rows the outside being FIRE FUEL wood inside 20 feet a perimeter row of food fruits trees lof varying types DIVERSIFIED INVESTING . even though I am not there the lil’experinces I live thru NOW are the bricks of the belief from which ,t he stpes 3 and 4 are realy built not just dreams TALKED ABOUT with happy happy words bulshit belief , but now in the stages of REAL believing and livng an experience form of it in small test experiences learning the ABC’s in kindergarten . cutting down a tree felt good ..i move up the emotional scale ( I did not kill it no I cut it so that I will regrow to produce mor fuel wood later on )
When you expose yourself to contrast, you expose your Inner Being and All-That-Is to the same contrast. As you conclude a new desire, you summon Life Force forward into this leading edge experience, and whether you are allowing it to flow through you or not, All-That-Is benefits from that.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boulder, CO on Saturday, June 2nd, 2001
The UNTHINKABLE the no 1 thing has your story in it already , but you LIVING THRU it ….. and choosing from your FEELING place is the difference it is the GROWTH that the NO 1 Thing …IS .
Young master .. a different wealth model not different but achieving the dream of wealth model outside of the subtle trap of DEBT and like the JUNKIE ADDICT going thru withdrawls , I am wondering what the fuck is happening sometimes …. Decades of running the game , having net worth and net cash , yet also cycleing with the tool of PHAROH credit …. A tool that many other developed countrys do not have the access to as freely as the US has had …. And become addicted to .
Self empowerment …… the first few levels of MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS being taken care of leads to better enjoyment of the living experience .'s_hierarchy_of_needs ..... so during my own withdrawl EVNTS ..the pain some worry some stress I have choices to focus on ,,,, and to worry about , will worry actually do ANYTHING . ? what has the sages of the past said about worry ….
Now the sage of today the entertainer ABRAHAM teachs about FEELING the emotional guidance …… how does sitting around rethinking over and over about something that causes worry FEEL ? and does that place you on the emotional scale of VIBRATION with the ALL IS WELL aspect of the tos unthinkable self . probably way down on the scale near UN-EM – POWERMENT …. The feeling of Slavery ..or manipulation .
Cutting some trees down that were now shading my SFG’s to much ( the sun has moved on its yearly path ..some shade is good here on the florida sand dunes to avoid sun burning food plants , but LIGHT is needed and I the HUSABNDRY the farmer the SELF EMPOWERED have got to be AWARE FEEL my connection with NATURE . ) that is what I want yes?
And doing just that distracted me , I felt empowered … I was in the flow of POSTIVE ACTION …. I was in the zone ,,, I was up on the scale of emotional guidance and , from that positive action well I will EXTRACT from the all possibility of TAO positive results in the en hanced growth of the fresh foods I enjoy evey day …… cause and effect that is the REAL MAGIC of time/space living ….
Worry about the evovlution of steps that I have putt into motion to BREAK the cycle of dependence on ECONOMY … I want to live in economy to USE the tool of CASH … that which has PHAROHS PICTURE ON IT … but have the first few levels of MASLOW taken care of in a way that I believe I have more diect control over …. and that would be different here and now if I had started with an other life model while young instead of coming into it after the fact of CONTRAST …feeling the effects of one life path choice and then form a state of honoring my DEBT …. Struggling thru to enter into the travels of living another life path . hmmmmmm think think think like the wise old toa of POOH would show by example , I am a bear of very little mind . what the fuck is going on …..
Sometimes I do not know ,,, but I can if I choose FEEL what is going on ,, and choose to find a better action path choice of thinking ? choice of thinking is action and theinking is the start to movement of the body …that which gets me up in the morning …. I can become helpless in worry ,,,wishing for the MAGIC O of toa to come save me …. How can I use the tao to help the people the emporeor asked ZHUANGZI … and he replied all you will do is in the end hurt the people let them live NATURAL HUMAN LIVES first then interact with the over all WELLNESS which is the vidence trail of nature .for NATURE still goes on ….. it will totally erase the evidence of the PHAROHS …. Nature goes on …. That is self empowerment and the dependence on MATERAIL possensions the attachement to PHAROH and econmy ae outside of the flwo of ATOMICS which is nature ..the animal does not carry with it … bags full of GOLD . or things ….. they live they die and so will I .
Today is a good day to trasition , but while that eventuality will happen today I will cut down a tree ,,, and create fire wood . needed any way . 1 tree day from the broder planting even though I am not on the where the border planting in 2 rows the outside being FIRE FUEL wood inside 20 feet a perimeter row of food fruits trees lof varying types DIVERSIFIED INVESTING . even though I am not there the lil’experinces I live thru NOW are the bricks of the belief from which ,t he stpes 3 and 4 are realy built not just dreams TALKED ABOUT with happy happy words bulshit belief , but now in the stages of REAL believing and livng an experience form of it in small test experiences learning the ABC’s in kindergarten . cutting down a tree felt good ..i move up the emotional scale ( I did not kill it no I cut it so that I will regrow to produce mor fuel wood later on )
When you expose yourself to contrast, you expose your Inner Being and All-That-Is to the same contrast. As you conclude a new desire, you summon Life Force forward into this leading edge experience, and whether you are allowing it to flow through you or not, All-That-Is benefits from that.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boulder, CO on Saturday, June 2nd, 2001
The UNTHINKABLE the no 1 thing has your story in it already , but you LIVING THRU it ….. and choosing from your FEELING place is the difference it is the GROWTH that the NO 1 Thing …IS .
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