Mouth full of MAN milk
Young master , the vision that cummms along with this title gives you a smile why? Why is this idea important to you ? will you even admit it to yourself here in private of yur mind , would you even be honest with yourself here …NO I betch’a won’t be … be honest even with your self here alone in your mind ….. the effects of long term social programming . your programming is deep it effects instincts.
Ok dipshit how about this ,,,, you smile that rush of desire you get when you think of some girl , sucking cock but not only sucking it in lust for the action but also in lust for you MILK …. Is all about SELF WORTH. SURE IT FEELS GOOD CUMMMING FEELS GREAT BUT .. SELF WORTH the idea of being desired is way important also .
When she spits out your cumm and acted as if some sort of poision or toxic acid has bee shot out of you dick ,, effects your self image in terms of being with a LIVE woman versus a fanasty woman or the female you usee in your while jackin off to porn … which admit it , JACKING TO PORN IS A FACT , you do it very regularly . So when a girl you got the real hots for .. a girl your GOOD MAN isde would like to settle down with , acts like your sperm is some sort of dangerous acid , well that effects you and your desire to have her play with your dick regularly for general recreation
GENERAL sexual recreation , time wasting instead of watching tv …. Now fucking that happens nice easy straight forward , sexual recreation ,,,,, tieing her up and fucking her with her dildoes two holes at a time ,,,using the Hitachi vibrator ….. pinching licking sucking spanking her …. Ohhh that is very easy sexual recreation … her naked body is pretty …. You dumbass so not see your self as beautiful no matter what she says that is not words those words of you being preety may as well be Chinese ….. they do not compute to our brain ….
You dumbass , you male were not mating in history because you were CUTE or PRETTY .. you mated because you were the warrior who survived the war and you now have 5 wives ,,, you were the good young farmer or herder that every father for miles around tried to sell his daughters to ,. So his daughters would have a safe stable home his grandchildren would have food and tents and good strong policatical ties would be formed ,,,,IT NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING PRETTY
AND the girl who wanted the attention of the male in the poly of instinct she . would be attentive to her male ,, this idea of FAIRY TALE innocence would not serve her …. To be innocent and wait for the male to approach her … welll other girls would be sucking the MASTERS COCK first the innocent girl would not get fucked ,, so she would have not children her DNA died off
HOW’s DNA lives in the girls of today ….. remember this form of dating we have today is still very very neww to the population in general ,,,, when we were still mainly an AG society be industry and the migration into the city of the 1920’s girl were still being MARRIED OFF …. Find her a husband any husband …. Especially terrible for girls in that since they were not allowed to becom the 3rd wife of a GOOD MAN , the had to become the only wife to a male who should never have mated . YES NEVER HAVE MATED ….. natural selection that came thur the past of the INSTINCT POLY …. Made sure lazy drunk males did not have large family at most they would get laid by … buying pussy on occasion ,,, especially since driunks have no money they can not buy shit except more drugs or wine … dopers are very easy kills to a good man and warrior ,,, the guy can not fight while high ,, I have an easy kill…
The poly gives the girls of today the choice to be with a good man , not forced to sty with a loser of a man just to satisfy some fuckin BOOK that says we should be 1 on 1 ,, now just because jesus died , but it was good before jesus dieed … STRANGE LOGIC ?
Ohh , YOURSELF WORTH and her mouth full of sperm … go hand in hand on dick in mouth ….. she likes you . and your inner animal honestly feel it dipshit your deepest part of you what is it saying ?
Ohhhh the question about poly amory the bi sexuality hmmmm in evolvution how does that mess up you getting attention young master , how will that place you in competition again? I am banking on the fact that bi sexuality was always around in terms of female interactions and tenderness and that is what female to female attention is all about ,, yet her nature of desire is to see her attentions create in a male a strong healthy erection that will when she wants fill her mouth with natures finest MMILK , your cummm young master
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Good FUCKING intentions
Good Fucking Intention
Young Master , what is your intentions , and will dipshit accept the idea that you have intentions , things you plan want to … do that have their seed their genesis in those chemicals those male hormones …. If not then why at age 12 do todays lil’ boys wanna watch porn , that high they feel is part of doing something forbiddene but there are almost increased flood of sex chemicals .
Ohhh not just the boys it is the girls also who are indulging in todays technologies in porn that need is natural
Because of the nature ,of the nature girls , gilrs were more in contact with their sesxual nature ,, they knew they were WOMEN when they began to bleed … with boy children there has not been any real moment that they can look to to signal now I am a man … growning one hair here or one hair there does not signal manhood …… having an rection something that happens to baby males because they have to pee . does not signal true manhood … nothing in your world dipshit tells you like bleeding does for a girl that you are a MAN .
But your animal self , feels is compelled to FUCK … your intention will be to fuck until you subjucate yourself ,, beat the nature out of yourself ….. twist you natural desire …. Concsiuoly or unconsciuoly , tilll are you are emasculated WHAT IS YOUR INTENTIONS
And why , dumbfuck? What is so natural so more correct about what you have been TRAINED TO intend to do with your life as compared to creating a more natural life and your INTENTION to Fuck as much as possible . What was the front page news of the paper yesterday … LIFES BOREDOM showing up in eating patterns and unhealthy weight …. Unhealthy weight , extremems of obsiety or just being over weight ,,, a very common factor is BOREDOM and unactivity …. WHY ARE YOU NOT FUCKING EACH OTHER PEOPLE? Enjoying each others presence in good natural healthy ways . ending boredom and increasing ativity …WHY ? because you think to much ,,, unbalance , thinking mind about god spirit and FORGETING FUN FUCKING … BODY! 3 IMPORTANT PARTS OF HUMAN
Ohh I understand your programming the idea of INNOCENSE …. What female animal is innocenct when in heat look at the beast in heat , she wnts sex …….. you girls are a RE CREATIONAL sexual animal so innocence that game you play … only twistes yourself and the male you desire … girls are you having fun YET? If so why are you depressed unhappy alone fighting and on the front page of the news papers …. Over weight to the point of being unhealthy ? to the tune of 6 out of every 10 american humans … the evidence trail.
Now with the 3 wives , the aspects of sexuality is alve daily since a daily planning to share the affections of the male must be INTENTED by the sisterhood so that all girls can get their emotional pyshicall needs for male touch is satisfied . The male no longer has to guess he can focus his energy on providing for his family and intend to expect sexual release daily as his body is designed to have . think people think for your self!
Oooh but I forgot you are to stupid to evil to think for yourself some professional told you when you were small and believed the words of BIG PEOPLE , so today you ignore the evidence all around you .
Young Master , what is your intentions , and will dipshit accept the idea that you have intentions , things you plan want to … do that have their seed their genesis in those chemicals those male hormones …. If not then why at age 12 do todays lil’ boys wanna watch porn , that high they feel is part of doing something forbiddene but there are almost increased flood of sex chemicals .
Ohhh not just the boys it is the girls also who are indulging in todays technologies in porn that need is natural
Because of the nature ,of the nature girls , gilrs were more in contact with their sesxual nature ,, they knew they were WOMEN when they began to bleed … with boy children there has not been any real moment that they can look to to signal now I am a man … growning one hair here or one hair there does not signal manhood …… having an rection something that happens to baby males because they have to pee . does not signal true manhood … nothing in your world dipshit tells you like bleeding does for a girl that you are a MAN .
But your animal self , feels is compelled to FUCK … your intention will be to fuck until you subjucate yourself ,, beat the nature out of yourself ….. twist you natural desire …. Concsiuoly or unconsciuoly , tilll are you are emasculated WHAT IS YOUR INTENTIONS
And why , dumbfuck? What is so natural so more correct about what you have been TRAINED TO intend to do with your life as compared to creating a more natural life and your INTENTION to Fuck as much as possible . What was the front page news of the paper yesterday … LIFES BOREDOM showing up in eating patterns and unhealthy weight …. Unhealthy weight , extremems of obsiety or just being over weight ,,, a very common factor is BOREDOM and unactivity …. WHY ARE YOU NOT FUCKING EACH OTHER PEOPLE? Enjoying each others presence in good natural healthy ways . ending boredom and increasing ativity …WHY ? because you think to much ,,, unbalance , thinking mind about god spirit and FORGETING FUN FUCKING … BODY! 3 IMPORTANT PARTS OF HUMAN
Ohh I understand your programming the idea of INNOCENSE …. What female animal is innocenct when in heat look at the beast in heat , she wnts sex …….. you girls are a RE CREATIONAL sexual animal so innocence that game you play … only twistes yourself and the male you desire … girls are you having fun YET? If so why are you depressed unhappy alone fighting and on the front page of the news papers …. Over weight to the point of being unhealthy ? to the tune of 6 out of every 10 american humans … the evidence trail.
Now with the 3 wives , the aspects of sexuality is alve daily since a daily planning to share the affections of the male must be INTENTED by the sisterhood so that all girls can get their emotional pyshicall needs for male touch is satisfied . The male no longer has to guess he can focus his energy on providing for his family and intend to expect sexual release daily as his body is designed to have . think people think for your self!
Oooh but I forgot you are to stupid to evil to think for yourself some professional told you when you were small and believed the words of BIG PEOPLE , so today you ignore the evidence all around you .
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Rape Nature
Rape Nature
Ok in Darfore a part of Africa there will be UN peace Keeperes and the expectations of the Female spokesperson is that SEX will not happen ! with this new force of men who will aid that region ….. Young Master what do you feel inside you every fucking day when you see girls?
The stupid idea that our NATURE is not part of the mind spirit body equation is STUPID …. You dick is an organ equal to anyother organ in fact even more important since it is the INSTINCT of living animals to repreoduce the chemicals stimulating reproduction pump daily thru your mind urging you to FUCK FUCK FUCK …. 1. The spirit of life wants itself to continue 2. the body the spirit uses to express itself creates chemicals of sex 3. the mind the memory forms plans to make it happen.
And since a warrior is aman pumped 24/7 with the chemical of manhood testosron . he also is highteneed in his sexual needs ………. His needs of HEALTH CARE , an natural need of his NATURAL HUMAN ORGANS ….. and he can not get release then he will take release thru RAPE or illegal sex industry .
Marriage is so often the ecomic choice on the part of poor even rich women , it is ecomonic , the female sells herself … because deep inside her she will mate with a male who won her thru force … thru beating the competition thru warfare ,,,, her instinct is to submit to a male any male in fact . the problem WE HAVE WITH SELLING SEX , WITH THE SEX INDUSTRY is because of our expectation that love is a fairy tale instead of the INSTINCT for the spirit of life to safely recreate itself ….. in a war torn land the safest male is the male with a gun , a man who is part of the winning force . the idea of a woman providing sex to keep a man around plus receive food also ,, is natural it is how we developed ….
The theory that human females eveovled into recreational sexual animals is based in the idea that she evolved to keep us around 24/7 by using her SEX as a tool …. The cave woman was a SLUT by nature ……… RAPE IS NATURAL . I know I will get trash about my way of describing that which Ph.D’s in anthropology say in nincer words ……. But dam it people the ideas of sexual controls is the reason why we have sexual abuse
Yes what you resisit – persisits …. The more you want to ignore your true animal self , the more you twist the animal inside you the more it will express itself in abuse . especially the abuse of the HELPLESS . the young and weaker . when in fact the nature of adult males is to want fully mature females ,, as long as the female is submissive as his inner animal expects
Who is the one who must be kind of still , who has to be a willing target for me to stick my dick in her? If she continues to struggle to much it is hard to aim , it is hard to stay inside …SUBMISSSION is natural … the sale of her sex for food is nature ….. sexual health care is how we evolved . so to force male UN fighting me warriors to act unnatural is a stupid feminist plan destined to fail …. Dumb girls ! you want a fairy tale and you create HELL . your greed as a group .
Girls young master love to display their sexuality ,,,, the idea of being a PLAYBOY BUNNY is a secret desire for many females of that age ,, and a point of pride for those who were . Look at the amount of girls projecting idolizing the idea of PORN STAR … themes .
SO WHY THE problem with profeesional sexual health care creers ? DIVIDE AND CONQUER .. as long as we are divied confused ,, stressed we are easy to control . the knowledge and gift to us by the beginners of POLICTICS . look deeper at the confilicts in ideas between the TOAsist of china 1000’s of years ago and the Confusiciuos follower.
HOLLAND , my home land has the right idea , make it an carreer , where training is needed and professional licsence is available …. Freedom of individual choices .
And the un pROfesional slut well she can marry a MILLIONAIRE .
Oh , I gotta talk some time about ,,, arraged marriages and the nature of females to to choose bad men because they were never evovlved to realy make that choice ,, it has always been a submission not a choice . just look around at the choices girls make about men ,, many many men who should never have been mated have to many kids …. The old ideas of PROOF YOUR WORTHYNESS ….. to mate . the idea that the strong brave male who will protect a land to create stability for his social group … the harem the Lion Male the Gorilla male The Deer …. So many social animals have this trait … the male lives and works like a lone male ,,, and gets fucked and fucked and fucked . never begging . and the female choose to stay with that male the female has the freedom to leave everytime the male takes a nap or goes to sleep . the female is free to leave and search out a new and better amle …
Ok in Darfore a part of Africa there will be UN peace Keeperes and the expectations of the Female spokesperson is that SEX will not happen ! with this new force of men who will aid that region ….. Young Master what do you feel inside you every fucking day when you see girls?
The stupid idea that our NATURE is not part of the mind spirit body equation is STUPID …. You dick is an organ equal to anyother organ in fact even more important since it is the INSTINCT of living animals to repreoduce the chemicals stimulating reproduction pump daily thru your mind urging you to FUCK FUCK FUCK …. 1. The spirit of life wants itself to continue 2. the body the spirit uses to express itself creates chemicals of sex 3. the mind the memory forms plans to make it happen.
And since a warrior is aman pumped 24/7 with the chemical of manhood testosron . he also is highteneed in his sexual needs ………. His needs of HEALTH CARE , an natural need of his NATURAL HUMAN ORGANS ….. and he can not get release then he will take release thru RAPE or illegal sex industry .
Marriage is so often the ecomic choice on the part of poor even rich women , it is ecomonic , the female sells herself … because deep inside her she will mate with a male who won her thru force … thru beating the competition thru warfare ,,,, her instinct is to submit to a male any male in fact . the problem WE HAVE WITH SELLING SEX , WITH THE SEX INDUSTRY is because of our expectation that love is a fairy tale instead of the INSTINCT for the spirit of life to safely recreate itself ….. in a war torn land the safest male is the male with a gun , a man who is part of the winning force . the idea of a woman providing sex to keep a man around plus receive food also ,, is natural it is how we developed ….
The theory that human females eveovled into recreational sexual animals is based in the idea that she evolved to keep us around 24/7 by using her SEX as a tool …. The cave woman was a SLUT by nature ……… RAPE IS NATURAL . I know I will get trash about my way of describing that which Ph.D’s in anthropology say in nincer words ……. But dam it people the ideas of sexual controls is the reason why we have sexual abuse
Yes what you resisit – persisits …. The more you want to ignore your true animal self , the more you twist the animal inside you the more it will express itself in abuse . especially the abuse of the HELPLESS . the young and weaker . when in fact the nature of adult males is to want fully mature females ,, as long as the female is submissive as his inner animal expects
Who is the one who must be kind of still , who has to be a willing target for me to stick my dick in her? If she continues to struggle to much it is hard to aim , it is hard to stay inside …SUBMISSSION is natural … the sale of her sex for food is nature ….. sexual health care is how we evolved . so to force male UN fighting me warriors to act unnatural is a stupid feminist plan destined to fail …. Dumb girls ! you want a fairy tale and you create HELL . your greed as a group .
Girls young master love to display their sexuality ,,,, the idea of being a PLAYBOY BUNNY is a secret desire for many females of that age ,, and a point of pride for those who were . Look at the amount of girls projecting idolizing the idea of PORN STAR … themes .
SO WHY THE problem with profeesional sexual health care creers ? DIVIDE AND CONQUER .. as long as we are divied confused ,, stressed we are easy to control . the knowledge and gift to us by the beginners of POLICTICS . look deeper at the confilicts in ideas between the TOAsist of china 1000’s of years ago and the Confusiciuos follower.
HOLLAND , my home land has the right idea , make it an carreer , where training is needed and professional licsence is available …. Freedom of individual choices .
And the un pROfesional slut well she can marry a MILLIONAIRE .
Oh , I gotta talk some time about ,,, arraged marriages and the nature of females to to choose bad men because they were never evovlved to realy make that choice ,, it has always been a submission not a choice . just look around at the choices girls make about men ,, many many men who should never have been mated have to many kids …. The old ideas of PROOF YOUR WORTHYNESS ….. to mate . the idea that the strong brave male who will protect a land to create stability for his social group … the harem the Lion Male the Gorilla male The Deer …. So many social animals have this trait … the male lives and works like a lone male ,,, and gets fucked and fucked and fucked . never begging . and the female choose to stay with that male the female has the freedom to leave everytime the male takes a nap or goes to sleep . the female is free to leave and search out a new and better amle …
Monday, August 27, 2007
Tied to a Table
Tied to a Table
Now is this your idea of going to an adult education class , safe experience to find out how it would feel ? young lady would that interest you? Yes I think it may especially if your exposure to advertising form such a class/community were constant enough for you to feel , that confidence a customer needs sometimes to try something new …. Exposure to advertising creating inside of you young woman the idea “ they have to be safe or else they would have already been shut down “ GREAT thinking great idea . Because the idea of SUBMISSION sexual submission that hidden dream without tool for safe exposure eats at your mind with wonder.
And when it can not be safely fulfilled you may act in fact in an opposite manner in fact becoming more dominating or bitchy out of frustration .
Ohh young master what am I doing? I am thinking about my compound and how the OP’s the nothing by chance of the universe has guided me once more to become a hands on trainer and teacher . In creating a permenant retreat for the exploration and education in the ideas of INSTINCTUALISM .. I again return to teaching something I have always found myself doing . touching the lives and minds of individual people in real time . hmmmm.
See dipshit life gives you hints about things paths to possibley follow , now when new ideas thoughts OP’s come your way , feel what you feel , do you feel content or nervous hope ful or hopeless , do you see possibility ? and does it feel nice.
