Sunday, February 10, 2008

her 60 second climax

Her 60 second climax

Young master , evry thing can be brought down into the smallest parts then the grand THING will not seem so daunting so grand so impossible , now her orgasim well that is grand but not daunting yet at time it can seems allusive , that is her own combination of hormaone states and mental stress ….. her body goes thru monthy cycles of receptivity and replusivity and so does her ablitly to climax easily change ,, thank god most girls understand our GOAL oriented nature and give us the satisfaction of the fake orgasimn so we will stop pounding them ….. they in fact some days feel just fine in knowing that they were used as the object of my sexual relelase to provide that is satisfying as a good climax some times . this idea is on

But back to the 60 seconds of her climax , for example using a tool a vibrator if you keep it sationary still for like a full minute that area of her pussy will get numbed ….. and you defeat the purpose of using the tool . and even those times when she is on the edge and she needs the continued contact or type of stimulation if you were to count out the seconds of that activity ( bery hard to do while enjoying the moment ) but if you did you would find out what seems like forever is actually just a minute ….of course there are those times that you are diriving your fingers deep into her and the angle is just wrong and your fore arm is crampong , but she is so close you do not want to stop but you want to seee and her her cummm ( just like she likes to see hear and feel you throb as you shot your whit hot cumm in her pussy …. The same desrire and pleasure in providing for the other … CREATING SMILES … 9 HUMAN NATURE IS BASICALLY GOOD 0 welll during those series of 60 seconds you are not actually providing exactly the same action no you are varying the action so again ,,, it can be brought down to the smaller 60 seconds of each type of movement .

Now dipshit building a house is the same thing , it is just like stacking blocks to a 3 year old , each nail the gum shoots , is an INDIVIDUAL 60 second action , each PVC JOINT YOU GLUE IS AN indiviula action ,, each wire nut you twist is a 60 action ,, added together thinking and concentrating on the 60 you experience you will eventually look back after it is all down and go wow ! fucking hell I built a fucking house all by myself , because dumbass , you are smart enough to follow simple directions to do the actions involved in each of the 60 seconds steps , yet to look at the WHOLE house it semms over whelming .

Building a business is the same thing , the realization of of ,,, that your h uman nature is to enjoy creating smiles and people love to receive that … and that you can do each 60 step well when you stapy focused on that 60 second step … with tha confidence you do another 60 second step with a DEEP LEVEL OF INNER CONFIDENCE , now ,, why because it is no longer a big thing but a series of little things you are good at …. And that confidence when you describe to a client in 60 seconds what service you provide for them so they will have a smile created by you for them which , in the end is the YIN AND YANG of human interaction and commerce . your self employement income will grow 60 seconds at a time …

Next is to the simplifaction of living well , living in an organized space is comforting you are less stressed with the nagging deep thoughts of I HAVE THIS OR THAT TO DO or where is this or that . but to look at your dirty messed up house and life it is as big a projct as building a home , well dumbass , start the proving right here … the proving and realizing of everything above I have written , when you go into your room an look at your bed a ll messed up , a small part of you is feeling messed up ,,, if it were made you would not have to look at it and say to yourself , sub consciuoly 9 I SHOUL HAVE MADE THE BED , BUT I DID NOT I AM A SLACKER 0 … so prove this , start counting ‘ ONE , ONE THOUSAND , TWO ONE THOUSAND THREE ONE THOUSAND “ and so on and start to straighten up the bed ,,,, straightern up , not a full amiking of it , but a simple everyday like straightening up , move the comforter back , pull the sheet a bit not fucking perfectly ,, then pull up the comforter again not fucking perfectly , but it will be a whole lot BETTER than the mess you started with ,,,,, and count while you do it , it will take 20 to 25 seconds . and later when you walk back into that room, you will feel better about you and your life ,,,,
Next 60 seconds , pick up your clothes toss them into a laundry basket hidden in a corner of your room , put the magazine on a dresser pick up the dirty glass and palte and walk out of the room again now the room is cleaned in less than 60 seconds , and how may rooms should you realy have in your personal life DIPSHIT ?

Bed ,living, bath, kitchen/dining ….. wow four fucking minutes a day and you have a clean life ! stress fucking free well dumbass when it comes to growning food in the compound it is the same thing it is made up of a minute here and aminute there ….. nature really does the reast ,,, understand the yin and yang of mother nature , you say to a n apple tree here I will start you off in great soil I will protect and feed you and you will grow happy strong and feeed me and my familys , and guess what the apple , peach , plum , pear , almond , walnut , hazelnut , cherry , nectarine , black berry bush , blue berrys , etc etc etc , will all say thank you for turning on the water …. Turning a valve 60 seconds …… walking around the yard with a back pack sprayer , mixing the formula with water 60 seconds , walking past each tree , 60 seconds ….. done onver , basic human food is always available to you and your family for fucking ever buy commiting to a simple series of 60 second step ,,, and YOU LIVE STRESS FREEER ! ….. if you want dipshit it is choice , you can stay living like you are a ecomonic slave like your mom and dad did or put a series of 60 second steps into you daily or weekly life ,,,, the growing of food is more a weekly thing ,,, the four minutes of self organization … is well four fucking minutes you waste that much time sitting like a vegetable watching COMMERICALS on tv , you waste that waiting for the computer to down load , you waste that at a fucking ReD LIGHT in trafiic ……

It is all about 60 seconds make sure to move that vibrator around shit the angle just a little it is now a newer experience 60 seconds plus the last 60 seconds and the4 anticapaiton of the next 60 seconds an you will get that climaxing hot wett pussy which is even more sensitive and fun to fuck ,,, forcing her to have multiple orgasims actually , hurts her , yet is fun for her …..think about it dumbass

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