Saturday, May 14, 2011

a big pile of free shit

A big pile of free shit

So I do meet tons of people who on average agree ,, having some actitivyt WORK IS BETTER THAN HAVING NONE ,,,, taking a job at a lower wage even thought the cash is important and is the FEAR ,,thing ,, the OP to be able to work and create stuff … is a JOY basis …. ALIGNMENT with source

So in the resource economy ( WRITE THE STORY ASS YOU WANT IT TO BE not as you are seeing it … fill the 2 gigs of your ablity to perceive with wants ) the guys who do enjoy working at the concrete plant since they live in their won food forest their family unit …Poly or Mono ….. have also their own food forest housing etc , even their babys are secure ……. Then they can work for the fun the SURF SIX day work 1 ,,w hihc means that un employment will be gone in fact the empty PLANTS will beg for workers to come and SOCIALIZE and create piles and pile of free stuff

And what of the mantence workers ..will we show up to be part of the activity of the ..POLIS …re – inventing itself for its own SUSTAINABLE future …. Will we show up to socialize and wash the windows to fix the structures maintaint he building intergrity ,,, to be the carpenters if they knew they could express that creativity for ART on their own terms of 1 or 2 or 3or 4 ..days depending on the FUN they get from it ……

But what about the growth of brands ….. brands with out PROFITS … Vovlos ,,,, car lots full of Volvos ,, where Volvo is adv ertising come get one of our cars for free because our people really make reall good sustainable cars ….. while at the same time GMC is producing FREE CARS tooo ….. saying no no no that Volvo shit is shit ,,, our transport devises are like so much way better … and we got lots of lots full of them because of the excess amount of workers we got hanging around wanting to produce quality products .. that work and work work ,,, not pre planed decay to force the slave to buy more often ,,, but quality that allows each newer car to be made better and better and car lots of free cars waiting to be taken away PLEASE COME AND ……..STEAL THIS ALBUM said system of a down …. We’ll make more

Focusing on the possibility of this dream with the 2 gigs of my brain even if it is onlyh in my daily day dreams , sucks the power out of the WHAT IS … and gives it to the creations to be ..

Without need fro CATISTROPHIC REVOLUTION EVENTS . catylizing THE CHANGE . the change can arrive pre planed because of the …WE LIVE ONLY THAT WHICH IS THINKABLE ….. and dentitiable ….we live PYCHOES … of our aboity think about …. So the thinkablity I FREE CHOICE to think … ……

I can not live something that is outside of THINKABLE ,, that there is no ,,, none even vauque forms of word tool about ,,, we can not think about UNTHINKABLE for we ll unthink able is jus that unthinkable. ……

We do experience ..THINK ABLE NESS …

My re- working of the core ow the SAGE EASTER who re worked the ideas mainy others sages had toalked in their own wood tools …

My day dream ….. is more fun than striving for
ANY LEVEL OF HEALTH ….. thru becaoming “ Well “ adjusted to a world or polis that is profoundly SICK is not measure of health or wellness .or happiness

I am paraphrasing something … some one else said … from Zietgiest addendum movie .

BUT WHAT ABOUT THE HOUSES AND SHIT NOW ,,THERE IS A TON OF LAND NOT BEING USED AROUND ,,, THE ownership … is really the owner …SHIT ….. based npon a lie and manipulation ,,, there could be DEEP LEGAL discussions voiding al ownership contrcts as we know them …. Of REAL ESTATE .. in favor of common wealth … life time use permits …. Could come about ,,but letting the day dream happen write the story over and over let the story GROW ..instead of killing the day dream because all the answers are un known now ..
Take 50 mill acres from the 530 million timber acres 50 from the 570 mill acres of pasture add them to the 100 mill we use ofr housing and industry now and every one of 400 million americans gets life time lease of a ¼ acre food forest ,,, and thus .. a deep level of WILD FERREL HUMAN Ffreedom …NON polis free dom….
Killing the day dream …. Keeps things as they are .

My day dreams ideas of today are so much more xpanded into the POSSIBLES htan any thing I was thinking about a year ago … my lived events I am having again show the unfolding into GREATER THAN EXPECTED ….. I got from the small dreams I had .

Santa’s hat

Relieved of the fear of death thru it’s closeness of death from the POISISNS of the fungus ,,, not in haromony with the design of the ONIVOR human homind ,,,, Eve spirt leaves … Eve fearing death of herself and her growing baby within ..gestational pyschopathy … separating her from nature ..greed for life which is natural … she complex .. homind . tool maker now PREY SPEICES on thr fringe of jungle exposed in the sanannah … LIKE THE HERDS OF ANTELOPE WITHOUT THE MILLIONS OF YEARS OF EVOLUTION TO INSURE HER AND HER INFANTS OVER WHELMING NUMBERS SURVIAL …. LIKE THE CLOUDS OF MULLET AMONG PREDETOR SPEICES .. SHE DEVELOPED AN ..extreme ..FEAR OF DEATH .

The fungus brought about either death or the ominvor surived …. The complex history the tool box of genes .. allows for exposures …. Like gorilla can play in swamps and not fear MALRIA …

The fungus its deadly poisin brought the EDGE of living and transition from which MEMEORY of living thru brought about understanding of something more ..then lsot in …………………. Hierarchy . this ablitly to control …again an hierarchy thing … memory thing ….. brought about CULT of the santa’s hat … but too also an knowing of some of the SGAE’s wiosdom , of quantum reality ..there is more than theg VENUE ..the playgroung of taught and accepted paradyms ,,, upon which filtered … points of view of the SAME ….. I in I ,,,no 1 thing …. Get to see from PERSPECTIVE … of b eing the 1 grain of sand on MARS 1 or 2 miles deep in the being neess of of mars TO THE JELLY FISH OR HYDRA ..OR city called HOMESTEAD FLORIDA … polis … or corporation Monsanto which out lives any of tis employees or CEO’s /////

Th experience of closeness to TRANSITION brought into MEMEORY into Word tool .. thru it’s se ..the idea of something beyond ……. WANT . live thru the terrible experience of death . for the cells each wanted to live trusted the idea that the city the organization … COMPLEXITY BUILT upon circulatory system of HYDRA … to complexity of rat or bunny of BABY ….. each cell a 1 …… A1 …. Wanted its won greed of living to reproduce itself again once more ….. like a dad or mommmmy ….

Want . .

The coming into being is of the WANT TO ……. Strings of “ quatoate un quatoate … “ BEING … remain because of the wanting on the particaipants … the I’s you the un thinkable ..ness the un yet expressed of UNENDING …. Infinite possible ending that never ..ever end EVEN THOUGH THE FUNGUS makes you think you will it was only a…YOU A you …. . now the participants judge WANTO thru FEELING …. Either I am totally engrossed and in the zone .. without COMPARITIVE thinking , notincing something lacking …. Or in that noticing of something lacking .. now if I have been exposed to an OVER WHELMED amount of choices for the nature of the bio machine I am using for life experience … then I feel lots of Lck thoughts

I AM PROCESSING FROM A FLAWED PREMISE AND UN ANTURAL PREMEISE FOR THE BIO AMCHINE ,, THE TWISTED INSTINCT …… making me more usefull to the next step of being state which needs my poresence in its organization so it can be…. Be .. organ … is ….. m …… contrast brings forth wants that is good getting over whelmed for to long is not …. The ENVOROMENTAL TRAINING .. OR PROGRAMING … OR WHATEVER ,, SINCE UN THOUGHT ABOUT BY THE PARENT the child is then confused like the parent has been , you can not think outside of the THINKABLE and thinkable ness comes from exposure to …. Data … be that theory written or electronic or life experience repeated enough that dentites are formed and associated memeory ,, the processablity

Presenting my kids with choices and the comparative data . so they can have the BROADER VIEW POINT to then judge what and why ,,,

Now I have a issue with the worker who makes the majic bullet I use to make my smoothy running off the solar panels and etc ,, all the manufactured products . I like ,,, stone age or bronze age is cool .. AMISH ness .. is cool but techno shit is cool to … I would have much less stress if I knew that the worker was first given the broader view point …of 30 meters square their land was theirs planted … surviavil was basic maslow within natural parameter insured .. natural chance flucuations . ..not man made econimc manipulations of the cash soicty . 30 meters square that can not be LOANED against so that the BANKER can not continue the idea of econimc slavery , further land or cash .. aquired from activity within the POLIS can be loaned against ans slavery can evolve then thru free undersstnding of the choices entered into from ,,thinkablity of comaprision .