The 3 parts that make you up ,, mind body and spririt ( spirit or energy or life force or tao ) so much is written about mind and spirit , yet we think we are above being concerned about body ,, we only think about body in terms of its attractiveness or health ,,, we forget that our body is full of instincts animal drives and those effect you ,, book after book about THINK AND GROW RICH …. Or about how to find peace and god books like bibles and wicca writings . books about how to diet . Books on our bodies our relationships yet they seem to concentrate only on the mental aspects not the down and dirty , aspects of the bio chemical nature which is nature ….. and after your teens kicks in you are motivated by chemistry ,,, she the female as well as you can look at the opposite sex and get DUMB with desire .
Dumb with desire to the point that all the shit about spirit or mind control means nothing the oly reall thin is getting fucked or fucking . SEX .
Think about times you are really really hungery ,,, I mean realy hungry that instinctual drive again will over ride the thoughts about spirit and soul mind over matter books you maybe reading , feel pain of a twisted ankle clears you of spirit concerns of your rleigo and shit ….. your body is REAL . and it’s needs it’s real deepest needs should be a part of your plan for life .
Dumbass look around you , really think about the shit we all live with and why , aht I say about because of the lock and key of the 1 on 1 , the sexual control that you young master are afraid to lose your expression of sex , your girl and put up with alsmot whatever she wants and does . think about how this truth is re inforced in the media …. An advertising for SEAT BELT use , talks about a young couple the guy being young dumb and full of cum , wants to instinctually prove his bravery by not using athe safety devise the seat belt the ad goes on to say that the girl stopping talking to him ,,, her choice to control him by with hiolding her attention , creating a fear in him he would lose her pussy ,,,, and well as the advertisement goes he the male gives in because TIFFANY is real hot!
Young master you are socially programmed to accept the position of being a sexual BEGGAR .
HMMM think dumb ass is that in line with the nature of animals like us the DNA line that we come form the animal world which we still are part of , the animal you whose mind goes blank when it sees a pretty girl , who feels deep compelling hinger , who when sees his own blood and feels the associated pain , thinks about 1 thing and 1 thing only survivial ( ok if you have a loved one in danger also you may think about that loved one before yourself that is special circumstances ) YOU ARE ANIMAL DIPSHIT
And you like most MAMAL animals who have Harem tendency should have sexual choice not sexual controls . sexual control puts you in STRESS . the lion does not begg for pussy instead when the pussy is ready she is compelled by her own nature to present her ripe pussy over and over to the male for repeated fucking .
Now in animals like us who touch our sex oragns for general pleasure ,,, there are other animals who do the same again , beggin is not part of the equation , she is submissive to pentration and in fact , the female does most of the chasing to provoke a tired male into continueing to fuck more even after the male is already tired from fucking so much ,,,, the horning little bitch .
Test this dumbass , when she is screaming in what sounds to you maybe like pain or discomfort , pull out ! yess pull out and listen that hornly little slut beggs for you to continue . to fuck her . THIS IS OUR NATURE … at that second she is not thinking about her spirituality ,, her mind control her job ,,,, her art . no she is thinkinig about the also IMPORTANT OF HER HER BODY ! an equally important part of our animal trinity ,,, spirit/ life force , mind/memory , body/atoms ,,,, energy experiencing individuality thru atoms using a brain to store events and instincts from which to draw upon to make life more enjoyable and living season after season possible .
Now where to learn about this , do you know of a place a real learning place , some where you young master or young subbie can explore you inner nature safely , with people who are not going to use you or abuse you ? huh ? do you know a place any where ? any retreat you could spend a weekend at and relax and safely experience whatever you want to the level of how you want to explore maybe it would just being about to touch a Saint Andrews cross or puppy table … tesing on your arm the feeling of hot wax …. Taking a flogger and slaping your own thigh to see if the sting and endorhine release may be pleasurable and also help you to reprogram yourself back into your inner natures of DOM or sub .
Nothing by chance , where are you being lead , why are you searching ? to only live it in your mind in there you become perverted and ureal since it is UNREAL. In your mind shit is unreal . take the safe path in front of you when it arrives , feel your feelings . and follow safe sane feelings.
Now is this your idea of going to an adult education class , safe experience to find out how it would feel ? young lady would that interest you? Yes I think it may especially if your exposure to advertising form such a class/community were constant enough for you to feel , that confidence a customer needs sometimes to try something new …. Exposure to advertising creating inside of you young woman the idea “ they have to be safe or else they would have already been shut down “ GREAT thinking great idea . Because the idea of SUBMISSION sexual submission that hidden dream without tool for safe exposure eats at your mind with wonder.
And when it can not be safely fulfilled you may act in fact in an opposite manner in fact becoming more dominating or bitchy out of frustration .
Ohh young master what am I doing? I am thinking about my compound and how the OP’s the nothing by chance of the universe has guided me once more to become a hands on trainer and teacher . In creating a permenant retreat for the exploration and education in the ideas of INSTINCTUALISM .. I again return to teaching something I have always found myself doing . touching the lives and minds of individual people in real time . hmmmm.
See dipshit life gives you hints about things paths to possibley follow , now when new ideas thoughts OP’s come your way , feel what you feel , do you feel content or nervous hope ful or hopeless , do you see possibility ? and does it feel nice.
The 3 parts that make you up ,, mind body and spririt ( spirit or energy or life force or tao ) so much is written about mind and spirit , yet we think we are above being concerned about body ,, we only think about body in terms of its attractiveness or health ,,, we forget that our body is full of instincts animal drives and those effect you ,, book after book about THINK AND GROW RICH …. Or about how to find peace and god books like bibles and wicca writings . books about how to diet . Books on our bodies our relationships yet they seem to concentrate only on the mental aspects not the down and dirty , aspects of the bio chemical nature which is nature ….. and after your teens kicks in you are motivated by chemistry ,,, she the female as well as you can look at the opposite sex and get DUMB with desire .
Dumb with desire to the point that all the shit about spirit or mind control means nothing the oly reall thin is getting fucked or fucking . SEX .
Think about times you are really really hungery ,,, I mean realy hungry that instinctual drive again will over ride the thoughts about spirit and soul mind over matter books you maybe reading , feel pain of a twisted ankle clears you of spirit concerns of your rleigo and shit ….. your body is REAL . and it’s needs it’s real deepest needs should be a part of your plan for life .
Dumbass look around you , really think about the shit we all live with and why , aht I say about because of the lock and key of the 1 on 1 , the sexual control that you young master are afraid to lose your expression of sex , your girl and put up with alsmot whatever she wants and does . think about how this truth is re inforced in the media …. An advertising for SEAT BELT use , talks about a young couple the guy being young dumb and full of cum , wants to instinctually prove his bravery by not using athe safety devise the seat belt the ad goes on to say that the girl stopping talking to him ,,, her choice to control him by with hiolding her attention , creating a fear in him he would lose her pussy ,,,, and well as the advertisement goes he the male gives in because TIFFANY is real hot!
Young master you are socially programmed to accept the position of being a sexual BEGGAR .
HMMM think dumb ass is that in line with the nature of animals like us the DNA line that we come form the animal world which we still are part of , the animal you whose mind goes blank when it sees a pretty girl , who feels deep compelling hinger , who when sees his own blood and feels the associated pain , thinks about 1 thing and 1 thing only survivial ( ok if you have a loved one in danger also you may think about that loved one before yourself that is special circumstances ) YOU ARE ANIMAL DIPSHIT
And you like most MAMAL animals who have Harem tendency should have sexual choice not sexual controls . sexual control puts you in STRESS . the lion does not begg for pussy instead when the pussy is ready she is compelled by her own nature to present her ripe pussy over and over to the male for repeated fucking .
Now in animals like us who touch our sex oragns for general pleasure ,,, there are other animals who do the same again , beggin is not part of the equation , she is submissive to pentration and in fact , the female does most of the chasing to provoke a tired male into continueing to fuck more even after the male is already tired from fucking so much ,,,, the horning little bitch .
Test this dumbass , when she is screaming in what sounds to you maybe like pain or discomfort , pull out ! yess pull out and listen that hornly little slut beggs for you to continue . to fuck her . THIS IS OUR NATURE … at that second she is not thinking about her spirituality ,, her mind control her job ,,,, her art . no she is thinkinig about the also IMPORTANT OF HER HER BODY ! an equally important part of our animal trinity ,,, spirit/ life force , mind/memory , body/atoms ,,,, energy experiencing individuality thru atoms using a brain to store events and instincts from which to draw upon to make life more enjoyable and living season after season possible .
Now where to learn about this , do you know of a place a real learning place , some where you young master or young subbie can explore you inner nature safely , with people who are not going to use you or abuse you ? huh ? do you know a place any where ? any retreat you could spend a weekend at and relax and safely experience whatever you want to the level of how you want to explore maybe it would just being about to touch a Saint Andrews cross or puppy table … tesing on your arm the feeling of hot wax …. Taking a flogger and slaping your own thigh to see if the sting and endorhine release may be pleasurable and also help you to reprogram yourself back into your inner natures of DOM or sub .
Nothing by chance , where are you being lead , why are you searching ? to only live it in your mind in there you become perverted and ureal since it is UNREAL. In your mind shit is unreal . take the safe path in front of you when it arrives , feel your feelings . and follow safe sane feelings.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
boy repellent
Boy Repellent
That restless-ness last night as I was trying to sleep , the tension in our interactions , her own stress and ups and donw . The effects of NATURE , the body , I can remember last year writing about it , as her menstrual cycle would come around and that act of me writing often compounded the tension since being in a 1 on1 we each feel so RESPONSIBLE for the happiness of the other neither wants to be held responsible for the unhappiness f=of the relationship or the other person . But accepting that in nature her body produces chemicals to attract me a male for mating or a chemicals to REPEL me since she is about to bleed and she nneds some alone time …. The idea that sure she can over ride her body, ignore the signals some what and still be my puppy every morning ( a great thing puppy time ) but it is this the way we use our mind to whip our body into a shape not in harmony with nature that adds even more stress .
It was the memory of feelings , remembering how often I had felt that nervousness not just with her but this was an insomnia that I have had almost exactly in every relationship .
Now with Deb writing her own book , preparing herself for her own career as a life coach , that we are spending so much of our time discussing the MIND , THE SPIRIT , that I am allowing myself to again put the effects of BODY to the side acting if the NATURE the instinct of our animal side does not have very much power in thereal world
But it does we are a 3 part animal and when we ignore or dispresct all the parts we have excessive stress . The synergy of the 3 parts is natural act as if one part is not as imprtanat as the other two and I believe you will manifest problems. It is not ablame game to admit that to realize … NATURE IS AT WORK .
Like understanding the importance of the word …. BUT .. when it relates to creating your dreams your want .. see as a life coach Deb has to help people understand they can build their dreams ,, the opportunity for her client to reach for the stars is the same as the next person . Young mag amster remember this ,,, back in ancient Eygpt they did not have cars , planes , concrete home , tv things that if they saw them to day they would believe it to be magic or impoossilbe or that they were in some sort of dream ,, something unreal or attainable for them … when in reality the world has not changed the exact same energy potential we now use , the exact same mines for minerals that we still use , the exact same pools of oil and RAW MATERIALS , we use now were available 10 ,000 yearas ago in the past most of the raw materials were depsosited millions of years in the past so 10,000 years here or 10,000 years there is just a drop in the bucket ………. The eygpt were stopped from expanding from using the OP’s around because of one word ….. BUT , then the BUT is followed by a WANT disguised as a reason ………… but I do not know how? How to make a car ,,, well the ancients melted metal , they played with some chemical reactions mainly to produce religious maigical asts to impress simple populations in submission to a priest or god . but they were chemists ….. what is a car but melted metal and chemistry.
The BUT is a natural part of the MIND ( mind part of the 3 part package which makes up humanity ) it is instinct for the mind to use the word but , it is the signal to stop and listen to find out to CLARIFY a new sub want . so respecting the but is good
So respecting the flow of hormones the idea that hormones can attract and repell is also , a good . And again it the hormones effect I have said many times in the past the Domino effect of girl triggering girl ,,, allows for the women to get time out in the proverbial red tent as , one enters 2 two others are there to interact with you , and they tend to always be about 3 days after each other a 10 % of their month 3 days …. The rising and falling of different hormones in the whole group leading to stronger attaractions tempararly between you young master and 1 girl and a NATURAL distance between you and another girl which in the 3 days will flip flop to be opposite ,,, and after 9 days a natural balance will re appear , but all with out stress . of FORCING YOURSEL F . or she forcing herself …. Forcing is EQUAL TO RESISITANCE , what you resisit persisits
Like the word BUT accept the word but , when it shows up in your plans , explore the gifts , behind this instinctual part this instinctual acation on the part of mind …
Accept the fat that you young master are hormonial also you give off attractive smells to them and times when your smells do not mix with their needs … they are peeled as much as they repell! It is not a blame game it is nature . and we as harem anaimal have a safety system already built into our INSTINCTS ….. the 3 wives
Ok , mew topic , gong with your feelings , emotional guidance system …. Hmmmm , well Op’s come at you all the time little hints about things . so when I saw a POLY group having a camping retreat and charging money for the event I got to thinking ,,, hmmmm could I creat my 3 tents and a camel as a retreat ,, could I develop the property to be a retreat , a place of learning , could I there have open class rooms , show case the off grid , COUMPOUND , have my books there to be explored , Deb’s book there to be explored , have the DOM/sub books there to be explored could I meet face to face with you young master ,, could I create a non sexual time ( since much of life is non sexual interactions especially with the reality that children are ,, are ,, are part of REAL LIFE ) and activities to role model GOOD MAN values . Baby steps baby ideas that need to grow for me to feel what in that I really like really am attracted to and why ?
Like the retreat of the POLY group here in Florida is to help people meet people , my devoted INSTINCTUALISM restreat and learning center will give a chance ofr people to meet and learn about The INSTINCTUALIST relationship form and to experience of GRID LIVING .
Strange how , lil’ ideas pop into being lil’ OP’s show up and letting yourself eel , becoming aware of the feelings of ATTRACTION OR REPULSION are natural . to the Spirit , to the mind ,and the BODY it is not bad it is natural and is beneficial . Important for the survival of that thing , be it a species or a part of our natural trinity mind body spirit .
That restless-ness last night as I was trying to sleep , the tension in our interactions , her own stress and ups and donw . The effects of NATURE , the body , I can remember last year writing about it , as her menstrual cycle would come around and that act of me writing often compounded the tension since being in a 1 on1 we each feel so RESPONSIBLE for the happiness of the other neither wants to be held responsible for the unhappiness f=of the relationship or the other person . But accepting that in nature her body produces chemicals to attract me a male for mating or a chemicals to REPEL me since she is about to bleed and she nneds some alone time …. The idea that sure she can over ride her body, ignore the signals some what and still be my puppy every morning ( a great thing puppy time ) but it is this the way we use our mind to whip our body into a shape not in harmony with nature that adds even more stress .
It was the memory of feelings , remembering how often I had felt that nervousness not just with her but this was an insomnia that I have had almost exactly in every relationship .
Now with Deb writing her own book , preparing herself for her own career as a life coach , that we are spending so much of our time discussing the MIND , THE SPIRIT , that I am allowing myself to again put the effects of BODY to the side acting if the NATURE the instinct of our animal side does not have very much power in thereal world
But it does we are a 3 part animal and when we ignore or dispresct all the parts we have excessive stress . The synergy of the 3 parts is natural act as if one part is not as imprtanat as the other two and I believe you will manifest problems. It is not ablame game to admit that to realize … NATURE IS AT WORK .
Like understanding the importance of the word …. BUT .. when it relates to creating your dreams your want .. see as a life coach Deb has to help people understand they can build their dreams ,, the opportunity for her client to reach for the stars is the same as the next person . Young mag amster remember this ,,, back in ancient Eygpt they did not have cars , planes , concrete home , tv things that if they saw them to day they would believe it to be magic or impoossilbe or that they were in some sort of dream ,, something unreal or attainable for them … when in reality the world has not changed the exact same energy potential we now use , the exact same mines for minerals that we still use , the exact same pools of oil and RAW MATERIALS , we use now were available 10 ,000 yearas ago in the past most of the raw materials were depsosited millions of years in the past so 10,000 years here or 10,000 years there is just a drop in the bucket ………. The eygpt were stopped from expanding from using the OP’s around because of one word ….. BUT , then the BUT is followed by a WANT disguised as a reason ………… but I do not know how? How to make a car ,,, well the ancients melted metal , they played with some chemical reactions mainly to produce religious maigical asts to impress simple populations in submission to a priest or god . but they were chemists ….. what is a car but melted metal and chemistry.
The BUT is a natural part of the MIND ( mind part of the 3 part package which makes up humanity ) it is instinct for the mind to use the word but , it is the signal to stop and listen to find out to CLARIFY a new sub want . so respecting the but is good
So respecting the flow of hormones the idea that hormones can attract and repell is also , a good . And again it the hormones effect I have said many times in the past the Domino effect of girl triggering girl ,,, allows for the women to get time out in the proverbial red tent as , one enters 2 two others are there to interact with you , and they tend to always be about 3 days after each other a 10 % of their month 3 days …. The rising and falling of different hormones in the whole group leading to stronger attaractions tempararly between you young master and 1 girl and a NATURAL distance between you and another girl which in the 3 days will flip flop to be opposite ,,, and after 9 days a natural balance will re appear , but all with out stress . of FORCING YOURSEL F . or she forcing herself …. Forcing is EQUAL TO RESISITANCE , what you resisit persisits
Like the word BUT accept the word but , when it shows up in your plans , explore the gifts , behind this instinctual part this instinctual acation on the part of mind …
Accept the fat that you young master are hormonial also you give off attractive smells to them and times when your smells do not mix with their needs … they are peeled as much as they repell! It is not a blame game it is nature . and we as harem anaimal have a safety system already built into our INSTINCTS ….. the 3 wives
Ok , mew topic , gong with your feelings , emotional guidance system …. Hmmmm , well Op’s come at you all the time little hints about things . so when I saw a POLY group having a camping retreat and charging money for the event I got to thinking ,,, hmmmm could I creat my 3 tents and a camel as a retreat ,, could I develop the property to be a retreat , a place of learning , could I there have open class rooms , show case the off grid , COUMPOUND , have my books there to be explored , Deb’s book there to be explored , have the DOM/sub books there to be explored could I meet face to face with you young master ,, could I create a non sexual time ( since much of life is non sexual interactions especially with the reality that children are ,, are ,, are part of REAL LIFE ) and activities to role model GOOD MAN values . Baby steps baby ideas that need to grow for me to feel what in that I really like really am attracted to and why ?
Like the retreat of the POLY group here in Florida is to help people meet people , my devoted INSTINCTUALISM restreat and learning center will give a chance ofr people to meet and learn about The INSTINCTUALIST relationship form and to experience of GRID LIVING .
