An un easy Viking
So a gift thru my kids for my kids is not manifesting EASY and this shows some about the way I am thinking aobut the activity … my thinking is stinkin … hmmm and I know I can feel the NON fun .. the justifaction I go thru in my head … about doing the model before doing the model … I am not in that same zone of passion like I was the kid of 13 thinking about bass fishing , I do not that clear 1 mind .. I have 2nd and 3rd mind in my mind .. I am qworryed about .. other .. polis is other s…. … way ciik ti wrute without selling the blog with the use of pussy ……
My excitement level is wisht washy ,,, I am not fully in the zone of the gift the avtibity ,,, the resisitance I feel is in the xplaining I am doing about it in my own head to the people I want to understand about it but ,,,, I know I must be what I am about not talk what I am about for the MODEL speaks clearer than the word …. But what is act work again is the worrying about … 2nd mind
The zone rthe zone …… there is a clarity when you are in the zone that you do not even know you are there ..there is not the comparison ..of being in or out you re in the TAO .. so I am writing to my 12 year old boy talking about quantums flashing in and out of BEING .. faster than nanoseconds in quatum time , the actions of Planc …action or being jus word tool and the amount of if it is the time of it … is a thing ness we judge … zhuangzi told the story of the fruit fly and the human tortoise and redwood tree the sage knew time is not important the being is …. It is not a percentage of infinity this time thing . The act of just being gives possibility for KINETICS the toy kinetics .. everything is kinetics I write to him ….. for the quantus allow for ORGANISZARION of sub atomics and then the complex …. Organizations that com from them all the way up to a single cell which then groups into … communitys … social system …. Of HYDRA …. OR HUMAN .. are we the mitochondria of POLIS iwrite to this 12 ytear old ? luckly he started the conversations in his own 12 year old way last year when he was 11 …..
POLIS is a being state …. User of organization ,, dentrites and memeory not the same as bio machines but ..still there like HYDRA has mememory of itself enough to re create it self with out BRAIN ….. I …… so if polis is an I …. It must wanna be .. live and to do that it must FEEL GOOD ,,, like a sunflower grows to the sun ,,, life moves towards the feeling better … that is INSTICNT for it … and some how that all some how works for the BETTER of the some thing next up on the level … like Gia … society / polis there is a good streaming down and up …. I need to find and focus on the good that is there coming down ,, ENHANCE htat … good
Off topic ….. topic is … the land to do the model of The US has 2.3 billion acres of land of which about 350 million is used for growning crops , 503 million acres for forestry land , 587 million acres of pasture/range land ( meat for the king wine for the church - Masanabo Fukuoka ) 108 million acres for housing/city land the balence is park land. With a population of about 350 million there is more than to much land to go around if it were used in a permaculture manner . The land mass of the United states could support 4 billion people itself alone , all living in a HARMONY with nature , unlike todays life stlye. ( ohhh what about Europe? well an old world country like FRance with a dense population trapped in citys . THE fact is , the 261,000 square miles of France is in reality over 120 MILLION acres able to maintain a population of 240 MILLION RE_RURALIZED peoples , current population of france is 65 million )
And what I am pumped apbut is that I am now COOKING using the micro solar PV system I have put together on top of the frige and the lighting and fans and attic bents etc etc … I now found I can do a lot of my cooking and cofffeee making with the lil 190 wars I have so far .. so far fucking out the impossible has is .. is being done ….. b
There is no risk for you. When you come to understand the true nature of Well-being in which you have come forth--then you can relax and begin to enjoy this magnificent adventure which is your creative life experience. We are not here to guide the specifics of that which you choose. You get to choose that, and you can't get it wrong. We are here to assist you--only to assist you--in finding vibrational harmony with your desire; knowing that when you find vibrational harmony with your desire, you are, in this moment, a joyful Being. And that is our dominant wish for you.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, MO on Saturday, June 1st, 2002
ok all the sages keep remeinding us of the NOW ..the flash of being is ,,the only real is .. and finding bliss is the way growth happens and continues …. Growing towards the sun … being joyful ….