Having this basis …. Universal for humanity would just be cool ,a nd well we have to much land and the OLD LAWS and land owner ship .. we are stuck in right now is …… PORNO GRAPHIC ….. why did I use that word because of the essence of its meaning … land rights the 1% has had its land passed down or its wealth ..even the NUEVO RICHE … just extension of a UFEL HSITORY not so distant past ……

I have this thing stuck in my craw about my li land ,,, if I ask the LAND LORDS to give up what about mine ?

Then I think OK land lord like me if ..landed gets to keep the ¼ acre the 30 meters square they want from their holdings the rest goods into common wealth … common wealth .. but to main tain some level of the cash culture they have to retain control of some lands for … profit ….. hmmm problems but not UN SOLVABLE .

For muchmuch much lands are IDLE ….. and the economy of scale if the same bulldozers tht are used to build MILITARY structures were used to terra form .. basics here and there ,,, the 6 billion lots would be done in a year to then forest forest for ages to come and allow for the then slower groth … of child here child there …. The more educated EVE becomes the less she buys into being the birthing machine of the POLIS have loads of kids to feed armys ….

The nature of human female is found in the MILK TEETH that shows the timing of child birth … now the recreation of sex with out child birth with out usterus … can be seen in the GORILLA world to … a braoder view point .

You don't have to worry about what their vibration is if your vibration is one of connection. Because if your vibration is one of connection — you're going to dominate the vibration. This is the way you learn your relationships. The thing that most people do not understand, is that you get to control the way you feel, because you get to choose the thoughts you think. Most people think that they only have the option of responding to the circumstances that surround them. And that's what makes them attempt the impossible, which is to control the circumstances around them, which only feeds their feeling of frustration and vulnerability because it doesn't take very much life experience to discover you can't control all of those circumstances. But you can control your vibration. And when you control your vibration, you've controlled everything that has anything to do with you.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in El Paso, TX on Thursday, March 28th, 2002
with me …. As I am here and now … for ..I …. Beyond the word tools the un TLAK ABOUT ABLE I am the complex survival onivor who could live on coastal areas and eat oyster ans we awed and plus uyse the Gentic tool box of survival and eat the seed ..the nuts of grass like austro lopethiceon……. Onlyt the weak nest of us express the fear limiting the the use of gentic tool box .. GIVE CELLLS ONLY LATOSE EVEN THAT THEY BE what we call lactose intoleranert and the find ways thr the tool box live ….. WANT
Vibration of wanting to …..
…. Well that is un talk about able … yet as real and more real ..for with out that there is no PLAY GROUND for this … experience of Filtered … I …. The what comes next is un written except in my expectation of it ,, what possbles will I THINK ABOUT … or vibrate about …

stone age , bronze age man who continues to keep the knowledge of how close it came to creating the next level of FILTER …… or the other string of reality which will unfold for it has been to well described to not UN FOLD …. All possible is way to big and complex to limit the unfolding of things so well described by so many … while has the FREE CHOICE idea of enjoying the garden of eden we have …. Has that been described ? ckea eough and well enough and enough times for it to become a VIABLE STRING .

Saturday, May 7, 2011

puppys and kittys .... bunnys and babys

Puppys and kittys …. Bunnys and babys

Change happens at the speed of technology they say ,,, compounding upon itself till if we took am adult human of just the year 1905 and brought them her into this world … it would blike to them taking a cave man neadnerthal and bringin him into the streets of Paris in 1905 or new york 1905 …. 100 years as compared to 100 THOUSAND YEARS … so what wil the next 7th generation thinker …. What shoulod they be thinking really …. First the should ignore the shoulds amd emjoy the being they do have first . transistion will happen being and non being …. Time is a non percentage of infinity .

So this lil’ girl musta been about four asks mommy after she is totally engrossed in watching me for a second ,, happens a lot kids dig watching the window washer dance his blade …but this lil’ I over heard asking mom ,, was not what is he doing in terms of me washing the windws but ,,, what was I doing in terms of my Whistleing ..
HUH ? I have heard whistling is becoming a lost art , and that musems are already gathering the sound of human whistles for their displays ..but is it that RARE …

That her programming does not even INCLUDE the image of human whistling ? sure I can see that programming …. Kids shows do not need any longer to refer to phones in terms of dial type nor do they show images of vynly records or for that matter butter churns …. These images will not appear in the WILD HMAN EXPERINCE any more ,,, and so to it is with my …. Whistle it needs not be included in the electronic world .. for the child will mostly not encounter it in wild humanity .

The figures are that something 8 in 10 kids WORLD WIDE will be brought up on a CHEMICAL SOUP that replaces mothers mild ..called Formula …. It is in the better interest of health ….. and leleche effeorts are like the Craft of Quilting … nice cute ,,, would love to do it more often but ………. Not the real real REALITY in any numbers to really matter ….. ( follow the protein trail … our foods are made up of only 4 things corn rice wheat and soya …. Ohh fruit that is petro chemical fertilizers and pesticides ..chemically ripened …. Meat follow the base n trail found in the end product ..nothing has really changed 4 things in different packages )

Eve is just a convient …bio amchine for INCUBATING the next lil’ professional or middle manager class female worker … again world wide it is the female who is beign hired for INSIDE JOBS …. Environmentally controlled structures in which billions of females world wide will spend … their prime years before becoming INCUBATORS . onlybecause

Jaques Fresco said something once and it has suck in my craw …” because it has not been automated ….YET “
Prime years ..the pefered worker in the emerging industrial world is female .. aged 15 to 25 ,, after 25 they get laid off because they are pyshciallly and emotionally burnt out and not usefull to the ………..? COMAPNYS ARE like citys …… viewed as PERSONS under the law . that which makes them up is un important for 1 year it is a human next it is the emerging AI ….. that takes the job and the human is ….. automated … out returned to the wild ..but un able to feed itself

Someday Polis will find the bio+infecdtion is hindering it things like puppys and kittys … bunnys and babys …. Green trees and wild flowers …( green stuff , the concrete Polis only allow a token level of their presence after much litigation )… ….. earth stewardship will be in the handss of the next level of evolution and since welll the earths crust is just SLAG of a motel ball of manily metal and we are just bio infestions on the SLAG and macines have and will evolve much more in common with the metals ..than the MEATS ….. and things are moving so fast ,, what should a 7th generation thinker be thinking like ?

Hybrid Man? ….. hybrids are the transi state to elimination often
Downloadable man ? lost in the sea of data ..encoded in the atomica;;y spced memory of NANITES …. And the grey goo more at home with molten metal that meats
Or STONE AGE MAN ? living with the TECHNOLOGY OF Mother Nature …..

Which man most likey with have another 7th generation thinker it’s population ? so tell or write WHICH STORY

Being in love is so good for you. Often when people are newly in love, things that have been bothering them for a long time get better. Something wonderful is calling the majority of their attention, so they're holding themselves in a better vibrational place, so the stuff they've been wanting all along can now zoom in.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Portland, OR on Sunday, July 11th, 1999

but are you really gone ? if you get good at tripping mediations you go …. But have some memeory of aspects …. What if the grain of sand which is a user of … non life mater in an organization to be …grain of sand … is your equal . but we have lost our ablity to talk with it , it is much more in the toa that us who use the complex filter of bio machine … so the grain of sand is not dumb we just do not hear the language we are the dumb one ….

What does this have to do with the abouve . word of the sage …. VIBRATION …. The matter is built upon the vibration of being and non being of the quatums ( which we have no real idea what they are visibles or darks….
… vibrations are what …is .. important , we deal in a memory comparison state 1/10th of a seconde behind real unfolding of atomic and sub A reality . …. And the bio machine human human is so limited , I can hear like my cat ,, smell as good as my dog nor see as well as the eagle ….. nor feel taste the air like a snake .

so seeing life from a different PARADYM ….. we can allow , for Meta P …. Be happy and you then from that newer vibration of being experience much more of the LIKENESS …. Of that current which you are in . stay talking about the unwated … stay stuck .. talk about the un wanted in terms of DATA used to build the wanted ,in EXCITEMENT and hope … ahhh back to the feeling good in the artful expression of INTELLIGENCE … an c reativiity .. and fun !

the better you can tell a story the more likely that story will come true for each time you re tell the story you amend it make it better more EFFICIENT … and the story you write the story you tell just tends to appear because of the expectation built into mind thru PROGRAMING .

