Thursday, August 20, 2009

drilling pussy

Drilling pussy fire starter by prodigy ! see if you get it ?

Ohh young master long time since I used a sex meta connection , but as in the micro you can often find the MACRO the big …. Drilling pussy does it not relelase the EGG ? is it not part and parcel of the circle of life ? this video link is about food forest concepts , not working hard ..but living the HUNTER GATHER lifestyle on purpose …. And having at our door step the CITY so we can go to KORN concerts etc ….
Understanding the micro events like the life of a WEED .. it lives where other things can not and it death cycle TRANSITION cycle brings back into play minerals and stuff lacking in the environment that the WEED pioneered … maybe it’s roots found lacking minerals or waters ….. maybe it leaves were able to make nitrogens lacking in the soil . but the CYCLING is what is important .

Deep ly fucking her stimulates her INSTINCTUAL SELF expressing the contractions of orgasims stimulating her PREPRODUCTION SYTEMS …

OIL ,,, prime oil …? Oil that has been OUT OF the cycle of life for millions of YEARS .. stuck like a slug in the BIOLOGICAL being of EARTH of Gia …. A sludge …. Not BIO DEGRADING …. Atleast if we drill the shit we bring it back inot play yes ,,, our efforts make take 700 years to further degrade but what is 700 years as compared to 10 MILLION YEARS ….. 700 years is like a geological week it is NOTHING … in terms of a life cycle of something as MACRO as earth …yet bringing things back into play is improatnat. …. Stimulating the system , relelasing trapeed ENERGY potential out of its TRAPPED state , relelaseing the energy back out inot space as LIGHT …. AS STREET LIGHTS AND STUFF … to shed the EXCESS of potential sun energy traped here on EARTH ,,,, every day each sq. meter receives another 1KW of sun energy per hour …. Compounded in a stored potential form such as fossil fuesl oil or cosl or shale … maybe be LIKE A SLUDGE a block to the complex ansiml whihci is the whole of earth ….

We stupid humans worry some much about ourselves and our fear of death …. Our fears … when the whole of the beign ness called earth has life cycles of billions of years … cycles of millions of years ,,, speicies comeing and going ,, a bear will turn from brown to white then disaaper only to repear to in another formed niche later ..NEW CYCLES NEW BIRTHS .. like a baby of the well fucked pussy .

Ahh so why ,,drive a HIGH EFFEICNCY VEHIHCLE … ? like the little white thing in my front yard …well it is more about MY OWN … my RESPOND with ablitly … to have more control over life …. To be within the flow of CEASARS $$$$$ the cash from PHAROH economy … to want it is fine to NEED IT IS the trap … ahhhh food forest …. Ah building from available materials to have the camels of the 3 tents and a camel idea …… the better you have some conrol over your life cycle including transportation ….. FREES you … maslows hierarchy of needs .

When the comfortable normal thought is being supported by the evidence trail from the examples of others …… hey all those examples are to be found thru out of … ahhh here is another supportie example to help you feels better about the stream of lifestyle you are exploring …..

But the topic is the under lining current of well being outside of the FEAR . of the programming in terms of living the human life in serv ice of PHAROH … and the idea what we are is CARBON CYCLERS …. Humanity is the FIRE STARTER

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