Ahh but the training we have been born into , brought a GOOD .. for it gave life to the society … the circulatory system of POLIS ,, the Hydra life form that uses a FEW billion cells ,,,humans .. simple life form organization compared to like a human or elelpahant which has TRILLIONS of live cells … my cells are to me what I am to polis … my 1 CELLED animals who evolved to be part of a POLIS called phil or you …. Choose over time to be part of a city .. where food comees in and is developed by others ,, broken down distributed and wastes , also sent away .. by other workers , instead of being FERREL single cells still swimming free in the ocean ….
But the knowing that I am and then I am not … and I am not PHIL but I am …. I .. hell I can change my name to fucking fred …. So Phil is just a memory form ..not I … I am a flash 100 years or 1 second which is the greater part of INFINITY .. sine infinity has not 100 percent , there is no comparative point to JUDGE life span importance …
THERE IS NO RISK ….. but I was born then taught that life and death are the most important risk factors ,, I must stay alive to serve the GOD KING PHAROH …. System ? for pharohs come and go , changing details 1000’s of years after 1000’s of years details of what is behind the memory form called named Phaorhoh or god king …
For the benefit of city … I must BELIEVE totally in the importance of … life for without the INSTINCT of life the bio machine or whatever ORGANIZATION city country polis will not be viable ….. I must fear ! no no no no no no no no no …. It can work without fear ..the fear was a STAGE or STEP 1 evolving of the simple life form as the system grows … the fear aspect can be UN TUAGHT AND NOT TAUGHT …. Not taught to be gin with .. we humans were part of the TOA the being state of the FOREST SYSTEM and we knew our place was a place EQUAL to the dirt .. we came and went … the sage cultures knew that .
Pharoh system a competive system to FOREST …not really a great ystem maybe .. it has not shown real viability as compared to FOREST . when looked at .. compared to history … city systems semm to actually collapse and struggle to remain viable for just 100;s or 1000;s of years when forest system can have historys of survialal lasting MILLIONS of changing years
Does …fear feel GOOD ? doea what I have been taught really serve me? And thus serve the all ? for the better I feel and you feel the better they whole system is . there is no reason to fear for I am a FLASH o planc’s action ,,,, equal to any . no hierarchy .
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
peach bug
Peach bug
So you have 18 peaches already 1 year after planting a baby 30 buck tree , but 2 of the 18 look like they got a bug in them ,,,, and you are statrting to sound like your natural peaches are some how dirty not as good as store boughts ,, and I wonder ,,, hellll DDT and shit like it have only been around and used on everything now since like the 50’s so that is for sure more than your whole life ..but nothing in terms of the 6.5 millions years of HUMAN HOMIND …. 60 years of science ….in terms of of millions or even just 1000’s 60 years is not the ALL … of ALLL …. All’s
Peaches have always had bugs the bird then comes and digs out the bug and we get to eat the other half of the peach while nature eats the first half ..sound GROSS but is natural …more antural than what we get at the TECHNO MART ..called asupermarket . …. We are techno junkies ..borg …..
So you start off as 1 cell in an ocean of food .. like a SEEA but this sea is in side a mommmy ,,, the 1 celled life ,, like a bacteria bug , grows and copies , itself to the point ,,, that soon some of the cells inside the mass can no longer touch the rich sea of food water so , system of water flow must happen other wise death would happen to the cells in the middle ,, so a HYDRA forms simple circulation ..the genisis of ..stage step 1 of heart viens and shit …… but the being of me was just a 1 celled bactria bug , with bacterium inside .that really drive the car which the larger 1 cell is ,,, a car for mitochrondria …. The bigger 1 celll . is able to grow out from there ,,,, hmmmmm interesting .
Cool she has part of it realizing the idea of property as being as important and maybe more improatant than people ,, like the Indians chief settle was confused about the idea of selling land of ownership …. This mine thing ….. is not ? natural .. a good example of passed down effects of pycopathy some birth defected people and person rose to the top of pwer … because well they had no connection they were pyscopaths . and we have adopted these PARADYMS … as natural laws .