Friday, May 6, 2011

freedom land

Feedom … land

So … off grid in town outa pocket …. Thinking in terms of 1 person first … then figure on multiplying the system as your life expanding giving each person their own FREEDOM … . for a year now I have playing with solar panel first 2 harbour friehgt 45 wat ysytems then another 2 40 wat now another 30 wat 3 diffent manufactures … and 3 small charge controllers all , things are like max 150 invest unit down to 39 bucks for the charge controllers and feeding now 4 mid sized marine deep cycles …and I am suprized now that this 210 wat gross system is running a chest freezer used as a frige , I can make 2 pots of coffee with the coffee maker per day , cook stove top 2 to three meals per day now the stove top usint is a counter top twin burner that I have used to actually can gallons of produce on , using food thermometers to insure expteended cooking at 200 degress and then sanitizing of the bottles after filling …… ( that was done using grid energy , I am looking forward to doing it solar once I get to 500 watts of solar and another battery or two of depth , and doing the canning operation day time so I use power the best way ….. but to do the ESSENCE of the gird life now day after day on only a mickey mouse 300 wats is freaky , and to include , ca few fans and house lighting too …. And laptop recharging ….. is just feaky ,, the it is POSSIBLE of it all comes more and more into focus

As I graze my expaniding food forest daily … like yesterday to eat fresh cherrys for once speces of tree to fresh black berry and blue berry and then a nice fresh big white deacon radish ,, and fresh greems and pidgeon peas ….. doable doable doable

Now grains sure I got a whack of barley the oats .. a new thing are doing fine even a couple of other grains … that I had seed of and am still wondering wha the fuck it is ,, and the tons of millet ,, I think will be best used to feed free range chickens which I do not have yet …… but I could grow the grains but working full time it is just easier to factor in ,, the idea that breakfasts need a pound of grains per week , oats or rices or corn girts ….. and dinners need a pound of grains per week ….. pastas , rices …. And that reality is bulk that comes to a Buck a pound or 100 buck a year

1 person … thinking on getting the freedom of the 1 ….. the power paid for the house paid for the land … food ,,, etc etc etc ….. well I gottta go to work got the RESIDUAL of bills to pay from my INVOLVEMENT in the trap set by the economy I was born into thinkig was real …the assumption ,, the paradym …. I wll go ride my electric bike to work …ohhh whocih I have charged alos with my solar arry ……

THE ESSENCE …….. not the have to … the I can ,, not the nust .

Non is so helplessly enslaved than those who wrongly belive they are free

Art mimics life other wise we could not dentrite wise correlate the images and sotry line with the complex in puts of memeory in whihch we have been brought in ..or in other word lived you .. you do not have to really live the events to have knwing of the … art FREEDOMLAND

Why did the child die ,,, because the mommy was a wage slave .. why would ones burn their own city like they did to liberty city Miami ,,, with out knowing they were slaves of .. basic MALSOWS issue to corpartions .. to publix and Monsanto and DOLE .. and Nabisco …
Confusse ansd conquer … DNA is alibrary of … the BEATEN DRUM …. The rock thrown into the air and learned from over and over ..those who lived learned … passed on the learning ..the HISTORY …… the allowing of CHANGING EMERGING . choices to succeed in …an … an system . polis is an eco system … like forest was . like savannah was … but where savannah and forest were system that have and ahd track records of sustainability of MILLLIONS of years POLIS has shown its weakness in HISTORY
DOES THE HUMAN REALLY DRIVE ITS OWN EVOLUTION OR MAYBE THE MITOCHRONDRIA . could they .. from the bottom up extert some influencing effect on the city of human … ?
Ashhhhh the idea that I beat of the drum of is that voice ..of change is the how I PRE PAVE seeing of it .. and the hope ..that the art shown of a single parent stressed could end in horror so mind numbing …. For by the grace …….. of pharoh go I …. Also once first a single parent of 1 the later a single parent of 3 …… whether you lived it or just known of it ,, it is within your SCOPE of denttrite compareison …. And so you can interact with the for profit movie ……………for profit ….. the thing which is at root of the problem ?

To be a resource economy is still in the realm of unthinkable ………. It is beyond // everyone hitting the lotto … that is just a baby step and EPI= CYCLING …. Putiting the unthinkable the non memeory the UN dentiteable concept into form that nerves can correlate . ….. simple FORESTING AND PV’S A ND SAND BAG HOUSING …. MASOWS first few levels ..stilll leaves something missing .

If the mitochrondria of a cell rebel ..the chemical un balance .. the eco system ..the soup from which the vehicle of homind cell in which the Mitochrondria ride within … the next step of DNA … the TOOL BOX which feeds upon the soup provided by MItochrondria … that DNA then is altered and shit changes good or bad it changes . bad and good ? fear of ///TRANSTION . for even mitochrondria like the myth person Jesus all have to die … transition .

We practice the Art of Allowing. Which means reaching for the thought that feels best, not the thought that is the real thought, not the thought that is telling it like it is. Telling it like it is only holds you where it is: "Damn it, I'm going to tell it like it is. I'm going to tell it like it is, because everybody wants me to tell it like it is." Tell it like it is if you like it like it is. But if you don't like it like it is, then don't tell it like it is—tell it like you want it to be. If you tell it like you want it to be long enough, you will begin to feel it like you want it to be. And when you feel it like you want it to be, it be's like you want it to be.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Syracuse, NY on Saturday, September 30th, 2000
the WORD TOOL of one person and then the word tool of another …. And so often you find the common thread as long as you think for yourself , but you were trained to not theink the PARADYM the base assumption of a science a nd polis , society is s social science …. Our basis ,, which PHAROHA class and his priests and scibes depened on to insure their position so they could be the arm candy of the EVE motivator … ( think way outside of the mc donalds time line into generational effects …not just in years or a few 100’s but a thoudand or 5 )
the poaradym … respect your elders blindly ,, good idea when learning how to GRAZE .. whihch fruit is good to eat which snake is danergous to catch ..etc. but when the MILK TEETH start tof fall the evidence trail of an amount of survival wisdom and oppurutunity for personal expression of INTELIGENCE and surivival and future reproduction ..of the INTELLIGENT …
ahh but study the skill of DOMESTICATION OF animals to serve a system … and find us ,,,
you gotta understand that the rock will fail ,,or the wood will fall or the nickel coin will fall when throw into the air ,,,, alone , but all can be morphed into .. smelted , changed and become AIR PLANE and fly away .
just looking at the falling rock hitting your head is telling it like it is ….. studying the concepts outside of the what is , to wonder why ,, a kite rises , the bird flys , the the thin metal tossed in a way flys like a frissbee ….. is the talking about aWANTO …
to talk only a about PHAROH with out thinking about wondering about ..other things will not help in the creation of other things , the early dreams of flight look nothink like the flyng machines we now have … so to will our concepts of RESOURCE ECONOMY we hold from these early dreams have little resemebalces to future epxresions of SOCIAL SCIENCES and the newer ever changing … paradyms upon which they are built . but if the hierarchy has its way …….everything has to stay the same so these stupid mother fuckers can understand WAZ UP .
non intelligence .

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

thumper the rabbit

Thumper the rabbit

ALL TRUISM is needed for a species to survive in the whole ness , even whie we see from our judgemental eyes non love the WOLF LOVES the Caribou …. As seen thru the eyes of the sage who understood the wolf was the caribous best friend ….
EROS or AGAPE …… fucking ego of fancy talking parrots with PH fucking D’s
Jesus … was a tool to make sure the slave master could generalize love and manipulate it . my neighbor as my slef .. is to realize the I in I ,, polis is an I .. a being state …. What if they do it again and again … hurt you …… it is good tool for building community or polis … instinct would see the TRANSITION of a psychopathic expression is good for the WHOLE … and the psychopath is just a fucked up game palyer .

