At peas with where your at
Young master whatever you are living now is the results of the expectations you have held in your past ..currenetly … aseembling ..being experienced and de=assembling flow of quantas oncr lived at are just DATA experiences as described byt the MUSIC FOR CANDLES people reality is information and energy …. Energy being the WORD TOOL they use to describe the undescribalbe Tao ….
All the Contrast …the aged mechanical devises that break and you gotta pay cash to hae fixed … or buy neww ..well are the expectations we were conditioned in …. The adventure the level playing field of this TIME/SPCAE so that we no longer expect everything to be ..instant like in a purer …puruer state of magic or tao ..the purest of toa there is NO SEPERATIONS … between thoughts or exeperinces … in facts NO THING 1 thing at lall just everyTHING always till it becomes no one thing …. …. Again a OWRD TOLL of self guided imagery for you to FEEL or think about what it is to BE YOU …. Nameless you a … I IN THE I …. An I equal yet of a number of ever larger and smaller I’S off into the unthinkable ness of IN FI NITE …. Where for example you a scientist here in this time space with a WANT ..wanto …. Find the smallest particle of matter …. Your choice to ignore the feeling deep inside of you about INFINTY and toa … you play in the game of LIMITS ….. and the Quanta ( the infitie other you’s expressions of I IN I ) … will aloow the scientist to DISCOVEWR the next smallest particle l…giving them the next GOAL of finding what makes that up …. And so on ..TOA will always give you the OPPURUTUNITY TO HAVE adventure of moving towards your own personel WANTO’s …. And then express yur EXPECTATIONS ….
Now your expectations or that of the sub sub sub atomic psysighist … they have many EXPECATIONS built upon the socialized the Programed the trained and taught stuff ….
Ok …. Now your current life ….. you have wants born from the contrast .. of life you have lived .these bore ….. the new goals …or dreams ..some you wake up to over and over again each day ..these are the PASSIONS …. Your past life conditioned you to have expecations about the POSSIBLITY of having your new wants ..what LIMITS you will have to experience so tohave the next DREAM or wanted experience …. So as to not break OUT of the agreed upon dream state of TIME/SPACE …. We all share SO THAT YOU not act like an GOD and manifest magically you wants … instantly …
Plus the clarifying BENIFTS of time ..for during time ..experince you get more and more clarity revolving around the DREAM …. The VIBRATIONAL realitiviy …or the FEELING palce of is it possible or is it not possible changes as you clarify the wated …. at peace with this part..understanding the benefit … if you are deeply and questioning instead of just living ….. both MR.I DON’T KNOW AND THE SEEKER Are equals living tao time space adventures … the Seeker is mr. I don’t know also …. In the flow of his search for that which deep inside he knows is himself and everything … he thinks is out side of him ….
From the entertainer Ester
If there is no source of illness, why are there so many sick people? It is because they have found lots of excuses to hold themselves in vibrational discord with wellness. They are not letting it in. And when they don't let it in, the absence of it looks like sickness. And when enough of them do it you say, "Oh, there must be a source of sickness. In fact, let's give it a label. Let's call it cancer. Let's call it AIDS. Let's call it all kinds of terrible things, and let's imply that it jumps into people's experience." And we say it never jumps into anybody's experience. It's just that people learn through trial and error, and -- through banging around with each other -- patterns of thought that don't let it in.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Buffalo, NY on Wednesday, September
To experience magic you have to take your self OUTSIDE of the agreement state to express the magic found in the book ILLUSIONS by Richard bach is easy …. Just enter a thought times spce world …. Ourside o the one everyone else is in and you can have the magic ..buct no longer the interaction …the level playing flield of …limits needed to be trained to the baby when it arrived from PURETY …inot limited DNA machincal experience …. So the continultiy of the playing fiel could be maintained ….. ahhh but keep the SLAVES like mushrooms in the dark and fed on shit …… think deepley about the PHAROH concepts how this tool of working for pharoh and flowing pharoh inot an AFTER LIFE GOAL … how these slave training tools were used to teach the worker class but became the THOUGHT FORM of ecomony something we describe to be healthy or unhealthy like it has life ..of its own but is just he expression of the parts … your body is not life with out the agreement state of indivuvla cells ….. the first mulit celled …built upon the agreements of individual … life . built up ..the EXPERINCERS … of molecules built upon the Experincers of Atom … built upon the experiences of elelctron proton neutrons ,,depending upon the experincers of being QUARK GLUONS BLUONS ..etc etc etc ….dependant on the ever modelable ex[presions of toas points of views expressions of THING
Sunday, February 1, 2009
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