Dildoe and wax
Hmmm I was thinking how should I write ,,,, then I thought I try to be honest about my world and how I see it ( not how you see it but how I see it ,, I ain’t you ) I want that thru my guts to write that the reader gets entertained but slso my gain something so how about I try like a daily blog ,, bits and pieces of everything from the fanasty which drives that days masturbation , ot desriptions of actuall like I have done in the past ,, and then the comparisons of events and DNA ideas . because dumbass you gotta be honest with yourself ….. and the more honest I am the more honest you maybe be with yourself reader …… maybe maybe not ….. either way I really cannot embarrass myself more than I already have done over the last few years already ….. but atleast I tried what the fuck have you done dipshit anything TRULY ? ALTERNATIVE
One thing I s ia m alone with 2 of my boys and I think again about the compound the 3 tents and the dynamics of having multiple moms instead of forcing 1 alone parent to be the 24/7 … the nature of our idiot ideas to force 1 alone sepreate from the tribe …. I depend on you to think for yourself to have already an understanding of the complexity of my ideas from past blogs ….
Now to jackin off today ,,, it is something we males all do if we do not have pussy around ,, and it is fueled by fanasty …. What was one of mine I say one because fuck it is noon and I have cumm twice … and it was thinking that after my bedroom changes the new head board I should build myself …. And build it for restraint .. to hold herlegs spread her on her back and while fucking her ass with a dildoe I was waiting for the wax in the candle to build so I could do another , pour over her clit and pussy , see in the fansty I had already done that once and done an ice cooling ….. dreams are the map to realitys … choice …. Freedom of choice the subbie does what she does by choice ….. and finding a master who will enjoy the activity … well most males gave up get drunk and watch TV …… and leave fansty in fansty never really building anything …..
I have months till I m ready to go on the street and meet girls , talk with many girls ,, and keep my lust in check to insure that I do not just become weak ( was loving Debbie weakness , yes if I allowed myself to not be myself which I did ) it is not natural for a male to be alone that is why for millions of years he was not and he had more than 1 ……….. 1 on 1 is a contrieved trap that served to keep mankind confused upset and thus conquered or more easly controlled my church and governments ……. Divide and conquer
The secret tha video that book the idea we can have what we want , and somethings I dream about I do not want I like hearing a female feeeeel , but I do not like giving real pain ,,, who am I to judge pain or excitement for a girl ,,, I will be judged by if she comes back for more , right? And if I am not scared to lose 1 I will experiment knowing I will meet other girls .. how many times do I have to remeind myself about these things well iguess a hole lot because I am doing it … the secret …… that day to day inner war of self doubts , that coupled by experiences refines your true wants …. Dream some get a taste of it then decide if it is truly for you …. Simple whe are allowed to change our world ,, in fact expected we are expected to change our world ,,,, the thing like Abrahan-hicks talks about ….
So I was thinking I could make a small give away book a tiny taste of the twisted instinct series to pass out at family values while I do my ballons and also hand out my business card that .. card where I intro myself and kidda ask for coffe and LETS TALK ….. I do not want to date off the web but be natural …. Stress
Wow this changing of fonts reminds me of the first book …. The paim of missing someone you love ,,,, is real , the hope they will find happiness that is real also , I think about all other girls I had known and still know and every time I see them I honestly hope they are having fun finding that dream they wanted , but the days when I am single and I see them happy it hurts , well what should I do , just , sit and jack off … or get out there and really meet other human … who am I to deny any woman the chance to neet any man , even if that man is me! Do you get that idea
The fairy tale happy kiss in a movie something we all want so much some dream we keep seeing even experiencing form time to time ,,,, but the fights that evolve from that are they worth the kiss , can it not be that were meant to live in another form not that kiss on TV or story but another kiss ,, is there only one happiness and how did that evolve , this dream kiss .. and how cumm since we all have those dream kisses in the beginning the slowly fade away … into madness … look at your own life again and again …. Look into the facts .