Jesus says ..take the bag the second mile a good slave ! smart ROMANS create a good system for the slave calss. … love your enemy ? with great big fucking guns and dance when we kill’em …. The love of god . ?
Ok so once again I could not follow thru with the societys SHOULD of watching the HARVARD PBS special about god funded by the rockerfellers …. The best minds of our world the hierarchy …
So today like on many days I found an OP to turn some one onto zietgiest addendum and the doc. Corp. by them also one of my clients a store front preacher with a day job ,, his church actually has been doing very well for a decade so when we got talking about media SPIN and government lies and … issues issues issue and he said ,,money is the root of all evil … or is it the love of money …. And I came back …

What about a change in paradyms ,,, the base assumption , bring us to talk about things that are almost UN TALKABLE … un thinkable beyond our ablity to think about for we have not really lived any thinkg like or even seen it , for socialism or communism or whatev er ism’s we have known are still beased on the MONETARY SYTEM …

But I wanted to temper the anty RELIGON ASPECT of zietgiest … to find out that this bible thumping evangelicial preacher was a theologian beyond those form HARVARD ? what did he say …
God the father is the in – F- able beyond words to talk about …
The holdy spirit ( I gotta use my word translation ) is the NO 1 THING …. The all possible manifestations of thingness yet not yet manifested
Jesus is the myth representation of Being

And I …… he went on to say am a businessman , presenting HOPE TO THE BROKE who are now broken … in words and story familiar to thm . and we went on to talk about church membership historically going up and down depending on economic cycles and what would his job as preacher look like in a RESOURCE ECONOMY …… and he described himself as an equal to all other core preachers of all religions …. Beyond the business and need for cash to pay for the church ..we would just talk to people about the ideas of their ……..
Their …. Un-derscribable self … and then I would have my day job I guess if…
As he talked about WHAT IF EVERYONE HIT THE LOTTO AND PRICES STAYED THE SAME …… maybe that would give us an idea of what I maybe like to be in this resource economy … KINDA . he gave himself a bridge of DENTITES associations to think about the un thinkable ness of RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY .

I think if he does watch the Zietgiest movies he will now not take offense but see the expression of frustration …that poepl like the HARVARDS …. Continue with their confuse and conquer of hierarchy of KNOWLEDGE .

Altruism is INSTINCTUAL … AND MY FRIENDS CHURCH COULD NOT SURVIVE WITHOUT THT EXPRESSION ,,, ALL TRUISM IS DIFFERENT FROM ..philatropy … THE GIVING OF THE POOR WORKING CLASS TO THMSELVES is nothte same as the crumbs falling from the tables of PHAROH as they hold their benift abanquets and show off while they socialize and pat themselves on the back for the MONETARY SYSTEM stuff they give back .

Since you have control over what thoughts you offer, what could be more just than the powerful Law of Attraction responding equally to everyone who offers a vibration? Once you gain control over the thoughts you think, your sense of injustice will subside and will be replaced with the exuberance for life and the zest to create that you were born with. Let everything in the Universe be an example to you of the way the Laws of the Universe work.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
law is a word tool …this is an AGREEMENT STATE that we players even the being states of the sands of mars their part in BEING of mars so we can look at it thru atelelscope or land probes on it ….. the jelly fish and hydra my equals and POLIS my friend .. once we are back in the unthinkable … UN THINKABLE … the no 1 thing … players ….. playing parts thru filters ….

And what you let into your filter …NO ..what you choose to focus upon that your fitler has already processed and compared for you to …to …to… CHOOSE ASPECTS of .. look at it in 1 way or in another emergent way ? and which ever way you chose to go .. the LAW OF ATTRACTION inits flow will continue to process the info in that manner unless your CHOOSE ….. to see things differently …

Hey this sounds abit like the free choice shit preachers talk about .. but even that bible thumper deep down KNEW the sages words were the ideas of the I-ness evry where .

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

worthless solid gold knife

Solid gold knife

Would fucking fucking useless ,,, the emtal is too soft , and gold will not make a good spear , in fact gold is pretty fucking worthless really ,,, if your were the hunter of ages past hiding in the bushes silently in abush would you be wereing a shining golden crown oor jewelery ? no you cover yourself in mud and and shit ,, reall shit to alter your smell and color so the presy does not catch wind of the hunter …. GOLD you can not eat it …
What the fuck good is it for ,, to attract attention , most probably used first by EVE then , she made sure her ARM CANDY was adorned with the shit when he was not hunting …

Today I compare it to us and our blood staining t-shirts that we go fishing with and work in , but when in the REALM OF EVE …. We gotta clean up … as the the girls sayhe cleans up pretty good ,, to function in her POLIS …. Do I want to chew onher ear or the metal earring …. God damm how many times have I written that …

So ,,, most cool being able to cook using the tiny photovoltaic system I have ,,,, so much easier on the mind than a wind mill no moving parts ….. and the price is going down and the adaptive use of alternative cooking appliances has allowed me the ESSENCE of the regular in LATER – NATIVE forms ….. off fucking grid in town outa pocket . and with no moving parts …. Just refined beach sand , and I betcha after the 40 years life span , it is totally recycleable into … something . most f’ing cool

Now the growing of stuff like grains and more having done it ,, I feel the need no longer other than to maintain the seed stock in an ever FEERRRLING state ….. recreating a hardier strain more adapted to my local and also good bird foods ….

Nothing can come to you outside of your vibration ….hmmmm ,,, nothing can come outside of what is thinkable to you , for if it were UN THINKABLE you would not be able to process the data ,, in the 1/10th of a second gap between REALITY and what you brain tells is reality ,,,, and since we only live consciously within ,,,, the noticeable 2 gigs of data … there is in reality so much more happening
Nothing comes to ….not a FATE chance luck ,,, I offer a vibration and law of attraction brings me into SINK ….. word tool … word tool ….. nothing outside of what the limited being state of time space I use this brain of 2 gigis …. NOTICES only that which I have already in some way prepped to notice .
The more FUN ..things … are there also for me to notice and the more fun things are LIFE GIVING energy giving ..FUN just fucking fun feels better feels relief ? fun isw well jus more fun and I through my filter get to choose …

WHO IS THE I…… I …. Who does do the choosing …… for I can choose to think or nitice ..word tool vibrate … on topics that feel fun and give me life and energize me .

Without the filter the sensory organs I am in the NO 1 THING … which is all things all the time always ….. not separation , the filter of bio macine gives the chance to experience differicnetiaon s ……
Drag your chair to a warmer part of the world …. Why do you tolerate the UNPLEASNT … the source of me … I the chooser is calling me to what feels better thru the INSTINCT the DNA of the bio machine I…. I …. III…. I … am using for experience of differences NON …NO 1 THING .. ALL ALWAYS IN ALLWAYS ..ALL WAYS . FOR IF IWERE A POLAR BEAR IN hatia THAT WOULD SUCK … LIKE ME phil on a fucking ICE BERG …. THRU THE FILTER …. Is what gives FUN FUN ….

So polis …or jelly fish neither has a nerve system , yet I can see the re action of jelly fish to feeding it an 8penny nail or a fresh anchovy ,,,, the may even get a visisble reaction of recoil since the galveniizingg is toxic ,, while the fresh anchovy would get a jelly version of HAPPY HAPPY …. But I can not as yet really see …the chooser in the POLIS . the I which shows happy in the anchovy … POLIS has memeory in its writing in its INSTITTUIONS … the cell DNA where I live out the comparable life of mitchrondria with my dna seprate from the vehicle cell …. I am mitochrondria of instintions within an organ group like arm muscle or eye ball or tooth or liver …… of something I as of yet have not word tool to describe as … I describe it my paradym I will be .. I can only function in thinkablity

RESOURCE ECONOMY …… what is my thinkablity

Make a decision and then make it right. There just are no wrong decisions. You could go this way, or that way, and either way will eventually get you to where you want to be. But in the moment you start complimenting yourself on the decision you've made, in that moment, you come back into vibrational alignment with who-you-really-are.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in West Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, August 6th, 2005
follow your bliss ..grow towards the sun …FEEL GOOD !!! … whatever you do you can not fail because this is only a real real real playground which you WILL LEAVE transition from ,,, a flash in the IN FI NITE … the fruit fly human or tortoise or red wood or quantum of action flasing in a dn out , we from our perspective give it VALUE judgements but what if the quantum was really the TOTALLY SMART ONE CONNECTED TO I and I WITH OUT THE viel THE FILTER OF BIO MACINE TO CONFUSE IT ….
SO CELESTINE PROPHECY , IS JUST A BOOD WHICH MAKES UP THE WALLS THAT LLOW FOR HEAVENS TO BE PLAYING ,,,, WWWW.INSTINTUALISM.ORG?PARADOX … whatever you can describe IS . and stuff not yet able to be described well is also . you just dunn not know it for you currently you lack word tool . fisrt comes a form of memeory ,, building blocks .. like creating syrmids .. of PHAROH we are so fancy ,,, everything is just building blox of children . so I retrn to the pbs god doc. And the question about god in the image of father is brought and , and the idea of in his image , and I am not the body I use which is always changing started from a single cell which goes or mimics all evolvutions of life forms …… and continues to change at the atomic level so that even the DNA is being added to constantly … not a single atom is over 7 years old ,,, the i….. is the user of the bio filter called animal … or non animal and still afilter of experience . grain of sand
To talk about other cultures so grossly .. with out bringin up how those cultures that did HUMANIZE god often came from roots of non humanized and non form god … but grew into hierarchy gods so to use god for power in the POLIS of their emerging society the world of words are the huts and in the caves ,,, words are uselss to the hunter hidingin ambush , so who talked and talkd and talked and still today uses many many many more words per day than Male in fact Drl gRey remeinds us that men can actually USE UP THEIR words for a day …… still ifind myself so how respecting all these supoosed wise people and their fancy titles but they are just well trained parrots .
Joy the wanto …fine the action ..planc’s action the being of in the zone where no comparions are made and life is lived … not thought about . ….. so if thinking or free choice which needs thinking is what makes the difference then those who are lacking in the memory and dentitites connections to allow for rational thinking can not KNOW god ? that is fucked up . god only wants smart people huh ? wicked evil god . ( ohh but I know if you follow the magic hidden in ritual the not so smart are granted a free ride … agin fucked up tainted by PHAROH and slave master mind fucking to control populations to serve POLIS for pharohs came and went … polis lives and emerges on .