Strange how , lil’ ideas pop into being lil’ OP’s show up and letting yourself eel , becoming aware of the feelings of ATTRACTION OR REPULSION are natural . to the Spirit , to the mind ,and the BODY it is not bad it is natural and is beneficial . Important for the survival of that thing , be it a species or a part of our natural trinity mind body spirit .
Friday, August 24, 2007
tied leashed collared
Tied Leashed Collared
TLC what does TLC mean Young Master Debs lets it slip she wants another girl to get some TLC so ,I think what does TLC mean to me , because as I become more myself over the last year , I do not I can not remember what I may have been like I only know the way I AM , personally I feel I am a gentle man but I have seen twice now the kisses and touch she shares with a woman , is different than mine … mine is loving I am concerned but I AM RUFFER .
Dipshit she has instincts and she has .. shit driven by her mind the thoughts the dreams of story book ideas that she has taken as to be real , that she JUSTIFIES , by other books she continues to read . IT IS INSANE , that a woman with such brilliant mind , a great legal mind in fact so for one I am at a loss when debating her fucking laywers are fuckin pro’s at debate . but in the end ,, her basis is built on the evidience of story books the evidence of the top 5 percent of achievers ( and honestly in that demographics the divorce rate is average no matter her book states about the SOUL MATE fairy tale , soul mates divorce at close to 50 percnt over the long run …….. SOUL MATE is a fairy tale )
Dumbass she will also admit that your evidence trail has merit ,,, well some will , the next instead of being a lawyer was a Ph.D in Behavior sciences whose speciality is aboriginal cultures of the Americas . discussing with her in her native Spanish was fun for me I got to practice my Spanish , dicussing the comparison of the DNA trailo of the 1 on 1 bird the whole nest idea that we human have pointed to to show that OUR current ideas ( only 1500 years old verus 3.3 million years of tool maker human activity and that DNA record within us ) the bird / dinosaur DNA that branched off from mammal DNA ohh what 20 million years ago …. To discuss with a PH.D and have her nod in theorectical agreement that our DNA and the nature of animals more rclosey related to us and the evidence trail of current relationship stress violence abuse and divorce , that we humans are by INSTINCT a Harem animal … well it was cool to she got it ,,,, she wants to respect her cultural mores she likes the 1 on 1 even though she has a divorce herself , she maybe for the first time in her life thought about the POLY life in different terms .
But what about my TLC , my tied leached and collared form of showing my desire for her as a female . whether she is actually tied leashed and collared or that she just does what girls do by nature and submit to pentration , the details do not matter so much for me ,,,, the nature for her submission her wanting for pentration and sexual excitement that is the evidence trail . the REAL FACTS ..
Wouldn’t it be nice if…… I can meet the next girl for us just thru my real talking and dicussing , wouldin’t it be nice when a girl comes up to me or us and talks about how she looks how her pants are lose I would have just touched her inner thigh to complement her choice of comfortable clothes while re- assuring her that for example my male mind already sees her as sexual she odes not need to excite me much I am already excited by her smile eyes and presnence . tigh pants would only force the flow of testrone that will shut down my ablitly to talk to her to think about making that skin to skin contact which will stimulate hermone production the chance that she would beome 1 of 3 .
I need to go over my Speed seduction Cd’s again to get that mental pump to get my mind focusing on hunting pussy . but my level of wanto is focused in other directions right at this minute since deep witin me not having my compound … not having my 3 tenst I am not the man I want to be she does not have the truth I want to show her I only have words ,, fairy tales .. nothing real … just a POLY fairy tale , nothing for her to trust in so my GOOD MAN side is not happy . but practice is important study is good , getting my mind right is good …. Because the 3 tents are on the way , just a little wait a little patience . it is not time for me to give in to impatience , and just think about it.
TLC what does TLC mean Young Master Debs lets it slip she wants another girl to get some TLC so ,I think what does TLC mean to me , because as I become more myself over the last year , I do not I can not remember what I may have been like I only know the way I AM , personally I feel I am a gentle man but I have seen twice now the kisses and touch she shares with a woman , is different than mine … mine is loving I am concerned but I AM RUFFER .
Dipshit she has instincts and she has .. shit driven by her mind the thoughts the dreams of story book ideas that she has taken as to be real , that she JUSTIFIES , by other books she continues to read . IT IS INSANE , that a woman with such brilliant mind , a great legal mind in fact so for one I am at a loss when debating her fucking laywers are fuckin pro’s at debate . but in the end ,, her basis is built on the evidience of story books the evidence of the top 5 percent of achievers ( and honestly in that demographics the divorce rate is average no matter her book states about the SOUL MATE fairy tale , soul mates divorce at close to 50 percnt over the long run …….. SOUL MATE is a fairy tale )
Dumbass she will also admit that your evidence trail has merit ,,, well some will , the next instead of being a lawyer was a Ph.D in Behavior sciences whose speciality is aboriginal cultures of the Americas . discussing with her in her native Spanish was fun for me I got to practice my Spanish , dicussing the comparison of the DNA trailo of the 1 on 1 bird the whole nest idea that we human have pointed to to show that OUR current ideas ( only 1500 years old verus 3.3 million years of tool maker human activity and that DNA record within us ) the bird / dinosaur DNA that branched off from mammal DNA ohh what 20 million years ago …. To discuss with a PH.D and have her nod in theorectical agreement that our DNA and the nature of animals more rclosey related to us and the evidence trail of current relationship stress violence abuse and divorce , that we humans are by INSTINCT a Harem animal … well it was cool to she got it ,,,, she wants to respect her cultural mores she likes the 1 on 1 even though she has a divorce herself , she maybe for the first time in her life thought about the POLY life in different terms .
But what about my TLC , my tied leached and collared form of showing my desire for her as a female . whether she is actually tied leashed and collared or that she just does what girls do by nature and submit to pentration , the details do not matter so much for me ,,,, the nature for her submission her wanting for pentration and sexual excitement that is the evidence trail . the REAL FACTS ..
Wouldn’t it be nice if…… I can meet the next girl for us just thru my real talking and dicussing , wouldin’t it be nice when a girl comes up to me or us and talks about how she looks how her pants are lose I would have just touched her inner thigh to complement her choice of comfortable clothes while re- assuring her that for example my male mind already sees her as sexual she odes not need to excite me much I am already excited by her smile eyes and presnence . tigh pants would only force the flow of testrone that will shut down my ablitly to talk to her to think about making that skin to skin contact which will stimulate hermone production the chance that she would beome 1 of 3 .
I need to go over my Speed seduction Cd’s again to get that mental pump to get my mind focusing on hunting pussy . but my level of wanto is focused in other directions right at this minute since deep witin me not having my compound … not having my 3 tenst I am not the man I want to be she does not have the truth I want to show her I only have words ,, fairy tales .. nothing real … just a POLY fairy tale , nothing for her to trust in so my GOOD MAN side is not happy . but practice is important study is good , getting my mind right is good …. Because the 3 tents are on the way , just a little wait a little patience . it is not time for me to give in to impatience , and just think about it.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
suck that clit
Suck that clit
Young master , really compare what is fun to you with what is expected to be fun .
I still find myself feeling for my girl , even though she has to remind me of her statement to never say no , of my right to act sexually with her in any way I desire , my natural male who protects females desires the female to be happy .. that male listens he hears ther say “ I am tired ” .
The expected to be fun watching a movie actually is fun , correct it is fun it is better than mowing the lawn in 95 degree noon time sun , so watching a movie is fun , being with the family and laughing at our common sulture , yes it is fun , but so many days that relaxing time leads to tiredness on the parts of you and your female . then play does not happen not because you could not get excited again no , more because of your respect for the female and the tiredness you hear see and feel form her .
That instinct of a good man to want all around the health and wellness of his female/s . YES WE WANT SEX but her happiness atleast for a good man is paramount .
Yest in sex my actions do not seem like I care for her at all . I mean I am a mean mother fucker . but when I pull out to tease her , and to get myself a cool down so I can fuck longer ,, when I pull out and ask you want it? Do you want more slut ? she says yes .YES YES YES her voice her movements show the truth actions louder than words , her tiredness gone and replaced with lust , with chemicals running thru her body desire to complete the violent fucking she is getting ..
Violent? Me the most peacefull of people , well I wonder some times as she is a puppy hell has been a puppy for the last half hour and that is after I got my energy back by . laying head on her pubic mound , the softness of her beely the look of her thighs the smell of her sex …. The chance to tease her to get her acting NATURALLY acting desiring like the proverbial slut , wanting hard dick . so as I lick her thighs touching her pussy softly with my tongue , as I suck her clit out of its sheath till it hurts till she pushes me away . Actually being pushed away like that does piss me off so try to hold her hands at bay to get me a few more seconds to force to feel , even if she does not like it .
Hmm strange just minutes earlier I was going to go asleppp and not fuck her because I respected her and her statements of being tired now I am wanting her to experience a level of DISCOMFORT . but in time her attempts ot slowm my pussy licking my hard clit sucking is replaced by her own hands grasping the head board of the bed and and a stillness and quietness I know is her orgasism building ,,,,, AHHHH I get to long fuck a pussy that has already CUMM hard completely …… even thru me doing what she thinks she does not like after being so TIRED that she was wanting sleep. Lucky she did talk about being a puppy be fore we went to sleep , even though it was just a random reference to sex …. It allowed me to think she may not be that tired and a lick on the pussy proved that .
But back to my violence …. After a good long pussy licking and clit sucking a sucking like I was some sort of clit extender machine . a good half hour into my FUN …. My fun . I have been noticing for years now that missionary position causes me to sweat big time and over time I may get leg cramps , a few minutes is cool but not for a long fucking . now doggy style she on the bed me feet on the floor . and I have such control to exist enter move angles , go faster slower . up or down ….. and I do not sweat . ohh violence ,, my own confusion about myself ….
So young master , putting a leg up on the bed facing at an cross angle to her body , kinda like trying to force your dick in thru her pussy but towards her ass cheek . well it gives you some more depth and ricet strong stimulation on different areas of her pussy her guts….. gut fucking . and where to to put that foot on the be ,, ohhh where ohhh where ? to put my foot on the bed ?
How about on her hair catching lots her her scalp , trapping her head down forcing her to twisit her neck, head and submit . and this is the actions of a man who was not going to fuck her because he ,, me ,,, loves and respects her because she was tired ,, now forcing her to get fucked after she has already cumm ,,,, to fuck her over and over now pinning her down with a foot on her hair so I can pound her deeply , and then tease her tease that pussy pulling my dick out and porove to her …. Tha she is a slut a REAL NATURAL iantinctual female ………. Do you want more ? YES MASTER PHILIP …. YESSSSS !
NOW THAT IS FUN ! it is my belief that in having three girls that will be my every night fun since the gentle natural competitive nature of females the need to divide the attentions of one male between three …. Well like I have puppy time every morning and I do not tire ,,,, I know I can have puppy time every night and also not tire .
Young master , really compare what is fun to you with what is expected to be fun .
I still find myself feeling for my girl , even though she has to remind me of her statement to never say no , of my right to act sexually with her in any way I desire , my natural male who protects females desires the female to be happy .. that male listens he hears ther say “ I am tired ” .
The expected to be fun watching a movie actually is fun , correct it is fun it is better than mowing the lawn in 95 degree noon time sun , so watching a movie is fun , being with the family and laughing at our common sulture , yes it is fun , but so many days that relaxing time leads to tiredness on the parts of you and your female . then play does not happen not because you could not get excited again no , more because of your respect for the female and the tiredness you hear see and feel form her .
That instinct of a good man to want all around the health and wellness of his female/s . YES WE WANT SEX but her happiness atleast for a good man is paramount .
Yest in sex my actions do not seem like I care for her at all . I mean I am a mean mother fucker . but when I pull out to tease her , and to get myself a cool down so I can fuck longer ,, when I pull out and ask you want it? Do you want more slut ? she says yes .YES YES YES her voice her movements show the truth actions louder than words , her tiredness gone and replaced with lust , with chemicals running thru her body desire to complete the violent fucking she is getting ..
Violent? Me the most peacefull of people , well I wonder some times as she is a puppy hell has been a puppy for the last half hour and that is after I got my energy back by . laying head on her pubic mound , the softness of her beely the look of her thighs the smell of her sex …. The chance to tease her to get her acting NATURALLY acting desiring like the proverbial slut , wanting hard dick . so as I lick her thighs touching her pussy softly with my tongue , as I suck her clit out of its sheath till it hurts till she pushes me away . Actually being pushed away like that does piss me off so try to hold her hands at bay to get me a few more seconds to force to feel , even if she does not like it .
Hmm strange just minutes earlier I was going to go asleppp and not fuck her because I respected her and her statements of being tired now I am wanting her to experience a level of DISCOMFORT . but in time her attempts ot slowm my pussy licking my hard clit sucking is replaced by her own hands grasping the head board of the bed and and a stillness and quietness I know is her orgasism building ,,,,, AHHHH I get to long fuck a pussy that has already CUMM hard completely …… even thru me doing what she thinks she does not like after being so TIRED that she was wanting sleep. Lucky she did talk about being a puppy be fore we went to sleep , even though it was just a random reference to sex …. It allowed me to think she may not be that tired and a lick on the pussy proved that .
But back to my violence …. After a good long pussy licking and clit sucking a sucking like I was some sort of clit extender machine . a good half hour into my FUN …. My fun . I have been noticing for years now that missionary position causes me to sweat big time and over time I may get leg cramps , a few minutes is cool but not for a long fucking . now doggy style she on the bed me feet on the floor . and I have such control to exist enter move angles , go faster slower . up or down ….. and I do not sweat . ohh violence ,, my own confusion about myself ….
So young master , putting a leg up on the bed facing at an cross angle to her body , kinda like trying to force your dick in thru her pussy but towards her ass cheek . well it gives you some more depth and ricet strong stimulation on different areas of her pussy her guts….. gut fucking . and where to to put that foot on the be ,, ohhh where ohhh where ? to put my foot on the bed ?
How about on her hair catching lots her her scalp , trapping her head down forcing her to twisit her neck, head and submit . and this is the actions of a man who was not going to fuck her because he ,, me ,,, loves and respects her because she was tired ,, now forcing her to get fucked after she has already cumm ,,,, to fuck her over and over now pinning her down with a foot on her hair so I can pound her deeply , and then tease her tease that pussy pulling my dick out and porove to her …. Tha she is a slut a REAL NATURAL iantinctual female ………. Do you want more ? YES MASTER PHILIP …. YESSSSS !
NOW THAT IS FUN ! it is my belief that in having three girls that will be my every night fun since the gentle natural competitive nature of females the need to divide the attentions of one male between three …. Well like I have puppy time every morning and I do not tire ,,,, I know I can have puppy time every night and also not tire .
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
puppy fuck
Puppy fuck
Building a special chair kinda thing that will give the support for fucking her like a puppy , girls do like to put a pillow under their belly when getting fucked doggie style especially I guess after they have been getting fucked by me for a while they know they had better be comfortable for this is going to take a while .
Stresssing about how the whole thing will work or how you will afford the compound stressing about all the details , well in meta pyshics your are blocking the good from coming in to your life , and boy ohh boy have I been doing that , yes my writing I feel is important in take I describe the CONSTRASTS , in the world I live , the reason ,, the things I DO NO WANT ,,,, that helps you dipshit feel build plans to create a world you do want . but if you do that looking for that which you do not want all the time your mind is full of the negative aspects and there is no room for ..
Day dreams , anticaptions , fun thoughts positive expectations , now dumbass there must have been times in your life your were expecting something that you loved to do , it could be some thing as instinctual as fucking that girl you have been wanting to fuck , and you dreamed about it , most probably jacked off to those thoughts you daydreamed . and while when you were in reality with her it was not exactly like your dreams , the core events were the events of your dreams ,,, it may have been something like skate boarding and doing some new trick , it could have been a job , or a fishing trip … but I know there have been times that you DREAMED and then lived a reality SOME WHAT like your dreams .
All the books being discussed now a days , about the secret ,, people like jerry and ester hicks talking about the non pyshicall self and shit …. Well I belive there are right the TOA is a positive force not a yun/yang force that would negate itself in a perfect balance but a for of expansion insinty is active always growning to the OBSERVER …. The observer that idea of Borhn the Quantum Pyshisict that said the effect of the observation changes reality at a quantum level …. The change of energy and well what is a thought dipshit ? it is a something but not like a rick which you can put in your pocket a thught is pure energy , it is not even energy noticed in it’s after effects like observing a photon of light ,,, that is the notice of the effect of energy . but a thought is the expression in purest form of just pure fleeting energy
The shit that infinity is full of energy ,, matter is only enrgy being expressed as matter then returning to energy …
You thinking your espctations the topics upon which you give you attention to … like a maganet bring like things out of the infinity of pure energy of pure thoughts available thru infinity .
So worrying about selling my house , if I think in terms of worry , and not the actions of putting my human foot forward in positive expectations …. If I think I have to I must …. Or else I will NOT get what I want … I am thinking about not getting what I want ,,,, now if I am thinking about getting what I want day dreaming about the future reality … and enjoying the daydreams because I feel confident about the facts with the effort of my human foot forward my actions I will create what I want ,,, I have always done that ,,, each big fishing trip , everydgirl ( somewhat ) all my companies I have built each house I built bought or re developed . were first day dreams .. with psotive expectancy actions on my part putting my human foot forward ..
So now the poly life style well I have been seeing over and over that I am not totally wiered , to my family and friends yes . but in the broader world I am behind the times it is going on already …. Now the thinking about it in terms of INSTINCTUALISM … well that is my newness part . so I should be chiller about the chances for success , since there are plenty of girls who have done it and do it ….my job is build it and they will come . I am not asking of infinty anything not possible to infinity since infinity is a place of no impossible given any idea the pyshcics needed to make it will have over time because the unlimited time …. Here in my life I feel TIME and worry , I feel a sence of lack …lack of time and been to worry . thus the puerest energy my thought are full of negative expecatations .
God dam I am a DUMBFUCK ….so taking time to dream about building a special cahir for that greeh house so I can have my after work coffee and fuck one of my wives comfortably for me and her ,, so we can INTERACT NATURAELY , instinctually thru the connect=ion of my hard dick moving in and out of her body , so we can interact thru our sounds of pleasure …. So I and she can interact like were designed to , the act of those daydreams are the most powerful actions I can take to get what I want , because thur them and the raising of my feeling of expectancy and wants .. my choices to do human foot forward activity growns what my have seemed hard … like street talking to girls becomes in my mind something much more possible much more enjoyable ,,,, each event building upon the positives of the last events ,, so that life FEELS GOOD ….. time space and memeory of the time space events already lived compound into the world you create .
