Saturday, August 22, 2009

objective pussy

Object pussy

You intended to come forth into the physical realm of contrast to define what is wanted, to connect with the Energy that creates worlds, and to flow it toward your objects of attention, not because the objects of attention are important -- but because the act of flowing is essential to life. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Lincroft, NJ on Tuesday, October 15th, 1996
Young master …the object of ATTENTION ,,,, everything has in it ,,,, the WANTED AND UNWANTED …..what is you focus as relted to the THING ….. of your focus ….the thing of focus is different thatn the CHI of focus or activity of focus ….we are the chi ….. not he bio macine used for experiencing thru ,,but the gatherer of data and experience …… what focus are you talking to your friends about ?

What focus are you writing you blogs about …. Is your FOUCS on the unwanted are you constantly describing it and then living ..aspects of that un wanted ?
Tell the story the way you want it ! is what the sage keeps saying but after so many years of struggle it is hard to feel anything but struggle ..well your choice to stay in that FOCUS … you can realize the FLIP SIDE .. you can notice more the flip side …. In evidence all around you and then repeat a simple mantra form the early 1900’s
EVERYDAY IN EVERY WAY I AM GETTING BETTER AND BETTER …. All experiences are claifaction on the path to the wated ..each teachs you and makes you stronger and better and gives you OPS to realize the FLIP side the positive side …. To notice that …..
Ahhhh change in focus will in time bring about the EXPERINCE OF WHAT YOU ARE FOCUSING ON …. My lil’ thing is broke again but my focus of discussion about the reason for wanting the lil’ thing has been often on the FIXABLITY of it my me ….hmmmm so I talk so much about that ASPECT that I get ops for living that aspect ,,when others spend much much more time , driving the GY6 instead of fixing the GY6 ...... my focus has been on what … I have the evidence trail of talking about what aspects about the STATED WANT …. The thing … the thing is just the chance for the life experience relted to the THING being in my life .
The flow of chi ….. is the living of and with ..things . in this time/space state .. forgetting the IN FI NITE I in I …. So to have the OP for expeincing …. Thing ….. instead the always in always of the NO 1 THING …nothing .
But what aspect of the op for expeince am you ,,focusing on and WHY ? old training ? current mass consicsuo attention ? instead of thinking for yourself and finding examples of things you WANT TO focus on …. The fun side the FLIP side … that which stimulates you to get up and out of bed each day , that which excites you so much that when you go to slepp you can not wait for the sun to rise to live once more …. The flow of chi .

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