Tears of joy .
From within a narrow trained range of emotions we think we true feel HPPY and when we get the sad ,,, we drug ourselves in many ways …. Then we encounter the BEAUTY so sublime we get tears of JOY ,, for the THINKABLE NESS is there it is in the range of thinkable we are seeing or hearing etc it now , but … our Trained self knows this is only an ILLUSION yet it is realty … beyond our control to experience for we must return to the narrow box of accepted possibles of high and lw Emotionas …so when you bleive in the happiness you live … now and yet find joys that bring tears to your eyes you are getting the epxerince of realiing your own box you have been traught to accept
ACCEPT OR DIE really you were traught , stress of bio machine live or die fears early on in the helpless years when we depeneded on MOTHERS MILK .. we could not forge or graze the orchards built by fore father with mentalities of 7 GENENRATIONS .
You do not live things that are turthlly UN THINKABLE …. No everything has to be with in a realm that the bio machine can some how PROCESS or think about and that is what from you live a braod and cofusing range of things lived … way beyond the 2 gigs of data your conscious mind can process … for our senses only perceive within a narrow band the gigs of data .. we deal in data BUNDLES not reality
So the power of thought is the …… sages idea of .. focus … and assumptions ..belief .. from which you think.
PBS the question of GOD … lots of fancy people with fancy word tool not the speech of a common fisherman … who finds that right now the top water bait is hooking up redfish …. The Zeitgiest dude Fresco is right if the baby a blank slate I ALMOST IT SAS SOME dnA PROGRAMING INSTINCT ) IS THE BLANK SLATE UPON WHICH DENTITRE MEMORY IS PLACED AND THUS common realty … the word tool of BLUE etc …. Comes ….
The fancy people do not talk enough about this . they do not bring up the depth of the mind fucking of the human species to become a domesticated animal in serve of the POLIS being state …. Evolved from the training of the psychopath
Again I want to say the EVE in her gestational reproductive instinct is PYCHOPATHIC . and her word tool her socialization her understanding and SUCCESS passed down … the changing of the male … by ..the hunted lion of the SAVANNAH APE …. She succeeded by this PYCHOAPTY in in bringing babys into the world ..bringing us up to ages where we could FORGAE and have a chance at survival while she ntured breast feed the next baby …
Ahhhhh but now POLIS is providing chemical mothers milk … the opium on the nipple of Amenhoteps tiomes is the similac of today ,,, that swhihc when italk about food growing from trees on the 30 meters square seems some thing unanantural for from baby hood natural ness is the chemical flow of polis …. Nad from this confuse and conquer we are going to dsicuss with our fancy word and our for profit hierarchy PH’D .S …. Ideas of GOD king ……. P[haroh ness … each of them often refer mindlessly to god ain terms of HE …. AND THIS IS THE SCIENCE and the spirituality ….
What a bout those who were before us that our POLIS killed off as competive cutlrues ysystems … as polis not the same …. Functional so ther fore dangerous and competive … what of the SAGE cultures .. who were PRE – US ./…… they now are in the realm of UNTHINKABLE … the RESOURCE ECONOMY ,,THE GIFT ECONOMY …. The idea of indain giver ,,, I give this to you .. you tell the great sotry of my gift ..that is the value , then in a season return the gift to me , with EMBLEMCHMENTS and I have thus NEW VALUE anew ,, NEW STORY ……. This is the cash ..the value of the econimc system that finds that food grows on trees like it has for 10000’s pf year to let human live to whatever ages .. are in the intent of the adventureser iiiin non fear of transisiont death is not something going wrong but … the moving of door ways …
To sleep you re join the NO 1 THING ….. dream is bio mechaicall explainantions of 1 point of view of the beyond and the data processing that is naturally needed for the bio machine to keep up with data need for further evolving of the POLIS SYSTEM of a trillions of ceeles organization ….. do I find the watching of this PBS movie to be fun …. No … I will continue its watching only for the inspriration to write more …. Not because I feel I will learn from these teachers … because ..if you start from a flwed PAARADYM … assumption ASS OUT OF YOU AND ME … you end up with trash shit …. .
Resource economy …. 45 THOUSAND DEAD KIDS [PER DAY …bummer ? yes and no …the game theirs and mine
There is no condition that you cannot modify into something more, any more than there is any painting that you can paint and not like and just paint over it again. There are many limiting thoughts in the human environment that make it feel like it is not so, as you have these incurable illnesses, or these unchangeable conditions. But we say, they are only "unchangeable" because you believe that they are
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Antonio, TX on Saturday, April 21st, 2001
only because of what we believe .. but what we believe is… is WHAT IS …. You do not live outside the memeory the dentites the base trainin programming of expectation ..is just that a base that can be painted over .. but … we have been taught about … but …. But again but is changeable. … untrain myself by reaching for the best thought about the best of it … the energy of growth towards the sun , drum of what I like about something … brings forth the feel of fun … and FEELING is reality …… feeling is what is real . the data base of remembered feelings is what is really imporatatn form that we JUDGE what we want next to find that HAPPY SPOT . can we ? our training our CULTURING programmed us to belienve in our WEAKNESS depend on POLIS … human is weak and at the head of POLIS of old were the PHAROHS . then they became a more controllable concept of the mental or story book of GOD KING …… much easier tool for the MALE to use ( behind every great man is a great woman …is that not the wisdom of the feminist and is not there great evidence trails of the real Pychopath …. There creating in its image the male ….. can we not see the same events in chimp life ? where to be come the DOM amle altruism needs to be shown then he gets ,, tricked by eve inot MATE PROTECTIVE activity and altruism gets toosed out and eventually he weakens …. Ahhh queen tye .
Sunday, May 1, 2011
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