Building a special chair kinda thing that will give the support for fucking her like a puppy , girls do like to put a pillow under their belly when getting fucked doggie style especially I guess after they have been getting fucked by me for a while they know they had better be comfortable for this is going to take a while .
Stresssing about how the whole thing will work or how you will afford the compound stressing about all the details , well in meta pyshics your are blocking the good from coming in to your life , and boy ohh boy have I been doing that , yes my writing I feel is important in take I describe the CONSTRASTS , in the world I live , the reason ,, the things I DO NO WANT ,,,, that helps you dipshit feel build plans to create a world you do want . but if you do that looking for that which you do not want all the time your mind is full of the negative aspects and there is no room for ..
Day dreams , anticaptions , fun thoughts positive expectations , now dumbass there must have been times in your life your were expecting something that you loved to do , it could be some thing as instinctual as fucking that girl you have been wanting to fuck , and you dreamed about it , most probably jacked off to those thoughts you daydreamed . and while when you were in reality with her it was not exactly like your dreams , the core events were the events of your dreams ,,, it may have been something like skate boarding and doing some new trick , it could have been a job , or a fishing trip … but I know there have been times that you DREAMED and then lived a reality SOME WHAT like your dreams .
All the books being discussed now a days , about the secret ,, people like jerry and ester hicks talking about the non pyshicall self and shit …. Well I belive there are right the TOA is a positive force not a yun/yang force that would negate itself in a perfect balance but a for of expansion insinty is active always growning to the OBSERVER …. The observer that idea of Borhn the Quantum Pyshisict that said the effect of the observation changes reality at a quantum level …. The change of energy and well what is a thought dipshit ? it is a something but not like a rick which you can put in your pocket a thught is pure energy , it is not even energy noticed in it’s after effects like observing a photon of light ,,, that is the notice of the effect of energy . but a thought is the expression in purest form of just pure fleeting energy
The shit that infinity is full of energy ,, matter is only enrgy being expressed as matter then returning to energy …
You thinking your espctations the topics upon which you give you attention to … like a maganet bring like things out of the infinity of pure energy of pure thoughts available thru infinity .
So worrying about selling my house , if I think in terms of worry , and not the actions of putting my human foot forward in positive expectations …. If I think I have to I must …. Or else I will NOT get what I want … I am thinking about not getting what I want ,,,, now if I am thinking about getting what I want day dreaming about the future reality … and enjoying the daydreams because I feel confident about the facts with the effort of my human foot forward my actions I will create what I want ,,, I have always done that ,,, each big fishing trip , everydgirl ( somewhat ) all my companies I have built each house I built bought or re developed . were first day dreams .. with psotive expectancy actions on my part putting my human foot forward ..
So now the poly life style well I have been seeing over and over that I am not totally wiered , to my family and friends yes . but in the broader world I am behind the times it is going on already …. Now the thinking about it in terms of INSTINCTUALISM … well that is my newness part . so I should be chiller about the chances for success , since there are plenty of girls who have done it and do it ….my job is build it and they will come . I am not asking of infinty anything not possible to infinity since infinity is a place of no impossible given any idea the pyshcics needed to make it will have over time because the unlimited time …. Here in my life I feel TIME and worry , I feel a sence of lack …lack of time and been to worry . thus the puerest energy my thought are full of negative expecatations .
God dam I am a DUMBFUCK ….so taking time to dream about building a special cahir for that greeh house so I can have my after work coffee and fuck one of my wives comfortably for me and her ,, so we can INTERACT NATURAELY , instinctually thru the connect=ion of my hard dick moving in and out of her body , so we can interact thru our sounds of pleasure …. So I and she can interact like were designed to , the act of those daydreams are the most powerful actions I can take to get what I want , because thur them and the raising of my feeling of expectancy and wants .. my choices to do human foot forward activity growns what my have seemed hard … like street talking to girls becomes in my mind something much more possible much more enjoyable ,,,, each event building upon the positives of the last events ,, so that life FEELS GOOD ….. time space and memeory of the time space events already lived compound into the world you create .
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
a crushed grape
A crushed Grape
Young master , ( and chickiepoo ) ok dude I saw it in you the flash of confusion , because dumbass that is what it was , something so fucking fast it has to be the flash of instinctual reactions to her UNHAPPINESS , now dumbass girl ( not often I address the girls directly nor call them dumbass but , girls do this shit , they are not supposed to be around us so much as to become so familiar with us that they think they can interact with us males in causual ways like they would with their peers other girls
She acted as if her male had done something wrong , when in fact she was just making a joke about a flubbed up grape pass that ended up with the grape getting kinda tossed back , batted back actually since her male was not prepped to play grape catch he was to involved in doing something very special for her and her family ….. so when she in he play way started to POUT to act as if she was unhappy even wronged … by the grape being not accepted batted back at her , dropped , crushed when she playfully yet with a tone of voice that an INSTINCTUAL male ID’s as !!! Caution Unahppy Woman that I love !!! he went thru a flash of instinctually programmed levels ,,,, first was to notice his female unhappy , second noticing that he was the cause of the unhappiness , now he went into defensive and attack ….
Young master you are a good man , you do so many good things for your woman and family and especially when you are in the middle of doing something EXTRA special … our logical male mind ,,, a mind not able to process as many emotional stimuli as the female mind can .. when we are already taxed by doing something special for her and the family ,, to be told we are a FAILURE !!! … at that already state of over load emotionally ( whether you accpt your limited male mind or not ) by going out of your way to provide above and beyond the NORM for her and her family …. You are ready to FIGHT
OVER A CRUSHED GRAPE . and inside if the event was not ID’ed like I ID’ed it you would have resented her … for not seeing how much you were already doing ,, she would have resented you for getting uppity about her PLYFULL NESS …. Yo chickiepoo you do not understand the male mind no matter what you think you do ,,, you do not understand us YOU ARE NOT …… US !
When in the 1 on 1 each person is locked into the importance of the other their happiness you take on as your responsibility and EACH OF YOU TRY YOUR BEST … and fail ! 80 % of marriages end either in divorce or disfunction . because of the compounding of dropped grape events ….
The 1 divided by 3 ….. keeps the impposible task of making 1 woman happy …. An unreality a fairy tale .. you get to be just a MALE who you are your DNA and she has others her peers to joke with and talk to when you react like we males normally react .Plus dipshit you have these words no matter how fucked up and offensive you have these words here in print that she has most likely read all or part of for all of you , your 3 her - thier sisterhood to learn from
NOW , On to my other blog the blog I am using to introduce myself to girls I am meeting now acting myself like I was you , you do not have the cover of a book to show you think so you will have to show it some how with wome form of words .
These I post on shout post since it is very open to access with out memeberships and my foto are all visible from my profile page .
Simple man –
Ever heard the song girls , from lynard skynard , it talks to most good men … sunday after doing some work on my DIY project for my girl her item my love to provide for her …. After that I went to harvest my wild grapes to make grape jam for the year , now this is not about saving money it is about living life simply ,,,, having natural foods , spending time as a family creating memories …. My 6 year old bly harvested grapes with me …. Out in the bushes hunting high and low . for those tiny groups of grapes …..
Then when we brought our catch our harvest TRUIMPHANTLY into the kitchen , ( the great white hunters feedin the family ) my 17 year old daughter knowing the routine form years past sits with her old man and starts picking grapes off the stem and putting them into the cooking pot , my 17 year stopps her life to be with me and he lil’ brothers , the six year of course proud of the food he has provided helps , and even the 9 year old breaks away from his new birthday present from yesterday a ninetendo machine to help pick grapes , and Debbie she has never done this she sits and cleans the grapes , FAMILY TIME .. no fucking TV RADIO CELL PHONES … just us simple humans doing simple human things
Now this is my idea of living ! you can not purchse this type of recreation you can only CREATE it ! and with each bottle of jelly opened or given away as presents thru out the year ,,,, the bond the memory … well you gott to live it to know it .
Young master , ( and chickiepoo ) ok dude I saw it in you the flash of confusion , because dumbass that is what it was , something so fucking fast it has to be the flash of instinctual reactions to her UNHAPPINESS , now dumbass girl ( not often I address the girls directly nor call them dumbass but , girls do this shit , they are not supposed to be around us so much as to become so familiar with us that they think they can interact with us males in causual ways like they would with their peers other girls
She acted as if her male had done something wrong , when in fact she was just making a joke about a flubbed up grape pass that ended up with the grape getting kinda tossed back , batted back actually since her male was not prepped to play grape catch he was to involved in doing something very special for her and her family ….. so when she in he play way started to POUT to act as if she was unhappy even wronged … by the grape being not accepted batted back at her , dropped , crushed when she playfully yet with a tone of voice that an INSTINCTUAL male ID’s as !!! Caution Unahppy Woman that I love !!! he went thru a flash of instinctually programmed levels ,,,, first was to notice his female unhappy , second noticing that he was the cause of the unhappiness , now he went into defensive and attack ….
Young master you are a good man , you do so many good things for your woman and family and especially when you are in the middle of doing something EXTRA special … our logical male mind ,,, a mind not able to process as many emotional stimuli as the female mind can .. when we are already taxed by doing something special for her and the family ,, to be told we are a FAILURE !!! … at that already state of over load emotionally ( whether you accpt your limited male mind or not ) by going out of your way to provide above and beyond the NORM for her and her family …. You are ready to FIGHT
OVER A CRUSHED GRAPE . and inside if the event was not ID’ed like I ID’ed it you would have resented her … for not seeing how much you were already doing ,, she would have resented you for getting uppity about her PLYFULL NESS …. Yo chickiepoo you do not understand the male mind no matter what you think you do ,,, you do not understand us YOU ARE NOT …… US !
When in the 1 on 1 each person is locked into the importance of the other their happiness you take on as your responsibility and EACH OF YOU TRY YOUR BEST … and fail ! 80 % of marriages end either in divorce or disfunction . because of the compounding of dropped grape events ….
The 1 divided by 3 ….. keeps the impposible task of making 1 woman happy …. An unreality a fairy tale .. you get to be just a MALE who you are your DNA and she has others her peers to joke with and talk to when you react like we males normally react .Plus dipshit you have these words no matter how fucked up and offensive you have these words here in print that she has most likely read all or part of for all of you , your 3 her - thier sisterhood to learn from
NOW , On to my other blog the blog I am using to introduce myself to girls I am meeting now acting myself like I was you , you do not have the cover of a book to show you think so you will have to show it some how with wome form of words .
These I post on shout post since it is very open to access with out memeberships and my foto are all visible from my profile page .
Simple man –
Ever heard the song girls , from lynard skynard , it talks to most good men … sunday after doing some work on my DIY project for my girl her item my love to provide for her …. After that I went to harvest my wild grapes to make grape jam for the year , now this is not about saving money it is about living life simply ,,,, having natural foods , spending time as a family creating memories …. My 6 year old bly harvested grapes with me …. Out in the bushes hunting high and low . for those tiny groups of grapes …..
Then when we brought our catch our harvest TRUIMPHANTLY into the kitchen , ( the great white hunters feedin the family ) my 17 year old daughter knowing the routine form years past sits with her old man and starts picking grapes off the stem and putting them into the cooking pot , my 17 year stopps her life to be with me and he lil’ brothers , the six year of course proud of the food he has provided helps , and even the 9 year old breaks away from his new birthday present from yesterday a ninetendo machine to help pick grapes , and Debbie she has never done this she sits and cleans the grapes , FAMILY TIME .. no fucking TV RADIO CELL PHONES … just us simple humans doing simple human things
Now this is my idea of living ! you can not purchse this type of recreation you can only CREATE it ! and with each bottle of jelly opened or given away as presents thru out the year ,,,, the bond the memory … well you gott to live it to know it .
Monday, August 20, 2007
Young master , having the prop the tool to explain yourself in a world what thinks that your respect for your instinct is weird and believing in a fairy tale a creation of ? the greedy ? is normal … explaining to people especially any girl you may meet about herself , yes about herself … that LIE that programming is very very deep so driven into her mind that she thinks it , the lie is tru and truth is a lie …. We a a dumb animal no matter how smart you think you are .
so for 10 bucks a amonth I create a something world wide for any man or woman to use to explain the others that thye are choosening to learn to explore the life style of listening to their DNA , themselves . their won intuition , and not just being a sheep listening to directions of PRO’s which evidence is showing to be incorrect … HEY some pro’s have great idea like the people who build houses or fix cars , even the parenting teachers often times are coming up with great ideas ….
So check out instinctualism on the web as a dot org . it is slow going but putting my human foot forward and letting what I do believe is at work do it’s work .
Well that first blog sure does start thing off with a bang for you reader , but hey I wanted to open me up to you . because if you are reading my blogs you have something in you driving you to explore me , this man .
Now a year ago I was into the idea of building my 3 ,, I had some plans but I went right back into old patterns and they yielded the same old results ,, do the same old thing get the same old results . while putting all the energy I could into making a life work just Deb and I , I stopped practicing the 10 foot circle talking to girls randomly on the street …
Forcing myself to do something unnatural so that I can get comfortable , it is like anything though even running it takes effort to expand yourself . and it proves that I want it , really want some thing if I do PUT MY HUMAN FOOT FORWARD . my level of wanto . so I better start again with the baby steps …. And getting my pump up and that means listening to recordings inspiring people who are PRO’s …. Even though I do not like the end result of their lifestyle planning the common theme that I see is the end result of the speed seduction plan , but taking the good ideas and leaving out the bad ideas is my own choice .. in fact it is my responsibility to not get dumb and just become a follower a sheep . it is my job to create my own life, as I want it .
So , off I go to find , to practice baby steps for some time just talk , just say something to every girl who comes into my 10 foot circle …. Still I feel like I am lieing since I have not the land yet , I here with a ton of cash in other land and house but a 1 home is not INSTINCTUALISM . it does not respect the needs of an adult female to have her own space to decorate to express herself , yes the sisterhood is important but self is important also .. the balance of yin and yang . so with out the actual land as my PROOF . that I am real I feel not real .
But having an extra girlfriend right now well that would be good for Deb and I wo that we do not fall back wards into our old patterns , which is so comfortable . I feel that comfort already just a month now and well I love just being with Deb so 1 on 1 feels so easy …. Easy to fall back into a trap that will lead to our mutual apin and problems . I do not want that for MYSELF .. devine greed to think about myself ,, because I have found that she wants my happiness so not to respect myself I insult her …. So doing something for myself makes her happy ….. so talking to other women ? will make her happy? Maybe not on the surface , but instinctualism is about the ddper truths not the easy story book ideas .
See I am not cheating , even though I feel like I am since I am not planning to act on any girl I meet without first really mmeting her becoming some what friendly and well that would mean having DEB there since she is part of my daily life ,, a part I like to have with me all the time I can . So cheating is not a reality ,, yet the feeling in me , well that feeling is real .
So reader you have seen a minute of the inner me again . the truth that was recommended on the instinctualism site . The truer I am the more confident you the reader can be about wanting to meet with me in real time for coffee … oh yes put my human foot forward and ask you , go ahead write me , letts meet at dunkin doughnuts …. From west palm beach to Asheville NC I am in your area every month lets see if we are friends that takes meeting talking laughing feeling . so WRITE an email here on shout post, ok
Young master , having the prop the tool to explain yourself in a world what thinks that your respect for your instinct is weird and believing in a fairy tale a creation of ? the greedy ? is normal … explaining to people especially any girl you may meet about herself , yes about herself … that LIE that programming is very very deep so driven into her mind that she thinks it , the lie is tru and truth is a lie …. We a a dumb animal no matter how smart you think you are .
so for 10 bucks a amonth I create a something world wide for any man or woman to use to explain the others that thye are choosening to learn to explore the life style of listening to their DNA , themselves . their won intuition , and not just being a sheep listening to directions of PRO’s which evidence is showing to be incorrect … HEY some pro’s have great idea like the people who build houses or fix cars , even the parenting teachers often times are coming up with great ideas ….
So check out instinctualism on the web as a dot org . it is slow going but putting my human foot forward and letting what I do believe is at work do it’s work .
Well that first blog sure does start thing off with a bang for you reader , but hey I wanted to open me up to you . because if you are reading my blogs you have something in you driving you to explore me , this man .
Now a year ago I was into the idea of building my 3 ,, I had some plans but I went right back into old patterns and they yielded the same old results ,, do the same old thing get the same old results . while putting all the energy I could into making a life work just Deb and I , I stopped practicing the 10 foot circle talking to girls randomly on the street …
Forcing myself to do something unnatural so that I can get comfortable , it is like anything though even running it takes effort to expand yourself . and it proves that I want it , really want some thing if I do PUT MY HUMAN FOOT FORWARD . my level of wanto . so I better start again with the baby steps …. And getting my pump up and that means listening to recordings inspiring people who are PRO’s …. Even though I do not like the end result of their lifestyle planning the common theme that I see is the end result of the speed seduction plan , but taking the good ideas and leaving out the bad ideas is my own choice .. in fact it is my responsibility to not get dumb and just become a follower a sheep . it is my job to create my own life, as I want it .
So , off I go to find , to practice baby steps for some time just talk , just say something to every girl who comes into my 10 foot circle …. Still I feel like I am lieing since I have not the land yet , I here with a ton of cash in other land and house but a 1 home is not INSTINCTUALISM . it does not respect the needs of an adult female to have her own space to decorate to express herself , yes the sisterhood is important but self is important also .. the balance of yin and yang . so with out the actual land as my PROOF . that I am real I feel not real .
But having an extra girlfriend right now well that would be good for Deb and I wo that we do not fall back wards into our old patterns , which is so comfortable . I feel that comfort already just a month now and well I love just being with Deb so 1 on 1 feels so easy …. Easy to fall back into a trap that will lead to our mutual apin and problems . I do not want that for MYSELF .. devine greed to think about myself ,, because I have found that she wants my happiness so not to respect myself I insult her …. So doing something for myself makes her happy ….. so talking to other women ? will make her happy? Maybe not on the surface , but instinctualism is about the ddper truths not the easy story book ideas .
See I am not cheating , even though I feel like I am since I am not planning to act on any girl I meet without first really mmeting her becoming some what friendly and well that would mean having DEB there since she is part of my daily life ,, a part I like to have with me all the time I can . So cheating is not a reality ,, yet the feeling in me , well that feeling is real .