Now to patriarchy …. The effects of manipulation …. Begets the power aspects of what she calls patriarchy male bashing ,, but I wonder when she was the sexy lil’ teen girl was she not open to using that benift ofr her benift ,,or was she NON ACTIVE IF SO SHE IS STRANGE … OLD WISDOMS HAVE SEEDS OF TRUTH ,, BEHIND EVERY GREAT MANIS A GREAT WOMAN THE EVIDENCE TRAILS ARE are every where and I still say TYE and amenhotpe 3 and 4 and the written evidence trails of the growing science of political manipulation and TYE’s rise to power etc etc …. Shows the hint of 1000’s of years so sure yes ,, the effects of manipulations suck ..but lets not talk about the symptoms but include the DATA of cause effects and broaden the perspectives in our engerrnering .
And well we sure as fuck can not depend on the head of Ethics from Harvard to expand his data base for that would destroy his niche and power position …. Putting in to jeprday his position of high preist in the new diety realm of sciences be them social sciences of matierail sciences .
We are smart enough to peel layer after layer back .. of paradyms …. Laying out the schemactics and expanding the depth and ranges of connections to include ideas that we PYARAMID BUILDERS … we gods look at what we can do ….. we are so much smarter and better than nature we who have been taught this separated mind set divorced from nature are pycopahts to the whole of the bio spere we in habit . not a good idea .
I'll Not Ask Others to Become Different for Me... Let your Vibrational Escrow percolate, and you do your best to give it your undivided attention so that you become a Vibrational Match to it. And then, when the Law of Attraction brings all of it together and brings you, because you're a match, together with it - then there aren't any bugs to work out. Don't ask the person, or people, that helped you to define what you want to become what you want so that you can have what you want. (Oh, that was so good.) Instead, let them be the Step One part of it (the asking part). Use your willpower and your decision to focus upon what you want - and then the Universe will bring you what you want.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book, "The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships "
the elearning of this for myself ,,, you have been my asking the things which gave me the inspirtation to want something different so …… to ask you to change would be not fair …. I jus do what I wanna do and let the friend aspect of that thing also jus form ,,,, you do not have to understand what I am doing …. You do not have to wake up even though your asking to be WOKE is part of the asking I got … the ALTRUISM the being nice to each other aspect that past of my in spirit action …but this is where the CAMP SITE descriptive concept comes in in a word tool likely you may understand the baby step of your own growth into the possibles you really have …
the 5ht wheeler … people monster bus people … an based upon model of their retired lifestyle available to anyone for like on the f’ing cheap ….. not an exact of but an adaptation of …. A think for yourself of allow a surf 6 days work 1 …. Escape from from therat race the manipulation of GOLD of CASh ,, ( what is gold? I can not use it to make a knife it is 2 soft nor head for my spear if I wore in while I hidein hunting I may shine or clank and scare game ,,, I only wore in in the cave or at social events …. And mainly it was the EVE who wants her man to wera the crown of gold so he becomes her arm candy ….. same game as as loud harley or a covette today . ..dig down deep lay out bare regardless of POLICTICALLY CORRECTNESS or not ….
So you have 18 peaches already 1 year after planting a baby 30 buck tree , but 2 of the 18 look like they got a bug in them ,,,, and you are statrting to sound like your natural peaches are some how dirty not as good as store boughts ,, and I wonder ,,, hellll DDT and shit like it have only been around and used on everything now since like the 50’s so that is for sure more than your whole life ..but nothing in terms of the 6.5 millions years of HUMAN HOMIND …. 60 years of science ….in terms of of millions or even just 1000’s 60 years is not the ALL … of ALLL …. All’s
Peaches have always had bugs the bird then comes and digs out the bug and we get to eat the other half of the peach while nature eats the first half ..sound GROSS but is natural …more antural than what we get at the TECHNO MART ..called asupermarket . …. We are techno junkies ..borg …..
