Offensive toe
So you stub your toes for 5 fucking thousand years , but still you say , I have no toes I have a closet ufll of shoes ,,, in fact I have stilellotoe shoes not toes ,, ( the word of the sage on a fishermans bumper sticker next to the bass assassin sticker …. Was “nice shoes wanna fuck” …. So EVE does that word offend thee? Your highness TYE lives in you ..? myth comes from lived truth … let them eat cake was never said but the essence of it was lived and so the myth the story was created , we …… Philaptrpy gives ease to the altruism of the slave master class never meant to to ease the burden of the poor but keep them addicted to polis …. Form age before the greek word was said …. History it is all about MEMORY history .. DNA is nothing but HISTORY of success . the 1/10th of a sec ond after reality actually happened .. the time needed for the bio machine to compare input with memeory and create an PARADYM BASED ass out of u and me … assumption based … explainantion of what is REALLY happeing … and so we stub out toes and CHOOSE NOT TO talk about toes because toes are dirty policatically incorrect . give give give because it feels good ! to give altruism , allows for the success … greed opr pyschpathy is to limited , it is the low land female gorilla presenting her infant for murder so she can return to Uterus breeding by stopping her laticating .. and bring forth the blood line of the new leader and thus position herself in this NEW ERA . ( all is ok , I am every grain of sand to be or have all ready been … in the no 1 thing … non linear time ….. I am all grains of sand still ) a grain of sand each is slightly different than each other each . being sand … dependant on ORGANIZATION of …lots of small shit called atoms . and sub atomcis and etc etc etc etc … and shit . ……….. polis is I my friend …my friend FRIEND …. And it too is altruisitic …… like we are too our our own cells . and eve . never ever think I TRASH EVE LIKE SOME SORT OF korn song ….
EVE IS MY CONTRAST … THE EVENTS THAT ALLOW FOR THE PLEASURE OF WRITING . but hwat of Viking estates ……. The $$$ are there but the OP is not in FLOW not intuition …. Or is it ? something will happen and it will be fun like a flower growing to the sun ….. follow yor BLISS says the sgaes …. Of all eras . over and over thye say the same things . celistine prof’s etc … all say follow bliss the path of not fear of relief ..from the fear . for fear you have been trained in … it is our paradym . ….. ignore reality for reality is TOES HIDEN IN THE STILLETO ….
SO MUCH OF THE EARLY WRITINGS AND CREATION OF THE website was about BDSM ,,,,, a drug form …. Ease the pain of confusion .. by any means …. Many times from the point of view of relationship ,, male female . but like in the story of O , behind the BDSM is really the pentrated wanting her pentration …… and manipulating Adam into mate proactive state … ahh for me to watch my own un folding of data stream of unfolding of life experiences be them the ones lived the ones written …. All thought is .. what is , you have no experiences outside of the thinkable when it comes to the perspective of this … being state , for if your brain had been deeply damaged into not being abing to process any form of memeory , even breathing then would stop …. Eating talking etc …. And then the bio machine stops and the user of the bio machine TRANSITIONS .. now or later what percentage of the IN FIN NITY .. that you enter into each night as you sleep is ..the life of the fruit fly compared to the tortoise or redwood ,,,,, what percentage of infinity is 1 day 10000 years of the QUATUM SECOND . faster than the nano second .
If I had been brought up without ever knowing the MIND FUCK OF PHAROH , evolved into wqestern fear based religions and life ideas ,, what would it have been like to … live the END OF THE SPEAR where the idea of been buryed back inot the earth was not of fear as we ..RE WRITE IT ….. but the entering into the blanket and safety once more of the MOTHER …. Mother earth to be come once more ….some thing after being no1thing … NO ONE THING HAS NO TIME …
The majority of your population, in your nation of democracy, is experiencing every bit as much bondage as the majority in the other forms of government; because bondage is not about the form of government, it is about the individual attachment to the vibration that disallows the Well-being from flowing.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, August 18th, 2001
wow 2000 and 1 ,,, I have enjoying the word of this sage expression now for about 4 plus years and never enocutered having already talked about issues topics like this so clearly …… it was there already said ,, already in the relam of THINKABLE . from it thur the focus point of ester …. Already said , but now I encounter it …. In support of my current train of focus my current interest … my current wanto , an UNFOLDING of the ALL READY HAVING BEEN DONE so nothing new needed to be created for me to have what is my thinkable arrive in my experience except for me to allow it in ….
What else do I want that I can think about …. How do I let in it , these things that I find to be INTERETING actracting of my attention my focus ,,,, a feeling of GOOD and wanto arising ,, INTERST …
FEAR ..wether it is of a EVIL king or dictactor , who may kill you ..TRANSITION YOU … or the econimc confuse and conquer that will kill you or your kids or your wealth where by you will die or live in horrid conditions ….. EVIL of sorts … at the core is the training the CULTURING … agri culture training a plant to live outside of the nature it had to depend on the NURTURE of mankind for it s now surivival …. In it’s NOW form … the ferrel aspect of the plant are probably still there some of the plansts may be able to re turn to being wild ..we often call them weeds ….. once cultured food sources brought around the world by different peoples where they migrated .
Culturing …. And domecsticated ogansims to work within the OTHER organism or organization …. Being state , withor without brain does not lessen it from being …. A BEING . fear of the TRANSTION when in fact the transion will arrive even for POLIS or earth itself the galaxy and every star within it .. all will TRANSISITON or die . train in fear ,,, train in belief the new being state will provide a better life style as long as you do not LOOK OUTSIDE THE BOX … or wish for the JOY …. Of sublime but be happy with the flow of shit provided to you by POLIS …. If you can not feed yourself you are just a trained RAT pusing buttons that allow you food pellets produced by FOOD INC .
Monday, May 2, 2011
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