Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Creepy old dudes

Creepy old dudes

Young Master the saying “ 15 will getcha 20 “ is meant to deter wierdos like me , it is not meant for you …. But the importance of your concerm about sexuall legality , about date rape threats and law suits etc. etc. our new male reality ,,, another example of cohercion and control in subtle ways and the effects of this manipulation that women do and they really do not understand the long term effects of their actions ….. but back to your question why ,,,, is she chasing me?

Well it is again ,,, it is her deepest inner nature , it is EVOVLUTION ( I can use that word again here in FLORIDA it is legal once more to say Evolution in schools … ohh how fucked up churches make us ) open your mind once more dipshit ,,, back to Chimps , bonobos and Gorilla ,, which do you think we are more like and why , which ape did we come from ? are we a grassland and shrubland ape who stood up to see predators , did we live in rock piles and caves there by learn to use hard tools instead of soft wood tools of our jungle brothers ? did living with the fire ecosystem help us understand those sparks we made while playing with rocks ? is that US ?

And when it comes to CUMMING which type of dating of mating is more like us ,,, the chimp is a rape system to avoid in breeding the young female ready to mate STRAYS form the family territory allowing herself to be RAPED by the male gangs of the neighboring territory ,, thus being im preganated , she can sexually service her family father brother and uncles with out concerm that INSTINCT to avoid inbreeding …… ? or are we bononbo ,,, who at night lives in acity of familys who split up to forge during daylight ,,, when the young girl becomes Ripe she hangs out near the most powerful older females and there by interesting the males of that HIERACHY to fuck her …. ? or are we the Harem of the Mounatain and lowland jungle Gorilla are we the thinner gorilla of the Savvanha ? and thus the young female who does not get raped by the protective loving siver back , who does not Rape the girls his wives but fucks then when they come to him for attention ,,,, in that safety does the young female when ready , after a few cycles maybe even a year of sexual frustration , does she not stray near the edges of her territory looking at the other older males to see who they are what they are like , is their land a quality place to live ? ……. And if so she enters his territory , where the male willl make HIS DOM SHOW , he will show of his tattoo , his power he will shake a tree , but not ,, not .. rape! And if and when she feels comfortable there that breeding cycle that month or not ,,, maybe next month maybe never ,, she will go to him groom him like she saw her mother do to DADDY , and allow and enjoy his PENETRATIONS ,,’ S ….. what if she does like that male does she not again stray to the edge of another territory to check out the competion there ? what style of dating more seems antural for us humans , RAPE , POLITICS OR LOVE ?

So of course she is chasing you , even at 18 your beard and boday size displays to her your association with a safe male , her daddy ,,, boys are boys men are men , but your confidence being that you also understand your personel wealth in terms of trust funds , exudes from you in confidence . , her inner animal while she is young still speaks loudly in human females , that is why young girls do act and seduce their teachers yet ,,, the hurch calls it the fault of the amle teacher …. If realy explored you will see the yin/yang synergry of human nature. OHHHH yet because of the twisted instinct of us males in todays twisted world we males DO RAPE ! .

Ahhhhh , now the law is , a human cannot even have CONSENTUAL sex under the age of 15 in flrida , so , she is the 15 will getcha 20 even to her own desires …. To males her won age even , experiemental female play time would be considered a felony …. At this age … even thoug she had been breeding ready from 1 year past her first bleeding , NATURE , not our newer judgements based on building lives of ecomicn slavery which means getting dregrees and educations which cost $100,000.00 making sure a person enters adult hood a SLAVE . when did the 15 will getcha 20 start ?

It started again in ROME , actually before that with the wife of PHAROH , she had to make sure she had NO COMPETITION before she could produce a male ,,, male hier for PHAROH …. The presence of new younger wives wanting to get his dick ahrd ,,, was competition , the hierarchy of the bononbo of the GREED AND WEALTHY , but remember when we , tasted the APPLE of economy of money , of materialism ….. well can you piece it together ,,, the sublte control of the female thru her smile and tears ,,, again I refer to the time called the HORIZONTAL COURT of French history . a good documented time where the women of court modeled the age while on their backs and knees providing and enjoying the recreation of humanity … SEX .

The current idea , stops the human animal from quickly finding that comfortable safe home , where rape does not happen . instead it favors the USE AND ABUSE of the power hungry , for their own personl gain with out concerm of the greater scope of human needs . the ME FIRST of the rullers of the tribal leaders which evolved into the building blocks that pharoh sprung up from that the greeks learned from that the ROAMSN copied and then hid in a most powerful force ther FEAR OF GOD !

So dumbass back to you and that cute cirl who is cahsing you , your worrying about every chick and wheter you need a contract with each girl ,,, I suggest again , to respct the law of the nation you choose to live ,,, like I say if you really wanta POKE SMOT … smile pot , go to cananda or Holland different laws ,,,,, girls not of age well that is a felony …. And the fear of a girl changing her mind and YELLING RAPE , where you have ot prove your innocience because we are judged guilty based on , the last age of sexual manipulations and conhercions that have bredd rape into an animal that deoes not RAPE by nature ….. I suggest you print and file as much , text messages and enails as you can , look at the websites of the girls who talk with you , notice the amount of sexuall suggestiveness on their pages , and then make sure you , place something on your friends list to himt to the idea that you are and INSTINCTUALIST ,,,, hence her continued connact with you is with a male who advertises his sexual male DOM perpective , respectfully , yet proclaimed . thus it shows a level of consent on her part to be with you and infere the forth coming sexuality in your relations with her . … did I get the idea across to you dipshit?

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