So you start off as 1 cell in an ocean of food .. like a SEEA but this sea is in side a mommmy ,,, the 1 celled life ,, like a bacteria bug , grows and copies , itself to the point ,,, that soon some of the cells inside the mass can no longer touch the rich sea of food water so , system of water flow must happen other wise death would happen to the cells in the middle ,, so a HYDRA forms simple circulation ..the genisis of ..stage step 1 of heart viens and shit …… but the being of me was just a 1 celled bactria bug , with bacterium inside .that really drive the car which the larger 1 cell is ,,, a car for mitochrondria …. The bigger 1 celll . is able to grow out from there ,,,, hmmmmm interesting .
Cool she has part of it realizing the idea of property as being as important and maybe more improatant than people ,, like the Indians chief settle was confused about the idea of selling land of ownership …. This mine thing ….. is not ? natural .. a good example of passed down effects of pycopathy some birth defected people and person rose to the top of pwer … because well they had no connection they were pyscopaths . and we have adopted these PARADYMS … as natural laws .
Now to patriarchy …. The effects of manipulation …. Begets the power aspects of what she calls patriarchy male bashing ,, but I wonder when she was the sexy lil’ teen girl was she not open to using that benift ofr her benift ,,or was she NON ACTIVE IF SO SHE IS STRANGE … OLD WISDOMS HAVE SEEDS OF TRUTH ,, BEHIND EVERY GREAT MANIS A GREAT WOMAN THE EVIDENCE TRAILS ARE are every where and I still say TYE and amenhotpe 3 and 4 and the written evidence trails of the growing science of political manipulation and TYE’s rise to power etc etc …. Shows the hint of 1000’s of years so sure yes ,, the effects of manipulations suck ..but lets not talk about the symptoms but include the DATA of cause effects and broaden the perspectives in our engerrnering .
And well we sure as fuck can not depend on the head of Ethics from Harvard to expand his data base for that would destroy his niche and power position …. Putting in to jeprday his position of high preist in the new diety realm of sciences be them social sciences of matierail sciences .
We are smart enough to peel layer after layer back .. of paradyms …. Laying out the schemactics and expanding the depth and ranges of connections to include ideas that we PYARAMID BUILDERS … we gods look at what we can do ….. we are so much smarter and better than nature we who have been taught this separated mind set divorced from nature are pycopahts to the whole of the bio spere we in habit . not a good idea .
I'll Not Ask Others to Become Different for Me... Let your Vibrational Escrow percolate, and you do your best to give it your undivided attention so that you become a Vibrational Match to it. And then, when the Law of Attraction brings all of it together and brings you, because you're a match, together with it - then there aren't any bugs to work out. Don't ask the person, or people, that helped you to define what you want to become what you want so that you can have what you want. (Oh, that was so good.) Instead, let them be the Step One part of it (the asking part). Use your willpower and your decision to focus upon what you want - and then the Universe will bring you what you want.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book, "The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships "
the elearning of this for myself ,,, you have been my asking the things which gave me the inspirtation to want something different so …… to ask you to change would be not fair …. I jus do what I wanna do and let the friend aspect of that thing also jus form ,,,, you do not have to understand what I am doing …. You do not have to wake up even though your asking to be WOKE is part of the asking I got … the ALTRUISM the being nice to each other aspect that past of my in spirit action …but this is where the CAMP SITE descriptive concept comes in in a word tool likely you may understand the baby step of your own growth into the possibles you really have …
the 5ht wheeler … people monster bus people … an based upon model of their retired lifestyle available to anyone for like on the f’ing cheap ….. not an exact of but an adaptation of …. A think for yourself of allow a surf 6 days work 1 …. Escape from from therat race the manipulation of GOLD of CASh ,, ( what is gold? I can not use it to make a knife it is 2 soft nor head for my spear if I wore in while I hidein hunting I may shine or clank and scare game ,,, I only wore in in the cave or at social events …. And mainly it was the EVE who wants her man to wera the crown of gold so he becomes her arm candy ….. same game as as loud harley or a covette today . ..dig down deep lay out bare regardless of POLICTICALLY CORRECTNESS or not ….