So reader you have seen a minute of the inner me again . the truth that was recommended on the instinctualism site . The truer I am the more confident you the reader can be about wanting to meet with me in real time for coffee … oh yes put my human foot forward and ask you , go ahead write me , letts meet at dunkin doughnuts …. From west palm beach to Asheville NC I am in your area every month lets see if we are friends that takes meeting talking laughing feeling . so WRITE an email here on shout post, ok
Friday, August 17, 2007
keep out of the curly blonde girl
WARNING KEEP OUT OF :The Curly Blonde Girl
Young Master , first I am gonna change up my writing style for a period of time and write not to you dipshit , but honestly dipshit the words will still be meant for you . But I will write as if I am ??? maybe you ?? Kinda from the stand point of a reader who is living his own INSTINCTUALIST adventure
WARNING KEEP OUT OF : The Curly blonde girl
Life is weird , like so f’ing weird that book TWISTED INSTINCT has made me warp my thinking , my perception of events … so here is an event . !!! SLAP !!!
My girl and I meet up with this woman that she met online she shows up at this arts and craft fair we sell at each week and well , we all get to talking she is an engaging woman attractive and of course with her own special traits , I mean I am not perrrrrfffect ( but close LOL ) . this girl was cute blonde curly hair .
But it is from those traits that my mind starting thinking looking at the evidence trail staring right in the face yet , I JUDGE NOT LEST I BE JUDGED , so we ( my girlfriend and I ) ended up with an adventure and something to remember and learn from . The evidence trail I did not pick up on right away it came to me in 20/20 hind sight ….. her strength her mannerism yes a cute little girl a subbie it seemed wow were looks deceiving … HELL HER ACTIONS WERE , TOO ! . Look I openly admit to being INSTINCTUALIST honeslty not bdsm , yet formt he outside it looks that way ….. but I am not the S or the D of bdsm , I just act naturally when with a woman and that is sometimes ( often ) rather ruff to some girls …. So I have been slapped before , pushed off and otherwise forceably stopped form continuing whatever STIMULTAION I was engaged in …. YES STIMULATION . all I want is that whimper give it to me fast I get my high of the submission of my female ( female the pentrated the submissive as described in the blogs of TWISTED INSTINCT )
Now this chick had some traits , large hands and feet just things that tell the tale that she has a little more TESTOSRONE than some girls . and in todays world there are a lot of men with less hairy bodys , smooth and sweet faces as our species evolves and changes even in the life of the person events force them to produce hormsones that aid in that persons reality . and now a days girls are becoming more dominante and men beggars .
Beggars going back to the first page of TWISTED INSTINCT ……
Ok , so be aware if you date me I will test your submissive nature , a bite on the lip , the pull on the hair . The bite on the inner thigh when I lick your pussy for the first time . rubbing your asshole with my finger and if you do not brush that away I insert that finger and all the while I listen for the WHIMPERS . Well this girl accepted every thing I did the writst holds mimicking hand cuffs . everything with no whimpers STRANGE . Well we all got into to a 3 some , we had good talk my girl had good friendship time it all just seemed right .
I gotta admit , to this the be true to myself that Shakespeare thing form TWISTED INSTINCT . I do not just get hard for any chick I need the emotional contections to insure my erections . a little ego problem but a second of pumping my girl and then I am useful and so she was on her second fucking . She had just cumm and asked me to stop just to enjoy the feeling of being FILLED with live hot dick . Something I learned about her earlier and I resected but my fun is to force a woman to cumm and cumm and cumm again so I gave her , her few moments then I went on to my fun and ahd reached up with a force and full arm sweep and slapped me like HELL . That I am OK about like I admit to having that happen to me on occasion but it was the !
I TOLD YOU , NOT to ! …. Dot dot dot tha came out of her mouth , I did not have to hear anything more the commanding voice I was hearing after such a powerful slap , was enough for me to realize this SUBBIE I had in my bed was NO SUBBIE but an educated and practiced Female Dom . My first impulse to was attack but that is not the nature of a ggod man to hurt a woman SEND HER AWAY YES . but not hurt good pussy . ( good pussy a dom chick ? to a subbie beggr male maybe a male whose INSTINCTS have been TWISTED , maybe ) So I left in peace , and she and my girl talked and talked the rest of the night , that girl needs some SUBBIE training but it will not be from me , honestly her TRAITS speak of a problem possibly more complex than just her want to become SUBMISSIVE . because yes she was cute and all , but her hormones talked loud also …. To much testosterone.
Young Master , first I am gonna change up my writing style for a period of time and write not to you dipshit , but honestly dipshit the words will still be meant for you . But I will write as if I am ??? maybe you ?? Kinda from the stand point of a reader who is living his own INSTINCTUALIST adventure
WARNING KEEP OUT OF : The Curly blonde girl
Life is weird , like so f’ing weird that book TWISTED INSTINCT has made me warp my thinking , my perception of events … so here is an event . !!! SLAP !!!
My girl and I meet up with this woman that she met online she shows up at this arts and craft fair we sell at each week and well , we all get to talking she is an engaging woman attractive and of course with her own special traits , I mean I am not perrrrrfffect ( but close LOL ) . this girl was cute blonde curly hair .
But it is from those traits that my mind starting thinking looking at the evidence trail staring right in the face yet , I JUDGE NOT LEST I BE JUDGED , so we ( my girlfriend and I ) ended up with an adventure and something to remember and learn from . The evidence trail I did not pick up on right away it came to me in 20/20 hind sight ….. her strength her mannerism yes a cute little girl a subbie it seemed wow were looks deceiving … HELL HER ACTIONS WERE , TOO ! . Look I openly admit to being INSTINCTUALIST honeslty not bdsm , yet formt he outside it looks that way ….. but I am not the S or the D of bdsm , I just act naturally when with a woman and that is sometimes ( often ) rather ruff to some girls …. So I have been slapped before , pushed off and otherwise forceably stopped form continuing whatever STIMULTAION I was engaged in …. YES STIMULATION . all I want is that whimper give it to me fast I get my high of the submission of my female ( female the pentrated the submissive as described in the blogs of TWISTED INSTINCT )
Now this chick had some traits , large hands and feet just things that tell the tale that she has a little more TESTOSRONE than some girls . and in todays world there are a lot of men with less hairy bodys , smooth and sweet faces as our species evolves and changes even in the life of the person events force them to produce hormsones that aid in that persons reality . and now a days girls are becoming more dominante and men beggars .
Beggars going back to the first page of TWISTED INSTINCT ……
Ok , so be aware if you date me I will test your submissive nature , a bite on the lip , the pull on the hair . The bite on the inner thigh when I lick your pussy for the first time . rubbing your asshole with my finger and if you do not brush that away I insert that finger and all the while I listen for the WHIMPERS . Well this girl accepted every thing I did the writst holds mimicking hand cuffs . everything with no whimpers STRANGE . Well we all got into to a 3 some , we had good talk my girl had good friendship time it all just seemed right .
I gotta admit , to this the be true to myself that Shakespeare thing form TWISTED INSTINCT . I do not just get hard for any chick I need the emotional contections to insure my erections . a little ego problem but a second of pumping my girl and then I am useful and so she was on her second fucking . She had just cumm and asked me to stop just to enjoy the feeling of being FILLED with live hot dick . Something I learned about her earlier and I resected but my fun is to force a woman to cumm and cumm and cumm again so I gave her , her few moments then I went on to my fun and ahd reached up with a force and full arm sweep and slapped me like HELL . That I am OK about like I admit to having that happen to me on occasion but it was the !
I TOLD YOU , NOT to ! …. Dot dot dot tha came out of her mouth , I did not have to hear anything more the commanding voice I was hearing after such a powerful slap , was enough for me to realize this SUBBIE I had in my bed was NO SUBBIE but an educated and practiced Female Dom . My first impulse to was attack but that is not the nature of a ggod man to hurt a woman SEND HER AWAY YES . but not hurt good pussy . ( good pussy a dom chick ? to a subbie beggr male maybe a male whose INSTINCTS have been TWISTED , maybe ) So I left in peace , and she and my girl talked and talked the rest of the night , that girl needs some SUBBIE training but it will not be from me , honestly her TRAITS speak of a problem possibly more complex than just her want to become SUBMISSIVE . because yes she was cute and all , but her hormones talked loud also …. To much testosterone.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
POD's pussy on demand
POD’s , ? pussy on desire?
Young Master , I try to continue to harp on our responsibility to create stability and happiness and how the common view of Poly is one of just open relationships quick sex and shit taints my INSTINCTUALIST concepts , but any press is good press bring up the idea …. NBC did an article on poly relationship forms ….. old polygamists , new poly amourous and POD’s …… my concept falls more into the group of pods …. Family units not religious in orgin and not just open marriages of Polayamorous …..
The disccusion on the Bsdm and Poly chat rooms have brought me back to my ideas about jealousy and subconcsiuos effects of competition … the subtle dynamics ….. if you dipshit have to choose which girl to fuck each day then jealousy will creep into the sisiterhood ,,,,, if the basis of your family is based on INSTINCTUALISM …. That form hinted at in the bible much more described in a womans words from a woomans view point in the book the
RED TENT ….. then this concept is the concept you arrive at ….1 you dumbass have proven your worth by creating the wealth needed to have 3 tents and a camel ,, 3 homes and a spare car , you a good man enjoy your work ,,,, like the cave man you like going hunting fishing raising your goats and protecting the tribal area …. So you deserve to have your desire for pussy taken care ,, your instinctual lusts daily filled …..and and and …. It is the sisterhood who comes up with the division of DICK … of who and when and how much they get to ride you
Now of course the idea that you can have all three to play with or 2 or just one … will be happy , but if the choice of which girl …. Is in the hands of the girl then jeoulsy can not a ppear because it is of their group choice , now of course you maybe needed to control any power struggles with the girls to insure a girl is not be over powered by a leader in the group , you need to help them form the balances of a loving sisterhood … that is your LEADERSHIP position . a responsibility you can not take lighty . but like with children you can manipulate their instincts the girls instincts for power struggle thru many sublte suggestions and parenting training methods … to again help them to form the strong loving bonds that will show in every girl be concerned about her sister like a good family should be . and the plus is that girls you will meet will be adults not kids … adults who by choice … came into the family understanding the broad concepts of sisterhood …. All you need do is remeid a person of their choice or helpfully guide that person out of your family unit if they just don not get it!
Now if you run the house like a BDSM Master then real deep jeoulsy most probably will creep in since the girls do nt have a real voice ….. was that control the real control of the ages … no , out of the RED TENT , our fore fathers from the bible Jacob and his 5 wives , the girls respected Jacob he was a good man who worked hard for the family ,, he deserved the COMFORT OF A WOMAN IN HIS TENT . and so it was that the women made daily choices based on their needs and the constant that JACOB DESREVED the comfort of a woman .
INSTINCTS ….. they were much more in tume with their animal tribal self since they were tribal and had never the “ Soiico- policatial “ mind fucking of sexual control that was and still is the 1 on 1 , keep the population fighting at home in stress then the population is much easier to control , keep them in pain and hiding in beer and drugs and then you can control the populations .. the ancient romans must be respected in their understanding and management methods .
But is so good to see that poly is being discussed in the media , one concerm is for the children of these familys ,,, atleast these children have stable familys , while 80 out of 100 , 1 on 1 family are divorce in separation or drunk or seriously DYSFUCNTIONAL …. Before a girl comes into your lie bringing in a child , have her spend “ Vacation time “ with you that way the child will not get attached to the family while the new girl explores the newer realitys …… make sure she has studied the concepts and chooses the INSTINCT FAMILY for real reasons not just to escape a bad current life problem … but even if that were the case she was just escapiong , if you have produced the stable world the 3 tents she that single mom may see a REAL MAN . like she may never had seen before and if her old 1 on 1 programing drives her to return to the greed and control of the 1 on 1 , her expaned mind can never realy forget the ideas you have shown her so , no damage only positive learning and be the result for mom and kids … new models of hope .
Young Master , I try to continue to harp on our responsibility to create stability and happiness and how the common view of Poly is one of just open relationships quick sex and shit taints my INSTINCTUALIST concepts , but any press is good press bring up the idea …. NBC did an article on poly relationship forms ….. old polygamists , new poly amourous and POD’s …… my concept falls more into the group of pods …. Family units not religious in orgin and not just open marriages of Polayamorous …..
The disccusion on the Bsdm and Poly chat rooms have brought me back to my ideas about jealousy and subconcsiuos effects of competition … the subtle dynamics ….. if you dipshit have to choose which girl to fuck each day then jealousy will creep into the sisiterhood ,,,,, if the basis of your family is based on INSTINCTUALISM …. That form hinted at in the bible much more described in a womans words from a woomans view point in the book the
RED TENT ….. then this concept is the concept you arrive at ….1 you dumbass have proven your worth by creating the wealth needed to have 3 tents and a camel ,, 3 homes and a spare car , you a good man enjoy your work ,,,, like the cave man you like going hunting fishing raising your goats and protecting the tribal area …. So you deserve to have your desire for pussy taken care ,, your instinctual lusts daily filled …..and and and …. It is the sisterhood who comes up with the division of DICK … of who and when and how much they get to ride you
Now of course the idea that you can have all three to play with or 2 or just one … will be happy , but if the choice of which girl …. Is in the hands of the girl then jeoulsy can not a ppear because it is of their group choice , now of course you maybe needed to control any power struggles with the girls to insure a girl is not be over powered by a leader in the group , you need to help them form the balances of a loving sisterhood … that is your LEADERSHIP position . a responsibility you can not take lighty . but like with children you can manipulate their instincts the girls instincts for power struggle thru many sublte suggestions and parenting training methods … to again help them to form the strong loving bonds that will show in every girl be concerned about her sister like a good family should be . and the plus is that girls you will meet will be adults not kids … adults who by choice … came into the family understanding the broad concepts of sisterhood …. All you need do is remeid a person of their choice or helpfully guide that person out of your family unit if they just don not get it!
Now if you run the house like a BDSM Master then real deep jeoulsy most probably will creep in since the girls do nt have a real voice ….. was that control the real control of the ages … no , out of the RED TENT , our fore fathers from the bible Jacob and his 5 wives , the girls respected Jacob he was a good man who worked hard for the family ,, he deserved the COMFORT OF A WOMAN IN HIS TENT . and so it was that the women made daily choices based on their needs and the constant that JACOB DESREVED the comfort of a woman .
INSTINCTS ….. they were much more in tume with their animal tribal self since they were tribal and had never the “ Soiico- policatial “ mind fucking of sexual control that was and still is the 1 on 1 , keep the population fighting at home in stress then the population is much easier to control , keep them in pain and hiding in beer and drugs and then you can control the populations .. the ancient romans must be respected in their understanding and management methods .
But is so good to see that poly is being discussed in the media , one concerm is for the children of these familys ,,, atleast these children have stable familys , while 80 out of 100 , 1 on 1 family are divorce in separation or drunk or seriously DYSFUCNTIONAL …. Before a girl comes into your lie bringing in a child , have her spend “ Vacation time “ with you that way the child will not get attached to the family while the new girl explores the newer realitys …… make sure she has studied the concepts and chooses the INSTINCT FAMILY for real reasons not just to escape a bad current life problem … but even if that were the case she was just escapiong , if you have produced the stable world the 3 tents she that single mom may see a REAL MAN . like she may never had seen before and if her old 1 on 1 programing drives her to return to the greed and control of the 1 on 1 , her expaned mind can never realy forget the ideas you have shown her so , no damage only positive learning and be the result for mom and kids … new models of hope .
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
toasted pussy
Make toasted pussy
Young master , toast master , ok I will explain that later , let go on to respecting your inner animal in another way first ….. and reminding ourselves of the old wisdom , old sayings become old because the truth held within the words , ring in the minds and lives of people year after year , decade after decade , century after centuty , in fact many many wise saying can be found to have roots in the begins of written history some of our ealiest writitng was books about GREAT ADVISE .
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise ,,, why? , well dipshit remember the real facts us as an animal with a 3.3. million year history have had electric light for less than 100 years out of the 3.3. million , 100 out of 3.3 is like shit so small. You had evolved even with fires and candles and such , you went to bed and you got up on most days on average along with the cycles of nature ,,,, you did dumb fuck , candles cost money , a fire place was fun for an hour but you would have been tired from really working the farm that you would have fucked and then slept , on on special occasion when friends got to together you would stay up later to party but only on SPECIAL DAYS. On average the healthy the weathy the wise went to sleep as the human animal was designed and rose in the morning with the sun and the sounds of the rooster crowing.
In todays world getting up early sound crazy if your work is not until 9 am , but wrong getting up early gives you time to think THINK , using that fucking brain …. To get WEALTH ….those minutes or hours in the morning gives you planning time and with plans goals you become A 1 of the top people not the regular people you become more a master of your world and life , then you have the right to master another ! Employees? Or 3 wives , now mastering 3 wives well if the girls are touching their submissive nature they WELCOME a master , someone to help them ,, but if you are to god dam tired to master your life how can you master anyone else ….. having the GOALS AND PLANS , helps you with all that stress you have … you know hat stress iam talking about you got it ,,,, in fact you try to hide from it by drininking and smoking dope , chemical recreation ,,,,
You can not get better , make youself the master the man you wish to be until you admit to yourself you weakness , the use the strength you do have to strengthen the areas of your life in where you , your self notice you are weak_est .
My weakness , my dipshit area ,, again the area I call myself dumbass with , the most common in all human race is ,, public speaking ,,, the STREET PICKUP …. And so I come back to TOASTMASTERS international look it up dumbass . and go understand the formality of a meeting is to help everyone to learn to control a PUBLIC EVENT , yes leading a public event so it will be a success for the audience as wel as the speaker
Your confedence in talking to cute girls on the street is to make her feel good , SHE IS THE audience ,,, and you are the speaker . so everything that is done at a toastemaster meeting from you standing up in front of a group and talking to you learning the skills of leadership well , leadership is being a master .