My mitochrondria do not do much when it come to me choosing to eat choclate or not they are the slaves who use the body for their adapted life vehicle …. The domesticated bacterium . like we are being domesticated by polis . and I really have little idea of the chocolates polis eats . ….
SEPERATION IS STRONG A WORD but the sage has no other owrd to use , but then says …. Remember you are not you but I ……. So that idea of langing for the tears of joy the DEVINE the more powerful than you … is searching like a slave for the savior to free him from the slave master who in fact is ssuch a bastrad because he works for PHAROH but the slave looked to PHAROH and his HOLY DAYS of relief or the chance blessing directly . great tool of social training and manipulation to be evolved and become useful . has nothing to do with the bing state of PLANC .
Happiness . is the difference between my filters point of view about the NO 1 THING and the experience of being thru a filter and thingness .

Monday, May 2, 2011

offensive toes

Offensive toe

So you stub your toes for 5 fucking thousand years , but still you say , I have no toes I have a closet ufll of shoes ,,, in fact I have stilellotoe shoes not toes ,, ( the word of the sage on a fishermans bumper sticker next to the bass assassin sticker …. Was “nice shoes wanna fuck” …. So EVE does that word offend thee? Your highness TYE lives in you ..? myth comes from lived truth … let them eat cake was never said but the essence of it was lived and so the myth the story was created , we …… Philaptrpy gives ease to the altruism of the slave master class never meant to to ease the burden of the poor but keep them addicted to polis …. Form age before the greek word was said …. History it is all about MEMORY history .. DNA is nothing but HISTORY of success . the 1/10th of a sec ond after reality actually happened .. the time needed for the bio machine to compare input with memeory and create an PARADYM BASED ass out of u and me … assumption based … explainantion of what is REALLY happeing … and so we stub out toes and CHOOSE NOT TO talk about toes because toes are dirty policatically incorrect . give give give because it feels good ! to give altruism , allows for the success … greed opr pyschpathy is to limited , it is the low land female gorilla presenting her infant for murder so she can return to Uterus breeding by stopping her laticating .. and bring forth the blood line of the new leader and thus position herself in this NEW ERA . ( all is ok , I am every grain of sand to be or have all ready been … in the no 1 thing … non linear time ….. I am all grains of sand still ) a grain of sand each is slightly different than each other each . being sand … dependant on ORGANIZATION of …lots of small shit called atoms . and sub atomcis and etc etc etc etc … and shit . ……….. polis is I my friend …my friend FRIEND …. And it too is altruisitic …… like we are too our our own cells . and eve . never ever think I TRASH EVE LIKE SOME SORT OF korn song ….
EVE IS MY CONTRAST … THE EVENTS THAT ALLOW FOR THE PLEASURE OF WRITING . but hwat of Viking estates ……. The $$$ are there but the OP is not in FLOW not intuition …. Or is it ? something will happen and it will be fun like a flower growing to the sun ….. follow yor BLISS says the sgaes …. Of all eras . over and over thye say the same things . celistine prof’s etc … all say follow bliss the path of not fear of relief ..from the fear . for fear you have been trained in … it is our paradym . ….. ignore reality for reality is TOES HIDEN IN THE STILLETO ….
SO MUCH OF THE EARLY WRITINGS AND CREATION OF THE website was about BDSM ,,,,, a drug form …. Ease the pain of confusion .. by any means …. Many times from the point of view of relationship ,, male female . but like in the story of O , behind the BDSM is really the pentrated wanting her pentration …… and manipulating Adam into mate proactive state … ahh for me to watch my own un folding of data stream of unfolding of life experiences be them the ones lived the ones written …. All thought is .. what is , you have no experiences outside of the thinkable when it comes to the perspective of this … being state , for if your brain had been deeply damaged into not being abing to process any form of memeory , even breathing then would stop …. Eating talking etc …. And then the bio machine stops and the user of the bio machine TRANSITIONS .. now or later what percentage of the IN FIN NITY .. that you enter into each night as you sleep is ..the life of the fruit fly compared to the tortoise or redwood ,,,,, what percentage of infinity is 1 day 10000 years of the QUATUM SECOND . faster than the nano second .
If I had been brought up without ever knowing the MIND FUCK OF PHAROH , evolved into wqestern fear based religions and life ideas ,, what would it have been like to … live the END OF THE SPEAR where the idea of been buryed back inot the earth was not of fear as we ..RE WRITE IT ….. but the entering into the blanket and safety once more of the MOTHER …. Mother earth to be come once more ….some thing after being no1thing … NO ONE THING HAS NO TIME …

The majority of your population, in your nation of democracy, is experiencing every bit as much bondage as the majority in the other forms of government; because bondage is not about the form of government, it is about the individual attachment to the vibration that disallows the Well-being from flowing.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, August 18th, 2001
wow 2000 and 1 ,,, I have enjoying the word of this sage expression now for about 4 plus years and never enocutered having already talked about issues topics like this so clearly …… it was there already said ,, already in the relam of THINKABLE . from it thur the focus point of ester …. Already said , but now I encounter it …. In support of my current train of focus my current interest … my current wanto , an UNFOLDING of the ALL READY HAVING BEEN DONE so nothing new needed to be created for me to have what is my thinkable arrive in my experience except for me to allow it in ….
What else do I want that I can think about …. How do I let in it , these things that I find to be INTERETING actracting of my attention my focus ,,,, a feeling of GOOD and wanto arising ,, INTERST …
FEAR ..wether it is of a EVIL king or dictactor , who may kill you ..TRANSITION YOU … or the econimc confuse and conquer that will kill you or your kids or your wealth where by you will die or live in horrid conditions ….. EVIL of sorts … at the core is the training the CULTURING … agri culture training a plant to live outside of the nature it had to depend on the NURTURE of mankind for it s now surivival …. In it’s NOW form … the ferrel aspect of the plant are probably still there some of the plansts may be able to re turn to being wild ..we often call them weeds ….. once cultured food sources brought around the world by different peoples where they migrated .
Culturing …. And domecsticated ogansims to work within the OTHER organism or organization …. Being state , withor without brain does not lessen it from being …. A BEING . fear of the TRANSTION when in fact the transion will arrive even for POLIS or earth itself the galaxy and every star within it .. all will TRANSISITON or die . train in fear ,,, train in belief the new being state will provide a better life style as long as you do not LOOK OUTSIDE THE BOX … or wish for the JOY …. Of sublime but be happy with the flow of shit provided to you by POLIS …. If you can not feed yourself you are just a trained RAT pusing buttons that allow you food pellets produced by FOOD INC .

Sunday, May 1, 2011

tears of joy

Tears of joy .

From within a narrow trained range of emotions we think we true feel HPPY and when we get the sad ,,, we drug ourselves in many ways …. Then we encounter the BEAUTY so sublime we get tears of JOY ,, for the THINKABLE NESS is there it is in the range of thinkable we are seeing or hearing etc it now , but … our Trained self knows this is only an ILLUSION yet it is realty … beyond our control to experience for we must return to the narrow box of accepted possibles of high and lw Emotionas …so when you bleive in the happiness you live … now and yet find joys that bring tears to your eyes you are getting the epxerince of realiing your own box you have been traught to accept
ACCEPT OR DIE really you were traught , stress of bio machine live or die fears early on in the helpless years when we depeneded on MOTHERS MILK .. we could not forge or graze the orchards built by fore father with mentalities of 7 GENENRATIONS .

You do not live things that are turthlly UN THINKABLE …. No everything has to be with in a realm that the bio machine can some how PROCESS or think about and that is what from you live a braod and cofusing range of things lived … way beyond the 2 gigs of data your conscious mind can process … for our senses only perceive within a narrow band the gigs of data .. we deal in data BUNDLES not reality

So the power of thought is the …… sages idea of .. focus … and assumptions ..belief .. from which you think.

