A good day for living
Young master , the spirit the vibration the energy ( for lack of the correct word ) the UNDESCRIBABLE what ever it is that is the TAO , the choice of awareness so that you can be her to experience a …. 1 of infinte number of choices of adventures , each can end in a NAO SECOND . like the girl who flipped her car last month over the cliff in front of my house ,,,, 1 minute driving along next minute dead ….
DUMBASS my firned it is a good day to live , but myth has it also that Indians , the aboriginal cultures of American some would say before they went to war ,,,” it is a good day to die “ animals and more animal like human , do not worry about the END . they do not build large church devoted to fear of returning to the toa , of saying GOODBYE , of the end of this adventure . even though I can feel frome the friendship of the wild animals I have around my house , anoimals that use me for free food and yet come and spend time with me , near me , talk in spirit form with me thru , the FEELONGS of heart of PRESENCE …. That they are equal to me … fellow AWARENESS’S of the toa . even though they are not fancy filled with words like me , they are aware of themselves as a being . they do not WORRY so much about leaving this adventure , yet they do not TRY TO GET KILLED … like you so dumbass! Like us humans so much thru warfare thru ECONOMY and greed that we take on jobs or ideaology that creates warfares … that will mean someone may die … when there is no real need …… the world is not over populated , there is way to much energy and land for every one to have the life of comfort ,,,,, you say but but but … I say ,,,, you have been programmed by greedy leaders who like to have employees ,, slaves the power of life and death over others ,,, and to maintain that they created ECOMONY the fear of lack the fear of death ….
Back to the tAO…. I have been doing some TAO writing as of late , maybe it was aprelude for this happening in my life ….. so , to you dumbasss , infinte choices ,,,,, you could die in the next minute there mybe a hidden brain anurisum ……in your head ready to explore which will kill you in any minute , you may unknowninly walk into a puddle at night that is hot with an electric cord , or get hit by lightning . of drive off a cliff ….. GAME OVER , your passing will be an event that I will have to adapt to , the good bye , more final than the last time you disappeared …. And you said ,,,, good bye master philip I gotta split once more ,, your teaching is to hard for me …. I am not MAN enough right now to commit . I misseed your presence the watching of a son to me , grow and becoming a man , I missed that . but even when you were safe here I knew that every second was the only real second that I had to enjoy your presence or for your to even enjoy your own presence here in this time/space ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND . you could have been washing a windown holding that metal pole 2 stories in the air and have lighting hit you ….. remember it happened to me , but since it was before my time ….. I woke to learn form the experience WOW that shit is realy ecetriclty fuck is that powerful.
Dipshit , reader my young master …… what choices will you choose that are just plain and simple stupid , I talk about the tour of duty , well doing TIME is a 24/7 job that you do not get paid for , ….. army another 24/7 job when you realize that training and being sent over seas are realy like being in PRISION ….. or even the university where you pay 100 grand to work hard for four years .. and at the end of the 4 years you are 100 grand in debt a SLAVE … and you still got find a job at the end of 4 years ….. while my hardness , my path of the human jungle is in reality quited easy …. And only takes 2 years , and you get to take one day off a week for partying with friends ( within limits )
Dumbass my friend where are you , what did you do , should I morn , the great good bye once more of another friend ,,,,, my human side my greedy side which says he left me! Who am I to say that you knew what you were doing and that this was your time ….. it has purpose in my learning to even hear of it …but my own greed in losing a son , is PISSING ME OFF . did the the father of the warrior brave get pissed off …. When the year ended and his son did not return ? …. Days went by weeks went by a month the son was LATE , the mother and father remembering how cute their son was a ababy , learning to walk , doing the stupid cite learning things like KITTENS faling off a rick in play …… the parenst pride and joy ……. Did not pass his test of manhood . where is the silver lining ,,, who is the greedy one , to say that … you ,y son in this life did not come here to leave EXXACTLY on your own terms . not mine …… still dumbfuck if you did what I hear some say they think you may have done …… ONLY FOR $$$ to make the tour of duty fast and easy …. I just , I am ,,,, without words . … part of me is mad , the other sad ….. other realizing my own greed in wanting to know that you just dissapered once more hiding alive some where . my own greed as a parent to a young master yet I was only your teacher but ….. you piss me off dipshit . you mother fucker better be alive and stay fucking hidden , if conditions call for that . STUPID STUPID STUPID CHOICE , we went over and over these choices , your own past you said had taught you better . THEN WHY ? was it because that is the script for this life adventure ? your life not mine to be lived on your terms not mine ? to be ended in your way NOT MINE . well thank you for coming into my life for those short months dipshit , you were a help to me , thank you for this fear of unknowing …. Another gift , realizing I have a choice to enjoy that which is real ,, the memory ,,,, and release the unreal , my life script for you . the indains would say “ it is a good day to die …….. “ they could say that because they lived thru each day …. A good day for living .
Young master master are you aware of this life the mountain streams all around you ? are you really living ALL OF this day ? will that quick cash help you live today? Or is ti tied to a dream tied with a very high price that only you have the choice to pay . freedom of choice. Ok , to newer young masters who will have choices to do , to think they are acting like a man , retaining , distributing even trucking is all fine , remember you just maybe doing 24/7 some year when they come with that survellence photo and pick your ass up tieing you to god knows what ,,,, but a word to you dumbass , NEVER EVER join a cleaning crew . depending on how close you are to the person who wants the job cleaned up , will depend on whether you happen to be that LAsT THING THAT NEEDS TO BE disposed of . a smart young master will be able to understand the wisdom of these words . the current human jungle as compared to the year alone in the wodds that our ancestors had to do to prove man hood.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
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