I am as of yesterday handing out very suggestive business cards to women I meet on the street and it ain’t easy ……. Hey giving our a card with the INSTINCTUALIST logo , the male symbol with 3 female symbols held within , pluys a foto of my Deb where her fuzzy purple hands cuffs ,,, well it is RISQUE . to be there in person in front of a total stranger of a person I may have to face again later . yes a person I may have to do business with , to live with in the real world of life activities …. And now she knows that I am a trip me the whistleing window washer is a fucking trip ,,,,
Now remember this young master , she is not a child she is a wet lustful passionate female , her pussy bleeds 10 percent of her life , 3 days out of 30 she bleeds for SEX! … she can feel her own emptiness …. When her pussy aches to be filled with a dick … she notices her desires and lusts every single day , she can feel her own wetness , she dresses and uses make up to creat the most attractive presentation she can everyday ,,, girls are very very very sexual ,, much more than us THEY ENJOY BE SEDUCTIVE ……. Feeling that they can seduce a male get him hot and bothered , satifyes each girl , they are built by nature to be sexually competitive , to be seductive in that subtle competition with other girls
Think dumbass , that is why even though 3 wives are friends their sexual animals have the sublte presence of sexual competion to test their seduction skills on you and each and every time you fuck one of them ,,, even though you fuck each of them every day ,,, the inner animal feels they have been sexually seductively successful in the competive world ……… in a 1 on 1 , this dynamic is not suceesfully addressed … because no other competitive female is present .
And will you depend only on meeting girls on line ? are you to weak? To street pick up ,,,, AAAHHH you have a weakness , hmm and to not even try to address it means you remain weak atleast addressing that stress , that weakness … you prove your mastery of SELF the right to master others . You resepected your drill saregetn not because he could yell but because he did everything he asked you to do as well you could if not better …. And the drill did not respect you until you could [prove you could be his equal . think dumbass , early to be early to rise makes a man healthy wealth and wise .
Young master , toast master , ok I will explain that later , let go on to respecting your inner animal in another way first ….. and reminding ourselves of the old wisdom , old sayings become old because the truth held within the words , ring in the minds and lives of people year after year , decade after decade , century after centuty , in fact many many wise saying can be found to have roots in the begins of written history some of our ealiest writitng was books about GREAT ADVISE .
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise ,,, why? , well dipshit remember the real facts us as an animal with a 3.3. million year history have had electric light for less than 100 years out of the 3.3. million , 100 out of 3.3 is like shit so small. You had evolved even with fires and candles and such , you went to bed and you got up on most days on average along with the cycles of nature ,,,, you did dumb fuck , candles cost money , a fire place was fun for an hour but you would have been tired from really working the farm that you would have fucked and then slept , on on special occasion when friends got to together you would stay up later to party but only on SPECIAL DAYS. On average the healthy the weathy the wise went to sleep as the human animal was designed and rose in the morning with the sun and the sounds of the rooster crowing.
In todays world getting up early sound crazy if your work is not until 9 am , but wrong getting up early gives you time to think THINK , using that fucking brain …. To get WEALTH ….those minutes or hours in the morning gives you planning time and with plans goals you become A 1 of the top people not the regular people you become more a master of your world and life , then you have the right to master another ! Employees? Or 3 wives , now mastering 3 wives well if the girls are touching their submissive nature they WELCOME a master , someone to help them ,, but if you are to god dam tired to master your life how can you master anyone else ….. having the GOALS AND PLANS , helps you with all that stress you have … you know hat stress iam talking about you got it ,,,, in fact you try to hide from it by drininking and smoking dope , chemical recreation ,,,,
You can not get better , make youself the master the man you wish to be until you admit to yourself you weakness , the use the strength you do have to strengthen the areas of your life in where you , your self notice you are weak_est .
My weakness , my dipshit area ,, again the area I call myself dumbass with , the most common in all human race is ,, public speaking ,,, the STREET PICKUP …. And so I come back to TOASTMASTERS international look it up dumbass . and go understand the formality of a meeting is to help everyone to learn to control a PUBLIC EVENT , yes leading a public event so it will be a success for the audience as wel as the speaker
Your confedence in talking to cute girls on the street is to make her feel good , SHE IS THE audience ,,, and you are the speaker . so everything that is done at a toastemaster meeting from you standing up in front of a group and talking to you learning the skills of leadership well , leadership is being a master .
I am as of yesterday handing out very suggestive business cards to women I meet on the street and it ain’t easy ……. Hey giving our a card with the INSTINCTUALIST logo , the male symbol with 3 female symbols held within , pluys a foto of my Deb where her fuzzy purple hands cuffs ,,, well it is RISQUE . to be there in person in front of a total stranger of a person I may have to face again later . yes a person I may have to do business with , to live with in the real world of life activities …. And now she knows that I am a trip me the whistleing window washer is a fucking trip ,,,,
Now remember this young master , she is not a child she is a wet lustful passionate female , her pussy bleeds 10 percent of her life , 3 days out of 30 she bleeds for SEX! … she can feel her own emptiness …. When her pussy aches to be filled with a dick … she notices her desires and lusts every single day , she can feel her own wetness , she dresses and uses make up to creat the most attractive presentation she can everyday ,,, girls are very very very sexual ,, much more than us THEY ENJOY BE SEDUCTIVE ……. Feeling that they can seduce a male get him hot and bothered , satifyes each girl , they are built by nature to be sexually competitive , to be seductive in that subtle competition with other girls
Think dumbass , that is why even though 3 wives are friends their sexual animals have the sublte presence of sexual competion to test their seduction skills on you and each and every time you fuck one of them ,,, even though you fuck each of them every day ,,, the inner animal feels they have been sexually seductively successful in the competive world ……… in a 1 on 1 , this dynamic is not suceesfully addressed … because no other competitive female is present .
And will you depend only on meeting girls on line ? are you to weak? To street pick up ,,,, AAAHHH you have a weakness , hmm and to not even try to address it means you remain weak atleast addressing that stress , that weakness … you prove your mastery of SELF the right to master others . You resepected your drill saregetn not because he could yell but because he did everything he asked you to do as well you could if not better …. And the drill did not respect you until you could [prove you could be his equal . think dumbass , early to be early to rise makes a man healthy wealth and wise .
Monday, August 13, 2007
black snake
Black snake
It is to fucking bad the fairy tale , it looks so sweet , but it just does not really work or else it would work , a great movie that BKACk SNAKE MOAN ,,, but a thing in it , the personal pain of a young woman abused is part and parcel of my reason for writing what I write . I had actively worked with girls friends in therapy with the had book , the book and work book Courage to Heal ….. I have much to much ex[perience in the pain side the RESULT of 1 on 1 ,,
Young master honestly think if you, if any male had 3 wives you would not have time to become weird and fuck your kids ….. I mean dumbass look back to our written history of polygamy the guide book the Holy fucking bible …. It is your job to fuck your wives , Ohhh but it is also your job to provide the tents the housing for your wives , here is where so many males fail and give you the chance to prove different that you are different
Over and over I talk about the 3 wives the aspects of it because your are programmed day after day to expect the 1 on 1 to work out happy ever after which it does not 80 times out of 100 it is not happy , it is tolerateing , depression …. And frustration drug and alcolhol abouse and worse … my tribail ideas no matter how weird have INSTINCTUAL merit , animal merit ,,, DNA merit ,,, not movie hopes and story book fanstsy …
Now dumb ass , like with me ( with us ) not having the tents well , I know that I am showing , the truth a girl will see is that we are playing , now as we contact girls on line my Debbie is doing that and my self on the street ( at the club my first public poly contacts more or less active seekeing ) ohhh I found out I had printed my card with the wrong email address that sucks how can someone contact us if the sddress is wrong ,,, I started another new site prepping for the day I will pay for a .com for the ORG of instinctualism ….. so I wrote instinctualist_philip when my address is isntinctualist_phil at yahoo but I gotta remember I am supposed to be handing out 10 cards per day getting the numbers sparking that inner interest … married or not .
Married or not ? sounds terrible , well I am not breaking up happy relationships , those girls will find not interst in my efforts their core values are being me , and I am happy that they are living for now the fairy tale ….. but all to many just talk in public about the stability of their marriage when the reality is a silent life of pain and confusions .
If my ideas attract one of those well ,,, the idea is not one of force but one of choice of opportunity . and even the opurtunity for another man because his woman got one of my cards the OP for that man to think outside of his programmed box .. to step up to the plate of this life this world and do something really ALTERNATIVE .if he ( you dumbass ) have the guts .
Ohhh dumbass remember the girl the entertainer of the titty bar , she knows the power of her pussy , the effects of hormones and how this powerful drug will cloud the male mind , and how in reality we do we males will follow rules for the most part and that if we do not they the girls can and do leave …. Choice …. The world is full of choice , so dipshit master yourself realize how much testosrone effects you …… and like a martial artist control your body and mind .
The fairy tale does not explain the truth of our bio chemical mahines no the story book of love ,, in child like ways just says everything will be OK , has it been honestly just look around you in your life those of the people you realy know the ones you know behind their closed doors , the ones you know the truth about not the IMAGE they show the world , then realize that most hpaay people in reality are living that life showing the public one face while back home they live a horror story or depression not a fairy tale of love . 3 wives respects the inner animals we both are girls and boys , we are dna animals who should be living as our animal expects and harems are natural for our species.
It is to fucking bad the fairy tale , it looks so sweet , but it just does not really work or else it would work , a great movie that BKACk SNAKE MOAN ,,, but a thing in it , the personal pain of a young woman abused is part and parcel of my reason for writing what I write . I had actively worked with girls friends in therapy with the had book , the book and work book Courage to Heal ….. I have much to much ex[perience in the pain side the RESULT of 1 on 1 ,,
Young master honestly think if you, if any male had 3 wives you would not have time to become weird and fuck your kids ….. I mean dumbass look back to our written history of polygamy the guide book the Holy fucking bible …. It is your job to fuck your wives , Ohhh but it is also your job to provide the tents the housing for your wives , here is where so many males fail and give you the chance to prove different that you are different
Over and over I talk about the 3 wives the aspects of it because your are programmed day after day to expect the 1 on 1 to work out happy ever after which it does not 80 times out of 100 it is not happy , it is tolerateing , depression …. And frustration drug and alcolhol abouse and worse … my tribail ideas no matter how weird have INSTINCTUAL merit , animal merit ,,, DNA merit ,,, not movie hopes and story book fanstsy …
Now dumb ass , like with me ( with us ) not having the tents well , I know that I am showing , the truth a girl will see is that we are playing , now as we contact girls on line my Debbie is doing that and my self on the street ( at the club my first public poly contacts more or less active seekeing ) ohhh I found out I had printed my card with the wrong email address that sucks how can someone contact us if the sddress is wrong ,,, I started another new site prepping for the day I will pay for a .com for the ORG of instinctualism ….. so I wrote instinctualist_philip when my address is isntinctualist_phil at yahoo but I gotta remember I am supposed to be handing out 10 cards per day getting the numbers sparking that inner interest … married or not .
Married or not ? sounds terrible , well I am not breaking up happy relationships , those girls will find not interst in my efforts their core values are being me , and I am happy that they are living for now the fairy tale ….. but all to many just talk in public about the stability of their marriage when the reality is a silent life of pain and confusions .
If my ideas attract one of those well ,,, the idea is not one of force but one of choice of opportunity . and even the opurtunity for another man because his woman got one of my cards the OP for that man to think outside of his programmed box .. to step up to the plate of this life this world and do something really ALTERNATIVE .if he ( you dumbass ) have the guts .
Ohhh dumbass remember the girl the entertainer of the titty bar , she knows the power of her pussy , the effects of hormones and how this powerful drug will cloud the male mind , and how in reality we do we males will follow rules for the most part and that if we do not they the girls can and do leave …. Choice …. The world is full of choice , so dipshit master yourself realize how much testosrone effects you …… and like a martial artist control your body and mind .
The fairy tale does not explain the truth of our bio chemical mahines no the story book of love ,, in child like ways just says everything will be OK , has it been honestly just look around you in your life those of the people you realy know the ones you know behind their closed doors , the ones you know the truth about not the IMAGE they show the world , then realize that most hpaay people in reality are living that life showing the public one face while back home they live a horror story or depression not a fairy tale of love . 3 wives respects the inner animals we both are girls and boys , we are dna animals who should be living as our animal expects and harems are natural for our species.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
female 4 female 4 male
Female time
Young Master , time after time I shown that the ideas of 3 girls has such great merit not just the sex , yes I know you read my shit dumbfuck because of the fun the sex .. that tingle of hormones running thru your blodd stream , the HIGH it gives you , but dipshit the day to day reality of life is that we humans are friendly animals …. Aristole ever heard of him ? one of those trip human of history who wrote who thought who was OUT OF THE BOX well he described friendship as ….. a soul who inhabits more than one body ….. girl to girl they chit they chat they giggle they touch .. and carress softly , and I DO NOT …. When I feel that lust taking control of my mind I smell the body the scent of a woman the hunger inside demands I taste her flesh her body the need to taste the TRACE hormones available on her skin , and then I bite to produce more to feed my lust , I bite to promote her to submit to become like the tigeress of nature … who is bitten time and time again while being pentrated …you are built to do what ( I say it over and over ) you are built with a dick that enlarges for a reason , to pentrate , and to be pentrated , the female must calm her flight feelings her fight feelings and be still and SUBMISSIVE .
Ok before and after my interaction , the girl like any human needs social activity ,,, talking , rmemebber they have to care for infant children and youngin’s girls need the safety and aid of others with like responsibilities ….. and that means she needs girl time ! because I am a LONE HUNTER … in many many times and ways I work best alone .
So last night we went to the titty bar , and I made up the business card , with Deb submitting with her fuzzy purple had cuffs on ….. and the invite for coffee ,,, Deb got girl time girl time with girls who know their girlness , the girl in that industry and it is an industry an carreer a job , the intertainment industry , porividing for the males and females who come , porividing fansty .. the cleansing effect of having the hormone production of the person to rise , rise to exciting levels of ANIMALS DNA LUST ….. and yet the girls these regular girls with regular lives , need to talk to be who they realy are just , girls . with real girl issues ,, boyfriends or husbands not on the level of you YOUNG MASTER , not able to master themselves or their lives and money enough to provide the safety the basis of life a female needs . so they work entertaining other humans exciting their animal side their DNA . all the girls really want is stability , can you dumb ass give her that ,, all her wants is friendship … and she is a girl she wants to get fucked .. to feel a hard dick moving in and out of her body , to sense that animal inside of her is being used like it was desgned to be used .
Instinctualism , dipshit … be yourself really yourself , work hunt fish , fuck ………. Let the girls do most of the talking among themselves you talk best about the stories of conquering you did that day .. the warfare of the CAPITILSTIC world , about the one that you caught or the one that got away . dipshit instead of focusing on attracting 1 pussy with bait , buying into the fairy tale telling her lies and then in time not fulfilling them to the level of her deepest dreams , there by creating a sense of failure in you which you then try to rid yourself of , by BLAMING LIFE . the new goals .. dumbass is creaete the inpound the 3 homes ,,, the cave , the tribal homes ….. the safety level . that the girls them can create the homes and friendships the CRAVE ….. and of course you are their to provide that which you want ,, NO NOT WANT that which we NEED , it is in our DNA …. Sex
Oh , so what happened , well I handed out cards to everyone because of course I pronmote on the card my writing my ideas and I found you , the average person is open to SOMETHING to think , and well of course girls are OPEN , very open young master do not think they have it all , just because she is pretty and the hormones in your blood get you confused with lust …. She is confused hurt and searching for more INFORMATION …. Got the guts young master to ….. do something right or wrong?
Young Master , time after time I shown that the ideas of 3 girls has such great merit not just the sex , yes I know you read my shit dumbfuck because of the fun the sex .. that tingle of hormones running thru your blodd stream , the HIGH it gives you , but dipshit the day to day reality of life is that we humans are friendly animals …. Aristole ever heard of him ? one of those trip human of history who wrote who thought who was OUT OF THE BOX well he described friendship as ….. a soul who inhabits more than one body ….. girl to girl they chit they chat they giggle they touch .. and carress softly , and I DO NOT …. When I feel that lust taking control of my mind I smell the body the scent of a woman the hunger inside demands I taste her flesh her body the need to taste the TRACE hormones available on her skin , and then I bite to produce more to feed my lust , I bite to promote her to submit to become like the tigeress of nature … who is bitten time and time again while being pentrated …you are built to do what ( I say it over and over ) you are built with a dick that enlarges for a reason , to pentrate , and to be pentrated , the female must calm her flight feelings her fight feelings and be still and SUBMISSIVE .
Ok before and after my interaction , the girl like any human needs social activity ,,, talking , rmemebber they have to care for infant children and youngin’s girls need the safety and aid of others with like responsibilities ….. and that means she needs girl time ! because I am a LONE HUNTER … in many many times and ways I work best alone .
So last night we went to the titty bar , and I made up the business card , with Deb submitting with her fuzzy purple had cuffs on ….. and the invite for coffee ,,, Deb got girl time girl time with girls who know their girlness , the girl in that industry and it is an industry an carreer a job , the intertainment industry , porividing for the males and females who come , porividing fansty .. the cleansing effect of having the hormone production of the person to rise , rise to exciting levels of ANIMALS DNA LUST ….. and yet the girls these regular girls with regular lives , need to talk to be who they realy are just , girls . with real girl issues ,, boyfriends or husbands not on the level of you YOUNG MASTER , not able to master themselves or their lives and money enough to provide the safety the basis of life a female needs . so they work entertaining other humans exciting their animal side their DNA . all the girls really want is stability , can you dumb ass give her that ,, all her wants is friendship … and she is a girl she wants to get fucked .. to feel a hard dick moving in and out of her body , to sense that animal inside of her is being used like it was desgned to be used .
Instinctualism , dipshit … be yourself really yourself , work hunt fish , fuck ………. Let the girls do most of the talking among themselves you talk best about the stories of conquering you did that day .. the warfare of the CAPITILSTIC world , about the one that you caught or the one that got away . dipshit instead of focusing on attracting 1 pussy with bait , buying into the fairy tale telling her lies and then in time not fulfilling them to the level of her deepest dreams , there by creating a sense of failure in you which you then try to rid yourself of , by BLAMING LIFE . the new goals .. dumbass is creaete the inpound the 3 homes ,,, the cave , the tribal homes ….. the safety level . that the girls them can create the homes and friendships the CRAVE ….. and of course you are their to provide that which you want ,, NO NOT WANT that which we NEED , it is in our DNA …. Sex
Oh , so what happened , well I handed out cards to everyone because of course I pronmote on the card my writing my ideas and I found you , the average person is open to SOMETHING to think , and well of course girls are OPEN , very open young master do not think they have it all , just because she is pretty and the hormones in your blood get you confused with lust …. She is confused hurt and searching for more INFORMATION …. Got the guts young master to ….. do something right or wrong?