PBS the question of GOD … lots of fancy people with fancy word tool not the speech of a common fisherman … who finds that right now the top water bait is hooking up redfish …. The Zeitgiest dude Fresco is right if the baby a blank slate I ALMOST IT SAS SOME dnA PROGRAMING INSTINCT ) IS THE BLANK SLATE UPON WHICH DENTITRE MEMORY IS PLACED AND THUS common realty … the word tool of BLUE etc …. Comes ….

The fancy people do not talk enough about this . they do not bring up the depth of the mind fucking of the human species to become a domesticated animal in serve of the POLIS being state …. Evolved from the training of the psychopath

Again I want to say the EVE in her gestational reproductive instinct is PYCHOPATHIC . and her word tool her socialization her understanding and SUCCESS passed down … the changing of the male … by ..the hunted lion of the SAVANNAH APE …. She succeeded by this PYCHOAPTY in in bringing babys into the world ..bringing us up to ages where we could FORGAE and have a chance at survival while she ntured breast feed the next baby …

Ahhhhh but now POLIS is providing chemical mothers milk … the opium on the nipple of Amenhoteps tiomes is the similac of today ,,, that swhihc when italk about food growing from trees on the 30 meters square seems some thing unanantural for from baby hood natural ness is the chemical flow of polis …. Nad from this confuse and conquer we are going to dsicuss with our fancy word and our for profit hierarchy PH’D .S …. Ideas of GOD king ……. P[haroh ness … each of them often refer mindlessly to god ain terms of HE …. AND THIS IS THE SCIENCE and the spirituality ….

What a bout those who were before us that our POLIS killed off as competive cutlrues ysystems … as polis not the same …. Functional so ther fore dangerous and competive … what of the SAGE cultures .. who were PRE – US ./…… they now are in the realm of UNTHINKABLE … the RESOURCE ECONOMY ,,THE GIFT ECONOMY …. The idea of indain giver ,,, I give this to you .. you tell the great sotry of my gift ..that is the value , then in a season return the gift to me , with EMBLEMCHMENTS and I have thus NEW VALUE anew ,, NEW STORY ……. This is the cash ..the value of the econimc system that finds that food grows on trees like it has for 10000’s pf year to let human live to whatever ages .. are in the intent of the adventureser iiiin non fear of transisiont death is not something going wrong but … the moving of door ways …

To sleep you re join the NO 1 THING ….. dream is bio mechaicall explainantions of 1 point of view of the beyond and the data processing that is naturally needed for the bio machine to keep up with data need for further evolving of the POLIS SYSTEM of a trillions of ceeles organization ….. do I find the watching of this PBS movie to be fun …. No … I will continue its watching only for the inspriration to write more …. Not because I feel I will learn from these teachers … because ..if you start from a flwed PAARADYM … assumption ASS OUT OF YOU AND ME … you end up with trash shit …. .
Resource economy …. 45 THOUSAND DEAD KIDS [PER DAY …bummer ? yes and no …the game theirs and mine

There is no condition that you cannot modify into something more, any more than there is any painting that you can paint and not like and just paint over it again. There are many limiting thoughts in the human environment that make it feel like it is not so, as you have these incurable illnesses, or these unchangeable conditions. But we say, they are only "unchangeable" because you believe that they are
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Antonio, TX on Saturday, April 21st, 2001
only because of what we believe .. but what we believe is… is WHAT IS …. You do not live outside the memeory the dentites the base trainin programming of expectation just that a base that can be painted over .. but … we have been taught about … but …. But again but is changeable. … untrain myself by reaching for the best thought about the best of it … the energy of growth towards the sun , drum of what I like about something … brings forth the feel of fun … and FEELING is reality …… feeling is what is real . the data base of remembered feelings is what is really imporatatn form that we JUDGE what we want next to find that HAPPY SPOT . can we ? our training our CULTURING programmed us to belienve in our WEAKNESS depend on POLIS … human is weak and at the head of POLIS of old were the PHAROHS . then they became a more controllable concept of the mental or story book of GOD KING …… much easier tool for the MALE to use ( behind every great man is a great woman …is that not the wisdom of the feminist and is not there great evidence trails of the real Pychopath …. There creating in its image the male ….. can we not see the same events in chimp life ? where to be come the DOM amle altruism needs to be shown then he gets ,, tricked by eve inot MATE PROTECTIVE activity and altruism gets toosed out and eventually he weakens …. Ahhh queen tye .

Saturday, April 30, 2011

an un easy viking

An un easy Viking

So a gift thru my kids for my kids is not manifesting EASY and this shows some about the way I am thinking aobut the activity … my thinking is stinkin … hmmm and I know I can feel the NON fun .. the justifaction I go thru in my head … about doing the model before doing the model … I am not in that same zone of passion like I was the kid of 13 thinking about bass fishing , I do not that clear 1 mind .. I have 2nd and 3rd mind in my mind .. I am qworryed about .. other .. polis is other s…. … way ciik ti wrute without selling the blog with the use of pussy ……

My excitement level is wisht washy ,,, I am not fully in the zone of the gift the avtibity ,,, the resisitance I feel is in the xplaining I am doing about it in my own head to the people I want to understand about it but ,,,, I know I must be what I am about not talk what I am about for the MODEL speaks clearer than the word …. But what is act work again is the worrying about … 2nd mind
The zone rthe zone …… there is a clarity when you are in the zone that you do not even know you are there ..there is not the comparison ..of being in or out you re in the TAO .. so I am writing to my 12 year old boy talking about quantums flashing in and out of BEING .. faster than nanoseconds in quatum time , the actions of Planc …action or being jus word tool and the amount of if it is the time of it … is a thing ness we judge … zhuangzi told the story of the fruit fly and the human tortoise and redwood tree the sage knew time is not important the being is …. It is not a percentage of infinity this time thing . The act of just being gives possibility for KINETICS the toy kinetics .. everything is kinetics I write to him ….. for the quantus allow for ORGANISZARION of sub atomics and then the complex …. Organizations that com from them all the way up to a single cell which then groups into … communitys … social system …. Of HYDRA …. OR HUMAN .. are we the mitochondria of POLIS iwrite to this 12 ytear old ? luckly he started the conversations in his own 12 year old way last year when he was 11 …..
POLIS is a being state …. User of organization ,, dentrites and memeory not the same as bio machines but ..still there like HYDRA has mememory of itself enough to re create it self with out BRAIN ….. I …… so if polis is an I …. It must wanna be .. live and to do that it must FEEL GOOD ,,, like a sunflower grows to the sun ,,, life moves towards the feeling better … that is INSTICNT for it … and some how that all some how works for the BETTER of the some thing next up on the level … like Gia … society / polis there is a good streaming down and up …. I need to find and focus on the good that is there coming down ,, ENHANCE htat … good

Off topic ….. topic is … the land to do the model of The US has 2.3 billion acres of land of which about 350 million is used for growning crops , 503 million acres for forestry land , 587 million acres of pasture/range land ( meat for the king wine for the church - Masanabo Fukuoka ) 108 million acres for housing/city land the balence is park land. With a population of about 350 million there is more than to much land to go around if it were used in a permaculture manner . The land mass of the United states could support 4 billion people itself alone , all living in a HARMONY with nature , unlike todays life stlye. ( ohhh what about Europe? well an old world country like FRance with a dense population trapped in citys . THE fact is , the 261,000 square miles of France is in reality over 120 MILLION acres able to maintain a population of 240 MILLION RE_RURALIZED peoples , current population of france is 65 million )
And what I am pumped apbut is that I am now COOKING using the micro solar PV system I have put together on top of the frige and the lighting and fans and attic bents etc etc … I now found I can do a lot of my cooking and cofffeee making with the lil 190 wars I have so far .. so far fucking out the impossible has is .. is being done ….. b