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
camp site
Camping trip
I guess writing gives me some release of frustration for I get to say all those things I wanna say to you folks when I discuss with you on the street but can not get accros my ideas ,,not that you are dumb or I am to dumb to find the word tool but that we have been CULTURED to fit the evolving POLIS …. Beingus cells or maybe us even being the mitochrondria of the systems in which we live which are the cells of the organism polis .
Ohh camping trip you the 30 meters square should maybe be thought of as a private camping site ,,,, you like to go camping , well this private site you get to customize to the point that nature feral human living is as comfy as being a TeCHNO SLAVE is to now
Ray Anderson … carpet dude ,, inter whatever ….
Yes the vast percentage of people are good and wanna do good but if thru manipulation the majority of those people are living based upon many levels of flawed presmises that cut to the core of MASLOWS hierarchy of needs for most , things like food .. shelter ..LOVE … sexual manipulations fostered in many forms for 1000’s of year those good natured hominds ,,, can not drive and ethical market place for they are confused … nuerictic because of the ver changing rules it seems … the un NATURAL ness the twisted instinct …. So when the smart man talks …. POINT OF VIEW with out expanding his point of view ..the conclusions sold by the smart man are base FLAWED ….
Risk losing busisness ,, no more fundamental thing trust between buyer and seller …. A more inlightenedd …. Buyer can not evolve become such until he has a snse of handle on the fisrt few levels of maslow …. Lets then talk first about that before we sell everyon on the FAIRY TALE of perfect theory capitalisms
And the manipulations .. well I have explored them years they are deep extending back back to TYE and amenhotep 4 …. And before but they are just good focus points of history where we have some fair amount of written evidence trails to compare current human activivity and things like expression of a tiny percentage of PYCHOPATHIC behavior in rulers classes and E VE greed
If we can make movies like corpaaration ,, we can also , teach TURTHS to everyone about the depth and breathe of the manipulations even if the talk is sensitive to certain genders …. Who like to trash others claiming victum hood , when the old saying does show up behind … the great man you will find a powerful woman …. Ohhh I think back to the events of Galeo’s life the rulers he worked under and the women of court who really held the riens of manipulave controls thru sexual rules of the church , which again sprisingly has deep deep female roots the first city ,,, had at its base a female based GODDDES system whwihc . after its fall …. Became the negative myth basis of EVE . paying a 10k year price … but not changing the activity .
Start here Mr Ray ….. touch on the ASSUMPTIONS , the ass out of you and me .. the p[aradyms …..
Rest seems like a nice contrast to overwhelment, but enthusiasm is always chosen over rest. The only thing that ever makes you tired or bogs you down is resistance.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Lincroft, NJ on Tuesday, October 15th, 1996
ahh the simple wisdom talked by so many sage voices … all jus trying to get us to wake the fuck up and see the mind fucking we have been taught ,,,, does the stress serve you or can you choose to create another choice or even better choices including the best of many things …. Thus allowing for enthusiasm ,,, passion fun , feeling EMPOWERED ONCE MORE resistance is in the not letting yourself see the amount of POSSIBLES you really have to choose from ,,, it has all been about the teaching the training we have gone thru to erve the form … the bing state POLIS ….. so if POLIS is a being state a user of organization .. like myself …. And even if it does not have a nervous system or brain I can ID … does not mean it is not lving and choosing being state ,, the jelly fish has not brain but does show evidence of choosing .. when looked at from a braod perspective ,, even our so called free choice choosing is tainted with … memeory as pect .. the tasting things first the dentitites the associated pathways of think able … that allow us to choose so fast because we have complied DATA much already in the DNA … then re inforced at age 1 when we took that metal thing stuck it in our mouth and realized it was not food …. And re inforced the DNA knowing of what is food and what is not food , maybe the jellky fish ,, just has to taste the metal item over and over sinc e it does not have the DATA bank of memory but that does not mean it is not an action of choice ….