Friday, August 10, 2007
bang her exposed clit
Banging her exposed Clit
Young Master the force with which the girls want and lust for sex , for deep full sexual feelings should not be forgotten , not be under estimated how they will leave their homes for their MAN ( even if the man is only a boy only in reality a dick just really sex ) the basic drive is ignored they act as if they are in love as if the reality is the fairy tale all the sweet words of the male they are with , everyone ignores the truth that they got together because I AM MAN AND YOU ARE WOMAN and we fuck ….
Now dipshit , get this truth when you are fucking your girl hopefully you are leading her into more and more sexual experimentation , she si shy in front of you what she may have done let us say with her girls friends in play in masturbation and experiemention when younger , or maybe something she had forced on her by other men , she will not ry to do in front of you because she fears you will view her truest self , that in fact she is a natural female who enjoys the sensations of her body …. Yet our guilt in our pleasure that gift given us by fucked up mind controlling religions is stronger that instinctual truths ….. so dumbass , encourage her to PLAY WITH HERSELF , and get her to try this
While in missionary fucking get your self up in the prone position the top of the push up arms supporting you …. And have her pull back on her clit hood to masturbate …. And then have her hold it as much as possible so you can bang her clit as you drive your dick deep inside her …. I am sup[rized each and every time I talk with a woman and they describe the ideas that you guys talk big shit about how much fun you will be in bed but when it comes down to it , you kiss them for 5 minutes suck a tit for a second pass your tongue over the pussy then mount the girl fuck her hard … yes she is excited she is having fun because she is so fucking HORNY .. then you blow your load in like 3 minutes and roll over .. just the story connediams use( the truth is in their skits )
Over and over I have told you while you are single and jacking off 2 oe 3 times a day , practice the STOP game learn to control your self ….. I know that when you get a live on , even when she is your steady femal your girlfriend , it is always like youa re stealing sex , you never know when she may change her mind or you two will get into a fight and you will lose your JOY TOY .. so you tend to fuck fast you steal sex from her …. I know you can remember times relationships that you played for hours then it evolved into stealing sex …. Or boredom ( if it is boredom no your part … then stop reading my shit , loser … hot pussy wet is never ever boring ) hell dry unexpecting pussy is never boring because it will get wet real soon .
Okay now after she has masturbated her self into cumming for you …. Let her talk about giving you that gift , … “ I am cumming for you master “ then continue to fuch her real deep , find the NUB .. and pound your dick against it , yes she will scream and struggle trying to force you to stop maybe even close her legs to prevent such deep pentration …. Honestly that strong girl does not really want to fight you off … a firm re- speading of her legs will stimulate her nature to submit to your fucking your pentrations ….. and fuck her to the edge of your orgasim then stop ! just like in practice . over and over and do a count down so she can see then end of the fucking tunnel of your abuse .
I just feel sh=uch a great sense of pride to she her curl up into a little ball twitching with orgaisms after I finnaly squirt my load into or on her and I get off just standing there for a minute watching , stretch out and shudder or curl up an twitch ….
Now the 3 girls more and more I am getting comfortable that my girl is really comfortable in fact becoming impatient with us getting new , COMMITED female/s in our world …. She is looking forward to the idea that her friends will hold her legs open while I fuck her like this deeply after orgasism forcing her to enjoy her body completely like she is designed to accept and enjoy and desire ….. she is looking forward to encouraging other girls to accept my abuse .. and hold then down to prompt their submission triggers so the other girls can enjoy the tired well fucked feelings .
She is becoming impatient ofr it …. Most cool most comforting for my male deep isnde that wants to see any female SMILE , especially someone who I believe is a deeply commited special friend and lover ,, lover that fairy tale sord …. And sexual partner ,, that that is reality sex .. animal INSTINCTUAL LUST .
Young Master the force with which the girls want and lust for sex , for deep full sexual feelings should not be forgotten , not be under estimated how they will leave their homes for their MAN ( even if the man is only a boy only in reality a dick just really sex ) the basic drive is ignored they act as if they are in love as if the reality is the fairy tale all the sweet words of the male they are with , everyone ignores the truth that they got together because I AM MAN AND YOU ARE WOMAN and we fuck ….
Now dipshit , get this truth when you are fucking your girl hopefully you are leading her into more and more sexual experimentation , she si shy in front of you what she may have done let us say with her girls friends in play in masturbation and experiemention when younger , or maybe something she had forced on her by other men , she will not ry to do in front of you because she fears you will view her truest self , that in fact she is a natural female who enjoys the sensations of her body …. Yet our guilt in our pleasure that gift given us by fucked up mind controlling religions is stronger that instinctual truths ….. so dumbass , encourage her to PLAY WITH HERSELF , and get her to try this
While in missionary fucking get your self up in the prone position the top of the push up arms supporting you …. And have her pull back on her clit hood to masturbate …. And then have her hold it as much as possible so you can bang her clit as you drive your dick deep inside her …. I am sup[rized each and every time I talk with a woman and they describe the ideas that you guys talk big shit about how much fun you will be in bed but when it comes down to it , you kiss them for 5 minutes suck a tit for a second pass your tongue over the pussy then mount the girl fuck her hard … yes she is excited she is having fun because she is so fucking HORNY .. then you blow your load in like 3 minutes and roll over .. just the story connediams use( the truth is in their skits )
Over and over I have told you while you are single and jacking off 2 oe 3 times a day , practice the STOP game learn to control your self ….. I know that when you get a live on , even when she is your steady femal your girlfriend , it is always like youa re stealing sex , you never know when she may change her mind or you two will get into a fight and you will lose your JOY TOY .. so you tend to fuck fast you steal sex from her …. I know you can remember times relationships that you played for hours then it evolved into stealing sex …. Or boredom ( if it is boredom no your part … then stop reading my shit , loser … hot pussy wet is never ever boring ) hell dry unexpecting pussy is never boring because it will get wet real soon .
Okay now after she has masturbated her self into cumming for you …. Let her talk about giving you that gift , … “ I am cumming for you master “ then continue to fuch her real deep , find the NUB .. and pound your dick against it , yes she will scream and struggle trying to force you to stop maybe even close her legs to prevent such deep pentration …. Honestly that strong girl does not really want to fight you off … a firm re- speading of her legs will stimulate her nature to submit to your fucking your pentrations ….. and fuck her to the edge of your orgasim then stop ! just like in practice . over and over and do a count down so she can see then end of the fucking tunnel of your abuse .
I just feel sh=uch a great sense of pride to she her curl up into a little ball twitching with orgaisms after I finnaly squirt my load into or on her and I get off just standing there for a minute watching , stretch out and shudder or curl up an twitch ….
Now the 3 girls more and more I am getting comfortable that my girl is really comfortable in fact becoming impatient with us getting new , COMMITED female/s in our world …. She is looking forward to the idea that her friends will hold her legs open while I fuck her like this deeply after orgasism forcing her to enjoy her body completely like she is designed to accept and enjoy and desire ….. she is looking forward to encouraging other girls to accept my abuse .. and hold then down to prompt their submission triggers so the other girls can enjoy the tired well fucked feelings .
She is becoming impatient ofr it …. Most cool most comforting for my male deep isnde that wants to see any female SMILE , especially someone who I believe is a deeply commited special friend and lover ,, lover that fairy tale sord …. And sexual partner ,, that that is reality sex .. animal INSTINCTUAL LUST .
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
my dear young lady
Dear Young Lady
Young amster having 3 girls around even thought they all come by choice will not be easy , everyone has baggage even you …… and
Dear Young Lady
I heard you get mad last night , I heard a MADDNESS in my home that something you know so well , that I , I ….. I try to stop in myself and in my home . When you first came to ths home you brought with you this madness but soon you found a peace a trust and a happiness here , you had up’s and downs , even problems grand in the way of breaking the laws of this nation , no it was basic law of mankind . and you got stopped hard and fast . My evidence trail was what? Who drove out to pick you up at the JAIL … at the fucking jail …. Think young lady I went to the fucking JAIL for who .
Did I do anything wrong ? when bad things are happening in life , a boss will plan something and an employee may go to work the next day only to find out they have been fired … pack up your desk your ID is now in valid … young lady you are upset in my choices my actions , think about me compare me to the men you have known , compare the evidence trail … there is some who says there are there to help you yet they can not get even 100 dollars to help you . How may 100 have you seen me spend on you have you ever really thought about the cash flow over this last year ? it actually has been in the thousands the cash I have spent on you .
You needed to leave us over this summer to go back and experience the constrast return to your former life to compare it to me … to us .. to this HOME , yes this is still a home ( even though I , I , the one who wants to be the hard ass the leader the boss the man .. have decided the HOME will move will reform on a mountain postcard .. and I gave everyone a safety net of time to find other paths other lives those who want to follow I put out my hand to them and say come , those who need time to pack their bags to leave – like you I give again … give the gift of time …. Not like a boss who will you out of the company in one day out on the street or the police who within 1 hour they will put you in a CAGE gehind bars of steel . no I give gifts of safety understanding and time .
You have seen me training a young man … a person you happen to know well , and you see me be hard well ….. life real life is hard . A hurricaine Andrew comes and you can not yell at it and scare it a way …. If you yell at the cops because of the bad you have done all you do is add time to your sentence …. You can argue with your boss and all that will happen is he will phone the police …… madnnes getting mad does not solve much
You just lefet a culture of madness a place where people o not have the time to go to work to clean their house to have the money ready in bank accounts to help a friend in need ( like you! ) yet the have the time and money to buy beer and marijuana and they have the money to buy deleivered pizza and the time to VEG in front of an X-box or computer or TV stoned yet not do the dishes ? This home is different I am different .
I want you to choose to stay , even someday think about returning . think about that young man all the while , the time you were gone from us , when he and I interacted I pushed him , got him mad yet he saw the evidence trail … he lived the same friends you had in the same town you came from . I pushed him a man into becoming a MAN . some one who will act RIGHT OR WRONG , act with the mind of a man ! who in all thinga ahs the safety and well being of his family deeply in his heart , which that young man does have ….
Look at the evidence trail with me you have already lived , look a the evidence trail of those who lived with me already 17 long ( aburt at times I admit proudly , I am a man ) years . look at the world you came from the UNSTABLITY , NOTHING THERE LASTS . LONGER THAN THE TIME IT TAKES TO SMOKE THAT LAST BAG OF DOPE , because at any minute someone may drink the last ice tea then every one has to get OUT , me what did I do ,,,, What did I do when something happened did I kick every out or did I leave ? the safety of my family comes first .
In your future young lady I want only happiness for you , when I went , when I spent again more 100’s of dollars to go get you to bring you back to us …. I said it was nice to see you again to thear the tone of your voice , your smiling presence you so special YOU ! a you equal yet special to everyone else in the home.
I hear of you saying you are not hear for any other reason than to please another person ( that person is not me ) an I say no , the door has never been locked you could have left run away at any time no you stayed for yourself , you deep inside you ,,,, you felt something here right or wrong you felt something here .
Coming into this family this home was like all things every place you will ever go , every relationship , or job . or jail .. you will ever go in and out of …. ( because it is not your fault it was someone else whose rules are un just ) every thing is about learning … giving you the chance to compare how do YOU ! want you life to sound? DO YOU LIKE THE SOUNDS OF … MADDNESS ? if so get ready the world will give lots of people who will kick you out into the street or carry and put you behind bars .. or take away your job your food and bread ,the ability to pay for your home … they will take that away and not give the gift of time like I HAVE and do with everyone …. Even that young man , who to prove he and I are equal men I have lived the same life I forced on him … I rode that bike , to prove I am not just TALK but I still even thoug I do not have to , I will feel the pain that burning in my legs of work of life .
Think young lady , I an happy if you stay and want to unstand your inner madness so this house not very often will hear the sounds of loud voices and madness ….. I am happy if you still want to leave to learn amore to compare more . Either way I remain the same I am happy that I met you I have and still do enjoy your presence , equal to the presence of every one else in this home .
Young master not every girl will get it , and some just got go …………..
Young amster having 3 girls around even thought they all come by choice will not be easy , everyone has baggage even you …… and
Dear Young Lady
I heard you get mad last night , I heard a MADDNESS in my home that something you know so well , that I , I ….. I try to stop in myself and in my home . When you first came to ths home you brought with you this madness but soon you found a peace a trust and a happiness here , you had up’s and downs , even problems grand in the way of breaking the laws of this nation , no it was basic law of mankind . and you got stopped hard and fast . My evidence trail was what? Who drove out to pick you up at the JAIL … at the fucking jail …. Think young lady I went to the fucking JAIL for who .
Did I do anything wrong ? when bad things are happening in life , a boss will plan something and an employee may go to work the next day only to find out they have been fired … pack up your desk your ID is now in valid … young lady you are upset in my choices my actions , think about me compare me to the men you have known , compare the evidence trail … there is some who says there are there to help you yet they can not get even 100 dollars to help you . How may 100 have you seen me spend on you have you ever really thought about the cash flow over this last year ? it actually has been in the thousands the cash I have spent on you .
You needed to leave us over this summer to go back and experience the constrast return to your former life to compare it to me … to us .. to this HOME , yes this is still a home ( even though I , I , the one who wants to be the hard ass the leader the boss the man .. have decided the HOME will move will reform on a mountain postcard .. and I gave everyone a safety net of time to find other paths other lives those who want to follow I put out my hand to them and say come , those who need time to pack their bags to leave – like you I give again … give the gift of time …. Not like a boss who will you out of the company in one day out on the street or the police who within 1 hour they will put you in a CAGE gehind bars of steel . no I give gifts of safety understanding and time .
You have seen me training a young man … a person you happen to know well , and you see me be hard well ….. life real life is hard . A hurricaine Andrew comes and you can not yell at it and scare it a way …. If you yell at the cops because of the bad you have done all you do is add time to your sentence …. You can argue with your boss and all that will happen is he will phone the police …… madnnes getting mad does not solve much
You just lefet a culture of madness a place where people o not have the time to go to work to clean their house to have the money ready in bank accounts to help a friend in need ( like you! ) yet the have the time and money to buy beer and marijuana and they have the money to buy deleivered pizza and the time to VEG in front of an X-box or computer or TV stoned yet not do the dishes ? This home is different I am different .
I want you to choose to stay , even someday think about returning . think about that young man all the while , the time you were gone from us , when he and I interacted I pushed him , got him mad yet he saw the evidence trail … he lived the same friends you had in the same town you came from . I pushed him a man into becoming a MAN . some one who will act RIGHT OR WRONG , act with the mind of a man ! who in all thinga ahs the safety and well being of his family deeply in his heart , which that young man does have ….
Look at the evidence trail with me you have already lived , look a the evidence trail of those who lived with me already 17 long ( aburt at times I admit proudly , I am a man ) years . look at the world you came from the UNSTABLITY , NOTHING THERE LASTS . LONGER THAN THE TIME IT TAKES TO SMOKE THAT LAST BAG OF DOPE , because at any minute someone may drink the last ice tea then every one has to get OUT , me what did I do ,,,, What did I do when something happened did I kick every out or did I leave ? the safety of my family comes first .
In your future young lady I want only happiness for you , when I went , when I spent again more 100’s of dollars to go get you to bring you back to us …. I said it was nice to see you again to thear the tone of your voice , your smiling presence you so special YOU ! a you equal yet special to everyone else in the home.
I hear of you saying you are not hear for any other reason than to please another person ( that person is not me ) an I say no , the door has never been locked you could have left run away at any time no you stayed for yourself , you deep inside you ,,,, you felt something here right or wrong you felt something here .
Coming into this family this home was like all things every place you will ever go , every relationship , or job . or jail .. you will ever go in and out of …. ( because it is not your fault it was someone else whose rules are un just ) every thing is about learning … giving you the chance to compare how do YOU ! want you life to sound? DO YOU LIKE THE SOUNDS OF … MADDNESS ? if so get ready the world will give lots of people who will kick you out into the street or carry and put you behind bars .. or take away your job your food and bread ,the ability to pay for your home … they will take that away and not give the gift of time like I HAVE and do with everyone …. Even that young man , who to prove he and I are equal men I have lived the same life I forced on him … I rode that bike , to prove I am not just TALK but I still even thoug I do not have to , I will feel the pain that burning in my legs of work of life .
Think young lady , I an happy if you stay and want to unstand your inner madness so this house not very often will hear the sounds of loud voices and madness ….. I am happy if you still want to leave to learn amore to compare more . Either way I remain the same I am happy that I met you I have and still do enjoy your presence , equal to the presence of every one else in this home .
Young master not every girl will get it , and some just got go …………..
Monday, August 6, 2007
her mouth full of sperm
Her mouth full of sperm
Young Master if not YOU than who? Who will provide girls who want ,, the key is always want .. the Oppurtunity to express their natural selves and and well liking DICK liking sex .. liking the most natural of human activities ….. liking the taste of the most special of male flavors .. liking the taste of sperm .. well dumb ass us you and me men like us give girls the chance to be GIRLS and enjoy waking up with their mouths full of hard pounding penis a penis excited ready to explode and then my JOY is to see her natural still alsleep so her actions are very basic and natural .. her nature is to enjoy that feeling of hardness in my penis , to feel and anticipate the sperm the warmth ? the texture? The flavor … the feeling ? of me shooting my load in her mouth ……….. who else but you? The nice guys of this world the current YOU’s will not pass their polite ideas about sexually offeneding a girl .. passing our trained ideas about what each really wants to touch , that basic ANIMAL beast level the instinct level of DNA .
For me I am passing my own limits brick walls about her wanting to be a SISTER . her own desire for the friendship of the sister the tenderness the understanding that only a woman can realy give a woman in the way a woman really needs and accept ,, my tenderness is that of a male I do not feel like a woman feels . Passing my conditioning even though I have written so much the reality of passing certain polite expressions of love and respect to create the world for her , for 2 other women the world that I see actually women want . to pass the training that the ONLY TRUE LOVE IS THE GREEDY 1 ON 1 espression of fairy tale sotrys about love …..
So when I woke today sipping my coffee my dick hard and pounding thinking about the training .. my training which we have dicussed the idea of going to the titty bars again … where maybe … I and Debbie may script , do a I WONDER WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE … wouldn’t is be nice to … and so I see myself talking about how I will fuck this little dancer with Debbie describing to Debbie the actions of fucking the tiny daner sitting between us . letting Debbie notice that girls reactions to my words ,, and notining my lust grow for another woman in front of her ,, my Debbie a person a girl my girl , someone I do not want to be unhappy I fear her pain at my hands to the level I do nothing to insure it is not I who causes her pain and in the end that causes her pain , and I created the failure I wanted so hard to avoid .