There is no risk for you. When you come to understand the true nature of Well-being in which you have come forth--then you can relax and begin to enjoy this magnificent adventure which is your creative life experience. We are not here to guide the specifics of that which you choose. You get to choose that, and you can't get it wrong. We are here to assist you--only to assist you--in finding vibrational harmony with your desire; knowing that when you find vibrational harmony with your desire, you are, in this moment, a joyful Being. And that is our dominant wish for you.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, MO on Saturday, June 1st, 2002

ok all the sages keep remeinding us of the NOW ..the flash of being is ,,the only real is .. and finding bliss is the way growth happens and continues …. Growing towards the sun … being joyful ….
Ahh but the training we have been born into , brought a GOOD .. for it gave life to the society … the circulatory system of POLIS ,, the Hydra life form that uses a FEW billion cells ,,,humans .. simple life form organization compared to like a human or elelpahant which has TRILLIONS of live cells … my cells are to me what I am to polis … my 1 CELLED animals who evolved to be part of a POLIS called phil or you …. Choose over time to be part of a city .. where food comees in and is developed by others ,, broken down distributed and wastes , also sent away .. by other workers , instead of being FERREL single cells still swimming free in the ocean ….
But the knowing that I am and then I am not … and I am not PHIL but I am …. I .. hell I can change my name to fucking fred …. So Phil is just a memory form ..not I … I am a flash 100 years or 1 second which is the greater part of INFINITY .. sine infinity has not 100 percent , there is no comparative point to JUDGE life span importance …
THERE IS NO RISK ….. but I was born then taught that life and death are the most important risk factors ,, I must stay alive to serve the GOD KING PHAROH …. System ? for pharohs come and go , changing details 1000’s of years after 1000’s of years details of what is behind the memory form called named Phaorhoh or god king …

For the benefit of city … I must BELIEVE totally in the importance of … life for without the INSTINCT of life the bio machine or whatever ORGANIZATION city country polis will not be viable ….. I must fear ! no no no no no no no no no …. It can work without fear ..the fear was a STAGE or STEP 1 evolving of the simple life form as the system grows … the fear aspect can be UN TUAGHT AND NOT TAUGHT …. Not taught to be gin with .. we humans were part of the TOA the being state of the FOREST SYSTEM and we knew our place was a place EQUAL to the dirt .. we came and went … the sage cultures knew that .
Pharoh system a competive system to FOREST …not really a great ystem maybe .. it has not shown real viability as compared to FOREST . when looked at .. compared to history … city systems semm to actually collapse and struggle to remain viable for just 100;s or 1000;s of years when forest system can have historys of survialal lasting MILLIONS of changing years
Does …fear feel GOOD ? doea what I have been taught really serve me? And thus serve the all ? for the better I feel and you feel the better they whole system is . there is no reason to fear for I am a FLASH o planc’s action ,,,, equal to any . no hierarchy .

Friday, April 29, 2011

peach bug

Peach bug

So you have 18 peaches already 1 year after planting a baby 30 buck tree , but 2 of the 18 look like they got a bug in them ,,,, and you are statrting to sound like your natural peaches are some how dirty not as good as store boughts ,, and I wonder ,,, hellll DDT and shit like it have only been around and used on everything now since like the 50’s so that is for sure more than your whole life ..but nothing in terms of the 6.5 millions years of HUMAN HOMIND …. 60 years of science ….in terms of of millions or even just 1000’s 60 years is not the ALL … of ALLL …. All’s
Peaches have always had bugs the bird then comes and digs out the bug and we get to eat the other half of the peach while nature eats the first half ..sound GROSS but is natural …more antural than what we get at the TECHNO MART ..called asupermarket . …. We are techno junkies ..borg …..

So you start off as 1 cell in an ocean of food .. like a SEEA but this sea is in side a mommmy ,,, the 1 celled life ,, like a bacteria bug , grows and copies , itself to the point ,,, that soon some of the cells inside the mass can no longer touch the rich sea of food water so , system of water flow must happen other wise death would happen to the cells in the middle ,, so a HYDRA forms simple circulation ..the genisis of ..stage step 1 of heart viens and shit …… but the being of me was just a 1 celled bactria bug , with bacterium inside .that really drive the car which the larger 1 cell is ,,, a car for mitochrondria …. The bigger 1 celll . is able to grow out from there ,,,, hmmmmm interesting .

Cool she has part of it realizing the idea of property as being as important and maybe more improatant than people ,, like the Indians chief settle was confused about the idea of selling land of ownership …. This mine thing ….. is not ? natural .. a good example of passed down effects of pycopathy some birth defected people and person rose to the top of pwer … because well they had no connection they were pyscopaths . and we have adopted these PARADYMS … as natural laws .
Now to patriarchy …. The effects of manipulation …. Begets the power aspects of what she calls patriarchy male bashing ,, but I wonder when she was the sexy lil’ teen girl was she not open to using that benift ofr her benift ,,or was she NON ACTIVE IF SO SHE IS STRANGE … OLD WISDOMS HAVE SEEDS OF TRUTH ,, BEHIND EVERY GREAT MANIS A GREAT WOMAN THE EVIDENCE TRAILS ARE are every where and I still say TYE and amenhotpe 3 and 4 and the written evidence trails of the growing science of political manipulation and TYE’s rise to power etc etc …. Shows the hint of 1000’s of years so sure yes ,, the effects of manipulations suck ..but lets not talk about the symptoms but include the DATA of cause effects and broaden the perspectives in our engerrnering .

And well we sure as fuck can not depend on the head of Ethics from Harvard to expand his data base for that would destroy his niche and power position …. Putting in to jeprday his position of high preist in the new diety realm of sciences be them social sciences of matierail sciences .

We are smart enough to peel layer after layer back .. of paradyms …. Laying out the schemactics and expanding the depth and ranges of connections to include ideas that we PYARAMID BUILDERS … we gods look at what we can do ….. we are so much smarter and better than nature we who have been taught this separated mind set divorced from nature are pycopahts to the whole of the bio spere we in habit . not a good idea .

I'll Not Ask Others to Become Different for Me... Let your Vibrational Escrow percolate, and you do your best to give it your undivided attention so that you become a Vibrational Match to it. And then, when the Law of Attraction brings all of it together and brings you, because you're a match, together with it - then there aren't any bugs to work out. Don't ask the person, or people, that helped you to define what you want to become what you want so that you can have what you want. (Oh, that was so good.) Instead, let them be the Step One part of it (the asking part). Use your willpower and your decision to focus upon what you want - and then the Universe will bring you what you want.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book, "The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships "
the elearning of this for myself ,,, you have been my asking the things which gave me the inspirtation to want something different so …… to ask you to change would be not fair …. I jus do what I wanna do and let the friend aspect of that thing also jus form ,,,, you do not have to understand what I am doing …. You do not have to wake up even though your asking to be WOKE is part of the asking I got … the ALTRUISM the being nice to each other aspect that past of my in spirit action …but this is where the CAMP SITE descriptive concept comes in in a word tool likely you may understand the baby step of your own growth into the possibles you really have …
the 5ht wheeler … people monster bus people … an based upon model of their retired lifestyle available to anyone for like on the f’ing cheap ….. not an exact of but an adaptation of …. A think for yourself of allow a surf 6 days work 1 …. Escape from from therat race the manipulation of GOLD of CASh ,, ( what is gold? I can not use it to make a knife it is 2 soft nor head for my spear if I wore in while I hidein hunting I may shine or clank and scare game ,,, I only wore in in the cave or at social events …. And mainly it was the EVE who wants her man to wera the crown of gold so he becomes her arm candy ….. same game as as loud harley or a covette today . ..dig down deep lay out bare regardless of POLICTICALLY CORRECTNESS or not ….

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

camp site

Camping trip

I guess writing gives me some release of frustration for I get to say all those things I wanna say to you folks when I discuss with you on the street but can not get accros my ideas ,,not that you are dumb or I am to dumb to find the word tool but that we have been CULTURED to fit the evolving POLIS …. Beingus cells or maybe us even being the mitochrondria of the systems in which we live which are the cells of the organism polis .
Ohh camping trip you the 30 meters square should maybe be thought of as a private camping site ,,,, you like to go camping , well this private site you get to customize to the point that nature feral human living is as comfy as being a TeCHNO SLAVE is to now
Ray Anderson … carpet dude ,, inter whatever ….
Yes the vast percentage of people are good and wanna do good but if thru manipulation the majority of those people are living based upon many levels of flawed presmises that cut to the core of MASLOWS hierarchy of needs for most , things like food .. shelter ..LOVE … sexual manipulations fostered in many forms for 1000’s of year those good natured hominds ,,, can not drive and ethical market place for they are confused … nuerictic because of the ver changing rules it seems … the un NATURAL ness the twisted instinct …. So when the smart man talks …. POINT OF VIEW with out expanding his point of view ..the conclusions sold by the smart man are base FLAWED ….
Risk losing busisness ,, no more fundamental thing trust between buyer and seller …. A more inlightenedd …. Buyer can not evolve become such until he has a snse of handle on the fisrt few levels of maslow …. Lets then talk first about that before we sell everyon on the FAIRY TALE of perfect theory capitalisms

And the manipulations .. well I have explored them years they are deep extending back back to TYE and amenhotep 4 …. And before but they are just good focus points of history where we have some fair amount of written evidence trails to compare current human activivity and things like expression of a tiny percentage of PYCHOPATHIC behavior in rulers classes and E VE greed

If we can make movies like corpaaration ,, we can also , teach TURTHS to everyone about the depth and breathe of the manipulations even if the talk is sensitive to certain genders …. Who like to trash others claiming victum hood , when the old saying does show up behind … the great man you will find a powerful woman …. Ohhh I think back to the events of Galeo’s life the rulers he worked under and the women of court who really held the riens of manipulave controls thru sexual rules of the church , which again sprisingly has deep deep female roots the first city ,,, had at its base a female based GODDDES system whwihc . after its fall …. Became the negative myth basis of EVE . paying a 10k year price … but not changing the activity .