Resisitance is about CHOICES …… realize you have more choices than you believe you have … your belief came about thru training likie taching a dog to STAY .. you stay with in the box of what you have been tauight .
What is more fun what feels better being totally ingrossed in the ZONE , or hiding temp like in rest ……
I guess writing gives me some release of frustration for I get to say all those things I wanna say to you folks when I discuss with you on the street but can not get accros my ideas ,,not that you are dumb or I am to dumb to find the word tool but that we have been CULTURED to fit the evolving POLIS …. Beingus cells or maybe us even being the mitochrondria of the systems in which we live which are the cells of the organism polis .
Ohh camping trip you the 30 meters square should maybe be thought of as a private camping site ,,,, you like to go camping , well this private site you get to customize to the point that nature feral human living is as comfy as being a TeCHNO SLAVE is to now
Ray Anderson … carpet dude ,, inter whatever ….
Yes the vast percentage of people are good and wanna do good but if thru manipulation the majority of those people are living based upon many levels of flawed presmises that cut to the core of MASLOWS hierarchy of needs for most , things like food .. shelter ..LOVE … sexual manipulations fostered in many forms for 1000’s of year those good natured hominds ,,, can not drive and ethical market place for they are confused … nuerictic because of the ver changing rules it seems … the un NATURAL ness the twisted instinct …. So when the smart man talks …. POINT OF VIEW with out expanding his point of view ..the conclusions sold by the smart man are base FLAWED ….
Risk losing busisness ,, no more fundamental thing trust between buyer and seller …. A more inlightenedd …. Buyer can not evolve become such until he has a snse of handle on the fisrt few levels of maslow …. Lets then talk first about that before we sell everyon on the FAIRY TALE of perfect theory capitalisms
And the manipulations .. well I have explored them years they are deep extending back back to TYE and amenhotep 4 …. And before but they are just good focus points of history where we have some fair amount of written evidence trails to compare current human activivity and things like expression of a tiny percentage of PYCHOPATHIC behavior in rulers classes and E VE greed
If we can make movies like corpaaration ,, we can also , teach TURTHS to everyone about the depth and breathe of the manipulations even if the talk is sensitive to certain genders …. Who like to trash others claiming victum hood , when the old saying does show up behind … the great man you will find a powerful woman …. Ohhh I think back to the events of Galeo’s life the rulers he worked under and the women of court who really held the riens of manipulave controls thru sexual rules of the church , which again sprisingly has deep deep female roots the first city ,,, had at its base a female based GODDDES system whwihc . after its fall …. Became the negative myth basis of EVE . paying a 10k year price … but not changing the activity .
Start here Mr Ray ….. touch on the ASSUMPTIONS , the ass out of you and me .. the p[aradyms …..
Rest seems like a nice contrast to overwhelment, but enthusiasm is always chosen over rest. The only thing that ever makes you tired or bogs you down is resistance.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Lincroft, NJ on Tuesday, October 15th, 1996
ahh the simple wisdom talked by so many sage voices … all jus trying to get us to wake the fuck up and see the mind fucking we have been taught ,,,, does the stress serve you or can you choose to create another choice or even better choices including the best of many things …. Thus allowing for enthusiasm ,,, passion fun , feeling EMPOWERED ONCE MORE resistance is in the not letting yourself see the amount of POSSIBLES you really have to choose from ,,, it has all been about the teaching the training we have gone thru to erve the form … the bing state POLIS ….. so if POLIS is a being state a user of organization .. like myself …. And even if it does not have a nervous system or brain I can ID … does not mean it is not lving and choosing being state ,, the jelly fish has not brain but does show evidence of choosing .. when looked at from a braod perspective ,, even our so called free choice choosing is tainted with … memeory as pect .. the tasting things first the dentitites the associated pathways of think able … that allow us to choose so fast because we have complied DATA much already in the DNA … then re inforced at age 1 when we took that metal thing stuck it in our mouth and realized it was not food …. And re inforced the DNA knowing of what is food and what is not food , maybe the jellky fish ,, just has to taste the metal item over and over sinc e it does not have the DATA bank of memory but that does not mean it is not an action of choice ….