Coming home to a loney house no smiles .. no girl it is this fear , which traped the man I met yesterday as he said , it would be no different with any other woman so I just DEAL ….. what a way to live , but they he is you young master … he is everyone … so if your FOCUS is on the loneliness instead of your actions to change te law of attraction you will get what yu focus on ………… so focus on a solution not on reapeating the failures ….. accepting the failures because of temp fears ,, which will change as you change ……… how to change how about meet someone … how , how about just going up to any girl not just super models and talk …. But it does suck when you had a really cute female … but strange how the inner person is what really makes the outer person pretty
The minutes the hours of second guessing , every heard idle hands are the devels workshop …… yo dumbfuck get your mind on something else while time passes and is right for you to do something that pertains to the issue at hand …….. pussy ,, the friendship will grow after the pussy time is complete , that is what after glow is all about ….. and with 3 over time , in time …. Plenty of social interactions …. Idle hands . like right now it is raining so I am stuck we were on the road to home depot when it just started comeing down so hard that get lumber would have been stupid I gotta finish framing in a trailer for Debbie ……. The boys and I working daddy and son time … not letting my hands be idle ,.. doing a good service ,,, service the highest purpose …. Creating good magic … trusting the law of attraction is real and that I will find a life without MADDNESS ….. but over and over I gotta realize it will not happen by living a life that is built on expecting and accepting madness as natural , if it is so natural in that world then why are people so unhappy and rersist it ? hide in beer? Why does it not work for them just look around and wonder what if everyone would write honestly about all the shit they think what would I know about the truth about our reality ….? Do you young master have the guts to write on aweb site every thought and then lett every girl read your every thought ? do you got that guts ?
Paperair planes , shrek , and a rainy afternoon no idelness , sure I find the fairy tale in almost the [programming my kids see ,,, that is why the resistance to my ideas I even feel … but if I do not fulfill my ideas who will , like I talk so much I must do or else I leave such a difficult task to think outside the box to my kids to over cummm is DAD not the one who should blaze the trail …. Or just repeat the shit of the past …. What if what if what if …… hurting my deb well that has already happened , but the pain when compared to ahppiness she should be some what happy when she looks at the things she learned about the changes in her , her art , her courage , her 2 new companies ,,,,,,,, I wonder if she will let her self slip back wards , say to herself it never happened and I can not do it alone ,.. it worries me but am I resposnisible for more than I can honestly be responsible for , to help to points where it destroys me?
Is that expected from life from love then she should help me to a level and in the way I need …. Nut I do not ask that I ask her to be happy . she is female , all we want is girls to be ahppy …… the 3 tents and a camel .. the idea must be tried in my way ,,, not the shit I read about in the BDSM world but the TRIBAL ideas …. Anyone doo that fire the gird thing 71707? She is all about returning to tribal ideas ? ….. well I should start to plan that business card but then again I should notbecause I have to live single in a rented room for amonth so an important friend can have time and peace to work at establishing her own life ………
But why should I wait ….. huh , how many loser guys land good looking girls just for some fun , because they … atleast talk to them …. What is it the bait issue , that I do not have my home , my bait …. The three tents in reality is a biat and a statement …. Ohh back to shrek when that is over the rain stopped and go get wood … idel hands ? reality I know this been here before I know everyone feels this way .. as change sinks in .
When I saw her face ….. the end of shrek a song about love , I will never leave her ,,,, OK every marriage every body thinks that and where and what happens , do I want that over and over for these little boys and daughter of mine ? do you want it for yours? Fairy tale basing everything on a fairy tale … it just seems crazy much more crazy than sailing off the edge of a flat world based upon the observations of nature …… I guess I will talk to girls one at a time and this time I should become aware sure my biggest fan may in reality be a devils advocate , so often people can talk talk talk say they are helping but are they ? have I not encounted this im my past am I to stupid to learn , from touching the hot stove , I rail a junkie for being stupid should I not see the moat in my own eye? ….. the trigger hypnotic trigger a p[erson can live their entire life with out realy waking up …….. the hypnotic trigger of the male I LOVE YOU SLAVE is the words I love you the guilt of not requiting when I fact he does want to ……… greed of ADAM
Now this I have heard before so I have worry ( remember that worry fixes nothing it is justy focus on a negative out come ) when girls said in the past if you have more than one girl I get more than one man … I can remember writing about how un- instinctual that is and if she wants that well that is fine she does not resprent the 3 out of 100 girls or 1000 whatever she is not c orrect she does not grasp or want to grasp the core idea she wants it to be her way ……….. more of her way ….. I gues just study this theme ,,, the theme of EVE .
Saturday, July 21, 2007
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