Start here Mr Ray ….. touch on the ASSUMPTIONS , the ass out of you and me .. the p[aradyms …..

Rest seems like a nice contrast to overwhelment, but enthusiasm is always chosen over rest. The only thing that ever makes you tired or bogs you down is resistance.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Lincroft, NJ on Tuesday, October 15th, 1996
ahh the simple wisdom talked by so many sage voices … all jus trying to get us to wake the fuck up and see the mind fucking we have been taught ,,,, does the stress serve you or can you choose to create another choice or even better choices including the best of many things …. Thus allowing for enthusiasm ,,, passion fun , feeling EMPOWERED ONCE MORE resistance is in the not letting yourself see the amount of POSSIBLES you really have to choose from ,,, it has all been about the teaching the training we have gone thru to erve the form … the bing state POLIS ….. so if POLIS is a being state a user of organization .. like myself …. And even if it does not have a nervous system or brain I can ID … does not mean it is not lving and choosing being state ,, the jelly fish has not brain but does show evidence of choosing .. when looked at from a braod perspective ,, even our so called free choice choosing is tainted with … memeory as pect .. the tasting things first the dentitites the associated pathways of think able … that allow us to choose so fast because we have complied DATA much already in the DNA … then re inforced at age 1 when we took that metal thing stuck it in our mouth and realized it was not food …. And re inforced the DNA knowing of what is food and what is not food , maybe the jellky fish ,, just has to taste the metal item over and over sinc e it does not have the DATA bank of memory but that does not mean it is not an action of choice ….
Resisitance is about CHOICES …… realize you have more choices than you believe you have … your belief came about thru training likie taching a dog to STAY .. you stay with in the box of what you have been tauight .
What is more fun what feels better being totally ingrossed in the ZONE , or hiding temp like in rest ……

Sunday, April 24, 2011

multinational monitor

Robert wiessman

Good solutions ideas I have for sure never thought about or heard about I knew we could think outside of the box we being all of us humans when allowed sparked by flows of the UNTHINKABBLE at first then over exposure ..the forming of dentite path ways of memeory in the brain ,, the once unthinkable becomes thinkable ….. and evolvable … ermergent
Still the idea of ackwoledging human as animal …. The 30 meters square ,,, birth rite gives the all … a freedom of wanting to be part of any form of POLIS and just as much as wanted not from a state of mindlessly being borg dependant on the POLIS

Then the idea of a company who creates a bike or transport devise of whatever stuff ,,, for profit for sale and I can not get it with out some form of currency common exchange thingie ….. which denotes that I have done something of some value for some one , some where at some time that I can now exchange for the MADE item ,,,,,

Wiessman’s multinational monitor just shows again and again the current state of the cntrast ,, the what is and has been the data needed to form new ideas from the experiences of the past experiments of growth …. To not use the data and form new ideas is just stupid ,,, to do nothing when the evidence trail is so clear for 1000’s of years of of the system we have the same thing has been going on just in emerging forms of the under pinnin foundation ….

There is a ton of lands in every country to allow the common wealth of a 30 meters square life time lease hold for everyone ,,, right now ,, non profit land ,,, lease holds that can be traded in system to emerge so that people can move to other areas ,,, so that they can move to lease holds that will allow for family and children ,, and when y ou think in terms of 7 genernations not the problems to be faced in this 1 minute this 1 generation of start up where the solutions is not like fast food ,,,, but growing ,,, in seven generations with the massive amounts of lands the 30 meters squared that had been terra formed over those generations and the experiences from those decades having become the data …… trade of lease holds will be come as easey as … well easy ,

Monday, March 14, 2011

surf 6 days work 1

-human nature is OVERWHELMING altruist .... nice helpful ....... reeally look for the evidence and you will find ...... the sage focus on the wanted . a RESOURCE based ecoconmy is in the realm of UNTHINKABLE for most it is hard to concieve of what it would look like HARD NOT ..... IMPOSSIBLE . far reaching is the hobby activivties of human ,,, from guys who dig BEE KEEPEING to working with metals to building shit ,,to doctors who still practise volunteer after they retire ...

it is in the FORCED LABOR that hatered of work shows .... we like doing things we would get bored surfing 6 days and look for things to do with all that freee time so maybe it should read surf 5 days work to ... in fact fuck the word work ..... play at your hobby ...... llike galss work ..or science .

the following EMAIL maynot be true but the techonology and the economy of it ARE possible today ,,, but the current ECONOMIC systems holds us back ,,

---- Forwarded Messag>
Sent: Thu, March 10, 2011 3:42:03 AM
Subject: Re: New car from VW Germany, $600 USD , 70+mph , 250 mpg

Sent: Tue, March 8, 2011 1:17:20 PM
Subject: Fwd: New Ride in Germany

" Good luck to get it to the States " was the message i got . , Why is it ILLEGAL or something ? In a country of the people for the people and by the people

powered by Apple iPad

Anfang der weitergeleiteten E‑Mail:

Betreff: Fwd: New Ride in Germany

It looks like a little rolling bullet. But think of the market in China and India. The United States will be close behind. VW announced within the last week they would be the number one car company in the world by 2018 and this may be one of the reasons why...

This will beat all the low fuel consumption cars in the world!

NEW CAR- FOR $600 USD---New Single Seat VW (INR:: 27965 Rs)

New ride

If you could go to Shanghai for a vacation, buy two or more of these cars, one for your wife and one for yourself, and one for each of your kids, have them shipped to Canada and still spend less money than if you bought a car in Canada. Getting the car(s) into USA , still an ordeal

This is not a toy, not a concept car. It is a newly developed single seat car in highly aerodynamic tear-shape road-proven real car. It is ready to be launched as a single-seater for sale in Shanghai in 2010 for a mere RMB 4,000 (US$600)!

Interested? Wait till you learn that it will cruise at 100-120 Km/Hr with an unbelievable 0.99litre/100Km (258 miles/gallon) !

Impressed? Totally, after you have read all the details below about the hi-tech and space-age material input into this car!

The Most Economic Car in the World will be on sale next year

Better than Electric Car - 258 miles/gallon: IPO 2010 in Shanghai

This is a single seated car
From conception to production: 3 years and the company is headquartered in
Hamburg , Germany .

Will be selling for 4000 yuan, equivalent to US$600..

Gas tank capacity = 1.7 gallons

Speed = 62 - 74.6 Miles/hour

Fuel efficiency = 258 miles/gallon

Travel distance with a full tank = 404 miles

PS by Philip Van derr Mude or was " IKE " right in his warning and now the USA is a country of the INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX by the INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX and for the INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX
i can buy a NO NAME china scooter that has only 2 wheels no air bags or pollution conrols get 35 mph and 90 mpg for a GRAND or honda gold wing or kawi ninja and get rained on with no air bag sesat belt catiltyic converter all the bulshit ,,,, but i can ot get a

a name brand German engneeered transportation devise aka a car fit for the AUTOBAN look at the hwy signs in the first pic ..... and get a speeding ticket on I-95 for going over 70 mph in the rain on 4 whelels all stable and dry ..for only 600 bucks and get 250 mpg's ,,, hey at 600 you could buy a few just to have around and let the hummer sit in the dry way to show off .

let see if we stopped sending all that cash out of the borders to by 100 buck a barrel oil and use that ECOMIC STIMULUS saving here at home it would parlay into probably paying off the national debt in 10 years . that would be dangerous learn more watch the movies online for free , then check thier facts google them , prove it to yourself

print this email take it to the local VW dealer and demand a test ride , send a copy to GM and ask why ? Are americans to stupid to do this ?and send a copy to the goverment with a picture of you , your gun and your NRA card . or maybe just show a peace sing and a spliff and your ACLU card