So I need to train to pass some mental idea , ( everything dope use alchol use , building a job a areer are all mental things hurdles first passed in the mind ) I can not creat the chane for happiness until I clean up my own shit my own weakness face it as weakness , proclaim ,, YEP PHIL is weak in some ways , the weakness hass roots in lOVE but a love that does not provide the love that WORKS. The evidence trail for 1 on 1 sucks .
So , my dick pounding so close to cumming that I had to have release , and it has been atleast a month since Debb got woke to a mouth full of SPERM shooting into it ….. and what happened young master what did her animal do ,, her nature do , what is the WANT of the natural female still asleep in her sub concisuos animal state , well it is to SUCK and suck hard , to softly moan in pleasure as it feels the spern shooting into her moth , to suck even harder hoping that the hard cock will have one more load to shoot , to forcefully project natures special gift … A MALES MILK ….. into her mouth , for her to fulfill her …. Fulfill her for her to feel that she is the center of my need my lust ,,,, that she completes me when I am like the WILD animal that I am ,,, hopelssly trapped with a cock full of sperm needing release .
So young master our animal sex drive , that search for happiness . for bliss , be fucking honest to yourself and let the girl be honest to herself when you enter into conplexer discussions …. SEX IS FUN ! it effects our interactions , we are not just story book lovers . no we are real sweating , moaning crying animal fuckers both us and the girls you meet ,,, who is going to give the OP for girls to have a chance at an alternative …. How are you going to have to adapt the change your progrming to care for 3 ………… the more you read the more you think the more you experience the more you do just that become able adaptable .
Young Master if not YOU than who? Who will provide girls who want ,, the key is always want .. the Oppurtunity to express their natural selves and and well liking DICK liking sex .. liking the most natural of human activities ….. liking the taste of the most special of male flavors .. liking the taste of sperm .. well dumb ass us you and me men like us give girls the chance to be GIRLS and enjoy waking up with their mouths full of hard pounding penis a penis excited ready to explode and then my JOY is to see her natural still alsleep so her actions are very basic and natural .. her nature is to enjoy that feeling of hardness in my penis , to feel and anticipate the sperm the warmth ? the texture? The flavor … the feeling ? of me shooting my load in her mouth ……….. who else but you? The nice guys of this world the current YOU’s will not pass their polite ideas about sexually offeneding a girl .. passing our trained ideas about what each really wants to touch , that basic ANIMAL beast level the instinct level of DNA .
For me I am passing my own limits brick walls about her wanting to be a SISTER . her own desire for the friendship of the sister the tenderness the understanding that only a woman can realy give a woman in the way a woman really needs and accept ,, my tenderness is that of a male I do not feel like a woman feels . Passing my conditioning even though I have written so much the reality of passing certain polite expressions of love and respect to create the world for her , for 2 other women the world that I see actually women want . to pass the training that the ONLY TRUE LOVE IS THE GREEDY 1 ON 1 espression of fairy tale sotrys about love …..
So when I woke today sipping my coffee my dick hard and pounding thinking about the training .. my training which we have dicussed the idea of going to the titty bars again … where maybe … I and Debbie may script , do a I WONDER WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE … wouldn’t is be nice to … and so I see myself talking about how I will fuck this little dancer with Debbie describing to Debbie the actions of fucking the tiny daner sitting between us . letting Debbie notice that girls reactions to my words ,, and notining my lust grow for another woman in front of her ,, my Debbie a person a girl my girl , someone I do not want to be unhappy I fear her pain at my hands to the level I do nothing to insure it is not I who causes her pain and in the end that causes her pain , and I created the failure I wanted so hard to avoid .
So I need to train to pass some mental idea , ( everything dope use alchol use , building a job a areer are all mental things hurdles first passed in the mind ) I can not creat the chane for happiness until I clean up my own shit my own weakness face it as weakness , proclaim ,, YEP PHIL is weak in some ways , the weakness hass roots in lOVE but a love that does not provide the love that WORKS. The evidence trail for 1 on 1 sucks .
So , my dick pounding so close to cumming that I had to have release , and it has been atleast a month since Debb got woke to a mouth full of SPERM shooting into it ….. and what happened young master what did her animal do ,, her nature do , what is the WANT of the natural female still asleep in her sub concisuos animal state , well it is to SUCK and suck hard , to softly moan in pleasure as it feels the spern shooting into her moth , to suck even harder hoping that the hard cock will have one more load to shoot , to forcefully project natures special gift … A MALES MILK ….. into her mouth , for her to fulfill her …. Fulfill her for her to feel that she is the center of my need my lust ,,,, that she completes me when I am like the WILD animal that I am ,,, hopelssly trapped with a cock full of sperm needing release .
So young master our animal sex drive , that search for happiness . for bliss , be fucking honest to yourself and let the girl be honest to herself when you enter into conplexer discussions …. SEX IS FUN ! it effects our interactions , we are not just story book lovers . no we are real sweating , moaning crying animal fuckers both us and the girls you meet ,,, who is going to give the OP for girls to have a chance at an alternative …. How are you going to have to adapt the change your progrming to care for 3 ………… the more you read the more you think the more you experience the more you do just that become able adaptable .
Sunday, August 5, 2007
fuckin' pants on
Fuckin’ pants on
Young Master , she wants a sisiter you want her happiness , you want their happiness their unity and then your peace and sex , yes sex sex sex , in amounts that your body is designed to enjoy and engage in daily … like habit daily .. but the confusions in you the programming of the fairy tale of love the culturization I find for myself is still screwing with my mind , my ablity to form words to describe the things going in ans out of my mind to dicscuss things with Debbie I find hard even impoosiible , but great thing is we are trying .. I am not lieing …..
Here is a thing .. dipshit ,, there has been this one lil girl , yes she has the years of age but her presence her manners in so many ways she is a lil’girl ,, ans honestly that is not a girl who would make a good sisiter for Debbie .. and for the family to find peace actually having 3 women who with their own different dynamaic personalities they blend into a happy laughing loving caring SISTERHOOD , this lil girl who has be hovering in our life for 9 months just would not blend , yet her and mine eye contact speaks so much of the fanasty of seeing her sucking on my cock , seeing NO hearing her screaming a screamer I think she will be a screamer when getting ass fuckked .. not a bad thing in amyway , I love that that constant SINGING Of feeling my attentions being forced in and out of her ass over and over as I use her body for my own excitement …. Her discomfort is my PLEASURE .
So the idea of sex is good , but I fear the interaction on a day to day between Deebie and her I think she does not have that UMMPH that forwardness that is a good blend for Debbie the woman does have guts to be a street vendor and artist yet she is to .. sweet and subdued … submissive is my taste in female yes but …… I want to total happiness not just getting my rocks off .. yet the animal in me wants to get my rocks off ….. yet peace is more impoortnat than that ….. it is like NOT DRINKING OR SMOKING DOPE ….. what controls you dumbass you or the urges to escape in chemicals the interactions with friends who are just friends because of your joint like for a joint ?
So , any movement toward expanding OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THIS GILR CAN MOST LIKELY END UP IN PAIN FOR THIS NICE YOUNG WOMAN ,, SHE WILL not fit in honestly …. To have her enter my life eeven for a taste may destroy her current world and that would be an evil ? on my part …… noticing the interactions between the girls first before you let your dick speak , because after sex , the chemicals bonds of commited relationship naturally develop ….
The chemical reaction of a fucked woman , a raped woman ,, her inner animal expects since she submitted well she should be kept in the tent not put outside to be a field slave , she submistted in fact enjoyed the rape , that the warrior forced upon her after the battle … the SPOILS OF WAR ! … evolution designed her to submit and live , become a treasured property not a thing … the girl who fought became the slave to be wasted in toil outside in the fileds working at the end of a whip ….. to fuck this woman like I fuck would stir these deepest of inner truths to be awakened in her and I CAN NOT HAVE HER .. she will not be a good match , her strength of personality and way is not what will encourage ,,, courage and growth for Debbie and any other who would be a good match for Debbie there would be two sisters … and then a 1 ….
So I must keep my dick in my pants . be friend her as a human like I have for so many months … and watch my Debbies dynamics her interactions with the constanst stream of other girls .. younger and older who we meet day after day …. IT IS NOT JUST ABOUT GETTING YOUR ROCKS OFF DIPSHIT … think about who and what type of girl will expand the mind and life of the whole family .
Because after you take a girl ,,, make her force her to submit , to feel you as a male , not like the boys she had known in her past after you take her naked body , and to bite taste to get drunk with her scent of sex ,,,, and fuck her with your pants still on . to relase your lust in your WAY in her submission an intense bod will be formed and to create that in her and then not fulfill your warrior duty to KEEP your spoil of war in not JUST AND HONeST … ther is no honor and thus no real peace …… WHAT IS WRONG young master from learning aagain about old proven ways of honor touching your DNA think a bit differently dumbass.
Young Master , she wants a sisiter you want her happiness , you want their happiness their unity and then your peace and sex , yes sex sex sex , in amounts that your body is designed to enjoy and engage in daily … like habit daily .. but the confusions in you the programming of the fairy tale of love the culturization I find for myself is still screwing with my mind , my ablity to form words to describe the things going in ans out of my mind to dicscuss things with Debbie I find hard even impoosiible , but great thing is we are trying .. I am not lieing …..
Here is a thing .. dipshit ,, there has been this one lil girl , yes she has the years of age but her presence her manners in so many ways she is a lil’girl ,, ans honestly that is not a girl who would make a good sisiter for Debbie .. and for the family to find peace actually having 3 women who with their own different dynamaic personalities they blend into a happy laughing loving caring SISTERHOOD , this lil girl who has be hovering in our life for 9 months just would not blend , yet her and mine eye contact speaks so much of the fanasty of seeing her sucking on my cock , seeing NO hearing her screaming a screamer I think she will be a screamer when getting ass fuckked .. not a bad thing in amyway , I love that that constant SINGING Of feeling my attentions being forced in and out of her ass over and over as I use her body for my own excitement …. Her discomfort is my PLEASURE .
So the idea of sex is good , but I fear the interaction on a day to day between Deebie and her I think she does not have that UMMPH that forwardness that is a good blend for Debbie the woman does have guts to be a street vendor and artist yet she is to .. sweet and subdued … submissive is my taste in female yes but …… I want to total happiness not just getting my rocks off .. yet the animal in me wants to get my rocks off ….. yet peace is more impoortnat than that ….. it is like NOT DRINKING OR SMOKING DOPE ….. what controls you dumbass you or the urges to escape in chemicals the interactions with friends who are just friends because of your joint like for a joint ?
So , any movement toward expanding OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THIS GILR CAN MOST LIKELY END UP IN PAIN FOR THIS NICE YOUNG WOMAN ,, SHE WILL not fit in honestly …. To have her enter my life eeven for a taste may destroy her current world and that would be an evil ? on my part …… noticing the interactions between the girls first before you let your dick speak , because after sex , the chemicals bonds of commited relationship naturally develop ….
The chemical reaction of a fucked woman , a raped woman ,, her inner animal expects since she submitted well she should be kept in the tent not put outside to be a field slave , she submistted in fact enjoyed the rape , that the warrior forced upon her after the battle … the SPOILS OF WAR ! … evolution designed her to submit and live , become a treasured property not a thing … the girl who fought became the slave to be wasted in toil outside in the fileds working at the end of a whip ….. to fuck this woman like I fuck would stir these deepest of inner truths to be awakened in her and I CAN NOT HAVE HER .. she will not be a good match , her strength of personality and way is not what will encourage ,,, courage and growth for Debbie and any other who would be a good match for Debbie there would be two sisters … and then a 1 ….
So I must keep my dick in my pants . be friend her as a human like I have for so many months … and watch my Debbies dynamics her interactions with the constanst stream of other girls .. younger and older who we meet day after day …. IT IS NOT JUST ABOUT GETTING YOUR ROCKS OFF DIPSHIT … think about who and what type of girl will expand the mind and life of the whole family .
Because after you take a girl ,,, make her force her to submit , to feel you as a male , not like the boys she had known in her past after you take her naked body , and to bite taste to get drunk with her scent of sex ,,,, and fuck her with your pants still on . to relase your lust in your WAY in her submission an intense bod will be formed and to create that in her and then not fulfill your warrior duty to KEEP your spoil of war in not JUST AND HONeST … ther is no honor and thus no real peace …… WHAT IS WRONG young master from learning aagain about old proven ways of honor touching your DNA think a bit differently dumbass.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
teach him to fuck you
Teach him to fuck you
Young Master I was talking with a young lady whose choice of males in her past was driven by her pussy m by romantic fanasty ,,, the chemical reactions fanasty is driven by our ANIMAL LUSTS , our DNA creating NEEDS thru hormones and is expressed either in active sex or the fansty of sex …. This chick picked for shit males because she did not find the animal in the responsible males ,,, so I recommeneded that she look at her life .. look at the evidence trail of the TYPE . the whole average group of males she has been dating the become SELF RESPONSIBLE , and teach a good male to fuck her in the way she likes , that means she has to start sex , to touch his dick over and over ,, because the TRAINED EDUCATED respectful male will be just that everything that he is and most often he will let the female lead sexually even though girl like to live in a world where they think they are the victims of sex , they were the seduced ,,, a wlorld of excuses like a seven year old child lieing to the world and its parents about a broken vase ….. most girls want to maintain that fanasty that they are pure and innocent …… BULLSHIT . they are sex fiends like us ,, we are ANIMALS DNA animals …. Yes you have a stronger mind than the regular beast yet your beast machine of a body still has effects on you ,, daily build ups of hormaones and desires … that need to be expressed …….
I TOLD HER find a nice nerd ,, a nerd with a future ithat is something other than unemployement , DUI , and problems ,,, find that nerd and teach him to be your MASTER .. encourage him to leave his programming of MR . Mice guy ,,, and tell him it is what you want to be fucked like the little slut which in the real animal truth about all women ,,,, they are the submissives , THE PENTRATED ……
Ohh yes dumbass , the 7 year getting over on mommy and daddy ,, the SHUMWAY SHUFFLER …. The con man the smart guy ,,, does he live in you do you give excuses at first thought when you are busted ,, or do you say YES I AM BUSTED , my bad ,,,, do you look for compassion by lieing about the level of SEVERITY .. and ignoring confusing the deepest truest isssues ,,, the core value items that were the cause of the bust ,,,, are you getting over on your boss ,, like the boss was your mommy or daddy ,,, you act that way because you see the world as having the power you do not .. so like a weak rat or mouse you hide beneath lies , begging for forgiveness ./.. from people who have power over you ,,,,,,, if you see yourself here ,, you deserve the title dumbass …. Leave the tribe , be like the warrior or old days live 1 year alone in the jungle and with our contacting anyone truly alone and when you return alive ( or dead ) your actions will be viewed to be those of a man …. Without contact .. yes without contact … the teen male of old had to live a year alone in the wild to prove he could take care of a family then the he was gi9ven a wife ( HEAR THAT GIVEN ,,, GIVEN ,, never did we have to beg or ask or plead or worry ) given he showed that she no matter what could rely on him as long as he lived to provide for her ……… YOU DUMBASS , are NOT a man , you are mostly a boy shumway shuffling lieing to a power greater than you like you did to mommy … you young master are a boy ! so leave go out into the jungle broke with 1 shirt 1 pants 1 shoes and 1 dollar …. Go to a homelss shelter .. like the warrior would run to a cave or build a lean-too …. And then start to build a simple life from the rocks and sticks around you ….. get it dumbass?
Young Master I was talking with a young lady whose choice of males in her past was driven by her pussy m by romantic fanasty ,,, the chemical reactions fanasty is driven by our ANIMAL LUSTS , our DNA creating NEEDS thru hormones and is expressed either in active sex or the fansty of sex …. This chick picked for shit males because she did not find the animal in the responsible males ,,, so I recommeneded that she look at her life .. look at the evidence trail of the TYPE . the whole average group of males she has been dating the become SELF RESPONSIBLE , and teach a good male to fuck her in the way she likes , that means she has to start sex , to touch his dick over and over ,, because the TRAINED EDUCATED respectful male will be just that everything that he is and most often he will let the female lead sexually even though girl like to live in a world where they think they are the victims of sex , they were the seduced ,,, a wlorld of excuses like a seven year old child lieing to the world and its parents about a broken vase ….. most girls want to maintain that fanasty that they are pure and innocent …… BULLSHIT . they are sex fiends like us ,, we are ANIMALS DNA animals …. Yes you have a stronger mind than the regular beast yet your beast machine of a body still has effects on you ,, daily build ups of hormaones and desires … that need to be expressed …….
I TOLD HER find a nice nerd ,, a nerd with a future ithat is something other than unemployement , DUI , and problems ,,, find that nerd and teach him to be your MASTER .. encourage him to leave his programming of MR . Mice guy ,,, and tell him it is what you want to be fucked like the little slut which in the real animal truth about all women ,,,, they are the submissives , THE PENTRATED ……
Ohh yes dumbass , the 7 year getting over on mommy and daddy ,, the SHUMWAY SHUFFLER …. The con man the smart guy ,,, does he live in you do you give excuses at first thought when you are busted ,, or do you say YES I AM BUSTED , my bad ,,,, do you look for compassion by lieing about the level of SEVERITY .. and ignoring confusing the deepest truest isssues ,,, the core value items that were the cause of the bust ,,,, are you getting over on your boss ,, like the boss was your mommy or daddy ,,, you act that way because you see the world as having the power you do not .. so like a weak rat or mouse you hide beneath lies , begging for forgiveness ./.. from people who have power over you ,,,,,,, if you see yourself here ,, you deserve the title dumbass …. Leave the tribe , be like the warrior or old days live 1 year alone in the jungle and with our contacting anyone truly alone and when you return alive ( or dead ) your actions will be viewed to be those of a man …. Without contact .. yes without contact … the teen male of old had to live a year alone in the wild to prove he could take care of a family then the he was gi9ven a wife ( HEAR THAT GIVEN ,,, GIVEN ,, never did we have to beg or ask or plead or worry ) given he showed that she no matter what could rely on him as long as he lived to provide for her ……… YOU DUMBASS , are NOT a man , you are mostly a boy shumway shuffling lieing to a power greater than you like you did to mommy … you young master are a boy ! so leave go out into the jungle broke with 1 shirt 1 pants 1 shoes and 1 dollar …. Go to a homelss shelter .. like the warrior would run to a cave or build a lean-too …. And then start to build a simple life from the rocks and sticks around you ….. get it dumbass?
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