Resisitance is about CHOICES …… realize you have more choices than you believe you have … your belief came about thru training likie taching a dog to STAY .. you stay with in the box of what you have been tauight .
What is more fun what feels better being totally ingrossed in the ZONE , or hiding temp like in rest ……
Sunday, April 24, 2011
multinational monitor
Robert wiessman
Good solutions ideas I have for sure never thought about or heard about I knew we could think outside of the box we being all of us humans when allowed sparked by flows of the UNTHINKABBLE at first then over exposure ..the forming of dentite path ways of memeory in the brain ,, the once unthinkable becomes thinkable ….. and evolvable … ermergent
Still the idea of ackwoledging human as animal …. The 30 meters square ,,, birth rite gives the all … a freedom of wanting to be part of any form of POLIS and just as much as wanted not from a state of mindlessly being borg dependant on the POLIS
Then the idea of a company who creates a bike or transport devise of whatever stuff ,,, for profit for sale and I can not get it with out some form of currency common exchange thingie ….. which denotes that I have done something of some value for some one , some where at some time that I can now exchange for the MADE item ,,,,,
Wiessman’s multinational monitor just shows again and again the current state of the cntrast ,, the what is and has been the data needed to form new ideas from the experiences of the past experiments of growth …. To not use the data and form new ideas is just stupid ,,, to do nothing when the evidence trail is so clear for 1000’s of years of of the system we have the same thing has been going on just in emerging forms of the under pinnin foundation ….
There is a ton of lands in every country to allow the common wealth of a 30 meters square life time lease hold for everyone ,,, right now ,, non profit land ,,, lease holds that can be traded in system to emerge so that people can move to other areas ,,, so that they can move to lease holds that will allow for family and children ,, and when y ou think in terms of 7 genernations not the problems to be faced in this 1 minute this 1 generation of start up where the solutions is not like fast food ,,,, but growing ,,, in seven generations with the massive amounts of lands the 30 meters squared that had been terra formed over those generations and the experiences from those decades having become the data …… trade of lease holds will be come as easey as … well easy ,
Good solutions ideas I have for sure never thought about or heard about I knew we could think outside of the box we being all of us humans when allowed sparked by flows of the UNTHINKABBLE at first then over exposure ..the forming of dentite path ways of memeory in the brain ,, the once unthinkable becomes thinkable ….. and evolvable … ermergent
Still the idea of ackwoledging human as animal …. The 30 meters square ,,, birth rite gives the all … a freedom of wanting to be part of any form of POLIS and just as much as wanted not from a state of mindlessly being borg dependant on the POLIS
Then the idea of a company who creates a bike or transport devise of whatever stuff ,,, for profit for sale and I can not get it with out some form of currency common exchange thingie ….. which denotes that I have done something of some value for some one , some where at some time that I can now exchange for the MADE item ,,,,,
Wiessman’s multinational monitor just shows again and again the current state of the cntrast ,, the what is and has been the data needed to form new ideas from the experiences of the past experiments of growth …. To not use the data and form new ideas is just stupid ,,, to do nothing when the evidence trail is so clear for 1000’s of years of of the system we have the same thing has been going on just in emerging forms of the under pinnin foundation ….
There is a ton of lands in every country to allow the common wealth of a 30 meters square life time lease hold for everyone ,,, right now ,, non profit land ,,, lease holds that can be traded in system to emerge so that people can move to other areas ,,, so that they can move to lease holds that will allow for family and children ,, and when y ou think in terms of 7 genernations not the problems to be faced in this 1 minute this 1 generation of start up where the solutions is not like fast food ,,,, but growing ,,, in seven generations with the massive amounts of lands the 30 meters squared that had been terra formed over those generations and the experiences from those decades having become the data …… trade of lease holds will be come as easey as … well easy ,
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